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Knowledges are a character's ability to have advanced information about the world around them. Every character begins with two free Knowledges. Further knowledges can be purchased for 45 Points under the EXP Buy system.

You can choose a given Knowledge up to three times, which represents a deeper understanding of that particular area of interest. While GMs will not generally require a Knowledge above I in order to know anything, having deeper levels in a knowledge may grant you deeper insight or more clear information about something that you wouldn't otherwise have access to.

Knowledges related to nations and other locations are not required for basic knowledge of that location. It's more along the lines of having general knowledge of the nation as a whole, like how much the average Spanish citizen would know about Spain, to use a real life example. Spain I wouldn't be just "Madrid is the capital and the king hates it when people wear his clothes." Those would be things people could know without the nation's knowledge.

Additionally, Knowledges can synthesize with one another. For example, while Knowledge: Dragonoa grants you general information about how Dragonoan society, people, and current events and Knowledge: Religion grants you general information about religions and theology, having both would give you in-depth knowledge about the religion of Dragonoa. GMs can decide what Knowledges are required to know about something in their quests.

For Knowledges relating to a trade skill (e.g., Knowledge: Enchantment), you may gain them for free by investing points in that trade skill. Every 50 points you have in a trade skill grants you a level of its corresponding Knowledge. 50 points in Engineering grants you Knowledge: Engineering for free, and 100 grants you Engineering II. Gaining the + in a trade skill grants you an additional level of that knowledge. So, 100+ Engineering grants Engineering III, but having only 50+ would grant you Engineering II.

List of Knowledges

  • Customs
  • Folklore
  • Crime and Urban Culture (Formerly just Urban Culture. Streetwise knowledge for city life. Word. Seriously, though, it also relates to things such as crime, drug trade, and the like.)
  • Government (Also covers law.)
  • Nature
  • Survival
  • Tracking
  • History
  • Military
  • Occult (Dark magic and rituals. The kind of dark things you'd expect to see hooded figures doing.)
  • Philosophy
  • Religion
  • Spirituality
  • Arts
  • Astronomy
  • Geography
  • Medicine
  • Physics
  • Ancient Cultures
  • Pop Culture
  • Biology (Seperate from Medicine. Overlapping subjects, such as anatomy, are covered by both.)
  • Computer Science (Seperate from Engineering. Overlapping subjects are covered by both.)
  • Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Fashion (Surprisingly useful for disguise.)
  • Public Relations (Covers advertising, holding meetings, looking good in a suit, etc.)
  • Psychology (Cannot be used to magically learn things about characters that you know nothing about. It can be used, however, to accurately diagnose characters as being batshit crazy.)
  • Arcane (Arcane and elemental magical kinds of things not covered by Enchanting.)
  • Rumor

  • Polaris (GMs may allow this to include knowledge of other outer space locations.)

Core Rules
Basics: AffinityAlignmentExperience GainsLevelRacesSkills (Skill +)
Battle: ActionsAwakening (Overload) • Battle PenaltiesBattle TablesRangeReactionsStatus Effects (Broken LimbCrippled) • Techniques
Items: AccessoriesArmorEquipment UpgradesKeystonesLegendary Lore ItemsMisc ItemsShopsWeapons
Misc: AffectionDay and NightDeathFlightKnowledgesLanguagesRare EffectsRP CombatTraitsUnique PassivesUniversal Passives