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Level is a numerical measure of a character's strength. When you receive enough Experience Points (also called EXP), your level increases. All characters begin at level 1 and can grow to a maximum of level 30.

At every level except level 1 all characters gain 150 HP and 15 points to distribute to Skills. (Although various passives and racials can change these numbers)

Additionally, at levels 10, 20, and 30, you get one Trait Change, where you may either add one new Positive Trait, subtract one Negative Trait, or swap out one of your Traits for a different one.

Finally, at levels 8, 16, and 24, you unlock one more Awakening Kickback.

EXP Buy System

As you gain EXP, you can spend it on various upgrades for your character. This is the main way you power your characters up.

Note that even when you spend your EXP, it still keeps counting toward your next level.

Point Costs

1 EXP = 1 point


Certain things you can buy come with purchase caps, as outlined below:

  • Battle Stats (Not counting your starting stats):
    • Level 1: +5 Purchases (5 total)
    • Level 10: +6 Purchases (11 total)
    • Level 20: +6 Purchases (17 total)
    • Level 30: +3 Purchases (20 total)

  • Awakening Points (Not counting your starting 5):
    • Level 1: +4 Purchases (4 total)
    • Level 10: +3 Purchases (7 total)
    • Level 20: +3 Purchases (10 total)
    • Level 30: +4 Purchases (14 total)

  • You can buy your first Unique Passive at level 10, a second at level 20, and a third at level 30.

  • Languages, Knowledges, Universal Passives, and Techniques have no caps.

Level Gains List

The following is a list of what is gained at which levels:

At level 1, all characters begin with 400 HP.
At level 1, all characters begin with one Keystone of their Affinity, which is used for Ascension and other effects.
At level 1, all characters begin with two Languages and two Knowledges.
At level 1, all characters begin with 100 points to distribute to Skills.
At level 1, all characters begin with an Awakening which has 5 points to spend, and the capacity to have up to 1 kickback.
At level 1, all characters begin with six techniques.
At level 1, all characters begin with 100 points to distribute to battle stats (ATK, ACC, SPD, DEF), with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 40 in each one.
At level 1, your skill cap is 50. (Except trade skills and Harvesting, which max at 100)

At each level up, all characters gain 150 HP.
At each level up, all characters gain 15 points to distribute to Skills.

At every sixth level excluding level 30, character techniques increase one level of mastery.
At every eighth level, characters gain the ability to add one additional kickback to their Awakening.
At every tenth level, you may either add one new Positive Trait, subtract one Negative Trait, or swap out one of your Traits for a different one.
At every tenth level plus one (11, 21), characters gain the ability to use equipment one level group (1-10, 11-20, 21-30) higher than they could before.

At level 12, your skill cap becomes 75. (Except trade skills and Harvesting, which max at 100)
At level 24, your skill cap becomes 100.

At level 11, you can equip Rare weapons and armor.
At level 12, you can quest for Skill+s using the Training Schools.
At level 15, you can quest for any one Skill+ for free and additional Skill+s using NPCs.
At level 15, you can equip Rare accessories.
At level 21, you can equip Legendary weapons, armor, and accessories.

Experience Chart

Below is a chart of the amount of total EXP needed to level up, sorted by level tier. (The number directly after the level is the EXP needed to reach that level.) It also includes the bonuses you receive upon reaching that level.

Note that every successive level displays the experience total required to get to that level from level 1.

Also remember that along with the gains here, at every level except level 1 all characters also gain 150 HP and 15 points to distribute to Skills. (Although various passives and racials can change these numbers)

Trait Change and Awakening Kickbacks are also earned automatically.

  • 1: 000 -- 1 Keystone of your Affinity, 6 techniques, 5-point Awakening, 1 Awakening Kickback, 5 level 1 armors, 5 levels to distribute to weapons (between 1 and 5), 500 Credits, 400 HP, 2 Languages, 2 Knowledges, 100 skill points, Skill cap set to 50, 100 battle stat points (Between 1 and 40 per stat), Traits, Awakening point purchase cap set to 4, Battle purchase cap set to 5
  • 2: 250 --
  • 3: 500 --
  • 4: 750 --
  • 5: 1,000 --
  • 6: 1,250 -- Intermediate Techniques unlock
  • 7: 1,500 --
  • 8: 1,750 -- +1 Awakening Kickback
  • 9: 2,000 --
  • 10: 2,250 -- +1 Trait Change, Unique Passive purchase cap set at 1, Awakening point purchase cap becomes 7, Battle Stat purchase cap becomes 11
  • 11: 2,500 -- Tier 2 Universal Passives unlocked, Second level group equipment (11-20) unlocked, Rare weapons and armor unlocked
  • 12: 2,750 -- Advanced Techniques unlock, Skill cap increased to 75, Skill+ Training Schools unlocked
  • 13: 3,000 --
  • 14: 3,250 --
  • 15: 3,500 -- Additional Skill+ Quest and Skill+ NPCs unlocked, Rare accessories unlocked
  • 16: 3,750 -- +1 Awakening Kickback
  • 17: 4,000 --
  • 18: 4,250 -- Mastered Techniques unlock
  • 19: 4,500 -- Tier 3 Universal Passives unlocked
  • 20: 4,750 -- +1 Trait Change, Unique Passive purchase cap becomes 2, Awakening point cap becomes 10, Battle Stat Purchase cap becomes 17
  • 21: 5,000 -- Third level group equipment (21-30) unlocked, Legendary equipment unlocked
  • 22: 5,250 --
  • 23: 5,500 --
  • 24: 5,750 -- Perfected Techniques unlock, +1 Awakening Kickback, Skill cap increased to 100
  • 25: 6,000 -- Tier 4 Universal Passives unlocked
  • 26: 6,300 --
  • 27: 6,600 --
  • 28: 6,900 --
  • 29: 7,200 --
  • 30: 7,500 -- +1 Trait Change, Unique Passive purchase cap becomes 3, Awakening point cap becomes 14, Battle Stat Purchase cap becomes 20, 133 Orichalcum

Level 30 characters can continue earning EXP to spend.

High Level NPCs

Unlike player characters, NPCs can go above level 30. There is technically no cap on the amount of EXP these NPCs can spend, as much like Level 30 characters, they have no cap. However, it's advised to have their spending fall in line around what their level would be if each was reached 300 EXP after the previous. (7800 for 31, 8100 for 32, etc.)

When past level 30, an NPC's armor and weapons are the same level as the NPC, up to level 40.

For levels 31+, NPCs still earn gains in line with the Level Gains List. Thus, for example, at levels 32 and 40 they gain another Awakening Kickback. An exception to this rule is technique mastery. The Perfected mastery unlocked at Level 24 is the final level of mastery for techniques.

At level 36, NPCs have their skill cap increased to 125.

You need staff approval to make NPCs above level 39. For levels 40 to 44, there can only be one NPC set to each level (alive). Level 45 is the maximum level allowed in the game, and is a special case reserved for what can essentially be demi-gods.

Level 40+ NPCs

Core Rules
Basics: AffinityAlignmentExperience GainsLevelRacesSkills (Skill +)
Battle: ActionsAwakening (Overload) • Battle PenaltiesBattle TablesRangeReactionsStatus Effects (Broken LimbCrippled) • Techniques
Items: AccessoriesArmorEquipment UpgradesKeystonesLegendary Lore ItemsMisc ItemsShopsWeapons
Misc: AffectionDay and NightDeathFlightKnowledgesLanguagesRare EffectsRP CombatTraitsUnique PassivesUniversal Passives