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Jump to navigationJump to searchRange is an attribute inherited from the currently-equipped weapon, showing where your attacks will target. Although this is usually the case, there are some circumstances where techniques will override the weapon's range. Range is given in terms of spaces, which represent roughly five square feet. As would follow from common sense, you can't hit someone that is outside of your action's range. Here are the basic range types, where N is an integer distance modifier. For example, a range of Basic(1) means someone 1 space away from the attacker.
- Basic(N): This is the standard range of melee techniques. Most melee techniques have a range of Basic(1). With a Basic range, you can hit anyone adjacent to you if terrain permits. If a technique becomes Basic(1-2), its range becomes the same as Ranged(1-2).
- Ranged(N): This is the standard range of distance techniques. They are usually given in a range, for example Ranged(2-3). In this example, you could hit anyone 2 or 3 spaces away from you, but not someone adjacent to you or more than 3 spaces away. The range is a diamond shape, meaning that spaces diagonal from you will have a shorter range than the full range for horizontal and vertical. Ranged techniques usually leave a blind spot.
- Splash(N): The range is treated the same as a Ranged attack of the same distance. What's unique about the Splash type is that everyone adjacent to the targeted space takes half of the final damage. Splash damage is not affected by ATK/DEF or other damage modifiers and cannot be reacted to. However, the person targeted by the original technique can still react to it. Therefore, it's very possible to throw a grenade at someone that dodges it while everyone around him takes damage.
- Line(N): With Line attacks, everyone in a straight line is struck with the attack. Line attacks always have a range consisting of at least two spaces unless going diagonally, in which case a Line(1-2) attack would only hit one space as with a Ranged(1-2) attack would be able to.)
- Wave(N): Everyone at a distance of N from the attacker is struck with the attack. For example, with Wave(1), everyone adjacent to the target would be hit. With Wave (2), everyone two spaces away from the target would be hit.
- Antiwave-X(N): Identical to the Wave(N) attack type, except the attacker can choose who is at the center of the wave. The X is a number indicating the range that the wave can be targeted with. For example, Antiwave-2(N) would mean a Wave(N) attack could be performed centered on any person within a range of 2 of the attacker.
- Blast(N): Blast is similar to the Splash attack type except that everyone adjacent is struck with the full force of the attack, although they are free to react.
Core Rules |
Basics: Affinity • Alignment • Experience Gains • Level • Races • Skills (Skill +) |
Battle: Actions • Awakening (Overload) • Battle Penalties • Battle Tables • Range • Reactions • Status Effects (Broken Limb • Crippled) • Techniques |
Items: Accessories • Armor • Equipment Upgrades • Keystones • Legendary Lore Items • Misc Items • Shops • Weapons |
Misc: Affection • Day and Night • Death • Flight • Knowledges • Languages • Rare Effects • RP Combat • Traits • Unique Passives • Universal Passives |