Rare Effects
Certain pieces of equipment are considered Rare, being more difficult to obtain than normal equipment. These rare equipment pieces have varying special effects. Each piece of Rare equipment has two Rare Effects on it, one from its type's Group 1 list, and one from its Group 2 list. These effects are totally random and decided by dice roll. Rare armor and weapons cannot be equipped until level 11. Rare accessories cannot be equipped until level 15.
Rare equipment can be re-rolled with the Blacksmithing+, the Gunsmithing+, or the Enchantment+, depending on the piece of equipment.
GMs will absolutely NOT allow the player to choose the effects, or choose the effects for them. It is intended to be absolutely random. Favorable equipment, more fitting to the character, is intended to be bartered and traded for.
Group #1 - Ailment Resistance
The armor has resistance to a single ailment.
15% resistance if it's a tier 1 Ailment, 10% if it's a tier 2 Ailment, and 5% if it's a tier 3 Ailment.
To decide what it resists, first roll 1d3 for the Tier, then 1dX for the Ailment, with X being the number of ailments in that Tier.
Group #2 - Damage Resistance
This piece of armor resists damage from a specific weapon by 10%.
Roll 1d35 to decide which type of weapon from the list below. Heavy weapons cannot be resisted by a Rare effect.
- 1: Whips/Chains
- 2: Axes
- 3: Hammers/Maces/Flails
- 4: Swords/Knives
- 5: Throwing Weapons
- 6: Handguns
- 7: Shields
- 8: Melee Gimmick and Ranged Gimmick
- 9: Bows/Crossbows
- 10: Spears
- 11: Glaives/Halberds
- 12: Rifles
- 13: Shotguns
- 14: Automatic Weapons
- 15: Instruments
- 16: Martial Arts/Fists
- 17: Spiritual Energy
- 18: Elemental Water
- 19: Elemental Fire
- 20: Elemental Sky
- 21: Elemental Earth
- 22: Divine Sun
- 23: Divine Moon
- 24: Divine Darkness
- 25: Hooks/Jitte/Sai
- 26: Claws/Katar
- 27: Staves
- 28: Slings/Slingshots
- 29: Fans
- 30: Bayonets
- 31: Chakrams/Ring Blades
- 32: Boomerangs
- 33: Jousting Weapons/Rapiers
- 34: Energy Blades
- 35: Energy Blasters
Group #1 - Ailment Imbued
You have a better chance of inflicting a specific ailment with this weapon when it shows up in your techniques.
Success rate in all cases is increased by 5%. In addition, this ailment cannot be resisted by equipment effects.
To decide what it improves, first roll 1d3 for the Tier, then 1dX for the Ailment, with X being the number of ailments in that Tier.
Group #2 - Damage Bonus
This weapon deals 10% more damage if the target meets a specific criteria.
Roll 1d17 to decide what the weapon carries a bonus against.
- 1: Water Affinity
- 2: Fire Affinity
- 3: Sky Affinity
- 4: Earth Affinity
- 5: Sun Affinity
- 6: Moon Affinity
- 7: Void Affinity
- 8: Rift Affinity
- 9: Lawful Good
- 10: Passive Good
- 11: Chaotic Good
- 12: Lawful Neutral
- 13: Passive Neutral
- 14: Chaotic Neutral
- 15: Lawful Evil
- 16: Passive Evil
- 17: Chaotic Evil
Group #1 - Overload Resistance
This Accessory resists a specific overload effect. Once per battle, if that effect is rolled you can choose to completely nullify its effect.
To determine which effect this resists, roll 1d3 for the tier, and 1d100 for the effect from the Overload list.
Group #2 - Tech Element Resistance
The first time in a battle that you're hit by a damaging technique with a specified element, that technique does -15 damage PLM. If you have more than one Rare Accessory with a resistance, and a technique has more than one of them, they do not stack. You would choose which goes into effect on that technique.
To decide which Element this resists, roll a 1d14. This list corresponds to the number rolled:
- 1: Desperation Boost
- 2: Plus Damage
- 3: Sniper
- 4: Playing With Fire
- 5: Damage Roulette
- 6: Electricity
- 7: Ice
- 8: Fire
- 9: Flood
- 10: Knockback
- 11: Burst Speed
- 12: Burst Defense
- 13: Burst Attack
- 14: Burst Accuracy
Core Rules |
Basics: Affinity • Alignment • Experience Gains • Level • Races • Skills (Skill +) |
Battle: Actions • Awakening (Overload) • Battle Penalties • Battle Tables • Range • Reactions • Status Effects (Broken Limb • Crippled) • Techniques |
Items: Accessories • Armor • Equipment Upgrades • Keystones • Legendary Lore Items • Misc Items • Shops • Weapons |
Misc: Affection • Day and Night • Death • Flight • Knowledges • Languages • Rare Effects • RP Combat • Traits • Unique Passives • Universal Passives |