At level 1, you start with 100 points to distribute amongst your Skills. Skills are a measure of your character's capabilities outside of combat. At each level up, you gain 15 points to distribute to your skills.
In general, skills are utilized by rolling a 100-sided die and adding the number of points you have to the result, then comparing it against a target number. Often, the target number will be determined by another character rolling their skill against yours. These are sometimes modified by a Difficulty Level.
The number of points you can have in a skill is determined by level.
- At level 1, you can have up to 50 points in a skill.
- At level 12, you can have up to 75 points in a skill.
- At level 24, you can have up to 100 points in a skill.
An exception is made for trade skills and Harvesting, which can be raised up to 100 from level 1.
If a passive or something gives your character a bonus or penalty in a skill, that means their skill caps that skill are raised or lowered by that amount as well. For example, if you had a -10 in Stealth, not only would the Stealth skill start at -10, but its skill cap would be 40 at level 1, and raise to 65 at level 12. Likewise, a bonus in a skill raises the caps by that amount. So a +10 in Stealth would make the cap 60 at level 1, and 85 at level 12.
However, the final 100 cap is a hard limit for every skill. While having a penalty will still lower your final skill cap (such as -10 making your final cap 90), you cannot go above 100 regardless of any bonuses you may have. (Not counting the Skill Plus, which ignores all caps.) If you have +10 in a skill, your final cap is still 100. However, with a bonus on a skill of 10 or more, the 100 cap is achieved for that particular skill 1 level sooner than normal, at level 23. (If you have another passive that affects your cap levels, such as the Centurion racial, then you would reach it one level sooner than what that passive says.)
At level 36, high-leveled NPCs have their skill cap increased to 125. As a reminder, no player characters can go beyond level 30, so only NPCs will ever be able to reach 125 in a skill. Even with + or - modifiers, this cannot be earned any earlier than level 31, so that player characters cannot reach 125. Centurion NPCs, for example, would reach this at level 31 instead of the 30 their racial bonus would imply.
Having a 100 in certain skills also unlocks a special Max Skill Ability unique to that skill. There are nine skills with these abilities, which include all Physical, Mental, and Social skills EXCEPT Harvesting.
If you have a penalty in a skill that has a bonus for hitting 100, you can get that bonus ONLY if you have the skill maxed AND have a Skill Plus in it. (So if you have -10 in a skill, you'd need 90+ to get the bonus.)
Craft skills, also known as trade skills, are a special group of skills which allow for the creation of special items using reagents from Harvesting. Unlike other skills, however, a character can only take two trade/craft skills. Only one of the two can go up to 100 points. The other can only have a max of 50 points in it.
If you have a penalty in a craft, it does not affect their 100 or 50 point limits. If something allows you to choose a Skill to have a penalty in (such as the Trait "Specialized"), you cannot put it in a craft skill that you are not putting points into, as that would be cheating.
The 0 that you have at base is considered to be the human average, and any points you have in a skill is considered to be specialty in said skill. However, the average varies between races. A human with average strength would be considered weak by Teraton standards.
Your character's physical performance, from moving heavy objects to moving silently or undoing locks and setting or disarming traps.
- Athletics (ATH): Governs your character's ability to perform physical feats.
- Stealth (STL): Governs your ability to remain hidden or move silently.
- Strength (STR): Governs your physical strength.
Your character's cognitive abilities, from being aware of their surroundings to knowing every detail of every rumor or legend, or just being able to find useful everyday items.
- Awareness (AWA): Governs how well you physically spot and notice things around you.
- Harvesting (HRV): Governs your ability to find reagents required for Crafts.
- Perception (PER): Governs how well you percieve non-physical threats, and social cues.
- Willpower (WLP): Governs how well your character is able to resist outside influences.
You character's ability to interact from others, whether it be convincing them to see things your way, lying to them or just getting on their good side.
- Charisma (CHA): Governs your ability to charm others and make them more susceptible to suggestion.
- Deceit (DEC): Governs your ability to convince someone that you're telling the truth.
- Speechcraft (SPC): Governs your ability to command a group and to convince others of things.
Your character's finesse in specialized skills like blacksmithing or technology. Crafts provide several unique benefits. A character can have two craft skills, but only one can go up to 100 points. The other can only have a max of 50 points in it.
If a craft skill use fails an attempt with reagents, those reagents are lost.
- Blacksmithing (BLK): Governs your ability to forge and upgrade equipment.
- Chemistry (CHM): Governs your ability to use chemicals to make potions and compounds.
- Enchantment (ENC): Governs your ability to enchant materials and use specialized kinds of magic. Allows you to conjure magical weapons.
- Engineering (ENG): Governs your ability with machines and your computer/vehicle skills. Allows you to construct gadgets and other mechanical devices.
- Gunsmithing (GUN): Governs your ability to forge and upgrade firearms and explosives.
Racial/Special Skills
These skills can only be obtained in certain circumstances, as noted on their skill pages. They also cannot recieve Skill Plus.
- Angelic Runes: Describes the function of and requirements for inscribing Angelic words.
- Infernal Runes: Describes the function of and requirements for inscribing Infernal words.
Skill Plus
A Skill Plus is indicated by a + sign and effectively raises the Skill it pertains to by 25, unless stated otherwise (Such as with some trade skills). They can be gained through a variety of means:
- At level 15, you can quest for any one Skill + for a 40 paragraph quest. However, when you quest for those specifically in this way, you get no EXP, Credits, Loot Rolls, or any other gains for the first 40 paragraphs. You only get the Skill +. Unlike other ways of obtaining a Skill +, you may only do this once per character.
- Training Schools are unlocked at level 12, in which you pay a sum of 1,000 credits and perform a 80-paragraph quest for the +. When you use a training school for a Skill Plus quest, you do not earn any Credits for the first 80 paragraphs.
- Certain NPCs will teach you a + if you are at least level 15; you pay no fee but are required to embark on a 120-paragraph quest. Upon recieving the +, you will also recieve a small unique bonus to that skill related to the NPC's training, pending the effect's approval. The NPCs which can teach these are listed on each skill's page. To recieve an NPC's training, you need to contact that NPC's player (or post requesting them if the player isn't listed) so they can give details of the training quest.
Special Teachers will sometimes grant you a + for completing their training.(This one is under revision.)
Unless otherwise noted, a character may only recieve a + in three skills, regardless of how they are recieved. A skill does not need to have 100 points to earn a Skill Plus.
Core Rules |
Basics: Affinity • Alignment • Experience Gains • Level • Races • Skills (Skill +) |
Battle: Actions • Awakening (Overload) • Battle Penalties • Battle Tables • Range • Reactions • Status Effects (Broken Limb • Crippled) • Techniques |
Items: Accessories • Armor • Equipment Upgrades • Keystones • Legendary Lore Items • Misc Items • Shops • Weapons |
Misc: Affection • Day and Night • Death • Flight • Knowledges • Languages • Rare Effects • RP Combat • Traits • Unique Passives • Universal Passives |
Skills |
Physical: Athletics • Stealth • Strength |
Mental: Awareness • Harvesting • Perception • Willpower |
Social: Charisma • Deceit • Speechcraft |
Craft: Blacksmithing • Chemistry • Enchantment • Engineering • Gunsmithing |
Special: Angelic Runes • Infernal Runes |