As you use your Awakening or Ascension, an excess of energy builds up in your body, causing various detrimental effects. This is known as Overload, and is what keeps Awakening and Ascension in check. Starting on the turn after an awakening's activation, Overload begins to build. At each point of overload, the player must roll from the overload effects lists shown here. As overload builds, the tiers you must roll from change and become more dangerous, eventually building up to the tier 3 list alone.
At the start of each of your turns while Awakening or Ascension is active, you first gain a point of Overload, and then an Overload effect is rolled based on your Overload points.
- 1 Overload: Tier 1
- 2 Overload: Tiers 1 and 2
- 3 Overload: Tiers 1, 2 and 3
- 4 Overload: Tiers 2 and 3
- 5 Overload: Tier 3
- 6+ Overload: You roll Tier 3 multiple times, once for each point of Overload over 4 you have. (So, with 6 Overload you'd roll Tier 3 twice.)
On turns where more than one tier is listed, you first roll to figure out which of the tiers you're rolling your effect from, before making the effect roll. You do not get effects from both, except when tier 3 starts stacking on 6 Overload and up.
When you deactivate your awakening and ascension, your overload begins to drop by one point at the start of each turn where it would normally grow. You still keep rolling for the overload you still have, until you fall below 1. You may activate your awakening again at any time.
Overload Rolls
When you roll for an Overload effect in a tier, roll a 1d100 for that tier's list.
Tier 1
- 1-5: Tier 1 status ailment
- 6-10: 35 PLM damage taken
- 11-15: You're struck with vertigo. Moving more than four spaces comes with a 20% chance of failure. If you fail, you may still move, but only up to four spaces. (24 hours)
- 16-20: You cannot switch weapons. If your current weapon is disarmed, you still automatically switch to unarmed. (1d4 turns)
- 21-25: Two of your non-craft skills (excluding Harvesting and special skills such as the Rune skills) have their points swapped. They're chosen at random, and if the two you get have the same point totals, reroll. (24 hours)
- 26-30: Your range is shifted forward 1. This means that range 2-3 is now 3-4, and melee is simply 2. (Until end of battle)
- 31-35: You continuously feel cold. Attacks with the Ice tag hit you for 5PLM more. (24 hours)
- 36-40: You continuously feel hot. Attacks with the Fire tag hit you for 5PLM more. (24 hours)
- 41-45: You take on a strange, unsettling aura. Attacks with the Lightning tag hit you for 5PLM more. (24 hours)
- 46-50: You feel a little forgetful. Trying to use a knowledge comes with a 15% chance of failure. (24 hours)
- 51-55: You can only use your quick action slot at the beginning of the turn.
- 56-60: Knockback techniques throw you one space further.
- 61-65: Minor auditory hallucinations, such as creaks and hearing subtle noises like music or vague voices. (24 hours)
- 66-70: You feel less confident in your abilities. The next tier 1 stat reducing ailment hits you for double effects, or your next stat boosting augment only boosts for half.
- 71-75: Your movement is reduced by 1. This doesn't affect the run action.
- 76-80: Being alone makes you feel anxious. (24 hours)
- 81-85: All of your current augments turn into different augments at the same tier.
- 86-90: You have less patience for those you have at three star affection or lower, and are more likely to be goaded into a fight or argument with them. If being goaded into a fight, take -10 to your skill check to resist. (24 hours)
- 91-95: Minor visual hallucinations, such as walls moving, floors sloping, and seeing "ghosts" off in the side of your vision. (24 hours)
- 96-100: You suddenly feel the need to use an item in your possession. If you have none, you need to acquire and use a consumable as soon as possible. You can choose the item you use if you have more than one. Unless you have no items, you can't attack again until you use something.
Tier 2
- 1-5: Tier 2 status ailment
- 6-10: 75 PLM damage taken
- 11-15: Your Affinity changes to another at random. You lose or gain advantage/synergy accordingly. (Until end of battle)
- 16-20: You're unable to walk in anything but a straight line (Until end of battle)
- 21-25: Watch out! You sense death! You have an overwhelming sense of doom, and can't seem to shake it. (24 hours)
- 26-30: You feel physically weakened. -20 to ATH and STR checks. (24 hours)
- 31-35: You can't speak in Universal. (24 hours)
- 36-40: You're suddenly much more trusting of people. -25 against all social checks. (24 hours)
- 41-45: You're 5% more prone to status effects.
- 46-50: Your status effects are 5% less likely to succeed.
- 51-55: You have a bit of trouble speaking. -20 to social checks. (24 hours)
- 56-60: You can't stay still, except when sleeping. Falling asleep, however, is still difficult for this reason. (24 hours)
- 61-65: One of your augments passes to your nearest opponent.
- 66-70: You suspect your own allies. You cannot target them with positive effects. Outside of battle, you still don't trust them until this effect wears off with time. (24 hours)
- 71-75: The world around you feels dulled and hazy. -25 to non-social AWA checks. (24 hours)
- 76-80: Any fears your character has feel more distinct and overwhelming. They'll be more desperate to avoid confronting them. If your character does not have a distinct phobia, then an anxiety of theirs temporarily becomes one. (24 hours)
- 81-85: All colors look blindingly bright. You're still able to see, but you can't look at anything colorful for too long without it becoming painful. (24 hours)
- 86-90: You find yourself with an overly strong attachment to whatever is in your possession at the time. You won't anyone do so much as touch it, and you'll feel extremely distressed if anything happens to any of it. (24 hours)
- 91-95: All noises feel much louder than they normally are. People talking at normal volumes is irritating, and crowds are flat out deafening. (24 hours)
- 96-100: You cannot move during your next turn.
Tier 3
- 1-5: Tier 3 status ailment
- 6-10: 100 PLM damage taken
- 11-15: You break your off-hand arm. If you were dual wielding, you can no longer do so, and two-handed weapon users must switch to unarmed, or change equipment to a one handed weapon.
- 16-20: Major auditory hallucinations, such as hearing clear voices, screams, or extremely distracting noises. (24 hours)
- 21-25: Major visual hallucinations, such as seeing chairs as monsters, or seeing kittens on the ceiling. (24 hours)
- 26-30: The next time you roll overload, you roll it two extra times, on top of what you'd normally roll for the turn. (Does not carry between battles)
- 31-35: Any impulse on your awakening must now be satisfied twice. If you don't have an impulse on your awakening, you're considered to have one of the (-1)s for this battle. Roll to determine which one you have.
- 36-40: The next technique you use without Finisher or Limited Use cannot be used again for the rest of the battle.
- 41-45: You suffer from temporary amnesia, forgetting any major events that have occurred within the last three months or so, but retaining knowledge and physical capabilities. (24 hours)
- 46-50: All of your techniques have a 20% chance of switching to another usable technique at random.
- 51-55: All of your current augments turn into random ailments at the same tier.
- 56-60: You develop a fear of the person you're closest to. (24 hours)
- 61-65: You can't sleep. After the first night or so, you start getting hit with the effects of sleep deprivation. If you get into battle after not sleeping, your attacks are 5% less accurate for each night you've been awake. If your awakening has the Exhaustion kickback on it, reroll this effect. (1d4 nights)
- 66-70: Your sense of touch has been completely numbed. You can't feel anything that you're in contact with, and have a lot of trouble navigating and dealing with things like stairs because of it. You can, however, still feel pain, at least when dealing with stuff below the first couple skin levels. (24 hours)
- 71-75: You go blind for a time. Your attacks are 10% less accurate, and you can't pass any sight related Awareness checks. (24 hours)
- 76-80: You go deaf for a time. Your reactions are 10% less effective, and you can't pass any hearing related Awareness checks. (24 hours)
- 81-85: You take 50 PLM damage + 25 PLM damage for each charge you have stored up.
- 86-90: Your opponents gain 10% of the damage they deal to you in HP whenever they attack. (1d4 turns)
- 91-95: You think you're someone else for a time. This can be a random new identity, or someone else you know. (24 hours)
- 96-99: 1d3 of your charges pass to your nearest opponent. If you have none, your charges get set to -1, and your opponent still gains 1.
- 100: You're struck with the ability to read the minds of those within 10 feet of you, whether you want to or not. (24 hours)
Core Rules |
Basics: Affinity • Alignment • Experience Gains • Level • Races • Skills (Skill +) |
Battle: Actions • Awakening (Overload) • Battle Penalties • Battle Tables • Range • Reactions • Status Effects (Broken Limb • Crippled) • Techniques |
Items: Accessories • Armor • Equipment Upgrades • Keystones • Legendary Lore Items • Misc Items • Shops • Weapons |
Misc: Affection • Day and Night • Death • Flight • Knowledges • Languages • Rare Effects • RP Combat • Traits • Unique Passives • Universal Passives |