When you are attacked, you may select a reaction to use. These do not count towards your actions limit, but usually cost Stamina. All reactions are universal and do not have growth, but can be improved with bonuses to Reactions (except Dodge). There are also some passives that grant a "superior" version of these reactions.
List of Reactions
Universal Reactions
Dodge (Reaction) :: You may roll your dodge rate, based on Speed. Success negates total damage.
Cost: 0 Stamina
Guard (Reaction) :: Raises your DEF bonus or lowers the opponent's ATK bonus by 5%.
Cost: 5 Stamina
Assault (Reaction) :: When an opponent uses a Healing technique, you may move one space in their direction. This is only usable twice in one round.
Cost: 5 Stamina
Counter (Reaction) :: You may react to an attack targeting you with a damaging technique of your own. Removes all AoE tags from the technique and target must be in range. Damage is reduced 50% and status effect chance is reduced by half, but the attack cannot be reacted to. You take 25% more damage from the attack you're reacting to. ATK/DEF modifiers are ignored on your counter attack. A counter cannot recieve Vital Hit except through Damage Roulette and Vital Boost. Counter does not do double damage if the attack it's countering against gets Vital Hit. You may not use a technique with more than one of Weak Link, Wide Open, and Temperamental on it as a Counter.
Cost: Normal cost of technique used. (15 Stamina Minimum. If you have an effect that would normally reduce your Counter cost below 15, it still remains 15.)
Parry (Reaction) :: You manipulate an opponents attack targeting you slightly against them, giving a chance of inflicting them with a status ailment. The status ailment you use with your Parry must be noted on your character sheet and you may only have one. Has a 30% chance of a Tier 1 ailment 'or' a 25% of a Tier 2 ailment 'or' a 20% of a Tier 3 ailment.
Cost: 10 Stamina
Brace (Reaction) :: You protect yourself against injury from your opponents attack. Reduces chance of being infected with status ailments by 10%.
Cost: 10 Stamina
Special Reactions
- Reactions you can use when someone apart from yourself is attacked. There is one. (However, a second one is listed below under Charisma Reactions)
Protect (Reaction) :: You can protect someone adjacent to you from damage as long as you are in a space adjacent to them. You take the full amount of damage they would take.
Cost: 5 Stamina
Charisma Reactions
- Reactions that only work with the use of Charisma. They are subject to the same modifiers noted on the Charisma page, and are rolled against the enemy's Willpower.
Target Swap: When you're attacked, you use this to make the enemy target someone else. Obviously, this doesn't work if you're the only target. This takes up 15 Stamina and is considered a reaction only usable once per battle. This has a Difficulty Level of 2.
Call Out: When an ally is attacked, you can use this to make the enemy target you instead. All damage and effects are redirected to you, regardless of range. This is essentially the same as Cover, but it can be used even when you're not next to the person you're covering for. This requires 15 Stamina and is considered a reaction only usable once per battle. This has a Difficulty Level of 2.
Core Rules |
Basics: Affinity • Alignment • Experience Gains • Level • Races • Skills (Skill +) |
Battle: Actions • Awakening (Overload) • Battle Penalties • Battle Tables • Range • Reactions • Status Effects (Broken Limb • Crippled) • Techniques |
Items: Accessories • Armor • Equipment Upgrades • Keystones • Legendary Lore Items • Misc Items • Shops • Weapons |
Misc: Affection • Day and Night • Death • Flight • Knowledges • Languages • Rare Effects • RP Combat • Traits • Unique Passives • Universal Passives |