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Engineering (ENG) covers an array of abilities such as computer programming and hacking, piloting and building vehicles, and fashioning prosthetic limbs. Engineering also governs your character's technical/mechanical know-how in RP situations.


See article: Gadgets

Gadgets are little extra items created through the use of Engineering that let you perform various tasks. Want to set something on fire? Put out a fire? Purify water? Text funny pictures of cats to your friends? I'm done with questions now. The point is that gadgets are nifty and have their uses, from possibly saving your life to being able to carry more items.

For information on creating and using gadgets, see their article.


Prosthetics are artificial limbs and devices used to replace natural body parts that were either lost, or removed intentionally to make way for newer, better ones.

  • Crafting a prosthetic requires at least 75 ENG (Except Replacement Limb, which requires 50), and automatically succeeds once you pay the required reagents, and satisfy any other ENG requirements that the model may need.
  • Grafting a completed prosthetic to a character requires Knowledge: Medicine II or higher, and the person with the medical knowledge cannot be the one receiving the grafted prosthetic.
  • With the exception of Replacement Limb, all prosthetics have a chance of causing the recipient to become Crippled for a week once grafted. When grafted by someone with Medicine II, this chance is 20%, but Medicine III reduces this risk to 5%.
  • All grafted limbs are considered broken for three days as the character who received them adjusts.
  • An ungrafted prosthetic takes up a consumable spot, and doesn't grant any of its bonuses.
  • You cannot use prosthetics to have any more limbs than your race normally has. Don't act like none of you thought about doing otherwise.
  • The limb(s) that a given prosthetic replaces must be specified in its description somewhere.
  • If a prosthetic is broken, its effects are made unusable, and 2 titanium, 2 plexiglass, and 5 wires are required to fix it. (This does not apply to the initial three day broken period following grafting.)
  • If a prosthetic is severed or irreparably damaged in some way, it must either be regrafted and/or reconstructed, depending on how clean the removal was. The effects from the prosthetic are null until this happens.


Replacement Limb (Prosthetic): A basic artificial limb made to replace a lost one, without the bells and whistles most other prosthetics come with. While it doesn't do anything a regular arm can't, it's well constructed and sturdy, and does everything it can to not seem weird to onlookers. Comes in both "Pretending to be a Real Arm" and "Metal, Plastic and Wires" flavors.
ENG Requirement: 50
Effect: Replaces a lost limb. Doesn't come with a Cripple chance when grafted.
Reagent Cost: Titanium x 4, Pexiglass x 4, Cables x 2, Silicon x 2, Wires x 5


Interface Arms (Prosthetic): Arms capable of interfacing with just about any computer on contact, whether or not that computer has a wireless signal or input device. As long as you've got the hacking chops, you can break into just about any machine thrown at you, given you can keep physical contact with it for long enough. Doesn't work on alien technology. The inventor said she tried.
ENG Requirement: 75
Effect: Pretty much what it said in the description. Get creative. Hacking attempts still require an ENG success to pass.
Reagent Cost: Titanium x 4, Plexiglass x 4, Cables x 3, Silicon x 5, Wires x 10

Suddenly, Missiles (Prosthetic): An arm containing a hidden projectile weapon. This weapon can be used at nearly instant speed, but, in order to stay covert, can only contain one round of ammo at a time.
ENG Requirement: 80
RP Effect: Can covertly use and fire as a weapon as a stealth check with DL5 for the person opposing it.
Battle Effect: Can make any technique range 3-6 once a battle.
Reagent Cost: Titanium x 4, Plexiglass x 4, Cables x 2, Silicon x 2, Wires x 5, Power Cell L2, Gunpowder x 5

Weaponized Arm (Prosthetic): A prosthetic arm that can have a one handed weapon built into it. Allows for faster weapon switching in the heat of battle, and lets you become more attuned with the weapon itself. The weapon must be provided separately.
ENG Requirement: 85
RP effect: You have a weapon in your arm!
Battle effect: Choose a one handed weapon. This weapon is now Soulbound, and can be switched to for no action cost once per battle.
Reagent Cost: Titanium x 6, Plexiglass x 4, Cables x 2, Silicon x 2, Wires x 5, Power Cell L2, Kevlar x 2

Extendo-arms (Prosthetic): Arms that are built with the potential to reach much further than standard, meaty ones. They normally appear to be average length, but if needed, they can be expanded to reach up to twice that. Great for reaching your ceiling fan cord.
ENG Requirement: 90
RP Effect: Can reach things up to twice your arm length's away.
Battle Effect: Can be used to extend a one handed melee weapon's range by 1. If you have two Extendo-arms, you can extend the range of two handed melee weapons as well.
Reagent Cost: Titanium x 4, Plexiglass x 4, Cables x 4, Silicon x 2, Wires x 5, Rubber x 5, Power Cell L2

Saint's Touch (Prosthetic): Mechanical arms inscribed with healing runes. While they're unable to provide the spirit needed to activate on their own, the user can infuse their own at a time of need to heal someone nearly instantly. Unfortunately, this sudden transferal of energy is very draining on the user, and it's strongly recommended that this product not be used if you're in less than peak condition. Ask a doctor if you have any questions or concerns.
ENG Requirement: 95
RP Effect: Can heal someone from a condition other than death at the cost of however much HP the GM deems most fitting. Outside of GMed events, use common sense. This can't be used to heal broken or missing limbs, or reverse effects unrelated to general physical harm (Potions, soul effects, diseases).
Battle Effect: Can heal someone with up to 50% of your current HP once per battle. You lose health equal to the amount you heal.
Reagent Cost: Titanium x 4, Plexiglass x 4, Cables x 2, Silicon x 2, Wires x 5, Moonstone x 5, Gorobo Powder

Quality Infuser (Prosthetic): An unusual arm designed to improve the quality of all food and drink that you eat with it, primarily by infusing them with vitamins and ensuring the perfect temperature for eating. Certain doctors and chemists also use them to boost the effectiveness of their medicines and potions.
ENG Requirement: 100
RP Effect: Boosts the length of time potion RP effects occur for by 50%.
Battle Effects: Boosts potion battle effects by 5%. This also boosts potions thrown to allies.
Reagent Cost: Titanium x 4, Plexiglass x 4, Cables x 2, Silicon x 2, Wires x 5, Power Cell L2, Dragon's Blood, Phoenix Blood


Note: Leg prosthetics replace both legs. You cannot only replace one missing leg with any prosthetic but Replacement Limb. You can still get these if you replace both the one you lost and the one you still have, though.

Spring Loaded Legs (Prosthetic): Artificial legs made to maximize one's leaping capabilities. While these legs won't allow you to jump over skyscrapers, they do nearly double your natural jump, both vertical and horizontal. Actually uses a more modern and effective piston system, rather than springs, but the original inventor likes to sound vintage.
ENG Requirement: 75
RP Effect: Gives you +20 ATH when jumping over things.
Battle Effect: Allows you to travel over spaces of +2 height or less for no extra movement cost. Allows you to jump over gaps of 2 distance or less for no ATH check and 2 extra movement, just as long as the space on the other side is of the same height or less than the one you started on.
Reagent Cost: Titanium x 4, Plexiglass x 4, Cables x 2, Silicon x 2, Wires x 5, Power Cell L2 x 2, Rubber x 6

Olympiads (Prosthetic): These are most straightforward pair of improved legs available on the market. Boosting speed when needed through hydraulics, these legs allow their user to run faster than most Olympiad sprinters. Not actually legal in the Olympiad.
ENG Requirement: 80
RP Effect: +20 ATH for running checks.
Battle Effect: +1 movement when using the Run quick action. Does not affect the 6 movement you get as a minor action every turn.
Reagent Cost: Titanium x 4, Plexiglass x 4, Cables x 5, Silicon x 5, Wires x 10, Power Cell L1 x 2, Power Cell L2 x 2

Sea-Treaders (Prosthetic): Prosthetic legs with rapid freezing mechanisms built into their soles. Made of otherwise completely ice resistant materials, they neither get stuck when freezing water, nor slide around when in contact with it. These features allow the user to walk on water, at least in a basic sense. To use Sea-Treaders, you must be able to swim.
ENG Requirement: 85
RP Effect: Can freeze things with your feet, just as long as said things freeze at the solidifying temperature of water or lower.
Battle Effect: All water spaces immediately become ice spaces when stepped on.
Reagent Cost: Titanium x 2, Plexiglass x 8, Cables x 3, Silicon x 5, Wires x 10, Coolant x 5

Rocket Boots (Prosthetic): Lets you be just like that cool dude from that video game with the fire birds and super fast robot chick. Can fire you out of an unwanted location, like the lair of the final boss, with the power of friendship. That, or the click of a button.
ENG Requirement: 90
RP Effect: First you say no, then you get outta there. Can only blast you vertically, and can only be used once per RP.
Battle Effects: Can lift you out of, or up to, a location of any depth once a battle, placing you on the nearest space of the wanted height. Can also save you from being forced into a dangerous space once a battle, as long as you haven't used these for the lift effect already. As with the lift effect, this will instead place you in the nearest safe space.
Reagent Cost: Titanium x 4, Plexiglass x 4, Cables x 3, Silicon x 5, Wires x 10, Insulation x 2, Power Cell L2, Gas x 8

Cloud Walkers (Prosthetic): Very lightweight legs made with silence in mind. One can walk on these thin, but very functional, prosthetics while barely making a sound. They're, in fact, so light on their feet that pressure plates, mines, and scales will barely even notice you there.
ENG Requirement: 95
RP Effects: +10 STL for movement related checks. You can walk over pressure based traps without being noticed.
Battle Effects: You can walk over mines and pressure based traps without setting them off, and spaces that would normally slow down movement (Aside from ice) will not affect you.
Reagent Cost: Titanium x 2, Plexiglass x 8, Cables x 3, Silicon x 5, Wires x 10, Aluminum x 10, Rubber x 2

Dimension Distorters (Prosthetic): Strange experimental legs that utilize the user's spirit energy to alter the ground beneath them in often unexpected ways. They come with no instructions, and the Department of Health does not recommend them for use by anyone at anytime.
ENG Requirement: 100
RP Effect: Can alter the ground beneath you, and up to a 1 yard radius of you, once a day, but the GM determines the effects.
Battle Effect: For a quick action, you may activate these to change the space under you, and all spaces within a Wave(1) radius into a different kind of space. Boop doop make list for rolls later. Usable once per battle.
Reagent Cost: Titanium x 4, Plexiglass x 4, Cables x 3, Silicon x 10, Wires x 10, Power Cell L2 x 2, Onyx x 5


See article: Robots

Robots are constructed beings created through Engineering often programmed to perform specific tasks, or imitate sentient behavior. In Epic, robots work just like a Personal NPCs, but come with a unique set of usable traits, and only two slots. You can only have one robot at a time, but you can have both a robot and a personal NPC.

For information on creating and using robots, see their article.


Get to work, Seth.

The Engineering Plus

The skill plus in ENG allows you to make robots with 3 traits, instead of just 2. If someone has a robot with 2 slots already, you can upgrade it to have 3 if you pay the full robot reagent cost again.

ENG+ also allows you to create transforming prosthetics that can switch between the effects of two different prosthetics of the same type. This still costs the full reagents of both base prosthetics. You can switch between the effects once every 24 hours for a regular action.

It does not raise the points in the skill itself by 25 and, as such, does not unlock the ability to make items that cost more points than your base, listed skill. However, if you get the ENG plus when you have 75 points in the skill, you unlock the ability to make robots, but only with the base 2 trait slots. The prosthetics ability still applies as normal.

Physical: AthleticsStealthStrength
Mental: AwarenessHarvestingPerceptionWillpower
Social: CharismaDeceitSpeechcraft
Craft: BlacksmithingChemistryEnchantmentEngineeringGunsmithing
Special: Angelic RunesInfernal Runes