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Traits are aspects of a character's personality. They are chosen at level 1 and in general don't change once selected except at levels 10, 20, and 30, as noted below. Unless a Racial Passive or something says otherwise, you can begin with up to two free positive Traits if you choose to have them. You can also add up to two negative Traits, but for each negative Trait you have, you get another free positive trait. They're like kickbacks on techniques in that way. For example, at the normal maximum, you can have four positive traits due to having two negative traits. The same trait may not be selected multiple times.

Be aware of the difference between a bonus/penalty to a skill versus a bonus/penalty to a skill roll. A +5 to Awareness means that your Awareness gets five points actually added to it, whereas a +5 to Awareness rolls means that when you make a roll that you would add Awareness to, you gain an additional +5 bonus to the roll result. Any Skill bonuses from Traits still must adhere to normal Skill limits. Just remember that.

Every 10 levels (Levels 10, 20, and 30), you can choose to do one of the following:

  • Add one new Positive Trait
  • Subtract one Negative Trait
  • Swap out one of your Traits for a different one


These are positive traits that grant you bonuses or otherwise contribute to or denote the likable traits of your character's personality. You may choose two of these to start with. If you choose a penalty from the list following this one, you may pick up an additional trait.

  • Faithful: +5% to defense bonus when guarding for someone.
  • Passionate: Can add 5 damage PLM to one attack in a battle for free. This is calculated while tech element bonuses are being calculated.
  • Lucky: Once per day, you may add/subtract 5 from the result of any given dice roll.
  • Courageous: Choose one opponent at battle start. +5 to two battle stats of your choice (ATK, ACC, DEF, SPD) at the start of battle if they're a higher level than you.
  • Sadistic: +1 charge when you KO someone.
  • Chaste: +10 bonus to Willpower rolls against Charisma.
  • Stubborn: An additional +10 bonus to subsequent Willpower rolls when someone's Speechcraft fails against you.
  • Brutal: +10 ATK the first time you land a Vital Hit, ends when the target is KOed.
  • Friendly: Negative affection bonuses against you are 5 points/5% less effective. (3*s and below)
  • Optimistic: You get +5% to reactions when your HP is critical. (Below 20% of max)
  • Determined: (To fuck your shit up) +5 to physical rolls performed against another character.
  • Night Owl: +5 bonus to Awareness rolls between midnight and dawn.
  • Stoic: Lowers KO threshold by 5%.
  • Geek: +1 knowledge (must be one of Physics, Music, Arts, History, Medicine, Biology, Computer Science, Literature, Mathematics, Engineering, or Chemistry), +1 language (Any)
  • Ambitious: You are shifted up one in battle turn order. You cannot go first in this way. If you were already first, you gain 5 more stamina to your first turn.
  • Humble: Can hand over one item to an ally in a battle for free.
  • Polite: Can give turn position in battle to an ally of their choice.
  • Cautious: Can save one reagent if a crafting roll fails.
  • Flirtatious: You get an extra 5 points when using social skills on someone attracted to your gender.
  • Masochistic: You get a 5% bonus to vital hit chance when your HP is critical. (Below 20% of max)
  • Adaptable: Can switch active weapon effect for free once per battle when weilding two different one handed weapons.
  • Hyperactive: Can get +1 movement for one round, once per battle.
  • Picky: You can get one free loot reroll whenever loot is given.
  • Specialized: -5 to one skill of your choice, but +10 to another. The -5 may not be applied to Harvesting or Tradeskills.
  • Precise: +10 ACC the first time a status effect you cast succeeds. Does not stack.
  • Pyromaniac: +5 damage PLM on attacks with the Fire tech element.
  • Cold Blooded: +5 damage PLM on attacks with the Ice tech element.


These are less desirable traits. While they may not be inherently bad personality characteristics, they can hamper you in certain situations. For every Penalty you pick up, to a maximum of two, you're allowed to pick up an additional Bonus.

  • Honest: -10 penalty to Deceit.
  • Naive: -10 penalty to Perception rolls against Deceit.
  • Pure: You do not get the bonuses you normally would against someone you have low affection for.
  • Unlucky: -2 penalty to all skill rolls.
  • Illiterate: You must use up a language slot to be able to read.
  • Sickly: When struck with a Vital Hit, you lose 5 ATK, ACC, SPD, and DEF. Ends when you become unconscious. Does not stack.
  • Abrasive: -5 penalty to Charisma and Speechcraft.
  • Rebellious: Don't receive regular bonuses for fighting alongside allies.
  • Passive: Don't receive the regular Willpower bonus against someone who fails a Speechcraft roll against you.
  • Lazy: Can only move two spaces when you choose to use the run minor action.
  • Curious: -10 penalty to Awareness rolls against any form of trap.
  • Pessimistic: You get -5% to reactions when your HP is critical. (Below 20% of max)
  • Clueless: -5 penalty to Awareness and Perception
  • Charitable: Receive 5% less credits from quests
  • Hesitant: You are shifted down one in turn order. You cannot go last in this way. If you were already last, you receive 5 less stamina on your first turn.
  • Xenophobe: You may not knowingly perform a transaction with someone of another race. This doesn't affect characters you have a 6* or higher affection for.
  • Hard of Hearing: -10 penalty to Awareness rolls on sound-related checks.
  • Poor Vision: -10 penalty to Awareness rolls on vision-related checks.
  • Distant: Negative affection bonuses against you are 5 points/5% more effective. (3*s and below)
  • Clumsy: You have a 20% chance of losing one movement each round.
  • Hydrophobic: It takes 1 extra movement to move into a water space. This may not be taken if the character is of a race incapable of swimming. Dwarves, however, may still take this.
  • Defeatist: It takes two extra days and ten more paragraphs to come back from each death.
  • Chivalrous: People get an extra 5 point bonus when using social skills if they're of a gender you're attracted to.
  • Distractable: If an opponent other than the one you're targetting enters range, there's a 25% chance you'll be driven to attack them instead.
  • Shy: -5 to all social rolls.
  • Weak Constitution: Status effects last one extra round or action (depending on which the status effect counts by) if they have a timed effect.
  • Cowardly: If someone dies in battle, you have 0 movement in your next turn.
  • Nyctophobic: -1 movement in dark areas. Doesn't apply to night.
  • Claustrophobic: Cannot enter areas of two spaces or less.
  • Absentminded: When using a knowledge, there's a 10% chance you'll accidentally get the fact incorrect.
  • Bad First Impression: -15 to your first social roll in a day.

Core Rules
Basics: AffinityAlignmentExperience GainsLevelRacesSkills (Skill +)
Battle: ActionsAwakening (Overload) • Battle PenaltiesBattle TablesRangeReactionsStatus Effects (Broken LimbCrippled) • Techniques
Items: AccessoriesArmorEquipment UpgradesKeystonesLegendary Lore ItemsMisc ItemsShopsWeapons
Misc: AffectionDay and NightDeathFlightKnowledgesLanguagesRare EffectsRP CombatTraitsUnique PassivesUniversal Passives