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Deceit is your ability to persuade people you're telling the truth, even if you really aren't. If someone is convinced with Deceit, then they believe it to be the truth until proven otherwise or someone convinces them otherwise with a higher Deceit roll. Deceit is rolled for against Perception.


Everything you attempt to do with Deceit has a Difficulty Level. Basically, on a scale of 0-10, it's a measure of how hard it is to convince someone to do something. For every DL on the attempt, you take a -10 penalty to your Deceit roll. Each time you attempt Deceit on a given person in the same day, they get a +10 bonus to their Perception roll.

Here's an example of how Difficulty Level might be determined. In the end, it's the decision of the current GM/Ref/Owner. If there's a dispute, the decision is made by the highest ranking person that isn't involved.

0 DL is for something the subject already wants to believe.
1-3 DL is for more major things, such as convincing someone that something happened that actually didn't, or to shake their trust in another person.
Use common sense for 4-5 DL, which would be for telling someone something they already believe to be wrong.
Be very careful with using DL 6+. DL 10 is supposed to be virtually impossible. Anything above DL 5 is extreme, as that's at least a -60 penalty on their Deceit roll.


There are a number of things that can affect the success rate of Deceit rolls. Acting GM/Owner/Ref can choose to add a penalty or bonus depending on circumstances that are left up to their judgment.

  • Affection Bonus: Due to being inherently distrustful of you, people with 1* or 2* affection for you get a +10 bonus to their Perception roll against your Deceit.
  • Affection Penalty: Due to being inherently trusting of you, people with 6* or 7* affection for you get a -10 penalty to their Perception roll against your Deceit.
  • Distress: Characters in a state of panic or distress are more open to suggestions and suffer a -15 penalty to their Perception roll against your Deceit.
  • Inebriation: Characters that have their judgment in some way impaired suffer a -25 penalty to their Perception roll against your Deceit.
  • Distrust: Characters against which you have failed Deceit attempts against get a +20 bonus to their Perception roll against your Deceit for each time you have failed. The number of these bonuses they get decreases each day by 1.
  • Honesty: When using Deceit to convince someone you are telling the truth when you actually are, succeeding in a DEC check will make them think you might be honest, while their AWA check beating your DEC check will make them able to see that you're telling the truth in the way that the AWA succeeding when lying makes them able to see you're lying.

With MAX Deceit

With 100 Deceit besides all Modifiers, you gain the following ability.

Amendment (Ability) :: Once per day, when you fail a Deceit check against someone, you may attempt a second Deceit check without penalties to paint your first lie as though it were a good natured, white lie. Penalties refers to the distrust penalties you normally receive for a failed Deceit check.

The Deceit Plus

The + in Deceit effectively raises your Deceit skill by 25.

Physical: AthleticsStealthStrength
Mental: AwarenessHarvestingPerceptionWillpower
Social: CharismaDeceitSpeechcraft
Craft: BlacksmithingChemistryEnchantmentEngineeringGunsmithing
Special: Angelic RunesInfernal Runes