Will of the Goddess

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Elian D'Morgan awakens from a 2,000 year slumber.

Timeline Summary

14 May 305

Amidst the destruction of Orka at the hands of Kri-Yut and Nasag, one thousand or so Orkans take shelter in stasis chambers hidden within a mountain, including a young girl named Elian D'Morgan.

14 May 2305

2,000 years later, Elian is awakened, and learns that only 34 of the Orkans survived their slumber. She quickly befriends Sinmas Aiyonya. Upon learning that none of parliament survived, a young man named Parus Vandir begins to take charge of the survivors.

6 August 2308

Parus executes Andec Harien with the red Laquir on charges of blasphemy after Andec speaks out against Parus' killing of another Orkan, Nestor Arunay, for trying to save some people who had stood against Parus.

19 January 2310

Elian speaks with Sinmas after he, Parus, and three others return from raiding Ja'Raji's home of Orkan artifacts.

8 April 2314

Granmir the Firebringer overpowers Parus during his attempt to retake an artifact Granmir had taken from him, and takes Parus' Laquir for his own.

9 October 2317

Sinmas and a few other Orkans return from a trip to reclaim another artifact, having been beaten to it by the Svaldic government. Elian and Sinmas discuss how Parus appears to be giving up, and the group is stagnating.

3 December 2321

Parus Vandir has a vision in his dreams of what he believes is the Orkan goddess Ai'Sara. She tells him to gather the three Laquiri to break the barrier at the start of the Two Year Gap so they can travel to the past and rescue the other Orkans. Parus tells the others of his vision and has them immediately get to work on tracking down any leads on the Laquiri.

11 June 2322

Parus is shown footage of the Ivory Arch Tournament from earlier that day, showing Sye Dalziel using the green Laquir. Knowing Sye's father works for the Svaldic government, he decides to hold off on going after it until they have the other Laquiri, as they currently lack the resources for a full military conflict.

21 July 2324

Elian sees Sinmas off as he and his partner Aberrant set out on a trip to Slotheim Manor to retrieve the blue Laquir.

10 August 2325

Wishing to make up for Sinmas' murder at the hands of Ganchi Hiaba, Elian agrees to go on Parus' trip to challenge the Man from Petrarca, despite its likelihood as a suicide mission.