Sinmas Aiyonya

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Name Sinmas Aiyonya
Gender Male
Born 289
Died 5 August 2324 (Age 2034-2035) (Age 34–35 when adjusting for 2,000 years in stasis)
Height Approx. 6'0"
Weight Approx. 160 lbs.
Hair Brown
Race Orkan
Affinity Earth
Alignment Passive Neutral
Weapon of Choice Chains
Affiliation Parus' Group
First Appearance * Unnamed: Exercising Restraint (Board Quest)
* Named: Will of the Goddess (Board Quest)
Player Tyler


Sinmas Aiyonya was among the last of the Orkan race. In July 2324, Aberrant was sent along with Haimur "Aberrant" Arunay to Slotheim Manor to retrieve the Laquir being kept by the distant Orkan decendant living there, but Sinmas had to break away to throw two pursurers off their trail, Ganchi Hiaba and Cail Milons. One week after losing contact with Aberrant, Ganchi and Cail caught up to Sinmas and confronted him, forcing him into battle. Despite using a Worldly Titan's Elixir, the pair bested him, and Ganchi ended his life by cutting Sinmas' jugular veins.