Parus Vandir

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Parus by Nick.png
Name Parus Vandir
Gender Male
Born 279 (Age 2057–2058) (Age 57–58 when adjusting for 2,000 years in stasis)
Height Approx. 6'7"
Weight Approx. 160 lbs.
Hair Blond
Race Orkan
Affinity Unknown
Alignment Evil
Weapon of Choice Laquir Nouv, Political Influence
Affiliation Leader of the remaining Orkans
First Appearance The Old Gang (Board Quest)
Player Tyler

"Last night, the goddess spoke to me in a dream. I know now what she wishes for me to do. We must find a way to the past to rescue our brothers from their fate, and for that we need the Laquiri."


Parus Vandir is the leader of the last of the Orkan race. While he didn't quite have any status of note prior to being put in statis in 305 AE, he quickly assumed command of the 34 survivors upon their awakening in 2305 AE.

In 2307, he killed Peter Delium to take the Laquir Nouv. He used it for the next seven years, until losing posession of it to Granmir the Firebringer in 2314. Parus had confronted Granmir regarding a device taken from him by Earth a few months prior, one which Granmir had later obtained, and found himself defeated by Granmir in battle.

Parus lost his drive after this, slowing his group's activity until the end of the Two Year Gap in 2321, where he was contacted by The Everyman (under the guise of the Orkan goddess), telling him to retrieve the Laquiri. Parus reappeared on the public stage in May 2324, kidnapping Falraan Masel, who was Ganchi Hiaba's best lead to the Laquiri's current locations.