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There are universes.

Known Universes

The following are universes known to exist in the Epic canon.

  • New Epic - The current universe Epic takes place in. Locked off from other worlds starting 1 November 2319 [2009].
  • UFoD / CoH
  • CCC1
  • CCC3
  • CCCoH - After Hieiroth destroyed the CCC2 universe, he arrived here, stripped of nearly all power until his death in October 2009.
  • Early Epic - The very early Epic continuity from when it was in testing in early 2005, and vastly different from Old Epic.
  • East 1 - Original home universe of Earth, along with a handful of other characters in the BBS Universe. Briefly appears in flashback in the quest Earth Joins the NYPD.
  • North 1 - The New World RPG. Ended prematurely at the end of its second saga, and its characters just joined with the BBS RPG.
  • West 1
  • Legacy of Hogwarts - A Harry Potter RPG run by Tyler from 2000 to around 2003. Crossed over with the BBS RPG on a few occasions, including one that featured the first ever appearance of Earth. Yes, because of that, that makes it canon-by-proxy to Epic. Suck it, losers.
  • Silmaria - Entrance to Destiny in the BBS RPG. Presumably destroyed, or at least devestated, in the spring of 2003.
  • Destiny - The home of the Dysians in the BBS RPG. Destroyed following the events known as The Final War in August 2003.
  • Path of Ascension - A short-lived spin-off RPG run by Bishop in 2009. Similiar to the Vacant Sky universe, but around 2320, a large amount of the world's population turned to glass.
  • Courtroom
  • Hopestar
  • Chippe!
  • Restaurant - Home of the Steak Sharer. Its version of Edjejre was defeated by the Manly Trio shortly before their brief appearance in New Epic.
  • Real - Our world. Was called the Control Universe by Edjejre.
  • Epic Saw / Epic Retcon - The version of Epic with the original versions of Kevin1's Saw Quests before the retcon of the villain's identity and Iota's original vampirism. It's possible that other quests deemed non-canon are here too, such as Lia's Canon and the Gaia saga, unless they conflict with other non-canon quests.

Uncertain Universes

The following universes may actually be part of universes listed above rather than their own seperate universes.

  • Epic Imp - The Imp Quests. Possibly seperate from Saw due to so many characters dying, but may be in the Epic Saw universe anyway.
  • TFSU - The universe that the TFSU series takes place in. Nick says it's possible that the TFSU Universe is New Epic, and the characters in it are the so-far-unseen New Epic counterparts to Nick Cobalt, Iota, and etc.
  • Nero - Most people seem to consider this a seperate universe from Epic Real, so I'm listing it as such. Some theorize that it may have never existed at all, and was one last illusion by Leon Salvador that he used to get the group to help him defeat Erra. Somehow.