Rosalie-Anne Finch
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Name | Rosalie-Anne Finch |
Gender | Female |
Born | 25 March 2200 (Age 34 due to time travel) (Epic Birthday: 25 July 2302) |
Height | 4'10" |
Weight | 83lbs |
Hair | Red |
Race | Buí |
Affinity | Sun |
Alignment | Passive Good |
Weapon of Choice | Healing Energy, and a Parasol |
Affiliation | None |
First Appearance | * Old Epic: The House Where Nothing Really Happens (Free RP) * New Epic: Two Years Later (Free RP) |
Player | Kristen |
- "There is a whole new world to explore, though I fear I will always love France more."
- —Rosalie
Physical Traits
Rosalie is 4’10” tall, and weighs about 83 lbs. She has very pale skin, and as a consequence she blushes frequently. Her hair is a vibrant red, and extremely curly. As was fashionable back in her time, she keeps her hair very long. (Reaching to just below her buttocks.) Ordinarily she keeps her hair up in a bun, or if she is in a more casual setting she will simply braid it. She never lets it hang loose if she can avoid it, and when it is up she is careful to never allow for frizz.
Even after living in Disparatus for some time now, she never ceased wearing clothing that was from her own time period. Her wardrobe is extremely varied. She has every outfit a woman could ever need from riding a horse, to playing polo, to tea parties, or just walking down the street. In fact, she has different “street clothes” depending on what time of day she is going out. Frequently she will simply be wearing a traveling suit. This consists of a jacket and an ankle length dress. She never leaves the house without a pair of gloves, a hat, and her parasol.
Normal Magic
She has two main abilities. The first is healing the second is having the ability to control fabric. The ability to control cloth is is what allows her to create her own clothing as she desires. Anything she creates she has ability to change the colour of since it originally was made out of pure energy that glows gold. What she does in order to create garments is to concentrate on making threads of golden light which will then weave together. Usually when she makes things she'll add her own flare to them, such as making them stain proof and fire proof. She can usually only do one or the other.
The second ability is to heal, she does this a few different ways. She can either stitch the wound shut, or simply weave over it. She used to rely more heavily on the first, but her skills have grown and now she mostly weaves new skin over the wound, or if it is a gash she will heal it layer be layer.
Any time Rosalie uses her abilities her eyes will glow golden. If she has been severely wounded, in order to heal herself she will sit for a quiet meditation. When she does this, or any other time she is accessing all of her power, every vein in her body glows a very bright golden colour.
Rosalie has two manifestations of her magic. Normally it is represented as a golden colour of healing. However if Rosalie's mood shifts to a more negative thinking way, her magic follows and will become its darker form. This only happens if she has experienced some great emotional trauma and has lost faith in humanity, or something. When it is in its Anti form, her magic destroys instead of creates. So she can only disintegrate clothing, or rip skin apart. Her magic has only appeared in this form once since her creation as a character.
Upon Arrival
Rosalie-Anne Finch was born in France on March 25, 1890 AD (Not AE like it is for most of Epic). She is the daughter of Sabine and Vincent Finch. eldest of seven children.
- Gabrielle (January 31, 1892-April 12, 1910)
- Geneviève (1894-1935)
- Marcel (May 13, 1896- To Present)
- Laurent(1897-1917)
- Sébastian (1905-1919)
- Noémi (August 15, 1906- December 5, 1952)
She disappeared from her home on August 15, 1907 AD and appeared in Disparatus on February 12, 2319 AE. One of the first people she encountered upon arrival was Elentra Arcamenel. Elentra allowed the girl to accompany her in her travels.
Nero Resurrection
During this time, Rosalie had teamed up with Elentra to help save the world. This quest ended up causing severe emotional trauma for her due to the fact she was under the impression that Nero was in fact the Earth she grew up on. During this trip she fell in love with a character by the name of Danas who's alter ego was unfortunately Weapon.
During the quest, Elentra had examined a book that Rosalie had opened just prior to her being ripped from Nero. She discovered that the book and Rosalie had the same tracings, and was able to deduce that the girl's disease was actually not a disease but a curse.
After this, Rosalie was admitted into the Svaldon Hospital's psychiatric ward for attempts to take her own life a few times. Elentra had stayed in Nero to help rebuild on Nero which had been left in shambles. Rosalie blamed herself for having to help destroy the world her family lived on, or her decedents, and was informed that is was completely impossible for her to return home. During this time she had taken to thinking that her family was dead.
Because her abilities switched to their Anti-Magic form, she was unable to fight the disease in her body, and she was required to have a blood transfusion more often to keep her alive. Eventually this landed her in the hospital for a second time. While there she grew more and more sick as time went on, and after a while she requested to be let go so she could go to the UP to see her real doctor, Jacob. After this, she was locked up in a room attatched to an IV, so she could not leave. Somehow she managed to call Marianne Lavelle who got in touch with Jacob, who came to Svaldon hospital somehow meeting Danas along the way.
By this point Rosalie was extremely sick. It was determined that she was slowly being poisoned by the doctor who was treating her and with the help of Danas and Jacob, Rosalie was sprung from the hospital. Jacob did a real transfusion on Rosalie so she wouldn't die, and they went along their way trying to get Rosalie out of the country. While doing this, Rosalie's Brother Marcel Finch appeared, informing them that he had followed Rosalie through the portal only moments after she had left. Somehow they end up in a basement, and they find Rosalie's doctor trying to kill her, this time more obviously with a knife. Danas and Jacob fight him off, ultimately killing him where it was revealed that he was not human at all, but an elf. Danas was mortally wounded, and Rosalie was able to tap into her emotion of love and desire to heal him that her powers flipped back to normal, mostly. It took another few weeks to completely normal out. Both Marcel and Rosalie went with Danas to his home country.