Finding Falraan

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Timeline Summary

16 November 2315

Three followers of Parus Vandir locate an Orkan ruin in Alibaas that contained an enchantment circle that could be used to track the Laquiri, along with instructions on how to use it. Four Alibaas (Haun Eriala, Falraan Kinsel, Raliir Masel, and Masik Rilmeir) stumble upon them while hiking and are captured. Ganchi Hiaba and Sanel Vangris, who had been tracking the Orkans, rescue the group, kill the Orkans, and destroy the enchantment circle.

21 August 2316

Ganchi, Sanel, and Saja Aamodt go to see Falraan in the wake of the Granmir incident to talk about the enchantment circle. She remembers part of the instructions, and could potentially work out the rest, but would need a working version of the circle to even attempt it, which they lack.

25 April 2324

Ganchi follows his leads from Neptune City to some ruins under Mosarra. He discovers the same Orkan tracking enchantment circle design from 9 years ago, and goes to find Falraan for the instructions.

29 April 2324

Ganchi Hiaba breaks into Falraan Masel's home, urging her to come help him with the circle. When she says she can't, Ganchi threatens her son, Horis, who is in the room. Falraan reluctantly leaves with Ganchi.

6 May 2324

While Ganchi and Falraan work on the enchantment circle, Parus shows up and kidnaps her.

15 June 2324

Ganchi and Cail go to see Sanel about finding Parus and Falraan. Sanel hires Masik Rilmeir, who now works as a private investigator, to help.

29 July 2324

Sanel reports back to Ganchi on Masik's findings.

7 July 2325

While alone in the Arenan countryside, Ganchi encounters Falraan's brother Karr, who immediately attacks him for kidnapping Falraan. Ganchi easily overpowers him and leaves him barely conscious. Ganchi explains that Parus has Falraan, not him, and gives him an abridged version of events. Karr agrees to join up with Ganchi and the others to find her.