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Nation Kingdom of Duxentrux
Planet Disparatus
Government Absolute Monarchy
Motto "Carrying onward with the tides of fate."
National color(s) Blue and White
Population Approx. 60,000
Demographics 68% Human, 22% Alibaas, 6% Thuwadian, 4% Other
Location East of Alibaas, West of the United Provinces and Svaldon, South of Ostfold
Primary Languages Universal, Svaldic, Alibaas
Founded 1725 AE
Capital Desalle
Owner Tyler

The Kingdom of Duxentrux is a monarchy located in the central sea of Disparatus. Due to its proximity to five of the seven major nations of Disparatus, it's become a fairly popular tourist spot during the northern hemisphere's summer months, while still maintaining only mildly cool temperatures in the winter.

The island was initially settled by Alibaas prior to 0 AE, and was later discovered by humans in early centuries after the Great Exodus, slowly forming small settlements on the island. Over time, the settlement went from being an Alibaas-protected territory to a more human-centric one, and in 1725 AE Franklin De la Monte successfully led a complete takeover of the island, proclaiming himself King of Duxentrux.

With the island mostly ignored by the outside world at the time, and any other potential forces on the island being dwarfed by King Francis' guardsmen, his rule went unchallened, with the monarchy being essentially solidified as the nation made itself into the tourist destination it is today while still not having its control challenged.