Into the Book

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Title Into the Book
Number 2 Quests Total
Date * Q1: 27 July 2013
* Q2: 30 July 2013
Players Kristen (GM), Alicia (All), James (Q1), Clara (All), Jared (All), DS (All), Aaron (All), Isabel (All), Tyler (Q1), Kevin2 (All), Nick (Q1)
Characters Kaida (All), Beli (All), Lucien (Q1), Roxy (All), Oujou (All), Mina (All), Magna (All), Rangi (All), Karr (Q1), Luffy (All), Coen (Q1), Muirne (NPC) (Q1), Ardal (NPC) (Q1), Cian (NPC) (Q1), Finvar (NPC) (Q1), Cathal (NPC) (Q2)
Setting * Kingdom of Callobre, Book World
* Falkenaas, Svaldon, Disparatus

Timeline Summary

Quest 1 - Ballbusters Inc.

On 27 July 2325, Karr, Roxy, Rangi, Kaida, Oujou, Coen, Luffy, Mina, Lucien, and Magna are invited to a hotel in Falkenaas for a conference about a new form of magic being discovered. They end up locked in the conference room (Karr ends up not making it in time and is locked out, unable to participate) and become trapped in a magic book. They appear on a hill in a fantasy world, and soon head into a forested area and find people speaking in Alibaas. The people think they're bandits and escort them to their shaman in town, Muirne de Sansobre. Muirne explains that this is the Kingdom of Callobre, and that a group called Montrove is causing trouble for the area. They tell her what happened to them, but she remains skeptical. She sends them to her granddaughter Ardal's inn. Ardal says that a new government came into power, and that the Montrove have revolted against it. The rebellion failed, and the Montrove blamed the people in the region for its failure. She says there are essentially four groups in the kingdom led by shamen, with three siding with the Queen, while Montrove does not. The group sleeps, and awaken to a fire, a battle going on outside. Most of the group fights back, causing a retreat, but Ardal gets killed in the process. Her killer is taken prisoner. The shaman interrogates him, a historian forced to fight by his clan. This brings up an argument of who is right to rule, with the shaman saying it is passed by blood, and a man named Cian saying it is passed by a sacred heirloom. He is killed by a man named Finvar. The shaman orders them to assassinate the Montrove leader. They refuse and leave.

Quest 2 - Rifle Gone Awry

The group ends up surrounded by people on horseback, and are knocked unconscious by a spell. They are tied up in a corner, when a man named Cathal appears to aid them, saying he had heard legends of travelers appearing from the heavens to bring life to the land. They attempt to escape and fight guards, taking horses. Cathal leads them south along the river and eventually arrive at the main city, which the enter under the guise of a traveling troupe of entertainers. They decide to split up, Mina and Kaida heading for the library, while Cathal, Rangi, Magna, Luffy, and Roxy create a distraction.

The group presumably escapes the book shortly after this.


Only appearances of Lucien, Magna, and the book characters.

  • Due to real life commitments, Kristen was never able to complete this saga. As such, it is assumed that the group escaped shortly after the end of Quest 2.