Coen Valentia

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Coen by Izzy Colored.png
Name Coen Valentia
Gender Male
Born 28 February 2301 (2301-02-28) (Age 35)
Weight Approx. 175 lbs.
Hair Brown, with a Blue Streak
Race Human
Affinity Sky
Alignment Fabulous Good
Weapon of Choice Good Looks, Charm
Affiliation N/A
First Appearance Donuts Give You Wings (Free RP)
Player Nick

"I have other talents too. Buy me a drink, and maybe I'll show you~"


Coen Valentia is an art student living in the United Provinces and attending TFSU. He draws comics for a meager living, and is just about always on the verge of being completely broke. He gets by on pocket change and the kindness of strangers, by which I mean guys or girls he charms into feeding the adorable thing.

Might be dating Adrien Lex?


Had wings for a day. It was pretty rad. Agreed that SCIENCE is rad, and Enos is kind of a creep. Since being trapped in Svaldon, he's now moved in with Adrien and Verinne, who gave him an awesome whip after nearly knocking his head off with a maul.

While on the way to a water park, he was trapped on a train car that was sealed with powerful enchantments. Having dabbled slightly (via some pirated books he got off the internet) in enchantment, he tried examining them. After rolling a sick 100 ENC, the legendary enchantments he inspected flashed into his mind, burning within it a newfound aptitude for magic. How he'll use this remains to be seen, though he'll probably try to pick up people at bars with it.

Misc. Coen Facts

  • Is NOT a pony. Probably.
  • Kind of fanboys over Nathan Cobalt, being a fan of superheroes in general.
  • Motherfucker LOVES donuts.
  • Drink of choice: Gin martini, shaken, wet, with a twist.