Slade Sedoxu

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Name Slade Sedoxu
Gender Male
Born Unknown
Died October 2319
Height 6'5" (Debatable)
Weight Unknown
Hair Unknown
Race Unknown
Affinity Unknown
Alignment Passive Neutral (Debatable)
Weapon of Choice Hammers of Overcompensation
Affiliation Judges
Player Justin

"Your tits are almost as big as mine."

Slade Sedoxu (sometimes Slade Sedox or Slade Sexodu, depending on Justin's spelling) was Justin's most well-known character, for all the wrong reasons. Justin used him to abuse the system in an attempt to become strong enough to defeat Clay (and possibly Zatenrai) single-handedly. This resulted in system revamps dedicated soley to the the task of nerfing Slade.

Slade was last seen in 2319, while Seth and Aaron were tracking down the Philosopher's Stone. Slade teamed up with Bahamut to fight Aaron and Seth, taking on Seth while Aaron fought Bahamut. Aaron weakened Slade's armor with gunshots during his fight, allowing Seth to pry the armor off. Seth then killed Slade by punching him to death with his Animus.