Knights of Cydonia
Knights of Cydonia, while written in Epic v4, essentially served as an ending to Epic v3 and all of Old Epic.
Quest for the Stone
In early October of 2319, Aaron and Seth travelled to Cydonia in the Old Epic universe to find the Philosopher's Stone ahead of Zatenrai.
After fighting a bunch of zombies, they seek out a peak called Tyrant's Rest. Along they way, they discover a chapel still standing, and inside they find the sword of Slade Sedoxu on an enchantment altar, strengthening the curse on the area. Aaron is reminded of how Clay had said Slade had "sold himself to a new God". Aaron tracks down an ex-Judge and gets her to confirm Slade's involvement.
They arrive at Tyrant's Rest, and locate the cave they believe the Philosopher's Stone was created in. As they search for information, they are attacked by one of Zatenrai's lap dogs, Jerio. They nearly defeat him with ease, when he mutates into a Runic Beast. Aaron tackles him off the cliff and manages to grab the wall as Jerio falls to his doom. While climbing to safety, Aaron thinks back to Muteki.
At a river, he finally finds Slade, who reveals he was after the Stone for himself. They fall over a waterfall, and Aaron shakes off Slade for a bit.
Back with Seth, he finally discovers the clue they need; The main ingredient of the Stone is thousands of gallons of human blood, and Slade had been driving everyone in the region back to the main city so he could slaughter them and take their blood there. Seth runs back to the city on his own and is cut off by Raku, a creep who was always trying to win over Elentra. Raku attacks him, and Seth kills him with Aaron's gun. Seth reaches the city and collapses from exhaustion.
Battle with Slade and Bahamut
- The following section was never completed in the actual quest, but information on what was planned here was supplied by Aaron.
Sometime shortly after this, Seth and Aaron regroup to fight Slade, along with the immortal Dragon known as Bahamut. Here, they learn that Bahamut had actually recruited Slade to create the Stone for him, but is unclear as to why he wanted it.
Seth and Aaron each fight one of the pair, with Seth taking on Slade, while Aaron fought Bahamut. During the fight, Aaron shoots Slade multiple times from a distance, weaking his armor enouh for Seth to pick away at it, eventually tearing it apart. With the battle down to a fistfight, Seth stops Slade's heart by pumpoing full of animus through a series of well-placed punches.
As for Bahamut, he laughs at Aaron's attempts at killing him, noting that only an immortal can kill an immortal. Thus, Aaron rips out one of Bahamut's fangs, and drove it into his brain through his chin with the remains of Slade's hammer.
- The following section was not actually part of Knights of Cydonia, but was retroactively approved to be the direct result of its events.
While Slade and Bahamut's interference put an end to the quest for the Stone, the journey led to Aaron and Seth discovering information relating to the New Epic Universe, a parallel world which once held objects with the potential to finally put an end to Zatenrai: Keystones.
Enlisting the aid of Elentra, the group uses an artifact Elentra had procured in a previous adventure to cross the gap between worlds, while also travelling back in time to New Epic's 2318.
As time once again caught up with them, Zatenrai learned of their actions, leading to both the Two Year Gap, and Zatenrai's own demise.