Timeline Differences
The Original Timeline ended on 8 August 2323 AE, when Ganchi Hiaba travelled back in time to early 2320 AE (during the Two Year Gap), starting the Current Timeline. Aside from the original timeline version of Hiaba himself, the only known people aware of the change in timelines are those who were in the immediate vicinity of the time travel attempt, and possibly those of pre-existing time-sensitive abilities.
Differences from the Original Timeline
The following is an outline of differences between the Original Timeline and the Current Timeline, minor as they may be. All known changes are due to the actions of Hiaba himself in the Current Timeline, due to being the sole time traveler in the incident. Furthermore, it should be noted that in the Current Timeline version of events on 8 August 2323, Ganchi Hiaba did not travel through time, due to his original self's interference.
Easily the most notable difference between timelines is the increase in Aetherstorm activity around Earth. Because of residual effects on the fabric of time, pockets of Aether flared up to the point that Aethership travel was fully suspended in June of 2323. These storms had been present shortly prior to the Two Year Gap, but only in the Current Timeline did they return afterward rather than disappear during it. Fortunately, these Aetherstorms have since ended, and travel between Earth and Disparatus is once again safe.
As a direct result of the Aetherstorms, the events of Fate of the Earth were prevented from happening in the Current Timeline, and instead only occurred in the Original Timeline.
Faerie-Zombie War
In the Current Timeline, the Faerie-Zombie War had a somewhat different outcome, in which the Zombies weren't entirely cleared out of Dragonoa as they originally were. While this was not initially much of an issue (in part due to the Lehk`zhulians holding them at bay), the zombies ended up overrunning the nation shortly after the Fate of Dragonoa Saga. Because of this, travel to Dragonoa was deemed inadvisable for a time, with the occasional resistance movement and an alternate Drago being the nation's only hope. However, with Lehk`zhulia's help, the zombies were finally dealt with a few years later, at the cost of Dragonoa's independence.
The Man from Petrarca
After arriving in 2320, the version of Ganchi from the Original Timeline set up base in the Arenan Alliance's Petrarca Desert, building a rather sizable fortress over an ancient Orkan ruin. While he rarely strays far outside of this area, and hasn't been known to attack anyone who isn't directly interfering with him, he has become fairly infamous within the region for the sheer strength and brutality shown toward those who have attempted to make their way into his fortress. He is currently known to most who have heard of him as the "man from Petrarca".
Missing Timeline
In addition to the two main timelines, there was a third Missing Timeline in-between them. It was essentially the same as the Current Timeline up until 28 July 2324, where Aberrant succeeded in his mission at Slotheim Manor, returning the blue and green Laquiri to Parus Vandir.
Shortly after this point, the Original Timeline's Ganchi retrieved the red Laquir. With help from the being known as "The Everyman", Ganchi used it to break the Two Year Gap barrier, traveling back in time to 4 August 2287, creating the Current Timeline. At this point, he laid low and took on the name Ken Hiyama in an attempt to minimize his effects on history until July 2324.