- This page is for the actual timeline of events in Epic. If you are looking for pages on specific named timelines, see Original Timeline and Current Timeline.
This is a timeline of events which have occurred in the Epic canon. As always, this is a continuous work-in-progress, but you guys can help me move it along nicely. Either give this an edit, or post in the timeline topic on the forums for me to add. Either way, both will be updated as needed.
Unless otherwise noted, all events pertain mainly to the New Epic Universe.
Also, 2025 is the year 2337 AE in Epic. For reference, 2010 was 2322, and 2014 was 2326.
1177 BE
- The Hollow was unleashed. For almost a year, The Hollow struck everything it touched, plaguing the world. Through the combined powers of magical and mortal beings alike -- good and evil -- The Hollow was resealed and laid to rest in a guarded place known only by those who protect the world. Guarded by an Angel and Devil, The Hollow is to never be opened, else the world be covered in darkness once more.
Prior to 700 BE
- The estimated time of creation of Alibaas ruins located in the Rose Islands, despite no other known evidence existing to prove that the Alibaas had travelled this far south prior to 0 AE.
Circa 600 to 700 BE
- Estimated time of creation of certain enchanted stone fragments located in ruins in Mosarra, Alibaas.
Circa 500 BE
- The oldest known Alibaas writings date back to this time.
22 BE
- Birth of Jejre.
17 BE
- The Thuwadians of Umbra Terra open a portal to Hell in an attempt to use a legion of Devils to gain control of the world government. This plan backfires, and the devils overrun the world within four months, forcing the people underground. It is decided to abandon Umbra Terra, and probes are sent into space to look for a suitable new homeworld, with Disparatus eventually being selected. The Orkans begin attempting to build an interstellar teleporter.
1 BE
- The original teleporter is completed and begins transferring people and equipment to Disparatus. Due to the incredibly slow pace, seven more teleporters are planned.
- The remaining teleporters are completed. Two are assigned to the Humans, two to the Orkans, and two to the Thuwadians, with the last two remaining as backups.
0 AE
Early 0 AE
- The Great Exodus begins, and the populations of Umbra Terra begin travelling to Disparatus. After a week or two, the Orkans and Thuwadians finish migrating their populations, and the Humans assume control of their teleporters. Two days later, with 15% of the Humans remaining on Umbra Terra, the teleporters all cease to function in sending people to Disparatus.
- With Disparatus no longer an option, the remaining Humans on Umbra Terra manage to reconfigure the teleporters to send them to Earth, a planet near Disparatus which had been selected as a backup.
- The New World Ordinance is written, outlying guidelines in colonization of Disparatus. It mandates that colony sizes are proportional to race population, which screws over the Orkans. The Ordinance gives the Thuwadians control over the southern continent, but says no one has to help the Thuwadians move there.
- The nations of Laa Buillo (Forerunner to the United Provinces), Orka, and Dragonoa are essentially founded.
6 AE
- Jejre begins writing a book as a record of the years following 17 BE on Umbra Terra, and the early colonization of Disparatus, which he titles The Great Exodus.
Circa 7 AE
- The Orkan colony of Sarmilias is founded on the northern continent. Orkans begin relations with the mainland Alibaas.
14 AE
- Jejre completes his first book in its original form.
15 AE
- Jejre travels to Alibaas to study and document the Alibaas people. He begins to study enchantment with the Alibaas in this time.
23 AE
- The Joribaus Pact is created as an agreement between the Orkans and Alibaas as a way for the Orkans to try to take over Alibaas by having their Alibaas allies do the work for them and fight non-ally Alibaas.
24 AE
- The Orkan campaign in Alibaas begins.
- Jejre begins writing the Book of Quests to document the actions of the Alibaas people during the Orkan campaign. He includes various enchantments in the book's design as part of experimentation. He later begins to notice that he is somehow learning the abilities of some Alibaas he has documented.
Circa 30 AE
- The Lehk`zhulians begin building a giant steel wall around the great glacier they had taken as their home near the south pole.
32 AE
- The Orkan campaign in Alibaas ends in failure.
34 AE
- His work in Alibaas done, Jejre returns to Laa Buillo to continue documenting the progress of the colonies.
35 AE
- By this time, the Humans have established a number of small colonies across the Buillo continent, slowly but steadily gaining control of it. The Thuwadians have also moved most of their population to the southern continent by this point.
Circa 40 AE
- Jejre begins to notice that the Book of Quests has also slowed the effects of aging on him.
75 AE
- By this time, the Humans have complete control over the Buillo continent, aside from the Orkan colonies there. The few Alibaas on the continent are essentially wiped out by now, unbeknownst to the mainland Alibaas.
86 AE
Early 86 AE
- Laa Buillo invades Alibaas, soon joined by the Thuwadians, against the Orkans and Alibaas alliance for control of the continent. The Great Alibaas War begins.
92 AE
- The Humans reluctantly begin to draw back from Alibaas, overwhelmed by the Alibaas' superior numbers and constantly losing resources.
98 AE
- The Humans fully withdraw from the war, followed by the Thuwadians a few months later as they get bored seeing the Humans' lack of interest. The Great Alibaas War ends.
- The Alibaas demand that the Orkans leave the continent, forcing them back to their capital on the Buillo continent.
- Months after the end of the war, the Humans attack the Orkan border. The Orkans fully retreat to their colonies on the northern continent. Sarmilias is renamed Viadahn, and now houses most of the Orkan population.
100 AE
- Viadahn grows to be the largest city on Disparatus.
106 AE
- Birth of Anterrus Grisant.
156 AE
- Jejre obtains a form of foresight through use of the Book of Quests, which over time allows him to see some of the book's future.
162 AE
14 November 162:
- Jejre prepares a message in the Book of Quests to activate on 8 August 2323.
164 AE
- Jejre dies at the age of 186. He passes on ownership of the Book of Quests to his friend Anterrus Grisant, who takes up Jejre's work and the title Anjejre in his honor.
231 AE
- Birth of Lucian Cartus.
243 AE
- Anjejre dies at the age of 137. The Book of Quests is lost among his possessions.
264 AE
- Lucian Cartus comes across the Book of Quests when going through Anjejre's possessions. He ends up taking up Jejre's work as Lujejre, third Keeper of Quests. He later annotated the book as "Kept by the Line of Jejre".
270 AE
- Nearly half of the early Thuwadian race disappeared off the face of Disparatus, with no discernible cause. Around the same time, the same happened to some early pre-Handorans. These missing people later ended up becoming the Celestials.
278 AE
- The Orkans commission a bunker to be built in a mountain a few miles from Viadahn, with stasis pods for use in the event of an emergency.
279 AE
- Birth of Parus Vandir.
287 AE
- Birth of Haimur "Aberrant" Arunay.
289 AE
- Birth of Sinmas Aiyonya.
296 AE
30 November 296:
- Birth of Elian D'Morgan.
305 AE
Early 305 AE
- The Maladorr Family of Orka summons forth the demon Kri-Yut. It makes use of someone's body and creates a massive stone tower so it can summon forth the hellbeast Nasag. It takes Nasag's body and pretty much destroys the people of Orka, through both created blizzards and sheer brute force. Some remaining Orkans finally slay the beast, and Kri-Yut returns to the tower to resummon it. However, the Orkans took advantage of this room's enchantments to seal Kri-Yut in a box, which they then bury in tunnels beneath what remained of Orka.
- As far as historians can tell, not knowing of the events surrounding Kri-Yut, Orka was ravaged by a terrible streak of blizzards, leaving only a few surviving settlements. It's likely that those who do remain in some form end up incorporated into the future Ostfold.
- The Kri-Yut events and the Fall of Orka are documented by Lujejre.
14 May 305:
- Looking to escape death at the hands of Kri-Yut and Nasag, one thousand or so Orkans took shelter in a stasis bunker hidden in a mountain a few miles from Viadahn, their leaders believing all of Disparatus was doomed, with their best chance being to wait it out. The stasis chambers are set to open in 2,000 years, in 2305 AE.
310 AE
- Birth of Nadezhda ("Dez"). (Old Epic Universe)
378 AE
- Lujejre is murdered by a petty thief in Laa Buillo at the age of 147. The thief, seeing the book's age, sells it to antique collector Ferrum Barchar.
381 AE
- Birth of Trunn Barchar, son of Ferrum Barchar.
419 AE
- Death of Ferrum Barchar. When going through his father's possessions, Trunn Barchar discovers the Book of Quests. He takes up Jejre's work as Trujejre, fourth Keeper of Quests.
432 AE
- Birth of Mirinnor.
458 AE
- The port of Launran is founded in Alibaas by Human merchants as a central landing area for trade between Laa Buillo and the Alibaas.
479 AE
- Birth of Haladon.
499 AE
- Birth of Norela Daelun.
537 AE
- Birth of Khaladar.
554 AE
- On his deathbed, Trujejre passes the Book of Quests on to Norela Daelun. Trujejre dies at the age of 173. Norela Daelun takes up Jejre's work as Nojejre, fifth Keeper of Quests.
595 AE
- Birth of Randor.
Circa 600 AE
- Laa Buillo invades the Handoran continent, attempting to annex it to its territory.
- Some early Handoran groups joined forces to fight back the invaders.
602 AE
- Nojejre arrives in Handora to document the war between Laa Buillo and Handora.
607 AE
- Laa Buillo General Neville Woodgate is killed in battle.
- Handoran General Jiang'er Rui leads the united Handorans to victory in the last major battle of the war with Laa Buillo.
- The Handorans finally force the invading Laa Buillo army to fully withdraw from the continent.
608 AE
- The Great Handoran Empire is established.
617 AE
- A holographic recording from Jejre appears to Sai Nan Qui, a woman in the family Nojejre was staying with. Jejre uses the enchantments of the book to create a partially-working replica of it using a few of its pages as reagents, and instructs Qui to swap it with the real one, and keep the actual Book of Quests safe. Although she doesn't wish to steal from her guest, Qui believes this to be a divine message and obeys Jejre's instructions. Two days later, Nojejre sets sail to return to Laa Buillo. She is killed during a storm partway through the voyage. Nojejre dies at the age of 118. The Book of Quests is kept among the books of Qui's family.
636 AE
- Birth of Gilor, Son of Randor.
Circa 690 AE
- Karroth Island is first explored by travellers from Laa Buillo.
713 AE
- The Great Cataclysm occurs, as a giant known only today as a Titan appears on Earth. During this event, the then-single continent of the planet, Eurus, broke off into the five major landmasses of the present day. For the next month, the Titan laid waste to present day Teratonia and Halenforth. A group known as The Eight Legends, led by King Roland the First, founder of the Banivian Empire's monarchy, banded together and defeated the Titan.
- The Eight Legends begin traveling Earth to seal the remaining Nameless Ones away in the Nameless Prison.
- Randor is killed by the Titan at the age of 118.
- The Teratons begin to inhabit present-day Teratonia, where they start repairing the damage done to the land by the Titan.
- Gilor and his remaining family and friends join up with the Eight Legends and their followers.
- The Eight Legends and their followers do battle with the Kingdom of Anurdain. Gilor's wife and daughter are killed in the conflict. Othal, the Eight Legends' necromancer, brings them back as meat-shields, which he objects to. Gilor is sealed away in the Nameless Prison, along with Anurdain.
714 AE
- Roland is crowned the first King of the Banivian Empire, then encompassing much of the new Banivian continent.
729 AE
- The decendants of Sai Nan Qui are killed in an attack from the army of the Great Handoran Empire during its quest to conquer the entire Handoran continent. Their possessions are pillaged, and the Book of Quests is among the items deemed valuable enough to claim for the glory of the empire. It is later placed in storage in the Emperor's palace.
753 AE
21 August 753:
- Due to a massively changed political structure as the nation grew, now based around corporations, the nation of Laa Buillo reforms as the United Provinces, with Eutropia as its new council. Two of the eighteen Laa Buillo colonies, Magpie Island and Shepland Island, are merged into others, leaving a total of sixteen Provinces. Under the new constitution, each Province is granted a single representative in the new National Senate.
756 AE
- Birth of Lycan.
792 AE
- Lycan becomes the first Werewolf. While the true details of the incident are unknown, it is believed that he was cursed by the empress of an ancient kingdom on the Banivian continent after she discovered he performed cruel magical experiments on peasants.
794 AE
- The number of Senators from each Province in the United Province is increased to five, for a total of 80 Senators.
- The UP position of Senatoral Minister is established as a non-voting mediator for the Senate.
795 AE
- Lycan has a child, the first True Lycan.
813 AE
- Lycan dies at the age of 57.
869 AE
- Sheikh Adil ibn Zahi al-Qadir of the Qadir tribe on the Banivian continent sought to unify the tribes of the region into a central government. He met with fierce opposition from many of the tribes, but one by one he won them over, either by reason or by combat.
872 AE
- Adil ibn Zahi al-Qadir succeeded in unifying the tribes into the country he called Al-Bedi al-Beled, "The Eternal Realm"—commonly shortened in Universal as Ibadia. He led the land as the Amir.
878 AE
- Birth of Granisus Andor.
889 AE
- Amir Adil ibn Zahi al-Qadir dies of old age and is succeeded by his son, Amal ibn Adil al-Qadir al-Sharif.
932 AE
- Granisus Andor is named the United Provinces' ambassador to the Great Handoran Empire during a time of shaky relations to the two nations.
941 AE
- Handoran Emperor Zao Quang presents Granisus Andor with the Book of Quests, which the Emperor would describe in his journals (roughly translated) as "an old book gathering dust in the storeroom which wasn't even written in Handoran." After a 300 year gap in its use, Granisus Andor takes up Jejre's work as Grajejre, the sixth Keeper of Quests.
949 AE
- Birth of Pellora Unet.
976 AE
- Grajejre dies at the age of 98. The Book of Quests is passed on with his posessions, but none take true notice of it for a few years.
980 AE
- Pellora Unet discovers the Book of Quests among Granisus Andor's / Grajejre's possessions. She takes up Jejre's work as Pejejre, the seventh Keeper of Quests.
1004 AE
- Until this time, the Tautrich city states in western Tellus Nova (Present-day Eisenstaat) limited to the area south of what is now known as Draakengard, while Eluvina stretched all the way to the western coast of the continent.
1011 AE to 1014 AE
- The first outbreak of the Silent Death. The first Neophytes are born.
1012 AE
- Pejejre contracts the Silent Death and dies at the age of 63. The Book of Quests goes missing.
1013 AE
- The first settlement on Karroth Island is built by people heading north to escape the Silent Death.
1020 AE
- The first Karroth settlement is wiped out by this point.
1081 AE
- The Sons of Vidar begin claiming territory in the abandoned lands of Orka.
1088 AE
- Xian Mao is crowned emperor of the Great Handoran Empire.
1089 AE
- The first iteration of Karroth Fortess is built by the Sons of Vidar.
1090 AE
- The Sons of Vidar begin to claim territory in Farthings Province of the United Provinces. The Provinces declare war on the Sons of Vidar. The Northern Revolution begins.
1091 AE
- The Sons of Vidar begin to claim territory over islands between Provinces and the Great Handoran Empire, which had already been claimed by the Empire. Xian Mao declares war on the Sons of Vidar, allying his nation with the United Provinces.
1092 AE
- The Battle of Karroth results in a Provinces/Handora victory.
1093 AE
- The Sons of Vidar are defeated, ending The Northern Revolution. Most or the remaining Sons of Vidar imprisoned or killed.
1097 AE
- Following the UP Senate's squabbling in the Northern Revolution, which showed the growing flaws in the system, the Senate was reduced to three Senators per Province, for a total of 48.
- The position of Senatoral Minister is replaced with Prime Minister, given to the senior-most member of the Senate.
Circa 1100 AE
- The Great Handoran Empire begins minor colonization of the southeastern area of the Arenan continent, which to this point had seen little exploration outside of small research groups. These colonies recieve little attention from the mainland empire.
- Dr. Sohn Farr claimed in the 23rd Century AE to have evidence of human presence on Mar Vahira dating back to around this time, but it has since been deemed likely inaccurate.
1107 AE
- Countess Schwanhild von Richter, whose county was located directly on the border of Eluvina at the time (now somewhere around central Eisenstaat) argued that unification between the Tautrich city-states was necessary because a unified front would discourage the Fae from stealing more land than they needed.
1115 AE
- The other Tautrich barons, dukes, and counts began taking Countess Richter's arguments of unification under serious consideration.
1117 AE
- Schwanhild von Richter is crowned the first Kaiserin of the Royal Eisenstaat Republic.
1190 AE
- Birth of Balan Casary.
1208 AE
- Balan Casary purchases the Book of Quests at a bookstore. She soon takes up Jejre's work as Bajejre, the eighth Keeper of Quests.
1221 AE
- Birth of Jao Xihongshi.
Circa 1250 AE
- Jao Xihongshi creates the art of Tomato Fu and forms the Order of the Tomato.
1266 AE
- Teratonia is founded.
1284 AE
- Jao Xihongshi is killed in combat by the master of a rival martial arts order, and his order's home is destroyed. Constant pursuit by the rival order forces Xihongshi's followers to leave the Great Handoran Empire.
1287 AE
- The followers of Jao Xihongshi found St. Tomato Monastery in the United Provinces province of North Svaldenstadt.
1288 AE
- The first of the Necromantic Wars began in the Banivian Empire.
- Necromancy is banned in Eisenstaat following word of the outbreak of the Necromantic Wars in the Banivian Empire.
1302 AE
1304 AE
- Cain discovers the ability to Turn mortals.
1308 AE
- Cain and his followers attempt to assassinate Czar Miloslav III of the Razhivyo Empire (precursor to Druzhiyova) and fail. Cain disappears.
1323 AE
- Alba seceeds from the Banivian Empire, with the House of Argall rising to power.
1333 AE
- Birth of Zhang Zihaon, future emperor of Handora.
1358 AE
- The Petrarca Collective establishes a colony in the northwestern Arenan continent, which would soon become known as De la Arena.
1363 AE
- The Arenan colony finishes repaying all Petrarcan debts to the mainland United Provinces. By this time, the colony occupied the entire northwestern part of the continent.
1371 AE
- Using the vast wealth it amassed, De la Arena buys its independence from the United Provinces and becomes a sovereign nation, with an original government based on the Provinces' corporate government.
1373 AE
- A new temporary government is formed in De la Arena with the former bureaucracy's heads meeting as a council.
- After a few months, the council fails, and a form of monarchy is established in De la Arena.
1374 AE
- Yu Jinmai is crowned Emperor of Handora.
1379 AE
8 May 1379:
- Emperor Yu Jinmai dies. His cousin, Zhang Zihaon, is crowned Emperor of Handora.
1381 AE
- Bajejre dies at the age of 191.
1383 AE
12 October 1383:
- Negotiations between the Great Handoran Empire and De la Arena regarding expansion on the Arenan continent fall through. Emperor Zhang Zihaon turns his attention to the northern continent.
1387 AE
18 July 1387:
- Emperor Zhang Zihaon reports in his memoirs on the Empire's progress in expansion on the northern continent.
1390 AE
3 March 1390:
- Emperor Zhang Zihaon recieves word of his scouts reaching Viadahn.
19 August 1390:
- Emperor Zhang Zihaon's scouts report on finding the location of the Orkan stasis bunker.
1392 AE
29 December 1392:
- Emperor Zhang Zihaon recieves word that his teams have finally broken into the Orkan stasis bunker, and learns the Orkans are set to awaken in 912 years. Drones attack the team.
1393 AE
11 April 1393:
- Emperor Zhang Zihaon recieves more bad news about progress in the Orkan stasis bunker.
2 July 1393:
- Emperor Zhang Zihaon orders his teams to cut back on their entries into the Orkan stasis chamber, as they're losing too many men for too little gain.
1396 AE
9 February 1396:
- After learning that the power loss from their excursions are killing some of the Orkans, Emperor Zhang Zihaon orders the stasis bunker sealed.
1398 AE
- Birth of Hannar Resal.
1424 AE
- The Arenan "monarchy" is replaced with a parliamentary form of government which would be what they end up keeping.
1432 AE
- After moving into the former home of Balan Casary / Bajejre, Hannar Resal discovers the Book of Quests in a box in the attic. He soon takes up Jejre's work as Hajejre, the ninth Keeper of Quests.
1443 AE
- The United Provinces attempts to take control of the southeastern Arenan continent by attacking the weak Handoran colonies there.
1446 AE
- The United Provinces successfully drives off the few Handoran forces sent out to protect the southeastern Arenan continent. The Handoran Emperor at the time, Lu Zihaon, decides waging war is not worth the effort when he never cared about those colonies anyway.
- De la Arena almost immediately claims to the the United Provinces government that they had already taken control of the area, and that they had generously allowed the Handorans to remain there, so that attacking them and laying claim to the land would be in violation of the agreement made 75 years prior. While this was a bluff by the Arenans, the United Provinces agreed to back off.
1455 AE
- In need of resources and land in the absence of Arenan land, the United Provinces send an expeditionary force from the Province of North Svaldenstadt to the abandoned northern continent. The team finds a treasure trove of resources, many helpfully already marked by Orkan ruins, and rename the land Ostfold.
1456 AE
- Ellenikos seceeds from the Banivian Empire.
- Several large companies from the United Provinces buy rights to harvest the resources of Ostfold to sell to the government, as the Provinces did not have the means to organize such operations itself. Colonies are set up in the land.
1470 AE
- Jektas Algensar, the first Prince of Svaldon, is born.
1497 AE
- Despite having the earliest foothold in both exploration and setting up corporations, the last of the corporations from North Svaldenstadt based in Ostfold falls to the larger competing corporations from the mainland United Provinces, putting a large dent in the economy of the province due to the resources invested in the venture.
1505 AE
- Baldor Algensar, the second Prince of Svaldon, is born.
1510 AE
Summer 1510
- Economically struggling under the pressure of the mainland monopolies, North Svaldenstadt secedes from the United Provinces to become Svaldon. The Svaldic War of Independence begins.
1512 AE
Early 1512
- Dragonoa declares war once again on the United Provinces, probably due to the current King Drago being out of ice cream or something. The United Provinces struggles to fight two wars at once.
11 March 1512:
- The United Provinces grants independence to the Sovereign Principality of Svaldon.
1525 AE
- Struggling to please a citizenry who were unhappy with a government which had just lost an entire Province, the United Provinces' Senate made the position of Prime Minister into a seperate post from the rest of the Senate, elected by the people themselves, which it has remained to this day.
1528 AE
- Hajejre is killed during a battle in Dragonoa at the age of 130. The Book of Quests goes missing for a time.
1535 AE
- Birth of Cesan Ebbul.
1537 AE
- Olav Algensar, the third Prince of Svaldon, is born.
1547 AE
- Jektas Algensar dies at the age of 77. Baldor Algensar is named Prince of Svaldon.
1549 AE
- Prince Baldor Algensar of Svaldon establishes the law that the son of the Prince of Svaldon will always ascend to the throne at his 17th birthday.
1554 AE
- Olav Algensar is named Prince of Svaldon.
1583 AE
- Cesan Ebbul discovers the Book of Quests in an Arenan library and borrows it, although he never returns it. He takes up Jejre's work as Cejejre, the tenth Keeper of Quests.
Circa 1600 AE
- The earliest known definitive evidence of human presence on Mar Vahira dates back to around this time.
1601 AE
- Birth of Rubbard Hurang.
1608 AE
- The three largest groups of Alibaas, the Joribaus Alliance, the Bau Republic, and the Korjom Tribe, sign the Alibaas Treaty, forming the Alibaas Confederation.
1615 AE
- The Alibaas Confederation nearly collapses due to revolution from the unfairly represented southern regions of the union. Drafting begins on a constitution.
1617 AE
- The First Alibaas Constitution is ratified, and the Alibaas Confederation becomes the Alibaas Republic.
1641 AE
- Having been ensnared by power in recent years, Cejejre has been taken into darkness, using the power of the Book of Quests in an attempt to build power and overthrow the fractured Handoran government. He is confronted by his friend Rubbard Hurang, who tells him that this is not what a Keeper of Quests is meant for. Something leads to Cejejre attacking Rubbard. Rubbard defeats Cejejre and takes up Jejre's work as Rujejre, the eleventh Keeper of Quests.
1642 AE
- Following a widespread revolt of the common folk in Eisenstaat, demanding better treatment and representation, Kaiser Wolfram II passes the Rights of Man Act.
1643 AE
- Cejejre dies at the age of 108.
1645 AE
- The Alibaas Republic initiates a military operation to take control of the island of Castor, which had long been a point of contention between the Korjom Tribe and the Great Handoran Empire. However, they end up fighting the people of Castor themselves, as the Handoran military was no longer occupying the island, and suffered a humiliating defeat. The Republic of Castor is formed following this.
1657 AE
- The Great Handoran Empire falls.
- Shunai Handora is established.
1667 AE
- Birth of Millard Archer.
1670 AE
- Rujejre, feeling himself becoming ensnared by power as Cejejre had been, hides away the Book of Quests and relinquishes his title.
1673 AE
- Chanvierre seceeds from the Banivian Empire.
1684 AE
- Birth of Cyneric Perivel, future High King of Banivia.
1686 AE
- Death of Rubbard Hurang, formerly Rujejre, at the age of 85.
1691 AE
- Birth of Franklin De la Monte.
1696 AE
- Millard Archer is elected to the United Provinces Senate at age 29.
1704 AE
- In the United Provinces, two provisional Senate seats were created: One for the eastern Ostfold colonies, and one for the western colonies.
1711 AE
- Cyneric Perivel leads Banivia to victory, ending the Necromantic Wars. He is crowned the first High King of the re-established Banivian Empire.
1725 AE
- Franklin De la Monte leads the takeover of the island of Duxentrux, forming the Kingdom of Duxentrux with him as its first King.
1735 AE
- Millard Archer is elected to his first of five terms as Prime Minister of the United Provinces.
1748 AE
7 to 14 April 1748:
- The first Olympiad of Disparatus is held.
1750 AE
- Necromancy is outlawed in the Banivian Empire.
1758 AE
- Franklin De la Monte dies at the age of 67.
1760 AE
- At the age of 93, Millard Archer retires at the close of his fifth term as Prime Minister. To this day, he remains both the longest serving Prime Minister, and longest serving member of the Senate, when counting his time as Prime Minister, having served as Prime Minister for 25 years, and on the Senate for 64 years.
1776 AE
- Former United Provinces Prime Minister Millard Archer dies at the age of 109.
1794 AE
- The Human Equality Act is passed in Eisenstaat.
1795 AE
- Following lengthy negotiations between the United Provinces, Svaldon, and Shunai Handora, the three nations officially consolidate their currencies into one shared currency known as the Credit.
1818 AE
- The United Provinces achieve the first manned space flight since the Great Exodus. Although many unmanned satellites had been launched into orbit before, manned space flight had not been a priority until this point.
1827 AE
- Birth of Peter Delium.
1830 AE
- The United Provinces make the first manned Disparatus moon landing.
1839 AE
- By this time, the culture and social institutions placed by the corporations of Ostfold became so different from the mainland counterparts in the United Provinces that there was a movement by the populace to break off from the Provinces and become their own nation. After working out an agreement with the United Provinces, the nation of Ostfold was granted independence.
1858 AE
- Peter Delium becomes a Vampire.
1859 AE
12 March 1859:
- Earth is sent to the East 1 Universe to retrieve a device that creates bursts of intense heat currently in the possession of Altan Khan in the land of China. Earth loses the device over a cliff, but holds onto its key, knowing that it couldn't be used even if found without large amounts of energy. (Year was called 1549 AD in East 1)
1875 AE
- A year and a half long war breaks out between Eisenstaat and Druzhiyova. This becomes largely known as the "War of 1875".
1877 AE
- Svaldon achieves its first manned spaceflight.
1883 AE
- The United Provinces abandon plans to travel to Earth, citing costs versus benefits. Their space program is slowly downsized.
1884 AE
- Birth of Xewakan Spial.
1888 AE
- Svaldon makes its first Disparatus moon landing.
1889 AE
- Birth of Osates Mensen.
1894 AE
21 June 1894:
- Birth of Kulimar.
1908 AE
- Xewakan Spial becomes a Vampire.
1911 AE
- Svaldon begins researching ways to use enchantments in spacecraft construction, in an effort to reach Earth.
1925 AE
- The Guild of Heroes on Earth decide they cannot defeat the devil Jararc who threatens to destroy the planet. In a last ditch effort, they formulate a trap to stall him. Using an ancient magic, the Hero Kulimar faces Jararc in a one-sided battle, giving the guild just enough time to seal Jararc, and by extension Kulimar, away into a deep slumber. The spell is not a permanent answer, and Kulimar is kept sealed with Jararc as to do battle with him when they awaken.
1928 AE
- Osates Mensen, a historian who knew of and had been searching for the Book of Quests, locates the book and takes up Jejre's work as Osjejre, the twelfth Keeper of Quests.
1929 AE
- Harterus Pescora, ancestor to Sye Dalziel, discovers the green Laquir.
1930 AE
- The Second Alibaas Constitution is ratified, and the Alibaas Republic was renamed to simply Alibaas.
1934 AE
- The Act of Parity is passed in Alba, allowing women to sit on the Archducal Parliament.
1936 AE
- Alibaas adopts the Credit as its official currency.
1941 AE
- Birth of Levina Annare.
1949 AE
- Svaldon enlists the aid of the Alibaas in their spacecraft research.
1957 AE
- The Svaldic-Alibaas spacecraft research team reach a breakthrough in their plans. The initial Aethership design is concieved of.
1959 AE
- The first major organized settlement of modern Halenforth is founded.
1961 AE
- The Provincial Redivision Act of 1961 redefines the borders of various Provinces in the United Provinces, and gives Eutropia its own Senator.
1962 AE
- The original written telling of the Hunter of the Deep story is published on Earth in a book called Tales of the Coast, although it's believed to have passed by word of mouth before then.
1965 AE
- The first Svaldic Rabbit Migration takes place.
1969 AE
- Research into using Aether in prosthetics begins in Eisenstaat.
1970 AE
- In retaliation for their master Jararc's sealing 45 years prior, the cult known as the Brotherhood of Shadows attacks the Guild of Heroes, led by the presumed-dead demon Larkan and a massive army. The Guild is unprepared, and falls to their attack with none left alive. Fifteen hundred guild members and leaders, two hundred staff, and eighty youngling trainees are killed in a massive genocide. With this act, the sealed Kulimar remains the last known survivor of Guild. All records from within the Guild are destroyed in the attack.
1972 AE
- Svaldon and Alibaas complete construction on the first Aethership prototype: Legacy. Legacy is soon sent on a manned mission to Earth.
1973 AE
- After a five month trip, Legacy lands on Earth. The early Aetherships were far slower than modern ones, which can make the trip in days.
- Legacy begins its return trip to Disparatus.
- Legacy lands once more on Disparatus, nearly one year after its departure.
1974 AE
- A second mission to Earth is launched, and plans to build more Aetherships are approved. For the next 150 years, travel between Earth and Disparatus is mainly for research, or luxury of the extremely wealthy, with casual travel only becoming vaugely common as travel speeds became faster with the improvement of Aether technology over time.
1978 AE
12 June 1978:
- Birth of Siliya Katen.
1995 AE
- Isaiah Pell is elected Prime Minister of the United Provinces.
20 November 1995:
- Isaiah Pell is sworn in as Prime Minister. He is assassinated during his inaugural address, less than an hour after being sworn in.
2000 AE
- Siliya Katen becomes a Vampire.
2038 AE
- Birth of Malenne Tannis.
2049 AE
19 October 2049:
- Birth of the future King Drago (Old Epic).
2052 AE
- The people of the Rose Islands form the Confederation of the Rose Islands.
2058 AE
- Birth of Nance Piers.
2063 AE
- A group of criminals from the United Provinces take refuge in Karroth Fortress. They soon begin renovating the fortress, improving its defenses and extending the structure itself.
2071 AE
- Osjejre dies at the age of 182.
2075 AE
- Birth of Thamuz, Fallen Lord of Weapons.
2076 AE
4 April 2076:
- Birth of Morgan Kinkade.
2077 AE
- The United Provinces government comes into possession of the Book of Quests. However, they only hold it for a few days before one of their researchers, Malenne Tannis, steals it. She takes up Jejre's work as Majejre, the thirteenth Keeper of Quests.
2083 AE
19 January 2083:
- Birth of Prishka Shacher.
2086 AE
- The Shunai government in Handora is overthrown.
2089 AE
- The Handoran constitution is ratified, establishing the current version of Handora.
2113 AE
- Birth of Rutherford Hardwick.
2121 AE
- Birth of Madeline Abbot. (As "Madeline Quinn")
2125 AE
- The first Aethership network, Eisensturm, is formed by a group in Eisenstaat, connecting a few cities in Eisenstaat and Svaldon.
21 August 2125:
- Birth of "Felicity" Ánië Ithilethiel.
2129 AE
- Birth of Janine Attinn.
2137 AE
- The Treaty of Svaneholm is ratified, establishing rules, regulations, and political boundaries for Aether travel.
2138 AE
- The 79th Olympiad is held, being the first Olympiad to permit competitors from Earth to participate as per the regulations established in the Treaty of Svaneholm.
2139 AE
- Birth of Erayn Ertz’yamiv.
2141 AE
Late 2141
- Birth of Ranzel De la Sar.
2146 AE
- Morgan Kinkade's Group is formed by Morgan Kinkade, Levina Annare, Janine Attinn, and Madeline Quinn.
2148 AE
- Majejre, who had been going mad in recent years, is killed in battle, dying at the age of 110. The Book of Quests is lost and left behind in the ruins of the building where she was killed.
2149 AE
- Rutherford Hardwick becomes a professor at a university in the United Provinces.
2154 AE
- The original Eisensturm network collapses into bankruptcy.
2156 AE
- Dragonoa adopts the Credit as its official currency.
2157 AE
- Birth of Helad Martinez (later Helad Tussaund).
2158 AE
- Rutherford Hardwick joins Morgan Kinkade's group.
- Birth of Augusto Henrick.
Circa 2160 AE
- Thanatos Corporation is founded in Svaldon.
2163 AE
- Birth of Fleur Dunkar.
2164 AE
- Nance Piers joins Morgan Kinkade's group.
Circa 2165 AE
- Northwestern Arenans begin to lose political ground.
2166 AE
- The Svaneflyg network is formed, founded by a Svaldic corporation with the cooperation of foreign companies. In the beginning, this network interconnects several cities in Svaldon and Druzhiyova, a couple in Eisenstaat, and Joribaus, the capital of Alibaas.
2172 AE
- United Provinces Prime Minister Thomas Barber makes a speech two years into his first term, where he speaks out about the extent of corporate control over the Provinces' government. Although he fully expected to be silenced by the corporations for this, they instead kept their cool and allowed him to keep saying whatever he wanted about them.
2173 AE
- Peter Delium joins Morgan Kinkade's group.
2174 AE
- Birth of Jago Vasquez.
2175 AE
- Public confidence in Thomas Barber is crushed after the corporations of the Provinces allow his re-election as Prime Minister, making his claims about them seem completely false.
2177 AE
- Thomas Barber resigns as Prime Minister of the United Provinces.
2179 AE
- A three-term limit is imposed on the office of President of Alibaas.
2181 AE
- Birth of Derlin Ranmesel.
2182 AE
- Birth of Lillian Mass.
2184 AE
- Birth of Tristan Richards, in another universe more similiar to the real world than Epic. (Year was presumably called 1874 there) (He was mentioned as being 137 in 2321)
2187 AE
- Black Rock Isle successfully petitions for independence from De la Arena.
2189 AE
- Fleur Dunkar joins Morgan Kinkade's group.
2190 AE
- Birth of Waffles Johnson.
2193 AE
- Birth of Clint Callahan.
2194 AE
- Southeastern Arenans pass a motion to bring the isolationist nation into international trade, causing the northwest to secede from De la Arena. The Arenan Civil War begins.
- Ranzel De la Sar spares the life of Jago Vasquez, who then defects to the northwest.
Sometime between 2194 AE and 2198 AE
- The bloodiest battle of the Arenan Civil War is fought at Shattered Field.
- Tristan Richards' parents moved to the New Epic universe.
2195 AE
- Frank Aegis is elected Prime Minister of the United Provinces.
2197 AE
- Nance Piers dies during mercenary work in the Arenan Civil War.
- United Provinces Prime Minister Frank Aegis attempts to force UP military intervention in the Arenan Civil War against the wishes of the Senate, which had pledged neutrality. He is soon thereafter forcibly removed from office by a Senate vote of 38 to 7, wth two abstaining.
2198 AE
- The northwest Arenan forces lose the Battle of Petrarca Desert, essentially winning the war for the southeast three months before its end.
- The Arenan Civil War ends. De la Arena is renamed to the Arenan Alliance.
2200 AE
- Stability is re-established in the northwestern Arenan Alliance.
25 March 2200:
- Birth of Rosalie-Anne Finch, in another universe more similiar to the real world than Epic. (Year was called 1890 there)
2201 AE
- Augusto Henrick opens Henrick's Reproductions in the Arenan city of Petrarca.
2202 AE
- Birth of Ryata Lar Taltzvani.
2205 AE
- In Toledo, an altercation occurs betwen Ranzel De la Sar and Jago Vasquez, after De la Sar tries to protect a woman named Maria. This event ends De la Sar and Vasquez's friendship.
2207 AE
- Rutherford Hardwick dies of natural causes.
- Ranzel De la Sar approaches Augusto Henrick about making a replica of his legendary rifle.
2208 AE
- Lillian Mass joins Morgan Kinkade's group.
- Ranzel De la Sar hides his legendary rifle in the grave of his dog, Colonel Barks. He leaves a letter within, telling Jago that he's truly sorry for the events in Toledo, and that he asks Jago to wish no ill of Maria, and to not keep himself angry and suffering over it.
2209 AE
- The Svaneflyg network reaches its peak breadth, servicing over two hundred ports across certain nations on both Earth and Disparatus.
2210 AE
- Birth of Sohn Farr.
- Ranzel De la Sar dies at the age of 68.
2213 AE
- Waffles Johnson becomes a Vampire.
11 January 2213:
- Birth of Nadia.
25 February 2213:
- Birth of Maurice Lapointe.
2217 AE
- The Arenan Alliance adopts the Credit as its official currency, the last major nation of Disparatus to do so.
- Jago Vasquez tracks down Ranzel De la Sar's rifle.
15 August 2217:
- Rosalie-Anne Finch vanished from her world and was sent to the Old Epic universe 102 years in the future.
2218 AE
- Birth of James Hannigan.
2219 AE
3 to 10 July 2219:
- The Black Rock Tournament is held for the first time.
Circa 2220 AE
- Restrictions in the northwestern Arenan Alliance end.
2221 AE
- Colli joins Morgan Kinkade's group in a fight with a large demon in Jostingaard.
2223 AE
- As a means of easing tensions with the northwest, the Arenan government decides to turn Ranzel De la Sar's home into a museum. Augusto Henrick re-creates De la Sar's rifle for a second time.
2224 AE
25 September 2224:
- Birth of Shyalee.
2225 AE
3 April 2225:
- Queens Ascension amusement park opens.
17 June 2225:
- Birth of Ánië lat Orltzaniva.
2226 AE
- Birth of Ronald Cistrane.
2227 AE
5 to 10 July 2227:
- Waffles Johnson dies.
- Clint Callahan joins Morgan Kinkade's group.
2228 AE
- Birth of Jackson Biddle.
2229 AE
- Birth of Granmir the Firebringer.
- Birth of Peder Eingdahl.
Circa 2230 AE
- The Arenan Alliance begins tests in the hopes of eventually being able to launch a manned mission into space.
2230 AE
- Madeline Abbot dies of natural causes.
2231 AE
- (OLD EPIC UNIVERSE ONLY) Birth of Celice Anselm, later known as Seijun Zatenrai Sr.
2234 AE
- Birth of Anor Ironshield.
2235 AE
6 October 2235:
- Birth of Adrienne Lapointe.
2236 AE
- Maurice Lapointe founds Pointe Systems.
2238 AE
- Fleur Dunkar dies in battle.
2241 AE
- Jago Vasquez dies at the age of 67.
2242 AE
- James Hannigan has another soul forcibly placed inside his body, making him an Archon. He is rescued by Morgan Kinkade and joins his group soon after.
- Augusto Henrick dies at the age of 84.
2245 AE
- Birth of Marigold Mimosa.
2247 AE
11 December 2247:
- Birth of the future King Drago (New Epic).
2249 AE
- Birth of Tanya Rindel.
2251 AE
- Birth of David Simmons.
6 January 2251:
- Birth of Xiang Iwamine.
2253 AE
- Ronald Cistrane joins Morgan Kinkade's group.
2254 AE
- Birth of Hannel Rosselberg.
2255 AE
- Birth of Simon Nyhus.
Circa 2256 AE
- Igneus Academy and the Gemini Program merge to form Ingenium.
2257 AE
- Birth of Bob Millings.
17 June 2257:
- Maurice Lapointe dies of a sudden stroke at the age of 44.
2258 AE
- Harold Minns joins Morgan Kinkade's group after meeting them in the Banivian wastes.
18 November 2258:
- Birth of Frank Holstead.
2259 AE
- In an attempt to compete with the Arenan Alliance's burgeoning space program, the United Provinces announces construction of a massive space station between Disparatus and Earth.
- Birth of Fredrik Eingdahl.
2260 AE
- Birth of Alf Magnusson of the Svaldic Royal Bloodline, who is set to become Prince of Svaldon upon his 17th birthday in 2277.
- Jorge Medina resigns from his position as the head of one of SAHBER's human biology divisions, taking his centurion research with him and disappearing from the public eye along with several of the people he worked with.
2 December 2260:
2261 AE
12 April 2261:
- The Arenan Alliance achieves its first manned spaceflight.
14 June 2261:
- Birth of Doviko Olta.
13 July 2261:
- Birth of Kerida Li.
- The rights of Androids are established in most nations of Disparatus.
2262 AE
- Birth of Yang Quaoping.
2263 AE
- Birth of Sofia Stenberg.
- Birth of Carlos Hersine.
2264 AE
- Lillian Mass dies of natural causes.
- Prince Drago is coronated as King Drago.
2265 AE
17 February 2265:
- Birth of Jeb Cornelius.
3 April 2265:
- Birth of Jovan Giese.
- Donovan Formith is elected Prime Minister of the United Provinces.
2266 AE
- Birth of Liam Forrester.
- Jorge Medina re-emerges under a new name and face, founding Promethean Enterprises
17 November 2266:
- Birth of Simon Wulfric.
2267 AE
- Birth of Omorius Dalziel.
2268 AE
- Birth of Wanda Richardson.
2269 AE
- Birth of Frank "Motherfucking" Jones.
- Birth of Reuben Miller.
- Birth of Patrick Richardson.
- Birth of John Kabella.
2270 AE
- United Provinces Prime Minister Donovan Formith participates in the Black Rock Tournament of 2270 in the midst of his re-election campaign. Although he lost in the semi-finals, he used this to propel himself to victory in the 2270 election.
2271 AE
- At age 17, Hannel Rosselberg joins the Svaldic military.
10 October 2271:
- Birth of Mal Desmark.
2272 AE
- Birth of Chief Merton.
2273 AE
- For various reasons, the Svaneflyg network begins to decline.
2274 AE
16 June 2274:
- Construction on Polaris is completed, and the nation is officially founded.
28 June 2274:
- Birth of George Manadur.
Circa 2275 AE
- Ánië attends a university in Falkenaas as a student.
2275 AE
- Birth of Jahs Serdiim.
- From Refalta with Love is released in theaters.
31 March 2275:
- Birth of Rangi Baak.
23 May 2275:
- Birth of Jeremy Lacroux.
- Christine Candera is elected Prime Minister of the United Provinces.
2276 AE
- Birth of Heavy Weapons Guy.
- Birth of David Groven.
- Hannel Rosselberg ends his five years of service in the Svaldic military.
2277 AE
- Birth of Edjejre (As "Edward Aster").
- Birth of Julianna II of Duxentrux.
- Birth of Nadim Cornelius.
- At age 17, Alf Magnusson comes of age to succeed the Svaldic throne and is coronated as Prince of Svaldon.
15 November 2277:
- Birth of Noelle Vaughn.
2278 AE
- Birth of Peter Huxley.
12 May 2278:
- Birth of Tony "The Hawk" Hawk.
2279 AE
- Birth of Sanel Vangris.
- Birth of Jordan Westing.
2280 AE
19 November 2280:
- Birth of Saja Aamodt.
2281 AE
- Dr. Sohn Farr dies at the age of 71.
3 October 2281:
- Birth of Elanen Hordsii.
2282 AE
- Birth of Liang Kwan.
- Birth of Bo Bernham.
9 May 2282:
- Birth of Cail Milons.
20 July 2282:
- Birth of Sigurd Magnusson of the Svaldic Royal Bloodline, who is set to become Prince of Svaldon upon his 17th birthday in 2299.
2283 AE
- Birth of James Crawford.
- Birth of Jacob Rell.
- Birth of Sillan Li.
- Birth of Henry Lewis.
- Birth of Arman Balkhi. (Later Arman Jahan)
2284 AE
- Birth of Gareth Lantman.
- Birth of Martin Fenheim.
- Dr. Xiang Iwamine founds Iwamine Robotics.
2285 AE
- Birth of Hercule Satan.
- Birth of Janine Curmen.
Late Spring / Early Summer
- Evelyn, a friend of Simon Wulfric, is killed. A mutual friend named Darren is correctly suspected of the deed, and goes into hiding in an apartment complex. Simon hears a rumor to Darren's location and tracks him down. He talks to him, and Darren reveals his true nature. With the help of Old Man Hilman, Simon kills Darren.
1 June 2285:
- Birth of Shah Jahan.
2286 AE
- Birth of Jay Undell.
- Birth of Francine Ketelsen. (As "Francine Holt")
- Birth of Yang Kanhama.
11 June 2286:
- Birth of Emre Bardakci.
4 September 2286:
- Birth of Ganchi Hiaba.
2287 AE
- Birth of Bruce McClane.
17 April 2287:
- Birth of Ajoita Olta.
- Birth of Craig Ketelsen.
4 August 2287:
- A version of Ganchi Hiaba arrives from the Missing Timeline version of 3 April 2325, having punched a hole in the barrier on the Two Year Gap with the red Laquir. He seeks out the Orkan stasis chamber in Ostfold, but his second soul prevents him from killing the Orkans as to not interfere with their own merger. This version of Ganchi eventually takes up the name Ken Hiyama.
- Birth of Holly Auric.
2288 AE
- Birth of Akane.
- Representatives from most nations of Disparatus and a few from Earth approve a proposal to construct an International Moon Base on the moon of Disparatus.
- Hannel Rosselberg is hired as the butler of Slotheim Manor.
2 June 2288:
- Birth of Craig Delling.
22 December 2288:
- Birth of Nytia Santana.
2289 AE
- Birth of Skorax Blundergad.
- Birth of Peter Ketelsen.
- Birth of Hillary Delaney.
18 July 2289:
- Birth of Karr Kinsel.
2290 AE
- Birth of Sandra Naros.
- Birth of Darren Curt.
- Clint Callahan dies of natural causes.
- Bloodbath: The Threkzar Massacre is released in theaters.
- Jeremy Breckenridge is elected Prime Minister of the United Provinces.
25 December 2290:
- Birth of Nyogotha (As "Andrea Jameson").
2291 AE
- Birth of Joseph Kelly.
- Birth of Mortimer Harrison.
- Birth of Satori Matsuda.
- Birth of Jugo Hersine.
- The Black Rock Tournament of 2291 is held. This is the first installment of the tournament to feature the Side Division and ending exhibition match.
4 November 2291:
- Birth of Jolene Ketelsen.
2292 AE
- Birth of Nuke Kennington.
- Birth of Taro Iwasaka.
- Dr. Simon Nyhus founds Nyhus Co.
4 January 2292:
- Birth of Andrea Cremona.
25 January 2292:
- Birth of Hitoshi Matsuda.
7 February 2292:
- Birth of Roy Auric.
18 October 2292:
- Birth of Shaomei Zhi.
2293 AE
- Bloodbath 2: Drago's Revenge is released in theaters.
8 February 2293:
- Birth of Falraan Masel (As "Falraan Kinsel").
- In the East 1 Universe, a man somehow gains possession of the burst-heat device, which he rigs up to begin a serial killing spree in New York City. (Year was called 1983 AD in East 1)
7 June 2293:
- While Earth and his siblings are vacationing in East 1's New York City, the man with the burst-heat device, using the device to track its key, steals the key from Earth and uses it to take his sixth victim. Earth is accused of the crime, but the woman in charge of Earth and his siblings arrives and sets things straight, lending her support in tracking the device down. (Year was called 1983 AD in East 1)
8 June 2293:
- The killer is tracked down, and the burst-heat device is tracked down. It is decided to leave the device with Ja'Raji in the New Epic Universe, as he had been taking care of other related artifacts. Earth is allowed to keep the key on the condition that he never visit the New Epic Universe. (Year was called 1983 AD in East 1)
23 September 2293:
- Birth of Jericho Kashinsky.
20 November 2293:
- Birth of Irenie Walsh.
23 November 2293:
- Birth of Felicia Maessen.
2294 AE
- Birth of Brian Mason.
- Birth of Marla Richardson.
18 March 2294:
- Birth of Lionel Arkansas Reisner.
23 September 2294:
- Birth of Cecil Denari.
22 December 2294:
- Birth of Merieke Jurich.
Sometime between May 2294 AE and April 2295 AE
- Birth of Glenn. (Mentioned as being 27 on 2 May 2322)
2295 AE
6 April 2295:
- Birth of Su-Hyun Nae.
26 May 2295:
- Birth of Pseira Vonbrandt.
- The first of the Eurocid/Euromortis long-sleep ships impacts Disparatus in the ocean off the coast of the Ostfold town of Hammond, disguised as a meteor. It automatically sets a beacon calling for the other ships, which would get pulled toward it as they arrived about ten years apart. Detecting the ship is underwater, it keeps its Keystone dampening field active to keep the passengers asleep, but awakens one, a Euromortis. That one takes the ship's black Stig android and uses it to leave the ship and reach land.
- As the Stig runs low on power, the lone Euromortis kills a man and steals his body.
- The Euromortis gets into a car accident, killing 12 year old Henry Lewis. Not wanting to get in trouble with the police, he stole the boy's body. Sergeant Jackson Biddle is one of the officers on-scene and sticks by Lewis as they wait for "his" parents to arrive.
- Sergeant Jackson Biddle retires from the Hammond Police Department.
- George Yeager is elected Prime Minister of the United Provinces.
12 December 2295:
- Birth of Iota Vandir.
22 December 2295:
- Birth of Renee "Raven" Durrand.
2296 AE
- Birth of Shizhi Rui.
- Birth of Fox Khruz.
- Construction is completed on the basic modules of the International Moon Base. Focus shifts onto constructing the main base itself, with an estimated completion of 2308. Constant delays result in this 12 year estimate more than doubling as time goes on.
31 January 2296:
- Birth of Martok Halvegax.
- United Provinces Senatoral elections. Bob Millings is elected to his first term as Senator for Nestwick Province's 2nd District, and Liam Forrester is elected to his first term as Senator for Lington Province's 1st District.
12 October 2296:
- Birth of Asha Patil.
27 October 2296:
- Birth of Jakob Shacher.
2296 or 2297 AE
- Birth of Carden Winters. (Mentioned as being 26 or 27 in March 2323.)
2297 AE
- Birth of Adam Rell.
- Ronald Cistrane dies of natural causes.
- Bloodbath 3: Day of the Dragon is released in theaters.
- The United Provinces shut down Bayard Prison.
- Prince Drago is born to King Drago and Queen Draga.
2298 AE
- Asad ibn Fayiz al-Khalid al-Draziir becomes Amir of Ibadia, the fourth of the Draziir clan to hold the office.
29 February 2298:
- Birth of Cordelia Malaise.
6 July 2298:
- Birth of Sye Dalziel.
2299 AE
- Birth of Minerva Bell.
- Bloodbath 4: Century of Death is released in theaters.
20 July 2299:
- At age 17, Sigurd Magnusson comes of age to succeed the Svaldic throne and is coronated as Prince of Svaldon.
22 August 2299:
- Birth of Keith "Gin" Tonic.
2 September 2299:
- Birth of Nathan Cobalt: Burning Hero For The New Generation.
31 December 2299:
- At age 8, Jolene Ketelsen sees Drago setting a man on fire. She immediately gains a love of setting things on fire.
2300 AE
- Birth of Paige Dawson.
- Jolene sets her first door on fire.
- While in the service of the United Provinces military, Edward Aster discovers the Book of Quests in the ruins where Majejre was killed. He takes up Jejre's work as Edjejre, the fourteenth Keeper of Quests.
20 January 2300:
- Birth of Lilian Rena.
Circa 2300 AE
- The Arenan city of Verenalta is conceptualized, but plans to build it are put off for another 15 years.
2301 AE
- Peder Eingdahl dies of a stroke at the age of 72. Ownership of Slotheim Manor passes to his son, Fredrik.
- Birth of Steve Swanson.
- Birth of Joshua Cole.
- Birth of Byariel Laroux.
- Birth of Frankie Hersine.
- Once the Great Towing of 2301 results in the manager of one of Eutropia's most-used scrapyards to be crushed beneath an avalanche of cars, the scrapyard is abandoned.
- United Provinces Prime Minister George Yeager suffers a stroke during a speech and dies. He is succeeded by Mickey Rodriguez as Acting Prime Minister.
- Mickey Rodriguez is elected Prime Minister of the United Provinces in a special election.
28 February 2301:
- Birth of Coen Valentia.
19 April 2301:
- Birth of Rosalyn “Roxy” Miner.
27 July 2301:
- Karr and Falraan Kinsel visit the Rose Islands on a trip with their parents. The island of Helatone is one of the places they stop at during the trip.
2302 AE
- Birth of Joe Sagara.
Early 2302
- Birth of Esther Monroe.
9 July 2302:
- The Black Rock Tournament of 2302 begins. Cail Milons loses to Frank Holstead in the first match. Frank offers to "teach" Cail by having Cail work with him on mercenary jobs.
16 July 2302:
- The Black Rock Tournament of 2302 ends.
2303 AE
- Birth of Francis. (He hates 2303)
- Birth of Louis.
- Birth of Kevin Feive.
- Birth of Mike "Aaron" West (Character, not NPC).
- Birth of Klaus Martin.
- Birth of Connor Eclair.
- Birth of Ginette Hersine.
- The mother of Hitoshi and Satori Matsuda is murdered. The pair are sent to separate orphanages.
17 March 2303:
- Birth of Cormac Sullivan (Hero McDragon / Patrick McPotato).
23 March 2303:
- Birth of Marianne Lavelle.
1 April 2303:
- Birth of William O'Williamson (Bill).
2 December 2303:
- Birth of Luci.
2304 AE
- The Prince Gudleif Memorial Hospital in the Svaldic city of Falkenaas came under controversy when it was found to be breaking the nation's law that all nurses must be "hot chicks".
- Birth of Annie.
- Jorge Medina retires from Promethean Enterprises, handing control of the company to Pierre Dalton and Lavanya Iyer. Medina disappeared from the public eye once more.
- Satori Matsuda is enlisted into the Dark Jesters as Satori the Joy.
20 April 2304:
- Birth of Rosaliana Akahana.
- Jacob Rell wins the Main Division and ending exhibition match of the Black Rock Tournament of 2304.
15 August 2304:
- Birth of Peter Parker.
2305 AE
- King Harold III of Duxentrux dies. Julianna II is crowned Queen of Duxentrux.
- Jolene Ketelsen begins practicing Chemistry.
- The then-current King of Chanvierre is murdered with the Misericourt by Panumber, the All-Shadow. The blade could not be removed, and the throne was ordered destroyed and replaced.
5 May 2305:
- Birth of Monkey D. Luffy.
14 May 2305:
- The Orkan stasis chambers open, freeing the last 34 still alive within them, including Parus Vandir, Haimur Arunay, Sinmas Aiyonya, and Elian D'Morgan. Parus begins to take charge of the survivors, as none of parliament survived.
12 August 2305:
- Birth of Verinne, The Impatient.
- Megan Trist is elected Prime Minister of the United Provinces.
2306 AE
- The Euromortis controlling Henry Lewis checked with the local observatory to see if anyone was tracking the next approaching Eurocid ship. None were, and it landed in the ocean without note.
2 March 2306:
- Birth of Narla Zedirov.
25 March 2306:
- Birth of Freddie.
- United Provinces Senatoral elections. Reuben Miller is elected to his first term as Senator for East Ganley Province's 1st District.
- Craig Ketelsen and Holly Auric graduate high school.
20 June 2306:
- An unspecified killer attempts to murder Ganchi Hiaba. Ganchi is rescued by Cail Milons, who kills Ganchi's pursuer. The two don't meet for another two and a half years.
17 September 2306:
- Birth of Sora.
2307 AE
- Peter Delium is captured and forcibly cured of Vampirism by Parus Vandir, and soon succumbs to torture, dying. Parus Vandir obtains the Laquir Nouv from him.
Early 2307
- Birth of Justin White.
- One of the Eurocid ships on a course for Disparatus is discovered by astronomers and designated 2307 CT.
14 April 2307:
- Birth of Shaomei Jun.
31 October 2307:
- Birth of Adiel Jaeger.
9 December 2307:
- Birth of Yu Narukami.
2308 AE
- Ganchi Hiaba starts taking up mercenary work.
- Bloodbath 5: Rebirth is released in theaters.
29 February 2308:
- Birth of Holly Marie Moore.
7 March 2308:
- Birth of Danielle Granexelten.
24 March 2308:
- The opening ceremonies of the 113th Olympiad are held in Dragonoa.
- Attempting an experiment with gasoline and dry ice, Jolene sets her school's chemistry lab on fire, closing the school for the rest of the day.
6 August 2308:
- Parus executes Andec Harien with the red Laquir on charges of blasphemy after Andec speaks out against Parus' killing of another Orkan, Nestor Arunay, for trying to save some people who had stood against Parus.
2309 AE
- Owain ap Argall is crowned King of Alba.
- A census is held in Eisenstaat, where 62% of citizens reported that they were agnostic or atheists, while the remaining 38% is split between several other religions.
5 January 2309:
- During a massive snowstorm, Cail seeks out a man named Ken Hangane in his mercenary work. He ends up being saved by Ganchi, who hadn't seen him since Cail saved his life more than two years ago. The two soon become friends and start partnering up on missions.
27 July 2309:
- Tony Hawk lands The 900 for the first time.
- Craig Ketelsen marries Francine Holt.
2310 AE
16 January 2310:
- Parus tracks down Ja'Raji using the Laquir and kills him, taking the artifacts in his possession.
19 January 2310:
- Parus, Sinmas, and three others return from raiding Ja'Raji's home of Orkan artifacts.
21 January 2310:
- Birth of Sigmund Magnusson of the Svaldic Royal Bloodline, who is set to become Prince of Svaldon upon his 17th birthday in 2327.
- Jolene Ketelsen and Roy Auric graduate high school.
3 June 2310:
- Birth of Lucas Zichopa.
- Jolene Ketelsen and Roy Auric start attending the Royal Institute of Science and Mathematics in Svaneholm.
- David Simmons is elected Prime Minister of the United Provinces.
2311 AE
- Birth of Kat Farec. She is taken from the same DNA template as Narla Zedirov.
- Earth begins a two year long mission of annoying as many people as possible.
- Granmir the Firebringer starts becoming known for his activities in Chanvierre and Banivia.
- Jackson Biddle dies of natural causes. His service revolver is stolen by Henry Lewis.
- Falraan Kinsel travels to Helatone with some friends.
2312 AE
- Tensions start to build between Svaldon and the alliance of Eisenstaat & Druzhiyova, causing Aethership ticket prices to rise and frequency of flights to fall, both due to heightened security and paranoia.
- Hitoshi Matsuda looks into the fate of his sister, Satori, learning she had been taken by the Dark Jesters eight years ago. He organizes a phony assassination for the Jesters to carry out and tracks them, but is captured, the Jesters already knowing what he was up to. He is inducted into the Jesters as Hitoshi the Sad under the condition that he never tells Satori his true identity.
29 March 2312:
- While working on a contract in Chanvierre, Ganchi and Cail meet Derlin Ranmesel, Sanel Vangris, and Saja Aamodt for the first time, and learn about Granmir the Firebringer.
- Roy Auric creates Jolene Kettleson, a chemically created clone of Jolene Ketelsen, and presents her to the UP government. They fund his research into chemically created clone soldiers.
- Roy Auric stops attending classes at the Royal Institute of Science and Mathematics.
- United Provinces Senatoral elections. Peter Huxley is elected to his first term as Senator for Kanovia Province's 1st District.
- Nyogotha disappears.
- Birth of Ryan Ketelsen.
2313 AE
- Bloodbath 6: Back to the Beginning is released in theaters.
- Abigail Morrison is elected to her first term as President of the Rose Islands.
- The 114th Olympiad of Disparatus is held in the United Provinces.
- Mal Desmark wins the Main Division of the Black Rock Tournament of 2313.
- In the Destiny Universe, the battle for Destiny ends. One of the results is that the people there that had been kept from aging begin aging again, including Earth. Earth gets bored as everyone parts ways, leaving no one for him to annoy.
2 November 2313:
- Ganchi, Cail, Saja, and Sanel encounter Parus and his followers, and are beaten pretty badly thanks to Parus' use of the Laquir. As the group escapes, Parus uses the Laquir to kill Sanel.
9 November 2313:
- Sanel comes back to life.
Late 2313
- On Ooe, Arz discovers an injured Roxy, having somehow shown up here from her homeworld. He takes her in for a bit and Roxy begins travelling Ooe's doors.
2314 AE
- Cordelia Malaise discovers a corrupted copy of On the Origin of the Species which contained a carved, heart-shaped obsidian totem which granted incredible magical prowess.
- Locien Rangeril and Inwe Falassion become boyfriend and girlfriend.
- Roxy meets Arz and Douglas for the first time.
- The Nameless One known as the Huntress escapes the Eight Legends' prison.
- Earth decides to ease his boredom by exploring a bunch of universes at once. Because he entered them all at once (because he's Earth and doesn't care if that makes sense), an Earth was now in each of these universes, each of them still the 'real' one. In other words, Earth split into 314 seperate Earths. These universes included Old Epic, New Epic, and SAJ Epic.
16 February 2314:
- In the New Epic Universe, the newly-arrived Earth arrives in the city of Royal as he starts looking for his old friend Ja'Raji. He loses the key to the burst-heat device, which is taken by Parus, who had been using the Laquir to track it since Earth's arrival. After Parus tests the device out, he confronts Earth and tells him that Ja'Raji is dead. Earth takes the device and escapes, loading it onto a ship bound for the planet Earth.
19 February 2314:
- Granmir the Firebringer attacks the ship Earth stored the device on, taking it among other things.
- In the CCC2 Universe, in an attempt to stop the end of the world, Hiei drank Sephiroth's blood and became Hieiroth. Although he stopped the expected end of the world, Hieiroth then proceeded to wipe out all life (with the presumed exception of a few who may have escaped to other universes) and destroyed the CCC2 Universe. Hieiroth found himself in Germania in the CCCoH Universe, stripped of his power and barely alive.
- Birth of Jennifer Ketelsen.
- John of the Dead is released in theaters.
- Jirah Zonran is elected President of Handora.
8 April 2314:
- Parus uses the red Laquir to track down the burst-heat device in the possession of Granmir the Firebringer in Druzhiyova. Granmir overpowers him and takes the Laquir for himself.
16 May 2314:
- Attempting to redo an exam, Jolene gets classes cancelled by pulling a fire alarm. She then goes to see John of the Dead.
8 December 2314:
- Ganchi, Cail, Derlin, Saja, Sanel, Mors, and Omorius fight Granmir in Eisenstaat. After his fire proves useless against Eisen tech, he uses the Laquir against them, surprising those who had seen it used by Parus. Granmir manages to escape.
2315 AE
- To ease the strain of the most severe recession in the Arenan Alliance's history, construction begins on the Arenan city of Verenalta.
- Leofwine leaves Alba for the Eisenstaat countryside.
8 February 2315:
- Ganchi Hiaba and Cail Milons track down and kill gun-toting murderer Tanya Rindel. Ganchi laments the lack or recognition recieved for work like this.
16 November 2315:
- Three of Parus' followers locate an Orkan ruin in Alibaas that contained an enchantment circle that could be used to track the Laquiri, along with instructions on how to use it. Four Alibaas (Haun Eriala, Falraan Kinsel, Raliir Masel, and Masik Rilmeir) stumble upon them while hiking and are captured. Ganchi Hiaba and Sanel Vangris, who had been tracking the Orkans, rescue the group, kill the Orkans, and destroy the enchantment circle.
- Hitoshi the Sad's team is sent to assassinate a high ranking SAHBER official named Marcus Reins. Reins holds Satori the Joy hostage as a bargaining chip, but Hitoshi still attempts the assassination, getting caught by an explosive Reins had ready. Hitoshi is sent into a coma.
- 2307 CT, one of the Euromortis ships disguised as an asteroid, is pulled toward Disparatus by the initial ship.
19 December 2315:
- Bill Clarkson, an astronomer working in Hammond, Ostfold, nearly witnesses the impact of 2307 CT off the coast. The Euromortis known as Henry Lewis kills him with Jackson Biddle's gun and temporarily takes his body to create a cover for the impact by claiming it flew by the planet before returning to his original body.
2316 AE
- Roy Auric considers the possibility of finding a way to make androids capable of consuming potions.
Early 2316
- Birth of Mary Ketelsen.
1 August 2316:
- Ganchi's group once again battles Granmir, this time in Handora. They defeat him, but Granmir severs his own vocal cords with his fire abilities before Saja could use Tears of Alethia to force him to answer how he obtained the Laquir. During this, the Laquir goes missing. Granmir is then imprisoned somewhere in Handora.
21 August 2316:
- Ganchi, Sanel, and Saja go to see Falraan in the wake of the Granmir incident to talk about the enchantment circle. She remembers part of the instructions, and could potentially work out the rest, but would need a working version of the circle to even attempt it, which they lack.
- Hitoshi the Sad wakes from his coma with new powers given to him by the Devil known as Lilith to kill the Dark Jesters' leader, Jubei the Wrath. Mentir the Solemn informs him that Jubei is his father, and Hitoshi has her take the rest of his squad (Jacon the Smile and Fenrir the Proud) into hiding with her.
4 November 2316:
- Jay Undell and Janine Curmen rob a bank in the United Provinces.
30 November 2316:
- Jay Undell and Janine Curmen take up residency at Karroth Fortress.
Late 2316
- (OLD EPIC UNIVERSE ONLY) Iota returns to training with the Crusaia and meets Nathan Cobalt, a Mesaia in training, who convinces him to quit alongside him, which he does. Nathan goes on to pursue superheroism. (Relevant due to the two coming to the New Epic universe.)
2317 AE
- Birth of Celice Anselm.
- Jolene Ketelsen starts working at Nyhus Co.
- Bloodbath 7: Taking on Eutropia is released in theaters.
- (OLD EPIC UNIVERSE ONLY) Start of events leadng up to the Dark Jesters conflicts and Another Black.
- Hitoshi the Sad does battle with Jubei the Wrath, killing the man. Lilith takes control of Satori the Joy slaughters all members of the Dark Jesters save for Hitoshi and his squad, who remain in hiding during the ordeal as per Hitoshi's orders.
19 April 2317:
- The current travel record between Earth and Disparatus is set at 1 hour and 38 minutes at 6% light speed travel by the civilian ship Beige Falcon.
9 October 2317:
- Sinmas and a few other Orkans return from a trip to reclaim another Orkan artifact, having been beaten to it by the Svaldic government. By this point, Parus was giving up and the group was stagnating.
Late 2317
- (OLD EPIC UNIVERSE ONLY) Iota is sent on a mission into the Banivian woods. He doesn't return for a year.
2318 AE
- A nationwide survey is held in Svaldon, where only 34% of its citizens stated that they believed in a god or goddess.
- The prison on the Nameless Ones begins to truly unravel.
- Aethership travel becomes more restricted after some of the first Aetherstorms encountered nearly kill several dignitaries of Svaldon, Druzhiyova, Eisenstaat, Alba, and Alibaas.
- Roxy works as a maid for a witch and learns how to cook. She meets Raven.
- An infamously strong blizzard hits Svaldon and the western United Provinces, leaving behind as much as a dozen feet of snow in some areas.
- Two days after the blizzard passed, Cordelia Malaise, currently an intern at Thanatos Corporation, is forced to go in to work. Being one of only three people above Alpha II clearance who bothered to come in to work, she is assigned to Project Gryphon work with Head Researcher Heinrich Schulyer. She discovers the project is Centurion work, and that Schulyer would've requested no matter who was in. He gives her paperwork to look over, and she investigates two of the Centurion containers.
- The 115th Olympiad of Disparatus is held in the Arenan Alliance.
- Falraan Kinsel marries Raliir Masel.
- Jahs Serdiim is elected as President of Alibaas.
1 October 2318:
- (SAJ REAL UNIVERSE ONLY) The events of Steak Game (SAJ1) take place.
17 October 2318:
- (OLD EPIC UNIVERSE ONLY) Clay is defeated. (Listed because NPC Aaron has Clay's sword, which he took after the battle.)
24 to 26 October 2318:
- The August Games are held.
24 October 2318:
- (OLD EPIC UNIVERSE ONLY) Marianne Lavelle becomes known as the Hawk Killer upon beating Tony Hawk in the August Games.
25 October 2318:
- (NEW EPIC UNIVERSE ONLY) Ganchi Hiaba becomes known as the Hawk Killer upon beating Tony Hawk in the August Games.
26 October 2318:
- Kasch Blackwood never shows up for the finals of the August Games. In the Old Epic Universe, Marianne Lavelle is declared the winner of the games. In the New Epic Universe, Ganchi Hiaba is declared the winner of the games.
26 December 2318:
- (OLD EPIC UNIVERSE ONLY) Iota returned from Banivia and met Michael. Shortly after, Iota and Nathan come home to find their living room window smashed in, and him sitting on their couch, eating their food. He claims it's his anyway. They decide to let him stay. (Relevant due to the three of them transferring over to New Epic.) (Actually, because Clay was defeated two months before this in canon, but just not until February in real life, this doesn't make sense.)
Late 2318
- NPC Aaron, NPC Seth, and Elentra, having left the Old Epic universe in late 2319 to seek out Keystones, find themselves in the New Epic universe a year earlier than they had left, now in 2318.
2319 AE
- Kesar Risaal is elected President of the Republic of Castor.
- On Luzia, Raven and Lily try to steal the blue witch's treasure and are thrown out by her maid, Roxy. They escape execution during the war and hide.
- On Luzia, Roxy rescues Lucas from being burnt to death and takes him in as her own.
- Bloodbath 8: There Will Be Blood is released in theaters.
Early 2319
- (OLD EPIC UNIVERSE ONLY) Nathan convinces Iota to join him as a Superhero. (Relevant due to the two coming to the New Epic universe.)
12 February 2319:
- Rosalie-Anne Finch appears in the Old Epic universe after having vanished from her world 102 years in the past.
- Locien Rangeril and Inwe Falassion attend a wedding for friends of Locien's family. Later that evening, Amras Calafalas murders Inwe in front of Locien.
8 March 2319:
- (SAJ REAL UNIVERSE ONLY) The events of Waldo Game (SAJ2) take place. (Date based on the start of the Not Planetouched Saga in Old Epic, since Planetouched "continued" in Waldo Game.)
- Jirah Zonran is elected to a second term as President of Handora.
- Mal Desmark wins the Main Division and ending exhibition match of the Black Rock Tournament of 2319.
- Truth wakes up in an unfamiliar body and little to no recollection of his past. With his only clue being a woman named Felicia Maessen, who finds him in her apartment. Believing him a confused addict, she has him walk with her toward the hospital, stopping briefly to test his honesty in not knowing who he is. She offers him a deal to meet again tomorrow to sort things out. (Isabel has stated this quest, "Remember the Night You were Born", took place a few months before the Two Year Gap started.)
14 September 2319:
- (SAJ EPIC UNIVERSE ONLY) After helping to put a stop to a book with the power to control time, Elentra leaves Old Epic Earth for Old Epic Svaldon to deal with a pressing concern there. She does not expect to survive to see the end of it.
Late September 2319:
- Ganchi Hiaba sends a message to Manadur warning him of his impending arrival.
30 September 2319:
- (NEW, OLD, & SAJ EPIC UNIVERSES) Edjejre confronts Earth on the outskirts of the Banivian town of Losenna. As both use Earth's ability to reach into the closest universe, they accidentally open a rift to another universe. In Old Epic, Earth is sucked through to New Epic (Which is, for a few hours, the closest universe due to the reset's arrival) before the rift closes. New Epic Edjejre flees from the two Earths. In SAJ Epic, because of the reset being pushed back a few days, the rift instead opens to Seth's bedroom in the SAJ Real Universe, and Earth is sucked through before the rift closes.
1 October 2319:
- (SAJ EPIC UNIVERSE ONLY) The Edjejre of the SAJ Epic Universe fights Aaron (Epic), Seth (Epic), Luffy, and Yusuke, thereby opening a rift to the SAJ Real Universe, which he proceeds through. The start of Universe Game (SAJ3).
2 October 2319:
- (UNIVERSES IN SAJ3 ONLY) The majority of Seth, Aaron, and Janell Save the Universe takes place. SAJ Edjejre is defeated. Hieiroth is finally killed. The trio leaves to explore other universes and defeat any Edjejres that have a chance of succeeding.
3 October 2319:
- Ganchi Hiaba is killed by Manadur. Hieiroth offers to restore Ganchi's life if he merges his soul with his.
Between 2 and 9 October 2319:
- (OLD EPIC UNIVERSE ONLY) NPC Aaron and NPC Seth travel to Cydonia in the Old Epic universe to find the Philosopher's Stone ahead of Zatenrai. They fight a bunch of zombies and head for a peak called Tyrant's Rest. Along they way, they discover a chapel still standing, and inside they find the sword of Slade Sedoxu on an enchantment altar strengthening the curse on the area. Aaron is reminded of how Clay had said Slade had "sold himself to a new God". Aaron tracks down an ex-Judge and gets her to confirm Slade's involvement. They arrive at Tyrant's Rest and locate the cave they believe the Philosopher's Stone was created in. As they search for information, they are attacked by one of Zatenrai's lap dogs, Jerio. They nearly defeat him with ease, when he mutates into a Runic Beast. Aaron tackles him off the cliff and manages to grab the wall as Jerio falls to his doom. While climbing to safety, Aaron thinks back to Muteki. At a river, he finally finds Slade, who reveals he was after the Stone for himself. They fall over a waterfall and Aaron shakes off Slade for a bit. Back with Seth, he finally discovers the clue they need: The main ingredient of the Stone is thousands of gallons of human blood, and Slade had been driving everyone in the region back to the main city so he could slaughter them and take their blood there. Seth runs back to the city on his own and is cut off by Raku, a creep who was always trying to win over Elentra. Raku attacks him, and Seth kills him with Aaron's gun. Seth reaches the city and collapses from exhaustion. (Events of "Knights of Cydonia")
- (OLD EPIC UNIVERSE ONLY) Sometime shortly after this, Seth and Aaron regroup to fight Slade and Bahamut. Aaron takes on Bahamut while shooting at Slade from afar to weaken his armor, while Seth takes on Slade himself. Seth destroys Slade's weakened armor, and uses his Animus to punch Slade to death. Bahamut, being immortal, claimed only an immortal could kill him, so Aaron ripped out one of Bahamut's fangs and drove it through his brain (via the chin) using Slade's hammer.
- (OLD EPIC UNIVERSE ONLY) As a result of the events in Cydonia, NPC Aaron and NPC Seth discover information relating to the New Epic Universe, a parallel world which once held objects with the potential to put an end to Zatenrai once and for all: Keystones. Abandoning the quest for the Stone, they head to Old Epic Svaldon to enlist Elentra's aid. She repairs the book she broke a few weeks prior, using it to help them cross the gap between worlds while also travelling back in time to New Epic's 2318.
- (BOTH OLD EPIC AND NEW EPIC UNIVERSES) Tony Hawk goes to the town of South Bakersgrove to investigate an odd ripple in the universe which calls his name. As a result, he books an event in North Bakersgrove for that December.
- Kadoya Tsukasa arrives in this world just before it's closed off.
8 October 2319:
- Seth, Aaron, and Janell defeat the Restaurant Universe's Edjejre and obtain the Steak Sharer.
9 October 2319:
- SAJ Epic Edjejre's backup plan is put into action, and a message is sent to New Epic Edjejre. New Epic Edjejre passes it and his own message on to Old Epic Edjejre, hoping to join forces to reach the Control Universe.
10 October 2319:
- The Old Epic and New Epic Edjejres gather people to the field outside Losenna and reopen the rift between the two universes. Marianne, Nathan, and Rosalie briefly enter the New Epic Universe for the first time, meeting Skorax and New Epic Luffy along with seeing Aaron and Elentra again, though they return to Old Epic for at least a few weeks. Old Epic Edjejre's Book of Quests is destroyed by Elentra. SAJ Seth, SAJ Aaron, and Janell arrive in the New Epic Universe and use the Steak Sharer to temporarily give the seven heroes the power of Manly Steak. Skorax kills New Epic Edjejre. Old Epic Edjejre activates his ascension and continues to fight, but a mix of just about everyone's attacks, finishing with Aaron's sword, results in his ascension tearing him apart from instability. Rosalie, Nathan, and Marianne return to Old Epic, and SAJ Seth, SAJ Aaron, and Janell head home.
- The Old Epic, New Epic, and SAJ Epic Earths merge together, and then leave the New Epic Universe for two years to go and merge back with the 311 other Earths.
- Ganchi and Hiei's merger is completed. Ganchi obtains the Book of Quests.
11 October 2319:
- Aaron and Elentra meet with Seth to discuss what they had learned over the past year, now that they had once again reached their original time. Putting their notes together, they seek out their best possible lead on a source of Keystones.
14 October 2319:
- Ganchi returns to Disparatus.
30 October 2319:
- In the Old Epic Universe, Zatenrai learns of Seth, Aaron, and Elentra's journey to the New Epic Universe.
31 October 2319:
- Craig Delling hands out candy to children.
1 November 2319:
- In the Old Epic Universe, Zatenrai opens a gateway between it and the New Epic Universe as Seth, Aaron, and Elentra close in on a possible Keystone source, drawing their attention. He attempts to enact his end game with a divine artifact that would affect both worlds by wiping out the unworthy. However, his plan backfired, and the artifact ended his life. The process sends shockwaves through Zatenrai's gateway, cracking the walls of New Epic. This sent over a number of people from Old Epic to New Epic, while also activating the then-dormant Keystones of New Epic.
- While it's still unknown whether this was a direct result of the artifact, or from something beyond the cracked walls of the universe, all memories of New Epic residents between this point and 8 September 2321 are missing, an event known as the Two Year Gap.
- Very shortly after the Two Year Gap begins, a powerful barrier is enacted around the New Epic Universe, protecting the universe's fractured walls, but also preventing travel in and out of the universe.
November 2319 AE to August 2321 AE
- The general timeframe for the Two Year Gap in which no one can remember what happened. Some events from during the Two Year Gap include:
- The Keystones of Disparatus and Earth reawaken.
- Xol'eth is seperated from its body as corrupted Keystones devestate the South Seas of Alibaas.
- A stadium is constructed in the United Provinces costal city of Ivory Arch.
- Presumably, the Black Rock Tournaments of 2320 and 2321 are held.
- Main construction on the Arenan city of Verenalta is completed.
- The town of South Bakersgrove is renamed to Twin Hawks.
- The Ganchi Hiaba of the Original Timeline sets up a fortress in the Petrarca Desert.
- Wachei takes up residency at Karroth Fortress.
- Something frees Cordelia Malaise of her amulet's influence.
- Ms. Rella opens a store in a small town in New Terra Province.
- A condo-like structure is built out of vehicles in the Eutropian scrapyard that was abandoned in 2301.
December 2319
- The Old and New Epic Tony Hawks meet in South Bakersgrove and fight each other.
19 December 2319:
- Craig Delling meets Sandra Naros.
Early 2320
- The Ganchi Hiaba of the Original Timeline arrives from 2323, creating the Current Timeline.
- OT Ganchi Hiaba creates a fortress in the Petrarca Desert over an Orkan ruin, and becomes known as the "Man from Petrarca".
- Ganchi Hiaba seals Manadur in his home.
April 2320
- Locien Rangeril hires a faerie named Shachol to help him search for his bride-to-be's killer. (Jared noted that, despite its listing here, no one remembers it due to the Two Year Gap)
May 2320
- Reuben Miller ends his final term as a Senator, now campaigning for Prime Minister.
June 2320
23 June 2320:
- Ganchi comes across information regarding the Fall of Orka in the Book of Quests. He makes note of the word "Laquiri".
November 2320
- Reuben Miller is elected Prime Minister of the United Provinces.
December 2320
- Locien and Shachol proceed to the last part of the continent they haven't searched for Armas. (Jared noted that, despite its listing here, no one remembers it due to the Two Year Gap)
January 2321
- Locien and Shachol finally locate Armas, but he gets away before they can kill him. (Jared noted that, despite its listing here, no one remembers it due to the Two Year Gap)
15 January 2321:
- Birth of Horis Masel.
February 2321
27 February 2321:
- Craig Delling murders Gareth Lantman and Sandra Naros.
March 2321
7 March 2321:
- Craig Delling takes up residency at Karroth Fortress.
April 2321
14 April 2321:
- Shah and Arman Jahan challenge the man from Petrarca. Arman is killed.
Early or Mid 2321
- Massive damage is caused to the Dragon's Fist Arena in Little Handora's "Purgatory". It doesn't re-open until February 2323.
- George Evemont is elected Prime Minister of Black Rock Isle.
2321 AE
8 September 2321:
- People find that they have lost their memories of the past two years. In addition to losing memory, some people find themselves in a different universe, having come from the Old Epic universe.
- Karroth Fortress is abandoned after mass confusion from the Two Year Gap results in the death in most of its residents.
Mid-September 2321:
- Bloodbath: Prophecy of Blood is cancelled during filming due to the loss of everyone's memories.
- Famed Handoran opera singer Bei Fong ceases performing after learning of her husband's sudden death during the Two Year Gap.
18 September 2321:
- Ganchi rediscovers information on the Fall of Orka.
19 September 2321:
- Will Fenway and Matt Lorne go to Ms. Rella's. She grants Matt's wish of being the most popular guy in school, and Will's wish of being captain of the school football team. The current football captain, Ben Dunning, breaks his arm while opening a bottle of ketchup.
21 September 2321:
- Will Fenway is made captain of the school football team despite lacking any sort of talent at the sport. Matt Lorne finds himself the most popular guy in school.
25 September 2321:
- Will Fenway's team loses horribly in their game. The team's coach is replaced.
28 September 2321:
- Matt Lorne breaks off his friendship with Will Fenway. Ms. Rella tells Will that she cannot undo his wish.
30 September 2321:
- Jolene goes through post-gap employee evaluations at Nyhus Co., and erases two strikes she had accumulated during the gap.
- The Devil named Lilith slaughters an entire Aethership full of people before it lands on Earth.
- Hitoshi the Sad's squad follows Lilith's trail and enlists the help of Elkorvir to track her in the Banivian Empire.
- Hitoshi the Sad discovers Satori the Joy in the Banivian Empire, catatonic and without any trace of Lilith's influence remaining.
1 October 2321:
- Some memory-boggled people meet up at a street race. (RP001)
3 October 2321:
- In Ibadia's Ruins of Akkar, Iota ruins Roxas' character arc. He discusses what he remembers from the Old Epic Universe. Seth and Aaron speak with Leroy Brown. (RP002)
4 October 2321:
- Right after ruining things for Roxas, Iota goes to Pizza Empire and finds Sora. Events from the last year of Old Epic are discussed by people who came from there. (RP003)
5 October 2321:
- At a pub in the United Provinces, people get together and discuss Vampires. (RP004)
6 October 2321:
- The Superheroes Guild is formed.
9 October 2321:
- Isaac calls Rosalie a prostitute at a cocktail party in a UP restaurant. Nathan beats Bill in a fight. (RP006)
- People play cards over drinks in Perivel, capital city of the Banivian Empire. (RP007)
10 October 2321:
- People escape the south Alibaas seas on helicopters. (RP008)
- Aaron talks with King Roland, suggesting he push back the Inquisition. (RP008)
12 October 2321:
- Detective Carden Winters gathers a group together in Yusifiah to help catch the vampire Scar and investigate SAHBER. They investigate over the next few days. (Saga:CI1)
13 October 2321:
- A serial killer known as the Puzzle Killer kidnaps Bill, Scar, Shyalee, Siliya, Jacob, Mortimer, Philip, and a Police Lieutenant in the United Provinces. He subjects them to a series of torturous tests, and makes Jacob Orifiel his apprentice. (Saga:Saw)
16 October 2321:
- A group falls asleep in Pizza Empire and share a dream about 1920s New York. Iota and Streea Falcon Punch hard enough to break the dream. Carden discusses the ongoing Scar hunt with Cassia. (RP009)
21 October 2321:
- After a few days where Carden's group learns about SAHBER's modified vampires, Cassia discovers a vital clue and is ambushed by one of the SAHBER Vampires. The group is forced to battle him, learning he is not Scar. They are unable to catch him or Scar, and Carden suggests they disband due to having attracted too much attention. They discover that one of the members of their group, Lucia, is missing. The police search for her for a while, but no one finds her for a year and a half. (Saga:CI1)
24 October 2321:
- Nathan hides in the ball pit at Pizza Empire while people talk. (RP010)
29 October 2321:
- Iota became a vampire when Siliya spiked a drink of his with her blood for kicks. (This was retconned from the Saw quest that took place that day, where he became a vampire before the way Vampirism works in Epic was changed after that. The Saw events still happened a few days later, but with Iota already as a Vampire.)
2 November 2321:
- The Puzzle Killer strikes again at a county fair, taking Philip, Siliya, Glenn, Iota, Victor, Holly, and Bill, among others, and subjecting them to tests in the abandoned Bayard Prison. After escaping his tests, the survivors of the group briefly meet him. Iota makes the first use of his Vampire abilities and is "killed" to let the others escape. As he revives, he challenges the killer to give him his best. (Saga:Saw)
3 November 2321:
- Iota awakens in an abandoned warehouse for the Puzzle Killer's second challenge, testing him across the city of Los Murtes to save Nathan's life. At his final test, he unhesitatingly lets himself be electrocuted to save Nathan. (Saga:Saw)
- In the early morning after escaping, Philip and Siliya wreck some shit as some gunmen start shooting. They hijack a boat and get to the house of an ex of Philip's named Sam. She lets them stay in the guest room.
- The band Three-Arm Sally performs at a party in an undisclosed town of the UP. Francis, Joe Sagara, Paige Dawson, Kevin Feive, Louis, and Lilian Rena watch the band play. At the party, a fake Jamaican (Bruce Matthews) shows off superpowers given to him by pills. One of the band members, John, takes the pills. (Saga:Bratwurst)
4 November 2321:
- In the early hours of the morning, John suffers effects from the pills. He calls some of the other people from the party to help him deal with a Wigmonster. The pills jump down everyone's throats. (Saga:Bratwurst)
- Francis, Louis, Paige, and Joe get arrested regarding the pills, and John speaks to them through Bratwurst. They investigate Bruce's place, and discover that one of the kids from the party, Justin White, has become a creature they dub Justinmonster. The group learns that Dr. Albert Marconi will be holding a seminar in Eutropia in two days, and that Justinmonster is trying to get to it so that he can spread the creatures inside of him. Justinmonster kidnaps the group and locks them in a truck bound for the seminar. (Saga:Bratwurst) (RPed 17 & 18 November)
- Philip gets up and Sam's boyfriend Anthony acts like a dick. Philip and Siliya discuss things a bit and agree to meet at a motel in a few hours. They meet and discuss their past dealings with threats a little for a possible lead on who was attacking them. Philip thinks back to an arrest when he was a teenager. That night, Philip goes to keep an eye on Sam's place in case their attackers went there. They did, and he killed all but one, knocking him out with a rubber bullet. He interrogated him under a false name and a mask and let him live with the warning that if he did anything more, his family would be dead. The gunman complied.
- Justinmonster kidnaps John and Rena. The group in the truck discusses what they should do. (Saga:Bratwurst) (RPed 24 November)
5 November 2321:
- As Philip returns to the hotel, Siliya is about to leave. She hears him approach and sneaks out, only to realize it's him and not the attackers. Amused, she sneaks up on him pretends to be one of the attackers. He figures it out after a bit. They head back inside and open up to each other a bit more.
- The Bratwurst group remains trapped in a truck. (Saga:Bratwurst) (RPed 24 November)
- Nathan and Marianne act as Superheroes and meet a Jedi. (RP011)
6 November 2321:
- The Bratwurst group escapes from the Justinmonster's truck. Lawrence Appleton and Kevin Feive die. After arriving in Eutropia and stealing from Tertaga Herk Herk, they save the world with the power of music, destroying Justinmonster. (Saga:Bratwurst) (RPed 24 November)
- People ride a boat in Banivia, and then Bill signs up to be a zombie-killing Scout. (RP012)
7 November 2321:
- Siliya gets an idea of who might be after them. She goes alone to a man named William across the city in a high-class hotel. She questions him.
8 November 2321:
- Siliya and Philip meet back up.
12 November 2321:
- Over at a bar in the UP, Siliya breaks Iota's mind. (RPed 8 November. Moved forward a few days to fit with Siliya's actions in "Come Out and Play")
13 November 2321:
- Shah Jahan, Akane, Jugo Hersine, Bo Bernham, and Marla Richardson are killed in battle with the Man from Petrarca. He curses his sword to bind their souls in an unending loop of their worst memories.
15 November 2321:
- Mike meets a whore.
22 November 2321:
- Siliya does some stuff just before heading to Malona Castle.
- Some people journey through a labyrinth at Malona Castle. When faced with fighting a minotaur, Marianne passes out.
23 November 2321:
- On November 23rd, police interview Iota, Philip, and Jacob about their involvement in the Puzzle Killer attacks. Jacob reveals the killer's real name: John Kabella.
25 November 2321:
- Aaron and a whore meet up with Big Jim Walker.
26 November 2321:
- Meeting at the grand Pizza Empire Tower, Nathan and Dez have a fight so wonderous that it warps space-time to the point that the events erase themselves from existance.
3 December 2321:
- Parus Vandir has a vision in his dreams of what he believes is the Orkan goddess Ai'Sara. She tells him to gather the three Laquiri to break the barrier at the start of the Two Year Gap so they can travel to the past and rescue the other Orkans.
- Parus tells the others of his vision and has them immediately get to work on tracking down any leads on the Laquiri.
20 December 2321:
- Earth finishes merging with the last of his other selves. He tries going back to the New Epic Universe, but finds that it's blocked off. To get past this, he finds a universe with time machines readily available, and goes back to 10 October 2319, the day he left New Epic, and enters there. The universe goes all "no cheating jerk" and freezes him in time until he reaches the morning of 21 December 2321.
21 December 2321:
- As early Christmas gifts are given, Earth returns after being gone for over two years. (Early Morning)
- Victor goes around messing with meteorology. Then a bus crashes into a gift shop. (Evening)
24 December 2321:
- Iota is locked up in an Arenan jail for nine days for punching a national monument.
- Iota is nearly roped into being in a Christmas Pagent with an ambiguously gay man.
Last week of December 2321:
- A mental fog slowly falls over the people of Disparatus.
29 December 2321:
- Siliya gets Rosalie to think Nathan is in love with Iota.
2322 AE
2 January 2322:
- Iota is released from jail, though some accounts claim he was bailed out earlier. Oh well.
4 January 2322:
- NPC Aaron explains plot points to Iota about the alternate universe stuff, the Two Year Gap, and how he and some others arrived here a year before they had left the Old Epic universe. Aaron lets Nathan use his castle for the Superheroes Guild. In the same RP but in a different location, Nathan finds a demolished Pizza Empire.
5 January 2322:
- Brian Mason, Mike West, James Crawford, Joseph Kelly, Psilo, Enos, Paige, and Rena wake up to find themselves in an empty, fog-covered city that appears to be Eutropia. They explore the area and see shadowy figures, along with a blind woman named Silja. Her house goes crazy and disappears. They head into Clovis Mental Asylum, where a blob of darkness tries to eat them. (RPed 4 January)
- Brian, Mike, and Psilo go missing as the group flees the darkness. They continue working their way through the asylum, and come across Minerva Bell, along with a man named Orion, who vanishes almost immediately. They try exploring, but get lost. James straps himself into an electroshock therapy machine for some reason. He falls unconscious, and the power in the room goes out. (RPed 26 January)
- When the power returns, the group find themselves in a different room, where Mike has returned, but Enos, Paige, and Minerva have vanished. James wakes up, and they proceed onward, finding a strange lockbox with Silja's name on it. They read notes and solve puzzles. Separated from the others, James does battle with a demonic nurse. When the others reach him, they see a completely different scene from him, with him alone and nearly dead. Mike opens the box, and awakens with the group. The asylum continues devolving into madness, and the group continues onward to the exit. (RPed 30 January)
- After the events of this day, the mental fog that fell over the people of Disparatus a week or two ago presumably lifts.
7 January 2322:
- Idril Arcamenal sends out invitations to Alfheim, "revealing it's exact location to the outside world for the first time in many decades".
- The Ivory Arch Tournament is announced. However, numerous delays cause it to be five months before it is actually held.
8 January 2322:
- In the early hours, Nathan, Bayonetta, and Marianne fight the undead.
10 January 2322:
- Adiel, Meir'locin, Mike West, and Bayonetta arrive on the outskirts of Alfheim, as per Idril's request. Rosalie, who is already present, leads them through the forest to speak with Idril. They discuss the Two Year Gap, and Alfheim's government. She mentions issues regarding Daeis, the new Voice of the council. The group investigates for her, and treachery ensues.
11 January 2322:
- Fatman looks around the former Superheroes Guild headquarters and learns of its new location. He headed over to Pizza Empire to fill out a signup sheet and thought back to the end of the Two Year Gap, where he had been in an unusual warehouse. He encountered a strange kid and ran from a pumpkin-shaped robot with the same emblem he saw in the warehouse. Fatman took the kid to safety.
17 January 2322:
- Dez makes Pizza Empire go bankrupt.
22 January 2322:
- At Adhama near the border of Banivia and Ibadia, a conflict arises at some ruins.
- Prince Drago takes his officers into Lehk'zhulia.
3 February 2322:
- In the small town of Mercy, the Puzzle Killer strikes again, kidnapping Holly, Siliya, Marianne, Nathan Cobalt, Philip, and Darius. Cobalt and Marianne are killed. Holly kills the Puzzle Killer at the end of the group's series of tests, and is locked up without food or water by his final trap.
6 February 2322:
- Holly dies of dehyrdration.
8 February 2322:
- Cobalt and Marianne return to life.
11 February 2322:
- Holly returns to life.
- UP Prime Minister Reuben Miller passes a vote of confidence held due to the circumstances of his election during the Two Year Gap.
- Elections for the Rose Islands' President, Prime Minister, and members of Parliament. Abigail Morrison is re-elected to a fourth term as President, and Edward Lorence is elected Prime Minister.
- Craig Wainwright and Jennifer Wainwright seperate. They each get partial custody of their daughter, Maggie Wainwright.
7 March 2322:
- Roy Auric makes a video on his theory of using Keystones to expand his cloning business.
Late March 2322:
- Tristan's search for Lilian's father progresses.
11 April 2322:
- Shyalee yells at fishers at a beach party. Prince Drago tracks down King Drago. An invisible creature is fought by a masked person.
19 April 2322:
- King Drago is assassinated by Prince Drago.
- The new King Drago unleashes a zombification virus on Dragonoa.
24 April 2322:
- The epilogue of the Bratwurst Prophecy Quest. Louis and Paige wake up in bed together with no memory of anything past November 6th the previous year. They talk to John and Rena, who explain that the amnesia has happened a few times, but it should probably be done now. (RPed 4 December 2009. Timeline date chosen since last quest before the epilogue RP was 24 November. Fits well enough. Putting it in May would mess with the timing of the first Left 4 Dragonoa RP, where this is referenced.)
25 April 2322:
- Mysterious goings-on are investigated near a small university in Svaldon.
27 April 2322:
- Shyalee has a philosophical debate at some Ostfoldian ruins.
1 May 2322:
- Holly, Rena, and Mike explore some caves.
2 May 2322:
- A hurricane hits Dragonoa. People begin to encounter Thuwadian zombies.
- Some survivors of the Dragonoa zombie outbreak manage to escape the country.
- King (formerly Prince) Drago and the Faeries form an alliance. (Said to take place after the two Left 4 Dragonoa RPs. Might be 3 May instead.)
4 May 2322:
- Some guy threatens the world and says he'll be back in two months. He doesn't return in two months.
6 May 2322:
- Bill beats Shyalee in battle, and then they hang out.
Mid May 2322:
- A large increase in disappearances over the past month is reported, particularly in Dragonoa, the United Provinces, and the Arenan Alliance. An increase in Thuwadian migration to those countries is also noted.
19 May 2322:
- An army of Faeries and zombified Thuwadians invade numerous locations in the Arenan Alliance. The Battle of Catalina and multiple others occur. The Faerie and zombie army sits around Sevilla for a month. (First half of the quest only. Was RPed 19 June, but takes place in May.) (Note that the part near the end of the first half where they learn of the Svaldon invasion was retconned to be in the second half of the quest a month later.)
- Mal Desmark is killed in the Battle of Catalina.
25 May 2322:
- Ms. Rella grants Jack Fregman's wish for a promotion.
26 May 2322:
- After learning he was not promoted, Jack Fregman gets drunk and runs over Robert Yeager, killing him.
27 May 2322:
- Jack Fregman is promoted to Robert Yeager's vacant position as a supervisor at his workplace.
30 May 2322:
- Drago returns as a ghost. Bill burns the United Provinces' National Arboreum to the ground out of revenge.
31 May 2322:
- Bill decides to liberate slaves in the middle of nowhere.
- Bill is captured by Thuwadian slavers just after beating some up earlier that day.
1 June 2322:
- A company frees Bill from the Thuwadian slavers.
4 June 2322:
- Bill poisons the water at the waterpark WaterPlay.
11 June 2322:
- The first day of the Ivory Arch Tournament is held, featuring six of the Preliminary matches. Tony Hawk gets his fans back as he tears apart Justin.
- Parus is shown footage of the Ivory Arch Tournament from earlier that day, showing Sye Dalziel using the green Laquir. Knowing Sye's father works for the Svaldic government, he decides to hold off on going after it until they have the other Laquiri, as they currently lack the resources for a full military conflict.
12 June 2322:
- The second day of the Ivory Arch Tournament, featuring the seventh Preliminary match and the first Quarter-Final match.
13 June 2322:
- The third day of the Ivory Arch Tournament, featuring the last Preliminary match and two more Quarter-Final matches.
14 June 2322:
- The fourth day of the Ivory Arch Tournament, featuring the last Quarter-Final match and first Semi-Final match.
- Nathan and Marianne become an official couple. Nathan and Marianne are completely oblivious to this.
- Nathan is bit by Adiel.
16 June 2322:
- The beginning of the final day of the Ivory Arch Tournament, featuring the last Semi-Final match.
- The second half of the final day of the Ivory Arch Tournament, featuring the Final between Philip Throne and Adiel, resulting in a victory for Philip.
- Tertaga Herk Herk announces that he is not actually retiring.
- Tony Hawk reconciles with Marianne Lavelle.
- Narla Zedirov meets with Lieutenant Briggs Kiele about taking a "vacation" to space in a mech. She listens in on conversations in her head before taking off. She falls asleep in orbit for a few hours. Byariel Laroux, a new member of her corps, contacts her on the monitor, having been sent to collect her.
18 June 2322:
- A group of necromancers do something in a United Provinces city that causes everyone in it to vanish, save for a small group that tried to stop them.
19 June 2322:
- The Battle of Sevilla occurs, resulting in a victory for the Arenan military. (Second half of the quest only) (Note that the part near the end of the first half where they learn of the Svaldon invasion was retconned to be here in the second half of the quest instead.)
- Bill tries to get Rosalie to go on a date with him. He's interrupted as Heavy comes after him for revenge.
- After losing at Sevilla, the Faeries and zombie army attempts to invade the United Provinces and Svaldon. (As said above, note that the part near the end of the first half where they learn of the Svaldon invasion was retconned to be here in the second half of the quest instead.)
- Svaldon blocks communications and broadcasts a false message that the nation was overrun, so that the invasion force against them would slow or stop.
21 June 2322:
- A proposed peace conference to be held on the near-complete International Moon Base is cancelled due to the outbreak of the Faerie/Zombie War. In its place, the people behind the base's construction announce yet another delay in the base's planned opening.
29 June 2322:
- A few people helping in the cleanup efforts in Catalina are hit with darts inviting them to participate in the Black Rock Tournament of 2322.
- Svaldon resumes minor contact with other nations, but general communications are still to be blocked for another week or so.
1 July 2322:
- Sethmas of 2322. Streea gets a Legendary Weapon.
6 July 2322:
- The first day of the Black Rock Tournament of 2322 is held, featuring five of the Preliminary matches from the main division, and some of the second division. Bill discusses his thoughts on doahs. A kill is allowed for the first time in the history of the Black Rock Tournament.
7 July 2322:
- Matches for the Preliminaries of the second division of the Black Rock Tournament are held so that a set of two RPs can happen on this and the next day due to plot convenience.
- Numerous people interested in only the main division of the Black Rock Tournament run off to the United Provinces for the day. They and some others witness Nathan transform into a flaming werewolf. He pretty much sets a town and forest on fire before he's knocked out. (Evening. Continues in the morning.) (RPed 9 & 10 July)
8 July 2322:
- The people who fought werewolf Nathan the night before explain what happened. He panics. Iota tells him to seek help from NPC Seth. (Morning. Continued from previous night.) (RPed 9 & 10 July)
- In order for NPC Seth to make the not-a-werewolf potion, Nathan heads to Banivia and gets Adiel to give him some of his blood.
- Nathan goes to see NPC Seth, who uses Adiel's blood to give him a potion curing him of his lycanthropy.
- No Black Rock Tournament events are held today, having been pushed back to the next day for whatever reason.
9 July 2322:
- The second day of the Black Rock Tournament, featuring the last three Preliminary matches from the main division. A tournament committee member (Mr. Milton) is murdered in the stadium.
- Transportation around and off Black Rock Isle is temporarily closed.
- Svaldon re-opens all public and private communication.
- A group consisting mostly of tournament participants investigates Mr. Milton's death. After speaking with police and obtaining Multipasses, they inspect the body. After learning of the current prime suspects (Announcer Bill Skyes, committee member Tom Elwood, and judge Jacob Wallace), they question Bill Skyes. Skyes turns himself over to security for questioning as a suspect. (RPed 10 July)
10 July 2322:
- The third day of the Black Rock Tournament, featuring three of the Quarter-Final matches from the main division. Bill nearly uses up a Keystone to stop a gust of wind. Meanwhile, the tournament locker room is completely wrecked. (RPed 12 & 13 July)
- Nyogotha reemerges.
- Birth of Puppet Cobalt.
11 July 2322:
- The fourth day of the Black Rock Tournament, featuring the last Quarter-Final match from the main division. Most of the day's fights are for the second division. (RPed 13 July)
- As the second division matches continue, the investigation group interrogates Elwood, learning that Milton had approached him about changing the tournament, using it to recruit people for an undisclosed group. They head to Elwood's hotel room and are nearly blown up by an assassin (Mike). They manage to bring him down and take him into custody. (RPed 13 & 14 July)
12 July 2322:
- Matches for the Semi-Finals of the second division of the Black Rock Tournament are held since it makes more sense for them to go here. (It was strongly implied by NPC Aaron on Day 5 that he already won his division, or at least reached its Finals)
13 July 2322:
- The fifth day of the Black Rock Tournament, featuring the Semi-Final matches from the main division, and numerous exhibition matches. NPC Aaron and NPC Seth talk to Celice. NPC Aaron tells him he'll talk more if Celice wins the main division Final. (RPed 15 July)
14 July 2322:
- The final day of the Black Rock Tournament, featuring the Final between Monkey D. Luffy and Celice, resulting in a victory for Celice. This is followed by an exhibition match between the division winners, Celice and NPC Aaron, resulting in a victory for NPC Aaron. (RPed 16 July)
- NPC Aaron meets with Celice offscreen, warning him not to be a dick, because he became Zatenrai in the Old Epic universe.
- Martin Summer, the third committee member to have voted to allow the kill on the first day, is discovered to have called in the attack on Elwood's hotel room. He talks for a bit about a mysterious and powerful organization before he falls apart into bloody chunks. NPC Aaron arrives and explains that there are two mysterious organizations: One which had Milton killed, and the other which Milton was a part of, trying to use the tournament for recruitment. (RPed 20 July)
15 July 2322:
- Tsukasa gets into a fight with Michael at the mostly empty Black Rock Stadium. (RPed 18 July)
23 July 2322:
- Joribaus, Faldon, and some other locations around the United Provinces and presumably Alibaas are attacked by the zombie and Faerie army. Lich Drago arrives in Faldon, but quickly retreats, heading for Lehk'zhul. Faldon is ordered wiped out. The United Provinces army teams up with the Lehk'zhul Thuwadians.
- The United Provinces and Lehk'zhul forces head after the zombies and Faeries, who are on their way to Dranagal. Liberty Prime tears apart the zombie and Faerie forces before being destroyed by a missile. Titania is killed. Shyalee's wings are torn off. (May be the next day or something. I don't know.) (RPed 27 July)
- Shyalee is tossed in a swamp.
24 July 2322:
- Shyalee, having developed amnesia due to the loss of her wings, is taken in by a Thuwadian woman named Darafalangar. Shyalee takes on the name Frazkalah in lieu of remembering her own.
- Theophile de la Chair and a group of followers enter the Banivian town of Chauvigny while investigating the surge in undead. Upon attempting to arrest some individuals under suspicion of aiding in the undead surge through necromancy, several drunks take up arms and fight back.
25 July 2322:
- Theophile returns to the town and takes a number of people out together, saying they can be granted forgiveness for confessing their sins and admitting involvement in the surge. None of the people had anything to do with the fighting the day before, nor did the town's leaders, despite Theophile's claims. He and his followers kill the entire group.
27 July 2322:
- The Lehk'zhul forces invade the Faerie homeland. The war against the zombies and Faeries ends. (RPed 30 July. Date chosen because that's when Quest 3 was RPed, and it would make more sense for them to have gone after the Faeries after just a few days instead of a week.)
- Theophile's group returns to the Banivian capital of Perivel. He is rewarded despite his inability to find the source, and is ordered to keep his search up for "the witch". Theophile returns home and acts like a jackass.
29 July 2322:
- People go into an old Pizza Empire and find thousands of Dezes. Mr. Empire gets mad.
- Theophile's company of over eighty knights sets out in search of the witch. (Intro to "The Proud Banivian Empire". Written the next March, but set here because of implications in both this and the previous quest, "Theophrasmus", which was written from July to March.)
30 July 2322:
- The forward scouts of Theophile's company are taken by an organized attack of hundreds of undead. Theophile strategizes to get his men through it, but they lose twenty-one men in total. He finds and slays the necromancer controlling this horde. They send a warning back to their commander about the encounter, as Theophile finds it odd that a necromancer of this strength was in a protected region.
- People went to a casino. Seth recounted the tale of Clay. Nyogotha messed with Iota's mind. Truth horribly mangled a man and ate him. (Night. Probably crossed past midnight to 31 July as well.)
1 August 2322:
- At the end of the day, Theophile's company reaches the edge of the "Dead Expanse", an area of countryside abandoned to the undead years before. (Ending of "The Proud Banivian Empire".)
3 August 2322:
- Shyalee heads for the United Provinces in search of her memories.
5 August 2322:
- Theophile's company passes through the swampland into the Banivian jungles. One of their squads goes missing just before another undead attack. The company is forced into retreat. Regrouping, the company fares much better. However, with their supplies lost, they are forced to find an opening for a full retreat. The twenty-one survivors, Theophile included, break through and escape. On nightfall, they pass the edge of the jungle, now out of the Dead Expanse. (From "The Witch". See notes above.)
6 August 2322:
- In a Banivian desert, some archaeologists discover a chamber in a pyramid that contains an ancient painting regarding the Great Cataclysm.
7 August 2322:
- People investigate the hidden chamber and ancient painting in the Banivian pyramid. Suddenly, mummies attack.
- Michael adopts six orphans.
8 August 2322:
- Annoyed about being short on space in Nathan's apartment now, Iota and Michael bust a drug lord and take his mansion. It needs repairs.
13 August 2322:
- Shyalee arrives in the Dragonoan port city of Threkzar and becomes a cook.
17 August 2322:
- Shyalee recieves her first paycheck, and learns her work will take another 10 days to earn enough money to go to the UP.
19 August 2322:
- In the recently opened Neptune City, people hang out. Nathan meets Nyogotha, but gets drunk enough to forget her. (This was RPed out of order compared to the mansion party and mine RPs, which were done before this, but take place after.)
22 August 2322:
- Repairs are finished on Michael and Iota's new mansion, and they move in.
- Nathan, Iota, and Michael throw a combination housewarming party and birthday party for Gin. Nyogotha trolls everyone. Also, Nathan and Marianne become an official couple. They both realize it this time. (RPed 12 August)
23 August 2322:
- Nathan and Marianne go on a date. (RPed morning of 24 August. Is supposed to be day after mansion party, and would make sense to be 23rd anyway.)
24 August 2322:
- While a group hung out in a mining town, an explosion caught the mine on fire. After miner rescues and water pump tomfoolery, the mine's owner admitted that he caused it so he could get insurance money. He died. (RPed 14 August)
- Shyalee discovers that a Thuwadian in the place she was work was taking wings from another faerie. She is spotted discovering this, and is forced to flee with her work money. The Thuwadian she was working for shoots the other Thuwadian as she flees. She then takes a plane to the UP.
- In her attempt to find Shyalee, Nadia tries to catch a bus to a UP airport and is kidnapped by faerie wing poachers. However, it ends up being the worst kidnapping attempt ever, and she escapes, making it to the airport. By sheer coincidence, she finds Shyalee as she's arriving there from Dragonoa, and they return home.
25 August 2322:
- Shyalee and Nadia discuss Shyalee's lost memories, and what is needed to restore some of them. They decide to leave for Eluvina the next day.
26 August 2322:
- Shyalee and Nadia take an Aethership to Earth. Nadia throws boulders at a werewolf.
30 August 2322:
- Shyalee and Nadia arrive in Alfheim and meet Elendril. They tell him what they know, and he lets them sleep in his home for the night.
31 August 2322:
- Shyalee and Nadia arrive in Eluvina. Shyalee is reunited with her parents.
- One of the Eurocid ships on a course for Disparatus is discovered by astronomers and designated 2322 RM.
1 September 2322:
- Shyalee is taken to the Eluvinan Council. The Council votes to banish Shyalee from Eluvina, and not allow her to regain her wings until the council deems her worthy of doing so. Nadia is to stay with her, albeit not herself banished, and report back on the outside world every six months, while doing what they can to improve the relations between humans and faeries.
9 September 2322:
- Roy Auric learns he cannot use Keystones.
13 September 2322:
- A manly trio beats up some thugs in Petrarca.
24 September 2322:
- Luffy becomes a rubber man.
- Jahs Serdiim is re-elected to a second term as President of Alibaas.
5 October 2322:
- After Nathan isn't sucked into the future, Iota, Luffy, Philip, Streea/Michael, Siliya, and Titania show up on an Arenean dock during the night for a job with the Dragonoan zombie cleanup effort. They're picked up by Lehk'zhulians and a Dragocopter, and first taken to Drago's former castle for the first part of it.
- Upon arrival, they head through its hallways and walk through a wall to find a fog-covered and seemingly living mirror copy of the palace. They go out the front door and find a large computer of sorts, and a large floating fortress far above it. When the machine is activated, which their escort explains is apparently "one of the progenitors of our race", it seems to create a portal similiar to what Drago's son had used. The escort flees in fear, and the group is sucked into it. (RPed 5 November)
12 October 2322:
- The group finds themselves in a ruined prison cell, hearing a battle in the distance. They exit and go down the hall to see a crazy man named Kragkor locked up. He rants about bird-men, growing frantic as the battle sounds fade, and they set him free. Then he drops dead. The group runs into one of the "bird-men", who introduces his race as the Celestials. He tells them they are the second foreign group to arrive in the past months, and leads them off to eat. As they arrive, he introduces them to Drago's only surviving daughter, Dragina. (RPed 5 November)
- Rosalie appears and falls on Philip's head, making her very confused. Celice appears as well. After talking with Hakmud the Thuwadian, the group meets with the Celestial council, who inform them they have been out for a week. They speak of a race called the Shaladari-Kai, who have been rebelling with a Shaladari-Kai Bone Keeper, essentially a lich. They want the group to retrieve a book called The Scepter of Objurgation from the Bone Keeper's palace. They are sent to it, and they fight undead stuff and get Pokemon badges. They eventually reach a theatre and they stop some ghosts named Romulo and Julianne. (RPed 4 December)
- The group continues through the palace, heading farther into the tower. They find an arena and fight a Thuwadian. Then evil maids give them food that doesn't help their hunger. Time passes. (RPed 10 December)
19 October 2322:
- Apparently, after a week (according to Hakmud when he arrives), Luffy realises they should stop eating the not-food. He can tell it's fake. Because he loves food. The evil maids turn out to be bald, blue things, and they fight. Hakmud meets up with them, saying he was paid to rescue them because they had been gone a week. Five Celestials accompany him, and take the group (sans Hakmud) to the Book's location, a cave. (RPed 10 December)
- Adiel appears as they fight off a large green monster, followed by a crazy lady who seems to be the Bone Lord. Defeating her, they retrieve the Book, and appear to be transported to the Celestial council. As they hand the book over, however, they are shown that it isn't the actual council from before, but instead Nyogotha, projecting an illusion of them. They then find themselves back at the transporter outside the mirror palace below the Celestial fortress. After a mission that took two weeks longer than they expected, they go back to Dragonoa. (RPed 17 December)
26 October 2322:
- Rena, Gin, Paige, Michael, and Frank Jones are hiking in Ostfold's Deepwood Hills, near Jotunheim. They meet up while investigating an unusual plane crash in the area in which only one person survived. While there, Seth and Aaron (NPC) hire them to investigate some odd disappearances in Ymirheim. They part ways with the two and take a train there. (Gin bought a white chocolate bar on the train. This will clearly be vitally important in the future.)
- In Ymirheim, they learn that the latest people to disappear were campers on a nearby mountain, and that the disappearances were in that general area. They also learn of a castle in the region that is believed to be haunted. They get supplies and set up camp on the mountain. Gin takes first watch, and scares something off with a nickel can.
27 October 2322:
- Frank Jones takes second watch. He shoots a wolf. While most of the group is distracted by this, Robo Bigfoot tries to carry off the still-sleeping Rena. After a bit of a battle with it, the creature drops Rena and retreats. After the sun rises, the group heads off for the castle, where they are invited in.
- The owner of the castle, a man named Victor, invites them to dinner and asks them to retrieve a gem key to an Alfheim vault, and a sword that can destroy that vault's guards, saying they were stolen from him. The group loses consciousness from the meal.
- As they awaken, Victor informs them that he has given them serums that bestow powers on them. As they progress, they learn that Rena can become a bat, Paige can turn invisible, Michael has super strength, Frank can turn into sand (and a sand walrus), and Gin can breathe underwater. Victor then tells them that he has a reservation and package for them at the local hotel. (RPed 2 November)
- The group heads to the hotel and checks in to Room 215, where they find Aaron (NPC). They talk for a bit before he leaves. Inside the package Victor left are knives, handguns, and antidotes for each of them, warning that they may end up more mutations. The note with the package instructs them to head for the town of Pine Apple, a day away by train. Aboard the train, the Great Train Robbery begins. (RPed 23 November)
- The group thwarts the Great Train Robbery in about two hours. Frank Jones sits out the whole thing as a pile of sand. Paige begins to exibit side effects of the superpowers, becoming more pale when even not using them. At one point, they discover that something had reached some of the guards before them, slaughtering them and somehow causing some kind of hypnotic state on the passengers of the cars closer to the train's front. A seemingly normal-looking man with a sword (which is likely the one the group was to retrieve) awaits them at the front of the train. Introducing himself as Dekker, he turns out to be a demon and leaps through the walls. They stop the train about a mile from a town. After calling for help, they head for the nearby town. (RPed 11 January)
- Arriving in town, they go to a restaurant for a bite to eat before exploring and hear about dying crops. As night falls, they come across a seemingly abandoned orchard. Breaking into and exploring the house there, they find three dead and decaying bodies in the basement of what seems to be a family. Outside, the crops seem to be fine, perhaps too well, with even apples oddly growing in the winter weather. Further into the area, however, plants do seem to be dying, mainly around a scarecrow. Going back, they see the car at the house has slashed tires and a dent in the front like it hit something. Three suitcases are found in the trunk. Nearing midnight, they hear a thud in the field, and return to see the scarecrow missing. What seems to be a man in the scarecrow's outfit attacks the group. (RPed 18 January)
28 October 2322:
- The scarecrow splits up the group, with Michael and Gin seperated from the others. Paige, Rena, and Frank beat it up. (RPed 31 January)
- Gin and Michael fight off the town's sheriff, who warns them that the thing in the scarecrow kept everyone in the town young for many years. He and the rest of the townspeople whither up and die of old age without it. After a buzzing sound gets to them, they steal a car. The car crashes. (RPed 9 February)
3 November 2322:
- Michael prevents an orphan uprising in his home.
4 November 2322:
- Having been contracted for work in Ostfold, Iota, Luffy, Cassia, Michael (Aaron), Streea (Other Michael), and Drago show up at the docks in the UP city of Greenville in the early morning. They're escorted to a boat by Levi Strossbourg, who explains that something big is going on behind the scenes between Ostfold's three main resource companies, and it's messing with TTT's supply lines from them. He tells them to investigate ORC (Odin Resource Company) first.
- The boat arrives in the Ostfoldian capital city of Jotunheim and head for the ORC building. As Levi instructed, they sign up to be guards to protect the miners, so that they can gain their trust. They meet with a man about this, and he prepares to test if they're up to the task by fighting them.
- Michael and Iota take up the fight by themselves, beating up the Not-Ruskie and winning the Cold War. The group asked to investigate the Sloughgaarden Mines. (RPed 18 December)
- The original group breaks up after this, the investigation soon cancelled, leaving the miners unprotected. In the weeks and months to come, a mysterious rainbow-colored ore is found, and people begin turning up dead, leading Strossbourg to get back whoever he could and hire new people as well. (Note added regarding changes in the third Quest)
5 November 2322:
- The ghost of King Drago attemps to posess his corpse. Ghosts take him for a few days and torture him. (Evening)
Around 10 November 2322:
- Ghost Drago comes to a realization and then kills some dudes.
Around 11 November 2322:
- Ghost Drago learns about soul tax. (Morning)
15 November 2322:
- Eileen Trist goes to Ms. Rella's to wish for Amy Hayworth to fall in love with her. At that moment, Amy flips out at her boyfriend Zachary Copeland and runs out of his house.
16 November 2322:
- Amy Hayworth asks Eileen Trist out. While they are getting ice cream, Amy's boyfriend Zachary texts her, asking to talk. Amy heads over to his house and stabs him to death with a kitchen knife.
17 November 2322:
- Amy Hayworth is arrested for the murder of Zachary Copeland. She proclaims in front of the school that she did it so he wouldn't get in the way of her and Eileen.
Day Unknown, November 2322:
- Locien and Shachol track down Amras again, but Amras kills Shachol and escapes.
Late November 2322:
- Peter Parker is bit by a radioactive spider.
7 December 2322:
- Michael teaches Rosalie how to fight.
10 December 2322:
- Shyalee meets some of her old acquaintances for the first time since losing her memories. Nyogotha doesn't set Nathan on fire, but trees are set on fire thanks to Nathan. Again.
12 December 2322:
- Sissel dies.
14 December 2322:
- Ganchi delivers the Book of Quests to Marcus Mull's bar, The Dusty Tome.
15 December 2322:
- Banivian bartender Marcus Mull discovers that an anonymous source sent him New Epic Edjejre's Book of Quests, telling him to "consider it a gift." Remembering the book from when he met Edjejre three and a half years before, Mull asks Earth about it.
17 December 2322:
- The Lehk`zhulians attacked Dragonoa's island region of Threkzar. They soon completely destroy the capital city of Doraka, apart from its airport, and set their eyes on the rest of Dragonoa. Yet another Thuwadian Civil War begins.
- Earth sends out letters to everyone involved in the Edjejre Incident three years ago, asking them to meet him for a campout in the Losennan Woods next week.
26 December 2322:
- Tsukasa attempts to rape Nyogotha as he helps her get a little kid into a cult.
- Earth sends out replacement invitations for the rescheduled campout.
28 December 2322:
- The Lehk`zhulians complete their takeover of Dragonoa and rename the nation to Lehk’Zhulia. The forested island of Dor’gan is given to their Faerie allies.
- Following an incident where Peter Parker decides not to stop a robber, that robber murders his uncle, Benjamin Parker. Peter resolves to fight crime.
2323 AE
7 January 2323:
- Neptune City's International Oceanic Museum opens.
12 January 2323:
- The seven people involved in the Edjejre Incident in 2319 meet with Earth and Marcus Mull in the Losennan Woods. They retell the story, and Mull reveals that he had been sent the New Epic Book of Quests. After Skorax takes pictures of some of its contents and offers to track down the sender, the group votes to destroy it, with only Skorax objecting. Aaron ends it by making the book explode.
13 January 2323:
- At a playground in the UP, a few people meet Kangetsu and Grimnir for the first time. Bill gets yelled at by Iota, and decides to re-evaluate what he's doing with his life after nearly being assassinated by Skorax. Nyogotha shows up and, after nearly being decked by Iota, she makes him lustful enough to try to rape Rosalie, but he is quickly knocked out. After Rosalie leaves and he awakens, Iota and Nyogotha kill each other in a brutal fight.
- Rosalie flees the scene of the RP.
14 January 2323:
- Returning near her home, Rosalie is told by her brother Marcel that Iota has died. That night, she writes about it in her diary.
- In the Dragonoan city of Razaxala, a Thuwadian resistance group hires some humans to help out. Michael attempts to fight a tank with his bare hands and is captured. After the rest of the group makes it to the ocean, it's explained that a freighter of human reenforcements from the UP and the Arenan Alliance is on its way, but a Lehk'zhulian carrier ship is along the way, and the group needs to take it out before the reenforcements arrive or it will destroy them.
- One "submarine" ride later, they arrive on the ship to find green goop and dead Thuwadians who appear to have killed each other. They activate the Thuwadian AI Warghable, access to which given to them by its girlfriend the sub, and it determines that there is one more life form on the ship, plus one other that seems only half-there. Investigating, they find Michael tied up. They disable the ship and escape.
15 January 2323:
- In the early hours of the morning, Marcel sneaks into Rosalie's room and reads her diary. He decides to track down Iota (and later Nyogotha) to make them pay for what they did to Rosalie. Later in the morning, Marianne returns home and speaks to Marcel. They call Nathan, and he comes over to talk about it. Marcel leaves to find Iota.
16 January 2323:
- Spider-Man and Xewakan get into a fight. It ends with Xewakan hanging on a flagpole.
18 January 2323:
- Iota returns to life and decides to get some special training to counter Nyogotha. He heads to Svaldon's mountains to hide for a bit.
19 January 2323:
- While training in Svaldon, Iota finds St. Tomato Monastery, and gets the power of mental shielding from Earth. (RPed 31 January)
20 January 2323:
- In death, Nyogotha decides to make Marcel Finch into a Muckraker. (Decided with Jared that what happened in her second death quest happened here due to a timeline problem with Marcel, and she just forgot about it and decided the same thing again in her next death quest because she's insane.)
- Nyogotha returns to life.
21 January 2323:
- In the early hours of the morning on a skyscraper, Skorax agrees to fix Holly's eyes.
- Ajoita Olta recieves pictures from the Book of Quests telling him where to locate Kri-Yut.
22 January 2323:
- Marcel is contacted by Nyogotha, who sends him to a house in Eutropia. There, she gets him to kill a man who looks similiar to Iota, bringing him to decide to kill Iota over and over whenever he resurrected. She offers him power so he can do so as much as he can. He accepts, and she makes him into a Muckraker, and teaches him to use mental energy.
23 January 2323:
- Marcel meditates in the early hours, and is deemed Disciple of Rhogog. That morning, Nathan, Rosalie, and Marianne discuss the situation and decide to check back at Rosalie's shop. Rosalie reflected on the past. Meanwhile, Marcel had already returned to Svaldon and broke into Rosalie's shop. He takes Definitely Not Wesker's outfit, and went back to Rosalie's home to wait.
- Rosalie, Nathan, and Marianne return home to find Marcel having broken into it. He attacks Nathan, and later nearly knocks out Rosalie. Marianne and Nathan fight him off, with Marcel setting the apartment on fire. He tells them his purpose, to kill Iota over and over and make Rosalie into a Muckraker, and then leaves. Rosalie resolves to go to Elentra for help to save Marcel from what has become of him. She leaves for Alfheim.
Around 25 January 2323:
- Molly is in a jet crash. She is taken in for reconstructive cyborg surgery.
27 January 2323:
- Skorax starts work on Holly's eyes. As part of the process, she is blind for two weeks.
- Skorax, Celice, Kangetsu, Luffy, and Nathan Cobalt find a package from a supposed secret admirer containing a book. Reading them makes them fall asleep for the rest of the day.
28 January 2323:
- Those who had recieved books the day before find themselves outside a police station in a city. They find the police chief has apparently summoned them to investigate a string of disappearances. Investigating, they find diamonds in a dance studio. They get captured by the forces of a woman named Carnation. She asks them to steal a crown diamond from a museum so she can counter the police chief's dark ritual. They don't believe her, but go along with it. In the museum, Kangetsu solves a riddle by luck and gets the diamond. Carnation turns into Jigsaw and then tries to open a hellgate. The group fights a fake Rosalie. They find out they were in the book world the whole time.
29 January 2323:
- A ship containing a few characters crashes on a tribal island. TO BE CONTINUED IN ONE DAY.
- Molly's cyborg surgery is completed.
30 January 2323:
- Luffy and his crew move into Nathan and Iota's mansion.
- Bill participated in a BLU assault on a RED controlled base. He encountered Heavy one last time, killing him. Following the death of his brother, Phil, he decides to get out of this line of work, ending his character arc.
- The people stranded on the island the day before goof around. Nyogotha screws with people's minds, but finally slips up in a lie. Then her insanity backfires and
she commits suicideRena shoots her in the head, killing her. Luffy's crew and Nathan Cobalt rescue the group around sunset.
- Nathan Cobalt spars Siliya on Luffy's ship. Nathan yells too much and gets KOed. Siliya gags him, ties him up and stuffs him in the closet. (Sparred 2 February)
- Upon returning to Eutropia from this high-seas adventure, Luffy and his crew move in to Château d'AWESOME. Bayonetta notes she's been living there secretly for months.
31 January 2323:
- Michael "hires" another orphan to guard his mansion.
2 February 2323:
- At the grand re-opening of a Svaldic resort, Siliya beats Kangetsu at a drinking contest. Earth wins a giant robot. Rena has sex with Lila.
- Sora moves in to Château d'AWESOME.
4 February 2323:
- Iota is invited to the grand re-opening of the Dragon's Fist Arena in "Purgatory", located in the UP's Little Handora, by the Jade Lotus family of the Handoran Triad for the Dragon's Fist Tournament. He beats up a bunch of guys, and gets scheduled for tomorrow's final against Ryoto Adachi, the Viper of Purgatory and head of AdachiCorp.
5 February 2323:
- Iota defeats Adachi and wins the tournament, gaining two followers and the title Dragon of Purgatory.
- Iota wins some more random fights and gets stuck in an elevator with people. He and some others climb out to the top of the shaft. There is also a riot.
6 February 2323:
- Philip spars Oujou. Philip, because he hates bats EEEEEEEEE, KOs Oujou.
- People hang out by a Banivian lake. Kangetsu tells Siliya he's upset about her beating him at drinking.
7 February 2323:
- Professor Ajoita Olta's team locates Kri-Yut's prison box in some Orkan ruins in Ostfold. Kri-Yut eventually takes control of Olta's body. The security team captures him.
- Nathan holds a house meeting at Château d'AWESOME to decide on chore duties. Everyone eats steak, including a psychic dog/Shapeshifter named Freddie, who proceeded to invite himself to the house.
8 February 2323:
- In death, Nyogotha decides to make Marcel Finch into a Muckraker. (Decided with Jared that what happened here in her second death quest happened during her first quest due to a timeline problem with Marcel, and she just forgot about it and decided the same thing again in this death quest because she's insane.)
- Nyogotha returns to life.
9 February 2323:
- Holly gets her vision back.
10 February 2323:
- Kangetsu spars Siliya to make up for the 1-0 score against him from the drinking contest. He loses. 2-0 counting the drinking.
- Anne-Marie meets Skorax while trying to find a shop.
- Jolene Ketelsen nearly burns down the Nyhus Co. offices while testing a new chemical launcher prototype.
11 February 2323:
- Nathan Cobalt visits Holly's school and makes her an official member of the Superheroes Guild.
- Jolene is brought in by the Svaldic government to make a potion for getting information out of Kri-Yut. She makes little progress, and is kept there overnight.
- Still early in his crimefighting career, Spider-Man stops a robbery in Eutropia. Shyalee and Xewakan get in a fight. (Late Afternoon)
- A barfight breaks out between Iota, Siliya, and Xewakan's goons. Siliya explains to Iota that the Black Clan is hunting them. Mike becomes Carnage. Truth decides to sign up as hired help for the Olympiad. (Evening)
12 February 2323:
- Nyhus Co. sends over the prototype chemical launcher, which is found by Jolene. Under slight influence from Kri-Yut, she makes her escape with it and damages the power relays for the military complex.
13 February 2323:
- Jolene buys a shop in Svaneholm.
14 February 2323:
- The security team from the Orkan ruins is called in by the Svaldic government to question Kri-Yut, as they had been getting nowhere. Kri-Yut's gambit a few days prior pays off for it, as the power goes out. It takes over the body of Ajoita's father, General Doviko Olta, and escapes in a helicopter toward Ostfold.
- Jolene wins a giant robot. The Svaldic military comes after her with one of their own, but are called away to deal with Kri-Yut's escape. She teams up with Earth and defeats two unidentified attackers in giant robots of their own. Jolene's robot is destroyed.
15 February 2323:
- Jolene's shop, the Hall of SCIENCE!, opens for business.
16 February 2323:
- Kangetsu tries to beat Siliya again. He fails. 3-0. 2-0 from spars alone.
17 February 2323:
- Wanting at least one win under his belt, Kangetsu spars Shyalee. He actually wins this one, KOing Shyalee.
18 February 2323:
- Being young and cocky, Locien takes on Kureza. This gets him killed.
19 February 2323:
- At a weekend fair in the UP, Anne-Marie hypnotizes Nyogotha with masterful skill. In return, she rapes Anne-Marie's mind. Truth's too. In return for those, Kangetsu nearly rapes Nyogotha.
20 February 2323:
- Kri-Yut restores the tower it had created over 2,000 years ago to summon forth the hellbeast Nasag. Taking advantage of Ajoita's original plans for it, it takes control of some "blank" Runedolls to guard the tower.
- Outside Iota and Siliya's store, The Armament, Nyogotha and Rhogog discuss Rosalie, and Nyogotha's own former family. They head inside and find Siliya, who does Nyogotha's nails. Rhogog hits on Nyogotha and develops a crush on Siliya.
- Kangetsu and Grimnir chase down someone named Skoll near a small town, but make littl progress before being called back to capture Kri-Yut. They make a stop at the bar and look over bounty rewards before leaving.
21 February 2323:
- The Orkan ruins security team is sent to the tower to get back the general and defeat Kri-Yut. During their battle with it, the demon tries to kill Mike with a massive blast, but Oujou sacrifices himself in Mike's place. The general is knocked out thanks to Oujou's eyepatch, and the group finally seals away Kri-Yut once more.
- Truth steals Paige's cupcake. Paige gets mad and spars him. Then Galactus steps in and KOes them both. No, seriously.
22 February 2323:
- On the way back from the tower in the early morning, Michael spars Siliya in Stonerim and accidentally kills her. He loses his arms for a few days.
- Elentra brings Rosalie to Stonerim to speak with Iota. Rosalie and Iota decide to join Battle Royale. There are motivational speeches. Jolene turns Iota into a woman. Michael and Truth eat people. Michael is temporarily turned into a tiny sparkling fairy.
23 February 2323:
- Kangetsu learns that, even when he's dreaming, he can't beat Siliya in a spar. (Sparred 21 February)
- Maiden flight of the Excalibur Air-Cruiser. Nyogotha preaches, and Xewakan attacks people. Skorax gets harrassed by his mother. Attempting to resurrect Ghost Drago, he instead resurrects Old Epic Drago.
24 February 2323:
- Dez shows up at Michael and Iota's mansion in Nathan's absence, and a massive fight breaks out, wrecking the place. Dez then has sex with female Iota. People party, but not because of the sex.
25 February 2323:
- Shortly after returning to life, Locien runs into Felicity, who is rather angry at him returning briefly to Alfheim and then leaving without telling her. They settle their differences and part ways for the time being.
- Jolene signs up for Battle Royale, thinking it's just a game show.
- On the night after the wild party at Château d'AWESOME, Luffy and crew discuss the antics of the previous night. Nathan is still shocked about having missed all of this. They decide to get into shenanigans.
26 February 2323:
- Nyogotha messes with Nathan's mind, blocking out his ability to fly.
- Gathering willing participants and kidnapping some others, Lehk`zhulian President Desars Kinder starts off the 41st Battle Royale. Half of the 20 players are killed off fairly early on, including Truth, Keihr, Kangetsu, and Iota.
- Siliya hacks the Battle Royale collar system, deactivating everyone's collars. Those she informs of this remove their collars. (RPed 27 February)
- Kazuo and Zvilpogghua attack Streea and Jolene. Jolene escapes wounded, but Streea is killed. Meanwhile, the other six participants (Siliya, Rhogog, Rosalie, Gin, Faust, and Molly) escape in a submarine, which Drago takes control of, bringing it to him in a week-long voyage. Kaz and Zvil both get killed, and Jolene is announced as the winner of Battle Royale due to being the last one left. Then she dies. (RPed 4 March)
28 February 2323:
- Venka and D join the Superheroes Guild and move in to Château d'AWESOME. Marianne finally realizes that the mansion got messy despite being there since the party. Nathan and Marianne see D naked. Nathan is horrified. Marianne is confused. Shenanigans ensue.
5 March 2323:
- Jolene and Michael return to life on the Battle Royale island, and are rescued by Earth, barely escaping the thin Lehk'zhulian forces left behind to guard it during the rebel attack over in Dragonoa.
- The submarine with the six from Battle Royale arrives in Dragonoa at Drago's command. Also joined by Truth, they are sent by the Dragonoan rebels to fight Lehk`zhulians. They meet up with Drago who sends them to the Celestial world to rescue his counterpart's daughter, Dragina. There, they meet up with and fight Lehk`zhulian President Desars Kinder, killing him. The Thuwadian Civil War ends.
7 March 2323:
- Those who fought Desars Kinder are awarded titles and medals by Drago. (RPed 6 March)
8 March 2323:
- Oujou lets Kureza win a fight.
- Rylee holds Mardi Gras.
9 March 2323:
- Practicing for the Olympiad, Siliya and Marianne spar. Siliya beats Marianne without much trouble.
10 March 2323:
- In the Ostfoldian town of Gastropnir, Oujou washes foulmouthed kids' mouths out with soap and then gives them money.
- Oujou challenges Truth to a fight in Teratonia, somehow getting there less than a day after being in Ostfold. Truth throws too many status effects at him.
11 March 2323:
- Oujou challenges Kureza to a rematch and wins.
- At an outdoor Handoran festival at night, Oujou crossdresses as a geisha, and Spider-Man wears a kimono. Keihr plays carnival games. (RPed Morning of 12 March)
12 March 2323:
- Continuing his string of fights, Oujou beats up a girl. (Felicity)
13 March 2323:
- Kangetsu dreams about beating Siliya.
- The first day of the 116th Olympiad is held. In the tournament event, four of the Preliminary matches are done. A drunk is beat, a blind assassin is taken down, an athlete explodes, tic-tac-toe is fought over, and Hawk-Killers battle.
14 March 2323:
- The remaining four Preliminary matches of the Olympiad Tournament are held, featuring a yelling match, Sethmas revenge, the silencing of an impostor, and a very sugoi finish.
15 March 2323:
- The first three Quarter-Final matches of the Olympiad Tournament are held, featuring the slaugher of Michael, a close fight with Nyogotha and Kangetsu, and an acidic paper fight.
- Truth talks to Nyogotha, asking her to meet him in five days in front of the Senatorial House in Eutropia.
16 March 2323:
- The last Quarter-Final match and first Semi-Final match of the Olympiad tournament are held, featuring a bro fight with Luffy and Nathan, and a grudge match with Siliya and Kangetsu.
17 March 2323:
- The 116th Olympiad continues, but no tournament events are held that day.
- An amnesiac Lucinda escapes from a government-related institute. (Quest was posted 13 and 21 March. The beginning of Corporate Issue on 21 March said this was "a couple of days" ago, so I placed it in the middle.)
18 March 2323:
- The Olympiad tournament concludes with the last Semi-Final match, the Sudden Death match, and the Final. Luffy's Ascension tears stuff up, but Siliya wins in a close final match.
- The closing ceremonies of the 116th Olympiad are held.
19 March 2323:
- Enos slaughters Bokor in a very short fight. (Sparred 25 March, moved to 19 March because it was done early in CI2's RPing, and couldn't have happened after for Enos.)
20 March 2323:
- As agreed at the Olympiad, Nyogotha and Truth meet in front of the Senatorial House in Eutropia at night. Nyogotha explains her race's motives to Truth. Truth explains that he's heard of another group with a similiar goal, but with different methods. Nyogotha begrudgingly agrees to go with him to the location Truth had listed.
- In the forests north of Eutropia, Oujou kills some sheep both as an offering to God and to placate his second soul. Something happens to him and he blacks out, awakening on a cracked plateau with pools of lava dotting the landscape. He witnesses a faceless angelic figure fighting a miniature dragon. The angel destroys the dragon and approaches Oujou. He awakens to find the animal corpses gone and his second soul silent. His personality changed and new weapons before him, Oujou is pleased. Suddenly, a robot shows up wanting to destroy all angels on Disparatus. It attacks him and ends up destroyed by a falling tree. Oujou leaves to find a restaurant.
21 March 2323:
- Drago enters Eluvina and renegotiates the former terms the faeries had settled with the Lehk`zhulians.
- Oujou and Truth fight each other. Truth kills Oujou, and leaves his dead body some extra cash.
- In death, Michael argues with Streea and revives in a dumpster. He used his shapeshifter abilities to repair his body, and attempts to smuggle himself onboard an airplane in someone's luggage. He gets arrested for it. He pays his fine and complains. He buys a normal ticket and flies back to Eutropia. He returns to the mansion to find a note from Iota and Nate saying they'll be out of town for a while, and to not burn the mansion down in their absence. His orphans report in, and he has a steak.
- Detective Carden Winters contacts a number of people listed along with him on a directory he found, made during the Two Year Gap. They meet that night at the Yusifiah Police Department, where he reveals SAHBER's Vampires had resurfaced, now out of control. He believes Scar, who has been showing up again lately, may still be able to be interrogated about this if they can find him.
- A young woman named Wendy is attacked and killed by Scar in the corporate district of Yusifiah. An officer witnesses this and calls for backup. As more officers arrive, Scar retreats into the elevator of an apartment building. (This segment is from "The Prowler" Board Quest and occurs at the same time as the early parts of Corporate Issue II.)
- Carden's group is contacted about Scar being sighted and head after him, catching up to him down an elevator shaft. Carden shoots him, and Scar plays along, allowing himself to be arrested.
22 March 2323:
- Time passes back at the station, and Enos manages to bluff his way into briefly talking to Scar alone, where we get character development. While Luci and Mike experience awkward sexual tension, the others interrogate Scar, learning details of SAHBER's testing facilities, and get a plan to infiltrate them for evidence. Being with the police, Carden can't go in without a warrant, but the others can. He gets them supplies and tells them to head out in the morning. After spending the night planning, they take a helicopter to the building.
- The police move Scar early. Carden hears about this just after letting the others off at the building and has the pilot change route to follow. The transport was intentionally crashed, and Carden is forced to investigate alone. He reluctantly sends a call out to get Alexander to help the others out in his stead. Scar beat him within an inch of his life and took him captive.
- Inside, Shyalee and Enos cause a distraction which they blame on SAHBER while the others interrogate an employee, learning about a secret area in the building. Heading to a closed area, security drones attack, which Mike is surprised to learn were supplied by TTT. They find more supplies contracted by TTT, along with biological supplies labelled "Vectors".
- Gin reprograms some droids, and the two groups meet back up in the parking garage. They determine they now need to go into some tunnels under the building to reach the main hidden labs. Upon reaching them, Enos breaks off from the group to investigate SAHBER's subject containment, where he's attacked by some humanoid figures, which completely overpower him. He is captured and possibly operated on.
- Meanwhile, the others run through a shootout and eventually made it to Vector Research. Shyalee volunteered to stop the approaching security in their tracks while the other three looked for evidence. They corner a scientist, who reveals that TTT had found DNA from one of the earliest generations of Vampire lineages on Earth, which SAHBER had used to create their Vampires as potential hosts for a brain parasite, the Vector project, but that it didn't work. He tells them where to find the host of the main parasite.
- Heading there, they find the project director, who tells Luci a bit about her past, and about the discovery of the parasite, known as a Eurocid, on the planet Eurydice. Luci kills him, and they approach the Vector, with Enos listening in, discovering it to be possessing the missing Lucia Warren. It gives some backstory on Keystones, and Eurocids' need for the power they bring.
- The three fought the Eurocid, with Mike being to one to finally kill the parasite and free Lucia from its control. Though she knew her body was too changed and mangled to live long without it, she had Mike tear it off of her so she could live a few last moments truly on her own. Before the Eurocid could regenerate or she could die a slow and painful death, Mike shot her in the head, ending her life.
- Regrouping and getting Enos, the four make a plan to escape, with Mike running off to distract the guards that were undoubtedly on their way. With the other three unwillingly leaving him, they run into Shyalee and head out. Gin gets separated from the others as he buys them time to go further. Shyalee, Luci and Enos are rescued by Alexander, who had been sent after then by Carden before he had disappeared.
- As they make it out, he hands them a way for him to contact them if needed, and tells them their friends may still be alive, and Luci was the first later confirmed as safe when Enos encountered her two months later.
- During the events in the labs, the Euromortis are set free. One of the Euromortis takes the body of Adrien Lex, one of the scientists killed in the lab.
28 March 2323:
- Michael recieves a request addressed to Nate and Iota from George Princeton, asking for aid in looking into the disappearance of a government official in the town of Rossrich. He heads off there on his own.
29 March 2323:
- Michael awakens to two thieves trying to rob him as he slept. He kills and consumes them. Taking their car, he continues along his way.
30 March 2323:
- Truth and Nyogotha meet again to investigate the home of Abigail Desrei, as agreed upon the week before. They come across a messy enchantment circle. They attempted to recreate it, and Nyogotha found herself transported to a room with a blond young man who was partially tied up. As little more was said of this, Nyogotha likely escaped.
31 March 2323:
- Enos is questioned by Noelle Vaughn regarding infiltrating SAHBER without orders to. He says he got a call on his private phone number, which was only supposed to be for direct orders. After explaining the Eurocid in him, scans are done on his head.
- Sillan Li is elected as High Councilor of the Handoran Council.
2 April 2323:
- Enos is questioned by Noelle Vaughn regarding infiltrating SAHBER without orders to. He says he got a call on his private phone number, which was only supposed to be for direct orders. After explaining the Eurocid in him, scans are done on his head.
4 April 2323:
- Ganchi sends out invitations to for people to meet at Hanqing Square in Nuhau, Handora on the 25th.
5 April 2323:
- Noelle visits Enos and informs him he's been ordered to be killed off within the week. She orders him to survive, and gives him proper clothes to disguise him as Kastos to escape. Kastos' supervisor Dr. Jeremy Lacroux confronts him briefly before Enos raids the chemistry labs. Lacroux sees through his act and tries to take Enos back into custody. He pulls a gun out as Enos tries to sedate him with an unknown substance. Enos realizes the substance is causing something unexpected to happen, making Lacroux act exceptionally distressed. Enos takes the gun, but decides killing him would make things worse. He turned and a shot rang out, killing Lacroux and leaving Enos unsure as to whether he killed him.
14 April 2323:
- In the early morning at the Midnight Club in the United Provinces town of Twin Hawks, a strange light kills some people. An investigation by Truth, Michael, Sye, Ganchi, and Cail has them finding the club's owner and head chef, who both claim to be the same person. After the club owner is dead and both Truth and Michael have been cut with an odd knife, they learn that they have some of the club owner's memories. The chef escapes. Meanwhile, Tony Hawk does nothing.
25 April 2323:
- The people invited by Ganchi Hiaba meet at Hanqing Square in Nuhau, Handora. At noon, Ganchi begins making people explode in the Square. A number of survivors who Ganchi could not not explode investigate the cause of the incident, and Ganchi sends them to Manadur, the man he stole the ability from, claiming he caused this, hoping Manadur would either be able to kill them or at least distract them long enough for him to go into hiding and set up a new plan.
- As the investigators arrive at Manadur's home, he too finds himself unable to explode the group, and he explains that he is trapped in his home and unable to leave. Marianne recalls the Book of Quests and its sender, and searches Manadur's mail to see if they can find anything to identify the sender. They find an old letter sent by Ganchi before his merger with Hiei that has his fingerprints. However, they can't find a match that night, and decide to sleep for the night.
26 April 2323:
- The group returns to Manadur and question him on possible leads. The best they can find are Saja Aamodt and Ganchi himself. They find the home addresses of the two in the Olympiad database and head to each. They quickly check out Saja and find little information. Checking on Ganchi, they find the address is a decoy planted by him to avoid unwanted visitors.
- Left with few options, Ganchi goes into hiding and begins preparing to travel back in time.
27 April 2323:
- Artaya Dorvay wakes up injured and amnesiac in a field, as a strange voice speaks to him through his mind. He takes the blade Kikuichimoji from a body and travels for a while. This voice leads him to the nearest city as he recovers, and desperately tries to piece together his memories. Once at the city, the voice drives him to murder the guards at the gates, giving him access to the city, but leaving him guilty, and unable to sleep without nightmares when he's finally able to rest.
- Finding little new information, the group tracking Ganchi Hiaba splits up.
4 May 2323:
- Aria DiBellemont sells stuff at an oasis market in the Arenan Alliance. She has Mike and Jolene carry things to her mansion. Some unnamed NPC of Isabel's briefly joins them, along with Drago, who becomes Aria's maid and seduces Jolene into marrying him. Theophile and Truth also arrive for dinner. Chaos ensues.
10 May 2323:
- Michael spars Marianne, but runs away whining like a girl when she beats him up.
20 May 2323:
- A group is hired as temporary private security for reconstruction workers in the Valenz district of Catalina. They find some guys beating up a woman, who have Keystones empowering them and use psychic powers. The group scare the guys off and rescue the woman.
25 May 2323:
- Enos and Luci were all, "Let's fight." But then Enos had ludicrous stats for a level 1 and it was called off.
31 May 2323:
- Molly gets an assignment to kill someone from a priest, as she usually does.
- The remaining zombies from the Faerie-Zombie War overrun Dragonoa, resulting in most nations closing off travel there for the next two years while the Dragonoan government deals with the situation.
- Bloodbath: The Zombies Rise Again is cancelled during post-production in light of the zombies actually having risen again.
Early June 2323:
- A massive Aetherstorm, far exceeding any seen to date, sprang up and encircled the planet of Earth, cutting off all chance of interplanetary travel for the time being, and finally causing Svaneflyg to break up into smaller shipping companies.
5 June 2323:
- After only being able to re-hire Luffy, Levi Strossbourg hires a new group (Godfrey, Anne-Marie, Molly, and Celice) to join Luffy in the re-opened investigation into the Sloughgaarden Mines. After Minecraft jokes definitely don't happen, they are told that a few months prior the mine workers had discovered a type of warm, rainbow-colored crystal in a cavern system that works as fuel, and workers sent to mine it kept turning up dead or missing, leaving the group to find out why. The group comes across a group of mutated miners, who attack them. They defeat the mutants, and a giant worm creature comes after them. They are forced to retreat.
13 June 2323:
- Jennifer Wainwright and her daughter Maggie Wainwright are killed in an electrical fire in Jennifer's home. Her seperated husband, Craig Wainwright, learns on the evening news.
16 June 2323:
- (ORIGINAL TIMELINE ONLY) The fight against the zombie horde in Cydonia takes a group to residence aboard a pirate ship, which drops them off on the Banivian coast. They meet with an elven woman, Lara, sent by the Duke. She takes them to a city for supplies and rest. In the middle of the night, they're awakened by heavily armed pirates, and taken to meet with the Pirate Queen, Serphana Isengald. She says the Duke told her she could have use of them. She sends them to meet with a Teraton in the undercity. The Teraton takes them to a Pirate named Alex. Alex takes this for a trap and attacks. He is defeated, and says Serphana will kill him if they don't, explaining she had really sent them to kill him. Celice spares him, and says he will tell her they killed him as long as he goes into hiding. Alex refuses and attacks again, but Lara ends his life before he can do anything. (Occurred only in the Original Timeline. The closing of travel between Earth and Disparatus in the Current Timeline due to the Aetherstorm prevented this from happening.)
8 July 2323:
- Craig Wainwright meets with Ms. Rella to wish his daughter Maggie back to life. He returns home to find her safely there.
12 July 2323:
- After finding Maggie not breathing despite still being "alive", Craig Wainwright bars its room and flees to a motel.
13 July 2323:
- Ms. Rella explains to Craig Wainwright that his daughter's soul is out of her reach, so she recreated only her body and memories. Craig took the thing pretending to be his daughter to the woods, killed it, and buried it in an unmarked grave. He returns home to find the thing still there.
8 August 2323:
- Cail Milons tells Marianne Lavelle the location of Ganchi's actual home. Joined by Mortimer Harrison, Alexander, and Liner, she heads there and finds a particularly unusual page from the Book of Quests. It activates a holographic recording from over 2,000 years previous, where Jejre gives them information and teleports them to Ganchi.
- Still working on his time travel sigil, Ganchi reminisces on the events which led to this point, until interrupted by the arrival of Marianne's group.
- The group appears at the warehouse Ganchi is hiding in and they confront him. He stalls as the sigil charges, explaining some of his goals, and giving his backstory. However, he manages to activate it in the Original Timeline and transports back to 2320. However, in the Current Timeline, the Original Timeline's Ganchi prevents the Current Timeline Ganchi from going back in time. The group tries to bring the Current Timeline Ganchi into custody, but the original rescues him.
9 August 2323:
- Current Timeline (CT) Ganchi wakes up in Original Timeline (OT) Ganchi's fortress in the Petrarca Desert. OT Ganchi sets his alternate self free. CT Ganchi, not knowing that this other man is himself, learns that OT Ganchi is also preparing to travel through time.
6 September 2323:
- One of Mortimer's supervisors speaks with him about the Hiaba Incident the month before, and how a page he'd retieved from the Book of Quests had been lost, or more specifically how Mortimer keeps losing artifacts like this. Mortimer goes to meet an overly-excited Marianne in the lobby. He takes her to the staff cafe, and after a talk with Randy, Marianne weirds out a tabloid reporter.
Mid-September 2323:
- An expedition to the South Seas of Alibaas is launched by the Svaldic military to investigate the unusual activity there. They track down a cavern of dangerous Keystones and return recovered materials to a military installation.
18 September 2323:
- The Svaldic expedition in the South Seas locates the source cavern of corrupt Keystones. They find Xol'eth's Gurivian body there, affected by the Keystones, and take it for research along with a sample of the Keystones.
30 September 2323:
- Mortimer and Jolene meet up in the Alibaas port of Launran. They look at rocks.
12 October 2323:
- Ellen Iwamine (Iwamine Model D-03) is activated.
29 October 2323:
- Ganchi steals the memoirs of Handoran Emperor Zhang Zihaon from the Historical Government Records Office and learns the location of the Orkan stasis chamber.
11 November 2323:
- CT Ganchi discovers the Orkan stasis chamber ruins he had been searching for in Ostfold, but finds nothing of value within them.
17 December 2323:
- Ellen is presented to AdachiCorp in a demonstration of Iwamine Robotics' android capabilities in combat. However, a malfunction in Ellen's Combat Mode causes her to develop an entirely seperate personality which cannot remember who she is. She is locked away for the time being.
22 December 2323:
- Ellen's memory and original personality return, but with the added side effect of the second personality occasionally returning, but now with Ellen's full memories. She's allowed to move about freely again, but it's decided not to use her Combat Mode until a solution can be determined.
2324 AE
19 January 2324:
- A Thuwadian tips off CT Ganchi about a museum in the United Provinces that may have the information he needs.
25 January 2324:
- CT Ganchi discovers that the rest of the artifacts he's trying to study are at the International Oceanic Museum in Neptune City.
29 January 2324:
- CT Ganchi arrives in Neptune City.
- CT Ganchi continues to do research in Neptune City.
- Michael somehow manages to blow up Château d'AWESOME. Luffy's crew manages to get out safely, and the orphans drag Michael's corpse out of the wreckage. He gets better.
16 February 2324:
- The "everyman" arrives at Ms. Rella's store, pretending to be an odd underling of a man named Malcolm Rand, who is actually the everyman's puppet. As Rand, he asks about her ability to restore memories from the Two Year Gap. He learns that restoring them is beyond her power, and that no wishes would come without negative reprecussions, confirming his suspicions of her limitations. As she prepares to dispose of Rand, the everyman removes him and ends Ms. Rella's life.
6 March 2324:
- Thanks to the intervention of Enos, Mortimer runs into Ganchi in Neptune City. Enos discusses Eurocids.
7 March 2324:
- Ganchi leaves Neptune City for Danes in the Alliance, and takes a flight to Alibaas.
21 March 2324:
- In the jungles of Handora's Nolau region, Enos, Jolene, and Mortimer rescue a kid and find ancient Alibaas ruins.
- Enos and Jolene are stopped by Kastos before their flight back to Svaneholm. Jolene claims Enos is a movie star. (RPed 23 April)
22 March 2324:
- Enos and Jolene discuss a mysterious potion, which Jolene brews to no effect. They decide it may have been missing Gorobo Powder based on a mark on the list. (RPed 23 April)
25 March 2324:
- Jolene gives Enos his mystery potion, which allows him to feel the people in the building. He mentions the man from the other day was his twin brother, who is trying to kill him. They settle on brewing Asimov Solution with Enos' own blood in the hopes it'd stop his twin from harming him. (RPed 26 & 27 April)
- At a theater, Jolene tries to give Kastos the Asimov Solution via a hot dog, but fails, all while Su-Hyun argues with Sye about movies. After leading her to another building, Kastos and Su-Hyun explain to Jolene that Enos is wanted for murder, and that the potion she made for him was making people sick. Jolene later meets up with Enos and gets his side of the story, that he only killed in self-defense, that he has a Eurocid in his brain, and that he honestly had no idea what the potion was supposed to do at first. She lets him stay at her shop for the night, and decides she needs to do more research into some potions. (RPed 29 & 30 April)
26 March 2324:
- Jolene decides to sign up at a training school after a poor attempt at Elixir of Intangibility.
27 March 2324:
- Enos contacts Mortimer about getting safe. Mortimer sends a trusted agent named Randy to help out. He takes Enos to the United Provinces' Military Intelligence Bureau headquarters, where Enos explains his situation to Mortimer, who offers him agency protection. (RPed 9 May)
29 March 2324:
- Jolene signs up at Grimbrooks Academy of the Advanced Sciences.
2 April 2324:
- Jolene starts her classes at Grimbrooks Academy.
10 April 2324:
- Jolene tries making Telepathy potion for the first time, recieving only half credit.
11 April 2324:
- Jolene turns into a Dragon.
- Yu Narukami arrives in the Handoran town of Inaba to stay with his uncle for a year. He enters a murder investigation soon afterward.
14 April 2324:
- Nyogotha uses Rhogog as a shield against Siliya, resulting in Marcel's death. Shortly after, Rosalie manages to kill Nyogotha by unraveling the woman's body along with her own. Rosalie is not sure how she managed to survive the incident, or who had healed her wounds, as she had no memory of leaving. (Information from Kristen from an RP she had around that time, and from "Saying Goodbye to Marcel".)
17 April 2324:
- The Svaldic government confronts Jolene about the problems she caused the year before. It's eventually decided to make a portion of their profits go to them to make up for this.
23 April 2324:
- Jirah Zonran's final term as President of Handora ends. Yang Quaoping is elected President of Handora.
24 April 2324:
- Jolene finally makes a successful attempt at Elixir of Intangibility.
25 April 2324:
- Ganchi follows his leads from Neptune City to some ruins under Mosarra. He discovers the same Orkan tracking enchantment circle design from 9 years ago, and goes to find Falraan for the instructions.
27 April 2324:
- Jolene passes her final test at Grimbrooks.
29 April 2324:
- Ganchi Hiaba breaks into Falraan Masel's home, urging her to come help him with the circle. When she says she can't, Ganchi threatens her son, Horis, who is in the room. Falraan reluctantly leaves with Ganchi.
30 April 2324:
- Jolene recieves certification in advanced chemistry.
- United Provinces senatorial elections are held. Martin Delgado is elected as the Senator for Rowhurst Province's 2nd District.
4 May 2324:
- Karr Kinsel investigates the central square in Mosarra regarding his sister's disappearance. After getting help from Mortimer and Truth, a few new details about the man she was seen with are learned.
6 May 2324:
- While Ganchi and Falraan work on the enchantment circle, Parus shows up and kidnaps her.
8 May 2324:
- Enos beats up Sye a few times.
9 May 2324:
- Enos buys DRUGS from Jolene so she can see he's okay.
14 May 2324:
- Jolene and Marianne have Science vs. Paper Round 2 in Marianne's store. Marianne knocks Jolene out after Jolene wrecks the store by accident. The temporarily Chaotic Good Jolene apologizes and volunteers to clean the store. They shake, FOR SCIENCE.
16 May 2324:
- Marianne plays Parcheesi after hearing a Bleep.
Around 20 May 2324:
- Cordelia Malaise begins to notice signs that her former employers, the Thanatos Corporation, had tracked her down.
24 May 2324:
- Adrien Lex and Verinne meet in a park in Svaldenstadt Province. After sharing ice cream, Verinne takes Adrien hostage for fun. Adrien does not quite understand, so Verinne buys him a Harvesting License instead. They discuss their pasts for a bit.
- Bloodbath 9: Revelations is released in theaters.
1 June 2324:
- During the "tenth celebration" in Valencia, Sye once again runs into Jericho Kashinsky, who doesn't remember anything he did during their meeting in Twin Hawks. With some help from Simon and Verinne, they get him to give up the odd knife that cause his actions. Adrien ends up stabbing himself with it. Simon carefully wraps up the knife and takes it for study.
3 June 2324:
- Guards from the Thanatos Corporation attack Cordelia Malaise at her lab. She kills them and manages to escape. Shortly after, she recieves an invitation to Polaris' 50th Anniversary celebrations. Seizing on this new opportunity for herself, she heads for the designated space center in the UP city of Erillia.
9 June 2324:
- Adrien Lex and Cordelia arrive in Erillia for the trip to Polaris. They meet each other and Enos, and discuss how they're each linked to dead scientists while Enos makes drugs, surprising no one.
10 June 2324:
- A ship leaves from the space center in Erillia for Polaris' 50th Anniversary celebrations.
11 June 2324:
- The ship from Erillia arrives on Polaris.
13 June 2324:
- Ganchi enlists Cail's help in tracking down the Laquir and Parus. Cail asks Sanel Vangris for help in locating Parus specifically.
15 June 2324:
- Ganchi and Cail go to see Sanel Vangris about finding Parus and Falraan. Sanel hires Masik Rilmeir, who now works as a private investigator, to help.
16 June 2324:
- Polaris' 50th Anniversary. Adrienne LaPointe gives a speech, and a man named Lionel Arkansas Reisner claims to be a deity, causing power failures and explosions, blowing up the booth of a woman named Nytia. He is soon arrested.
17 June 2324:
- Some of the power goes out on Polaris. Simon, Adrien, Karr, and Cordelia end up in a group that goes to the same safehouse where Reisner is being held. Cordelia questions him. Shaomei Zhi explains what she can of the situation with the power, but is worried about her missing brother, Jun. Karr seems to recognize his picture. They agree to look for him, but the first priority is investigating the power outage. The five leave together, hoping to find him on the way.
- The group meets with some looters and are inadvertantly locked up by a mechanic trying to stop the looting. After being freed, they reach the power station and are affected by Sleeping Draught. Cordelia finds Jun with a new prosthetic arm, connected to a computer. Unhooking him sets off a low power alarm. Cordelia fixes this problem by severing potentially critical wires, which restores the station's power, but somehow opens up Polaris' streets, revealing a hidden level beneath them. (RPed 22 & 23 June)
- Investigating the generator room, they find a large hole in the wall. Cordelia shoots at a noise, and they discover Nytia hiding there. Jun wakes up, and is left alone with Zhi. The power goes out, and they soon find that Zhi is missing, having headed into the hidden part of the city. Nytia reveals that she had given Jun the arm on his request, doing the procedure in the power station to be secret, and had plugged him into the system because the power went out while he was in there and she panicked. Cordelia acts like a jerk. They head into the hidden area and learn Nytia, Reisner, and some others had been in a group operating out of this area. They encounter Reisner, who prepares for battle. (RPed 30 June & 1 July)
- Cordelia, Simon, Adrien, and Karr battle Reisner, who dances on a fountain even as Cordelia shatters it. Thinking he's a Dragon, Reisner blasts everyone but Simon with electricity, nearly knocking Karr and Adrien out. As they get to safety, Cordelia shocks Reisner into submission. (RPed 6 & 7 July)
- Cordelia and Nytia treat the others' wounds, and it's discovered the Jun is missing. Cordelia takes Reisner's weapon. They enter the nearby building after seeing evidence that Jun may be there. They soon discover an odd sound coming from the speakers in the hallway, and find the source in a side room's computer. They discover an unresponsive Jun in the room, and they begin to feel unusual disorienting effects, with Cordelia and Karr hit particularly bad. (RPed 8 July)
- After bringing Jun out into the hall, the group does a bit of investigating, discovering empty bottles in a box labelled maintenance. Simon hears a voice in his head telling him someone is downstairs. After being unable to find a way downstairs, they check upstairs in case it was someone up there regarding them, but find nothing but more white noise. Meanwhile, Adrien and Cordelia interrogate Reisner and learn of an actual way downstairs. All of them but Nytia go down into the basement, where the mechanic from earlier in the day is working on a machine in a lab. They catch him off-guard, and he explains he's been taking very small amounts of energy from the people of Polaris to make artificial Keystones, and suspects Reisner knew about his work down here. When learning of Jun, he grows concerned and helps them bring him back down to the lab. (RPed 21 July)
- The group investigates a nearby room, where they find a batch of the artificial Keystones being shipped up on an elevator. They attempt to catch it in time, but only Simon manages to make even minor progress. Karr and Cordelia return to the other room to find the mechanic working the controls. Cordelia gives him a warning to stop or she'll kill him. He ignores her, and she blasts him with a lethal shot. The group discovers that he had set the elevator to ship the Keystones into the maintenance tunnels, where they'd be dispersed through the station. Cordelia tries to shut down the process, but only manages to slow it. In desperation, Simon cuts all of the wires, which does actually halt the process. Meanwhile, they discover that Jun has somehow managed to take control of Reisner's body, as he can no longer control his own from the artificial Keystones in it. The group and Jun head for the tunnels and sever the conveyors so the Keystones cannot continue moving. After a great deal of debate on what to do with them, they settle on Adrien's suggestion of returning them to the hidden room from before and sealing it, at least until they have a better idea. They find Nytia and Zhi, and Jun decides he wants to go to Disparatus, promising on Karr's urging he'll let Zhi know as he's leaving. (RPed 25 & 26 August)
- A ship leaves Polaris to return the anniversary guests to Disparatus.
18 June 2324:
- The ship from Polaris arrives in Erillia.
19 June 2324:
- Nyhus Co. guns are delivered to Jolene as she learns she must now sell these as part of her no-jail agreement. After ordering accessories from Verinne, she gets a package with a letter written in Old Chavois (which she can't read) and a vial of an unidentified substance.
20 June 2324:
- Verinne eats chips.
25 June 2324:
- Earth goes off looking for Nathan Cobalt.
1 July 2324:
- Sethmas of 2324. Jolene gets a Legendary Weapon, but is unable to open its case. Nathan Cobalt gets a giant robot.
2 July 2324:
- Earth finds Nathan Cobalt flying around in his giant robot and gets multiple pairs of pink sunglasses from him.
3 July 2324:
- Cordelia, Verinne, and Adrien battle near a pond. Cordelia makes it rain, causing Verinne to freak out. Adrien is KOed, followed by Verinne, with Cordelia barely staying up.
4 July 2324:
- Earth returns to St. Tomato Monastery and meets with Ganchi and Cail, who question him regarding the burst-heat device. The pair get kicked out by the monks when Earth lets slip that Ganchi's second soul destroyed the CCC2 Universe. Ganchi passes it off as Earth's odd babbling, but Cail remains suspicious.
8 July 2324:
- The Black Rock Tournament of 2324 begins.
- In Gastropnir, Jolene ponders her legendary weapon case while watching the Black Rock Tournament. Enos and Cordelia arrive, and they all try to open the case. Things catch on fire. With her knowledge of Enchantments, Cordelia determines that Jolene can open her case when she's "ready". Adrien arrives, and Cordelia leaves shortly after. Enos drinks Spirit of Phobium, becoming afraid and untrusting of Adrien. Jolene creates Telepathy potion so Enos can read his thoughts to trust him, and inadvertantly learns that Adrien is a Euromortis. They agree to try and find a willing host for Enos' Eurocid, and someone who can remove it in the first place.
13 July 2324:
- The twin Tony Hawks are scheduled to meet with Senator Bob Millings.
- Jolene Ketelsen tracks down Senator Bob Millings after finding his name in the strange letter she'd recieved in June. The Senator escapes as Jolene Ketelsen and Jolene Kettleson meet. They discuss the latter's past, and decide to track down Roy Auric. They go to see Craig Ketelsen so he can call Roy's sister Holly to find out where Roy lives.
14 July 2324:
- The Jolenes arrive at Roy's home, where he explains his cloning experiments to them. They both show disgust for his actions, and he sends his personal army of Jolene clones after them. They get through the clones easily and scare off Roy. Returning to the Hall of SCIENCE!, the original Jolene uses their new information to analyze the vial that came with the letter in June, learning that it contains a similiar formula to Roy's cloning potion, but that it has an unknown side effect to it, and that it (and presumably Roy's potions) are designed to be ingested. The clone Jolene decides to start using the name Joanie.
15 July 2324:
- During a rainy morning on Altar Relic in the Rose Islands, Jolene and Joanie run into Adrien and Verinne while looking for a new potential store. Jolene calls Enos and gets permission to tell Adrien about the situation with his brother.
- The Black Rock Tournament of 2324 ends.
16 July 2324:
- Darren Curt is killed by Truth. Truth takes his invitation to Slotheim Manor.
- Andrew Iwamine (Iwamine Model D-04) is activated.
17 July 2324:
- Enos arrives at the Hall of SCIENCE! and meets Joanie. Jolene explains Joanie's situation regarding Roy, and Enos decides to go after Roy. He and Jolene go into another room alone so Enos can give her more detailed information regarding his creation and possible links Promethean Enterprises may have with Roy's clones. After that, Enos gears up for his trip, and asks to stay overnight due to lacking a hotel room.
18 July 2324:
- Enos gets the last of his supplies from Jolene and leaves.
19 July 2324:
- The energy of Keystones finally begin to settle into their power affinities. In a northwestern mountain in the Arenan Alliance, a large spike of flaring energy was detected due to a mass quantity of Keystones present there. A science organization in the nation set up camp there.
21 July 2324:
- Sinmas and Aberrant set out on their trip to Slotheim to retrieve the blue Laquir.
24 July 2324:
- Cordelia arrived in the graveyard of Nephalia in the evening, where she uncovers a Keystone from a grave. She is attacked by corpses raised by a necromancer named Alexander Heath who had replaced the town magistrate, and had warned Cordelia of the lethal penalty for graverobbing. As his corpses attacked her, she killed him and took his bone wand. Returning to her room in the inn, she discovers an invitation to Slotheim Manor, sent late due to her being on the run and hard to find. She decided to head for Svaldon, but took a brief stop at an Arenan mountain on the way, driven by her new Keystone.
- Saja Aamodt discovers two of Parus' followers entering Svaldon, Aberrant and Sinmas.
25 July 2324:
- One of the scientists investigating the Keystone energy spike in the Arenan Alliance stumbles upon the mass of Keystones, which had finally settled as Fire Keystones. He accidentally activates them, causing a massive fire which ate away at the stone of the cave. His disappearance was noted, and Cordelia, Ganchi, Cail, and Laelia were sent in to find him with the camp's Dr. Kaur. They rescue him and witness the fire eating at the cave before abruptly ending. Investigating further, they see a woman with feathered wings escape the cave with an unconcious person. Speaking with the man from before, Ganchi, Cail, and Laelia learn about the change in the Keystones.
- Sanel Vangris speaks with Saja regarding Parus. He tries contacting Ganchi and Cail, but can't locate them.
26 July 2324:
- Masik Rilmeir finally tracks down Parus and Falraan on the island of Helatone in the Rose Islands. He takes photographs of them before Parus shakes him off his trail. Masik sends one of the pictures of Falraan to Haun Eriala, a mutual childhood friend of Falraan and her brother Karr.
- Ganchi and Cail see Saja regarding the change in Keystones. She warns Ganchi against his actions over the past two years, but tells them of Aberrant and Sinmas being in Svaldon. They begin to track them.
27 July 2324:
- The ship to Slotheim Manor leaves from Songuil, piloted by Captain Ahab. Upon arriving, the guests are greeted by the host, Fredrik Eingdahl, and his butler, Hannel Rosselberg. They wait downstairs until 8pm, during which time Aberrant shows up, and Adam Rell disappears. At 8, the group heads upstairs and discovers that Eingdahl and Adam are both dead in the study from some sort of enchanted source. The butler opens an envelope Eingdahl had told him to read after 8, where they discover Eingdahl had planned to kill himself so that his will could be read with them gathered. The will details a "game" of sorts Eingdahl set up, a sort of treasure hunt where each participant would recieve a piece of a map with a clue so they could find a way to the "Goal". They are all due to start at 8am. Some of the guests split into groups.
28 July 2324:
- The "game" on Slotheim begins. Laelia Clair decides to wait at the manor with Hannel Rosselberg as everyone leaves. Madam Mimosa and Anor head off first. Miss Hordsii and Ryata head north together, with the trio of Cordelia, Mortimer, and Sye not far behind. The trio finds a key in a gardening shed, which Miss Hordsii uses a Void Keystone to take from Cordelia. Mortimer arrests Miss Hordsii, and Ryata runs off after failing to swipe the key. Verinne, Adrien, and Danielle head west, finding the locked "Goal", obtaining a scroll from across the water, and coming upon a red-marked pillar. They head back south and run into Ryata, following him back to his group.
- Meanwhile, Truth, Aberrant, and Ken run into Madam Mimosa and Anor, but soon part ways as the trio turns west. They find a lighthouse and take a pair of binoculars from the keeper's old home before heading into the abandoned lighthouse itself. Atop the lighthouse they find the second key, and scout the landscape. They return to the docks and encounter "The Everyman", who says he's looking for Adam Rell. They then go to the blue pillar in the northeast and activate it with the lighthouse key, before returning to the manor. They meet up with Madam Mimosa, who had found the third key at the dock house, and Anor returns to the Everyman.
- Back with the other group, after Cordelia knocks Miss Hordsii out, they finally act on the map clues and head south. When tasked with crossing water, Verinne takes Adrien and Danielle away, leaving Sye, Mortimer, Cordelia, and Ryata with the unconscious Hordsii. They leave her bound and cross the water to the green pillar, activating it with the shed key. When they return, Miss Hordsii is gone. With nothing left to do, they head to the lighthouse. Cordelia falls through the broken stairs and stays at the bottom. When Mortimer gets snarky with her, she retaliates by setting the lighthouse on fire and planting a landmine at the door. Sye, Mortimer, and Ryata get out quickly, spotting the landmine in time. Ryata stays behind to put out the fire, while the rest head off.
- Verinne, Danielle, and Adrien return to the manor, meeting up with Mimosa and the others. They tell her where the last pillar is, and head off, Verinne and Adrien sneaking off to the Goal. Mimosa's group activates the pillar, allowing Verinne and Adrien to enter and find a puzzle regarding numbers. They work on it as the other two major groups see a signal that the Goal is open. Mimosa's group makes their way there with Danielle's help, while Cordelia and Sye speak with the butler, who tells them he saw a figure in the woods. They regroup with Mortimer and follow the figure, losing track of it but finding the Goal. With Mortimer's help, Adrien solves the number puzzle and opens the crypt door.
- Inside the main crypt room, the group activates the trap, a large robot. Putting together the clues from everyone's map pieces, Adrien eventually realizes that the clue that "the real Key to success is sacrifice" refers to sacrificing a Keystone on the robot, which Verinne does for them. The robot collapses, allowing access to the treasure. They then learn from a letter in the chest that Eingdahl originally intended to fake his death with the Clone Form scroll they found on him and leave while they worked on the puzzle, but the killer got to him first. The group retrieves Keystones from the chest, but before Sye could decide on one for himself, he notices a blue gemstone identical to the green one he got from his father, hidden among the treasure.
- During all of this, Aberrant steps forward, asking Sye to hand over both gemstones, revealing them to be two of the three Laquiri. He reveals that the blue one was Eingdahl's true treasure, passed down through his family, which he wanted to pass on as an unnotable bit of treasure so that Aberrant and his people would not get it. He notes that he entered the manor through a side room window before the storm, and interrupted an argument between Rell and Eingdahl about the gem, killing Rell and demanding the gem from Eingdahl. Eingdahl, having expected one of Aberrant's group to show, insisted Aberrant play the game if he wanted it, to which Aberrant responded by killing him. He then escaped through the window he entered and walked in the front door to cover his tracks.
- After questioning from Ken and Truth, Aberrant notes he hoped to take the gem with no one noticing, but Sye finding it first left him with little choice, as his other option would be to face Sye later when Sye had two Laquiri, which was something Aberrant's group did not want any one person but themselves to have. Miss Hordsii interrupted the group, seeking revenge on Cordelia. While everyone's focus is shifted and confused, Ken intervenes, saying that this is what caused Aberrant to originally escape, and that this would lead to something that would threaten the stability of the universe. Aberrant, oblivious to what his group's plan would do, brushes this off as a scare tactic. As people group together against Miss Hordsii, she accepts Aberrant's offer to team up, and he reactivates the robot with a Keystone of his own as a distraction.
- The group splits into two, with Truth, Sye, Verinne, and Adrien fighting Aberrant and Miss Hordsii, as the rest hold off the robot. Miss Hordsii immediately knocks Cordelia out as the battle ensues. Aberrant focuses on Sye, Adrien and Truth going to help Sye out. Verinne fights Hordsii on her own, setting up an obvious mine and later taking on Hordsii in a massive explosion, as Hordsii followed up by knocking her out. Meanwhile, Sye manages to take down Aberrant, surprising both his attacker and himself. Adrien begins to halucinate a tiny Verinne as he, Sye, and Truth turn focus to Hordsii. Hordsii, furious with the way the fight was heading, consumes half of the room in a massive blast, killing Sye as he strikes back through the wave. Truth begins hallucinating a tiny Sye of his own, as Miss Hordsii attempts to slaughter Adrien. Truth stops her with an explosive excess of energy, ending Hordsii's life and saving Adrien's.
- As the fight dies down, Truth consumes Miss Hordsii's flesh and snaps Aberrant's neck, ending the man's life. He takes the blue gem and hands it to Adrien for safe-keeping. Meanwhile, Ken, Mortimer, and Mimosa stop the battered robot, and take the injured and dead back up to the manor, where Anor and the butler have just finished repairing the phone line and calling for the police. An awakened Cordelia helps with the injured, and Ken sets up a camera to record his explanation to everyone so Sye can see later.
- Ken explains that Aberrant is one of the last two dozen Orkans, having survived in stasis for 2,000 years until 2305. He notes that their leader, Parus Vandir, believes the Laquiri to be holy artifacts given by their gods, and plans to use them to break the barrier around the Two Year Gap to travel back in time and save the Orkan race, as with all three a hole can be created that is large enough to let a group that large through, but that the barrier may well be destroyed. He says the barrier is there for a good reason, but does not elaborate.
- Truth realizes that Ken has implied that he's time travelled himself. Without directly revealing his true identity as a version of Ganchi Hiaba, he notes that things originally went differently here, and he was forced to take the last remaining Laquir by force and travel back in time to kill Parus' group before they could even wake, ending up in 2287, but his second soul stopped him before he could kill the Orkans. The discussion wraps up, and Ken pulls Mortimer aside to warn him not to trust Ken's two past selves. Truth asks Ken to meet him in Gravenholt on April 15th. As everyone boards the boat to leave, the everyman tells Ken that his previous offer to him still stands, both surprising and annoying Ken, who tells him off. Ken takes Sye and Aberrant's bodies with him as the group finally departs.
- In the Missing Timeline on this date, due to Ken not being there to intervene, Aberrant got away with both the blue and green Laquiri, returning them to Parus. In this timeline, Sye did not die at Slotheim, and encountered the everyman on the way off the island. (Missing Timeline Only)
29 July 2324:
- Sanel reports back to Ganchi on Masik's findings.
30 July 2324:
- Haun Eriala shows Karr the photo of Falraan, which Karr recognizes as being on Helatone, having traveled there with Falraan as kids.
31 July 2324:
- Karr arrives on Helatone to surprisingly decent weather for winter in the Rose Islands. He questions people about Falraan and learns about "the blonde man", Parus, although not by name. He tracks their path to the town of Resine on Belquiel and to the nearby airport. He learns they went to Eutropia from there, and is given a message from Parus intended for Masik, warning him and the person who hired him to stop following or he will kill them. Karr gets a picture of Parus and Falraan from security footage.
2 August 2324:
- In the red light district of Joribaus, Enos meets up with Alexander again, who promises to talk to him about SAHBER when he has time. They meet up with Cordelia, Adrien, and Karr, and the group all head indoors as it begins to rain. Cordelia and Enos investigate books coated in Phoenix Blood, and Karr shows people the photo of his sister and the blonde man.
4 August 2324:
- Just after dawn, Ganchi encounters Enos in the woods after losing track of Cail. His second soul urges him to battle to finally let loose its powers for the first time in a while. They both fought closely, and Ganchi is barely able to knock out Enos. Cail arrives, very confused at the scene. He helps Ganchi out of the woods, Ganchi now plagued with an urge to kill.
- While recovering from his fight, Ganchi thinks back to the week before.
- Sye revives from the dead in Ken's hotel room. Aberrant revives shortly after, and Ken permanently ends his life. Ken shows Sye the recording and discusses Parus before sending Sye out.
5 August 2324:
- Ganchi and Cail locate Sinmas in Svaldon. He is killed by Ganchi.
6 August 2324:
- Sye returns home and speaks with his father about Parus and the Laquiri. His father tells him about how the red Laquir vanished after the capture of Granmir the Firebringer in 2316, and that he suspects it was either taken by Derlin Ranmesel, or somehow hidden by Granmir himself.
7 August 2324:
- In the wake of tweaks to her Combat Mode and successful tests with Andrew, Ellen Iwamine's Combat Mode is tested once more, this time using the new properties of Keystones. However, another personality still ends up being created, and she escapes Iwamine Robotics.
9 August 2324:
- Alexander tracks Nastia Liukin, a gymnast from Bristol who was being stalked by a Harvester Vampire named Constantin. Alex chases Constantin down, but he fights back and gets away. The police take Nastia home, but Constantin gets to her and attacks, killing her. Alexander fires at Constantin, who leaps out to the street. Alexander kills Constantin and reports in. He returns home and thinks about his family.
12 August 2324:
- Ellen's original consciousness returns. Realizing what she has done, she decides to lay low until she can figure out a solution to her problem.
17 August 2324:
- Roy Auric realizes he can use Void Keystones to make androids able to consume potions.
23 August 2324:
- Cordelia, Adrien, Ellen, and Savas Shad visit Karroth Fortress on Cordelia's boat. Adrien takes the final note written by Craig Delling three years before, asking whoever finds it to tell Sandra Naros' family he's sorry. If Cordelia's later story is to be believed, there were dinosaurs and a volcano afterwards. But she did leave the others behind and wreck the boat. Maybe.
26 August 2324:
- Cordelia infiltrates Thanatos Corporation to retrieve a totem she had lost when she originally escaped. She makes her way to the sub-basement and uses a small security hole via the very lazy Dr. Heinrich Schulyer's dumbwaiter to make her way up to a second floor maintenance room, and after waiting for night to fall, she took the shaft to his fifth floor office. Retrieving her totem, she fell asleep as she waited for daybreak.
27 August 2324:
- Cordelia is caught by Dr. Schulyer, given that she decided to sleep in his own office, but she causes a distraction and kills him with his own gun, destroying the building and escaping. That evening, she meets with a contact from Amadeus Tech about the incident and is paid.
- A record-sized five-foot long Keystone is discovered in a relatively safe region of the seas south of Alibaas. This is later dubbed the King Keystone.
15 September 2324:
- Ellen recieves a letter from Dr. Iwamine warning her to disable her tracker. She does so and prepares to travel.
- The 2324 election for members of the National Assembly of Alibaas are held.
4 October 2324:
- Cail suggests he and Ganchi split up for a bit and focus on seperate leads. Ganchi suspects Cail has some other hidden reason for this, but is more concerned with how he's fairly sure he and Cail have been followed since August.
7 October 2324:
- Finally out of the hospital after the ordeal in April, Rosalie visits Marcel's grave for the first time and reflects on his life and death.
12 October 2324:
- Rosalie purchases a store in the Arenan city of Royal with an apartment above, the first time she'd be living on her own.
20 October 2324:
- Rosalie sends letters to Marianne and Isaac (the latter via his sister, Isura Vandir) regarding what happened with Nyogotha and Marcel.
23 October 2324:
- Cordelia, Enos, and Ganchi run into each other in Liantou, Handora. Both Cordelia and Enos intercept packages, Cordelia destroying hers, and Enos opening his to reveal the drugs he was investigating. Cordelia discovers that the reason Enos couldn't replicate it is that the vials themselves carry the enchantment, so that the substance doesn't become the drug until first added to the vials.
5 November 2324:
- Cordelia uses blood to make fire.
29 November 2324:
- Roy Auric successfully uses Void Keystones to turn an android into a Jolene clone.
3 to 5 December 2324:
- Yu Narukami's investigation group has a major breakthrough in its investigation, and catches the killer soon after.
Around 10 December 2324:
- A small coastal town begins discovering mysterious deaths about once per week, later determined to be due to a Wendigo attack.
21 December 2324:
- People claimed that ancient Alibaas prophecies stated this would be the end of the world. It wasn't.
22 December 2324:
- A holiday parade is held in the Arenan city of Bowen. Verinne and Adrien run into Karr while grocery shopping nearby. Karr tries to win Verinne over as she steals chips and cabbage, and they watch the parade. Getting bored, they head to Verinne and Adrien's temporary place, where Adrien finally tells Verinne that he's an alien. She's unsurprised. Phones are purchased, and numbers are exchanged.
Late December 2324:
- Roy Auric copies his mind to a computer so it can begin the process of copying to a Keystone.
2325 AE
- 600th anniversary of the establishment of the Duxentrux monarchy.
3 January 2325:
- Rosalie sits on a bench and thinks about how much she wants Marcel back.
7 January 2325:
- While opening a new location for the Hall of SCIENCE in Toledo, Jolene and Joanie meet up with Enos, Adrien, and Coen. Enos buys Coen a potion from Jolene, giving him wings. The five of them head over to Donut Kingdom and partake in pastries. Enos learns that not all lists are of drugs.
12 January 2325:
- Nathan Cobalt looks for a one-armed drug dealer in Jian-Chai, and meets up with Cordelia and Ellen, as Ellen threatens Cordelia for a yacht. Cobalt discovers that Cordelia already killed the drug dealer while taking care of some loose ends from Thanatos, and Cobalt suggests they team up for some corporate heroism.
- In Verenalta, an incident occured which got a number of the members of its police force fired.
13 January 2325:
- In the early hours of the morning, Ellen arrives at Yang Kanhama's hiding place to discover a shootout caused by people mistaking him for the drug dealer Cordelia killed, and Kanhama having fled.
- Roy Auric makes his last video log entry prior to his death.
16 January 2325:
- Verinne pushes her wares in Ademor during a snowstorm after throwing snowballs at kids. Thanks to Cail, Ganchi is caught trying to take Cordelia's blood, and causes a distraction by throwing a Spirit of Phobium at everyone, hitting Cordelia, Adrien, Verinne, and Coen. Simon is displeased, but everything gets better when he and Cail calm everyone down. Verinne upgrades people's weapons, and Coen moves in with Adrien and Verinne.
- Verinne films a porno with potato chips.
19 January 2325:
- Enos invades Roy Auric's manor disguised as Jolene, pretending to be one of his clones. He silenced the man and tied him down, using Tears of Alethia to get information about his clones out of him. Afterward, he used Phobium to make Auric afraid of himself and killed him. He killed a number off clones on his way out, but not the main clone. Enos returned to Jolene with the information he gathered, and asked her to go on a date with him.
21 January 2325:
- Sye runs into Truth in a bad neighborhood in Falkenaas. Truth asks Sye if luck or wits have kept him alive this long, with Sye pointing out his luck hasn't been that great. Truth challenges him to battle to test this, and Sye promptly curbstomps him somehow.
22 January 2325:
- In a coastal town on Castor, Isaac Vandir is sent after Cordelia, as Karr and Verinne watch on. Molly Joykill and Sami Zenger discuss a job, and Molly confers with the local coroner, discovering Wendigo presence on the island, having been attacking people. Just as Isaac comes up with a lead on Karr's missing sister and Cordelia runs off, Molly warns them about the Wendigo and runs off after it. Verinne, Isaac, and Karr evacuate the town and follow after her, helping her kill the beast. Karr and Isaac discuss the man Karr's nephew saw, and the four all head to the abandoned bar for a drink.
26 January 2325:
- Rosalie recieves a letter from Elentra regarding the loss of Marcel and a new kind of magic that has been discovered, a "solution". She asks her to meet in Alibaas. After finishing for the day, she writes back agreeing to meet.
30 January 2325:
- Iana, Nathan Cobalt, Enos, and Adrien Lex begin recieving dreams from Xol'eth, saying "Help me." It asks them to come to the South Seas of Alibaas.
3 February 2325:
- Rosalie recieves a response from Elentra with instructions on where to meet. After finishing her last project, she gives her employee Martha instructions and heads to sleep.
4 February 2325:
- Rosalie takes a flight to Joribaus and heads to meet her guide to see Elentra. The map takes her to the Great Tree of Alibaas, where she finds Katarina, her guide. After an hour, Katarina says things aren't as they appear. She explains that something has gone wrong, and is trapped and unwhole. Rosalie then sees that there are multiple souls trapped and fighting within Katarina, and that a fragment of Elentra is among them. Katarina notes that Elentra was more interested in protecting a certain treasured secret within Katarina herself than her own life. She also said Elentra's true location is unknown, but that she is still fighting, and currently winning. Rosalie agrees to help her, and they choose to remain in contact.
11 February 2325:
- Iana, Nathan, Enos, and Adrien meet up in Alexandria, where they take a boat with Captain Ahab to the voice's island. They find it devoid of all animal life, and upon investigation discover not only post-Gap presence of the Svaldic military, but also signifigant evidence of Keystone activity, despite the current Keystone abilities only having been awakened less than a year ago. They soon find a large crater that the Svalds dug a tunnel into. This leads into a cavern filled with dangerous Keystones, and Xol'eth's Ghost, the being who contacted them. It acts extremely unhelpful, but tells them its body was taken for study by the Svalds. The group leaves, and investigates a second town on the island, finding a massive hole in the town.
- Cordelia comes crashing down next to the South Seas group, and their Jeep is stolen by a one-armed man named John, who says he keeps blacking out. They return to the pit to find Michael climbing out of it, confused. John vanishes, and they decend into the pit. The group is ambushed by a mutated person with a dangerous Keystone in its chest, whom they team up to defeat, with Iana decapitating it for good measure. They discover an abandoned drill car and a new jeep, along with notes leading them to the likely location the ghost's body was taken. As they start heading back, the headless beast returns and chases them. They find John again and pull him aboard as they return to Ahab's ship, although he promptly disappears again. They return to Alexandria for a few drinks, planning to deal with the Svaldon situation later. (RPed 19 February)
15 February 2325:
- Roxy and Lucas flee through a doorway from Ooe to Disparatus, with no way back home.
- Roxy lands off the UP coast, near Allenport. She finds herself seperated from Lucas, and comes across Simon in her frantic search. He helps with her wounds, and she passes out. Simon calls an ambulance. After a few hours at the hospital, Roxy thanks Simon and runs off to find Lucas. Simon catches up and gives her his business card. An explosion is detected over Allenport, and an earthquake occurs in the Svaldic mountains. Roxy believes this is Arz arriving from Ooe and leaves to seek his help. She sells some things for money and heads to the airport.
18 February 2325:
- Mortimer trains Marianne in Neptune City, and the pair soon meet up with Jolene. Minor seismic activity ensues.
20 February 2325:
- In Verenalta, an unknown entity takes control of a train, pouring a ton of enchantments on it to keep it sealed. An alarm is briefly raised over this. Truth, Coen, Roxy, Jolene, and Sami board the train as it stops, unexpectedly opening up to allow everyone off except an old man and a woman named Rita. Sami and Coen investigate the enchantments, Sami seeing odd flashes of memory from touching a lever, and Coen eventually discovers the presence of two Legendary Enchantments. The train finally stops, police rushing in to help. A figure escapes the train, but almost everyone finds it impossible to properly focus on it.
25 February 2325:
- Sergeant Nuke Kennington helps Iana, Enos, Adrien, Nate, and Cordelia get into the base the ghost's body is being kept at by using false names and faking papers that they were transfers from the Davenfield base to help with the corrupted Keystone research. They're briefed by Commander David Groven, and shown the corrupt Keystones. They explore the base, eventually finding a lead that takes them to Storage 4B, where they discover the box containing Kri-Yut. Nate relays the story Isaac told him about Kri-Yut, and Cordelia reads papers on it. After a bout of paranoia, they decide to deal with it later, but Iana keeps an eye out. She catches Nuke under Kri-Yut's manipulation and uses Sleeping Draught on him. They continue along and discover the room with the ghost's body, realizing it's a Gurivian.
- Cordelia and Enos head back to check on Kri-Yut and make sure no one has taken its box, when Kri-Yut manipulates Enos to knock out Cordelia and take the box to the Gurivian body. Adrien, Nate, and Iana lift the Gurivian and take it to the elevator as Enos catches up to them. They stop him, but Kri-Yut manipulates Nate's rage to convince him to open the box for a battle. Kri-Yut takes possession of the Gurivian body as two soldiers arrive to aid the group. (RPed 4 March)
- Cordelia stumbles back to the group as the battle begins. Iana hammers Kri-Yut with bullets as Nate knocks it into the elevator. Cordelia shattered open the elevator floor, forcing Kri-Yut to hold itself aloft. Kri-Yut attempts a mental attack on the group, which backfires. Everyone keeps attacking it, one of the soldiers tossing Enos a Philter of Godspeed which does not help him ever. Pissed off at Nate, Kri-Yut attempts to kill him with a single blast of energy. Nate leaps right through it, uppercutting it into the ceiling and destroying the elevator in a firey explosion as he loses consciousness. (RPed 5 March)
- The soldiers and Adrien help take Nate to the medical ward, Iana taking Nuke along with them and leaving him to sleep there as the doctors awaken Nate. The group follows the soldiers to the third floor (Nate via a monitor), where they discover that Kri-Yut, outside of a body, is attempting to access the corrupt Keystones. Enos grabs a test rat which scientists forcibly bonded to a Keystone and tosses it in. Kri-Yut takes the body and attempts to consume the Keystones, resulting in it likely being destroyed like the others who touched them. The group retrieves Xol'eth's body via trolley, and Iana uses her full Fallen Angel Ascension to scare Groven and his soldiers into not pursuing them as Captain Ahab drives them off back to Alibaas. (RPed 11 March)
26 February 2325:
- Captain Ahab takes the group back to the South Seas, where they return Xol'eth's body to it. It thanks them, explaining its situation and thanking them. It offers to return the favor when any of them need it, and it returns to its people. The group finds John again and goes back to the boat for drinks, heading home. (RPed 11 March)
27 February 2325:
- Molly talks with a barkeep about ghost movies. A man attempts to rob the bar, but Molly stops him. The police arrive and arrest her for drunk and disorderly conduct. She is offered a job by BIO to clean her record. She's so drunk that she thinks this happens twice.
- Elections for the Rose Island's President, Prime Minister, and members of Parliament. Incumbent Prime Minister Edward Lorence was elected to a second term, and incumbent President Abigail Morrison was elected to an unprecidented fifth term.
1 March 2325:
- Verinne's group gets evicted when their building's landlord realizes they're living there.
2 March 2325:
- Verinne, Adrien, Ellen, Roxy, Teo, Simon, and Rachel meet at a festival in the Ostfold city of Water Melon. Complete madness ensues, and sharks jump. Adrien and Verinne contact Coen to tell them they were evicted, and he relays to them the madness he's experiencing at their apartment.
3 March 2325:
- Lucas lands in the Svaldic capital of Falkenaas and tries to remain calm while looking for Roxy. Roxy, following a lead, arrives in Falkenaas soon after to look for him. A police officer attempts to arrest Lucas for underaged drinking, but Roxy finds him and interrupts. He attempts to arrest her for child endangerment, but Lucas knocks him unconscious with his solar gauntlets and tries to kill him. Roxy calms him down and calls in for medical assitance for the officer on his radio. The two head to a hotel, and Roxy patches Lucas up.
6 March 2325:
- A rally was held at the University of Petrarca in Verenalta, opposing recent mining operations proposed by the Arenan Alliance government to dig in a small Ostfold town of Earth refugees and immigrants. When the police arrived, one approached the three most rowdy of the protesters and killed them with a flick of his hand, according to Janneke.
8 March 2325:
- Alexander joins up with UP Researchers in charge of a large mass of rock excavated from Earth in 2323. They take a little over a week to make preparations and prepare to get through customs.
13 March 2325:
- Marianne, Roxy, Karr, Molly, Adrien, Asha, and Dawn meet up in the underground city of Baralynn, and head over to a bar where Molly tries her hand at the piano. Karr shows his nephew's drawing to Marianne, who recognizes it as Ganchi. Dawn asks around if anyone can help access locations which are shut off to people. A small earthquake hits the area, which Roxy believes is the arrival of Arz. She heads off to find him.
15 March 2325:
- The Aethership Eisernfalk manages to get through the Aetherstorm around Earth, albeit badly damaged.
17 March 2325:
- Eisernfalk arrives over Disparatus and lands in Svaldon for repairs.
18 March 2325:
- The Verenalta Police Department sends out a public notice asking for assistance from anyone with a keystone willing to try out some dangerous work. Cordelia, Lucas, Sam, Teo, Adrien, Nate Cobalt, and Luci are selected to help by a senior officer named Jeb. Jeb explains the arcane beast running around the city for the past month, and that Keystone users have been able to make some sense of it. The plan is to find and stop it, with Sam as bait. They track it down at a warehouse and capture it, hearing voices in their heads as they touch it. The fog around the beast lifts, revealing an elf woman. They discuss what to do with her, and Lucas and Sam get in a fight on whether or not to kill her. The group looks over her belongings, finding her name to be Catherine Warner, along with mints from a diner called "Dwarves!". They return her to the station and lock her up.
- Research officially begins on the rock excavated from Earth after settling in Farthings Province and gathering enchanters. Upon breaking open the rock, it is revealed to be a large tomb sealed with magic and broken by the researchers. With the magic broken, the ancient warrior Kulimar of the Guild of Heroes emerges from slumber since 1925. Also unknowingly unleashed is the powerful devil Jararc, who had been sealed with Kulimar. A mole inside of the research team notifies the Brotherhood of Shadows, a cult loyal to seeing Jararc rule the earth. Kulimar is taken into custody by the government and interrogated, with Alex doing what he can to make sure Kulimar was treated well.
19 March 2325:
- Roxy and Simon run into each other in Erillia. They discuss their recent activities and then practice spar with each other. Roxy starts to act unusual during the fight, and Simon is forced to go serious, knocking her out.
- Simon takes Roxy back to her home in the city. Lucas helps them get inside and they patch her up. Roxy possibly hits on and hits Simon, offering him to stay the night. They both talk a bit about their pasts. Heading to the store for more bandages, they come across an unusual man who seems badly infected or mentally disturbed. He seems to attack Roxy and whispers the word "hungry" to her as they are forced to put him down in self-defense. They call the police, who let them go after viewing security footage from a nearby camera. They return to Roxy's home.
20 March 2325:
- Yu Narukami moves back home.
22 March 2325:
- Not knowing his real birthday, Adrien celebrates the day he escaped from the SAHBER lab as a stand-in birthday.
23 March 2325:
- Raven steals things in Catalina and beats down some thugs and gets to their boss, Joshua Cole, taking charge of her territory. She takes a flight to Erillia and makes herself at home in Roxy's cafe. (Was originally set as the quest date of 28 March, but was moved to the 23rd to fit with Kulimar's Awakening.)
25 March 2325:
- Kulimar is released from UP Custody with clearance as a foreign national. Alex stays with Kulimar to show him what Disparatus is like, when the pair are attacked by a sniper from the Brotherhood of Shadows. They rush back to the research facility to find it has been attacked by a small strike force from the Brotherhood of Shadows, and many of the researchers are killed before Kulimar and Alex are able to stop them and the demon Jafar, an assassin from Kulimar's time who had left the Guild of Heroes and was put in an unaging state for years. They chase down the mole and use his phone to find out who he has been calling.
- Kulimar, Alex, a research intern named Lila trace his calls to a cult base in the catacombs under the UP town of Larspring, the scene of what becomes known as 'The Battle of Larspring'. Roxy shows up in the catacombs following a lead Raven got from some drug dealers, and falls under attack from the cult members, taken to be a sacrifice to Jararc. Kulimar, Alex, and Lila rescue them and fight the cultists, who call in robots to battle, while Lucas ends up captured, and Lila goes missing. They manage to defeat the cultists and their machines, rescuing Lucas. They end up learning that this is just an offshoot base rather than the main headquarters, and that the demon Larkan still lives.
- As the group searches for Lila and any other prisoners, UP soldiers arrive as backup. In the ensuing battle, they discover a room of stasis tubes filled with near-dead people whose life force is being drained to power the base, including ten members of the Guild of Heroes. Lucas works on the tubes while the others fight off abominations of magic and science called Kralicons. They succeed and kill the spectral scientist in charge of the project. They send Lucas to the hospital, and Roxy calls for Raven and Arz to pick him up. The remainder discover the main cells and free a few prisoners, learning that Lila was taken elsewhere.
- An enchantment envelops the three in visions of their fears, but they all manage to overcome it. Larkan sends in another robot, this time under the guise of Alex, to trick the UP soldiers and kill them while he goes for Kulimar, Roxy, and the actual Alex himself. The robot succeeds in both killing and panicking the soldiers, and proceeds to attack the cult as well before escaping the town to do as it pleases. Meanwhile, in the ensuing battle against Larkan, he lets loose all of his powers as a demon of pestilence, beginning to overtake the small town with rot and disease. The battle is incredibly difficult, but Kulimar, Roxy, and Alexander manage to finally wear him down, Kulimar delivering the final blow. As they leave, they find the remains of Lila hidden away and overtaken by disease.
- In the end, after 10 hours, the cult retreats and Kulimar, Roxy, and Alex emerge the only survivors of the underground battle itself, although a number of the soldiers topside remain standing. In all, a hundred soldiers, seventy-eight civilians, twenty prisoners of war, and a research intern are killed. Twelve prisoners are retrieved wounded, but alive. The town lay mostly in ruins. Jararc is nowhere to be found in the base. (Board Quest held in the summer, placed here. Was originally set as January, but Roxy's involvement would have been impossible then.)
27 March 2325:
- Elizabeth and Anthony Hudson are last seen in the Eutropian Museum of Art's cafe.
29 March 2325:
- Kulimar is debriefed on the Battle of Larspring and is thanked by Roxy. He leaves one of his Guild's seals on the still-unconscious Alex's bedside table.
1 April 2325:
- Rangi looked to the stars in a Eutropia park, with Lucas reading nearby. Rangi declares that he thinks a deus ex machina will happen tonight, and Lucas views an unusual object in Rangi's telescope. Something flies by them, and they discover themselves in what appears to be the August Games arena. An unidentified voice declares the start of the only round of the Moongames, between Rangi and Lucas. Finding themselves trapped, they reluctantly oblige. Rangi comes out the winner, and helps Lucas back up. The two end up as friends.
3 April 2325:
- The 100th anniversary celebration of Queen's Ascension amusement park. Rangi, Roxy, Ellen, and Molly all show up.
- In the Missing Timeline, Ganchi Hiaba used the red Laquir to travel back in time past the Two Year Gap barrier to Mid-2287. (Missing Timeline Only)
4 April 2325:
- Roxy, Lucas, and Simon go to see Elizabeth Hudson's exhibit at the Eutropian Museum of Art. Simon drops one of the knifes he'd forgotten to return to Roxy, and a little girl runs off with it. Security goes after the girl, and the trio head off to see the manager, Simon having wanted to see him about being hired regarding the unusual goings-on in the exhibit lately. He gets hired and the manager runs off, Lucas commenting on how crazy everyone is. They nearly catch the kid from before, but she runs off and a chandelier falls. They stay in the museum overnight and talk.
5 April 2325:
- In the early hours, Simon, Roxy, and Lucas continue to look around the museum and hear a woman scream in the Hudson exhibit. Lucas finds himself drawn into the exhibit by mysterious messages, and the paintings appear to become real. Roxy and Simon are nearly trapped inside one, and find messages targetting Roxy. They locate Lucas, and a painting of a woman becomes distorted and alive, attacking them. They run and find their way around the place and discover that it seems to be a look into Elizabeth Hudson's subconscious. They discover Lucy, the girl who took the knife, and then have to find a key to escape. Lucas passes out, and they hide in a theater room, where Roxy and Simon argue. It becomes a full-blown fight, and Simon knocks Roxy out. When Roxy wakes later, they play a film they found, showing a memory of the Hudsons where Elizabeth tried to poison herself out of guilt over her art and killed her unborn child. The group tries to find the exit and comes across a gravely injured Anthony Hudson, who gives them a decorated Keystone that he'd worked to buy as an anniversary gift, and tells them to give it to Elizabeth as he falls to his injuries. Lucy tries to take Lucas away and blames Simon, claiming he is trying to take Lucas and Roxy from her. She attacks Lucas with the knife and he runs. Roxy and Simon come across Lucy, who attacks Simon with the knife. Roxy finds Elizabeth, who sets the place on fire. Lucy burns away, and the group escapes the painting with Elizabeth. They give her Anthony's gift and leave her to the medics.
9 April 2325:
- At the Verenalta Police Department, the group from a few weeks before and from the train incident are reassembled with some new members, consisting of Sam, Luci, Coen, Jolene, Rosalie, and Roxy. Jolene stays behind at the station to help clean up a potion spill, while Jeb and the others head over to check out "Dwarves!". Renee passes around juice boxes. At Dwarves!, Rosalie overcharms the bartender, Brandon Vladishots, uncovering a good amount of information, including that they were serving customers some sort of strange brew in an unlabeled bottle if they were part of an unspecified club. The group behind this was apparently headed by a Janneke. The bottle was being handled and guarded by a muscular blond man named Leros. Rosalie trips Roxy into Leros, knocking him down so Rosalie could grab the bottle. They discover the brew is a chemical not normally on the market, enhanced by an enchantment on the bottle. Jeb takes Brandon and Leros into custody.
10 April 2325:
- Sam and Renee go back to her place in the early hours of the morning. They discuss the case and possibly have sex. Sam makes breakfast.
- Back at Verenalta P.D., everyone reconvenes in the afternoon, with Adrien rejoining the group. He and Jolene are filled in on the events of the previous day, and Jolene recognizes the brew as the same one Enos found the recipe for a year prior. Sam and Luci head in to interrogate Leros, Luci and Jolene completely failing to realize he looks very similiar to Enos. Jolene suggests using Tears of Alethia on him, but Jeb notes they were forced to empty their potion stocks after an incident. Coen, Adrien, Jolene, Roxy, and Rosalie find Agrimony in the basement to make Tears with, giving it to Leros. They get answers out of him, and they decide to infiltrate Janneke's club the next day, and they split off for the night. (RPed 16 April)
- Having noticed she was missing, Sam calls Renee, hearing odd interference. He heads to her place and finds signs of a struggle, along with Rita, the woman from the train. She says she has Renee, but that Renee is fine. Rita leaves, and Sam calls the others. (RPed 17 April)
- Coen, Roxy, Adrien, Rosalie, and Luci head to a local burger place and socialize until Sam calls them. He arrives at the burger place and relays what happened. They return to her place with the police, where Sam recognizes the same enchantment from the train. (RPed 17 April)
- Roxy hangs with Jeb, during which Jeb discusses the incident three months ago that got a number of officers fired. They share a hotel room, and Lucas shows up around midnight to stay. (RPed 20 & 21 April)
- Coen and Rosalie head to the library to research enchantments possibly linked to the Verenalta incidents. Coen notices that a lot of the higher-tier enchantment books were written by the same person, a lady by the name of Abagail Desrei. Coen sees a flyer for enchantment tutoring at the University of Petrarca from a girl named Dani.
11 April 2325:
- Jolene is awakened early by housekeeping with a message from Police Chief Jane Ravane, asking to speak with her. Jolene heads to the station and is offered work for them making potions. Chief Ravane gives Jolene juice boxes, and Jolene spots an odd bottle in the juice box fridge, but believes it's the Chief's medicine. (RPed 21 April)
- Jolene returns to her hotel room and thinks about opening her Sethmas gift.
- Sam is awakened early by housekeeping with a message from Rita, saying to meet her at Coffee Arbor alone. Rita implies she's a middle party, with neither the police or Janneke's group. (RPed 21 April)
- Luci heads to the police station and speaks with Leros. They talk about free will, and how Leros is genetically programmed to not break any contract he's under. He tells Luci to mention his name to Janneke. (RPed 21 & 22 April)
- Everyone in the Verenalta group (apart from Adrien, who was busy) dresses up for the club and heads over to the University of Petrarca. Jolene finishes her juice box as they arrive, and they find Dani, the girl from the tutoring flyer Coen saw. Dani sends them into the club with a spell. Inside, they quickly locate Janneke, next to half-dwarf/half-elf guy. Coen feels enchantment all over the place, and Sam puts the heat on Janneke, who is surprised to hear the names Leros and Rita. Meanwhile, Jolene is completely overcome by the effects of what is soon determined to be the juice from Chief Ravane that she drank, which contained the potion from Dwarves!. She can feel a very strong presence from the stage, but Rosalie nullifes the effects by inducing vomiting, and Jolene uses Tincture of Rue to clear her head of the rest. Janneke recounts the rally from the month before, and says another will be held in the city center in 32 hours. Janneke cuts them from the room, and the group is able to convince Dani to help them out, and Jeb drives them off. (RPed 27 & 28 April)
- Jeb returns to the station, where Roxy confronts him about the riot from last month Janneke discussed. Jeb talks about the riots from months before, while also seeming to talk about the riot from last month, saying he was the one who approached the three students, but that he wasn't the one to kill them, noting he does not have a Keystone himself. Roxy, for her part, offers what proof she can of her story of not being from Disparatus or Earth. The pair discuss the juice boxes, and decide to look into it. (RPed 28 April)
- Roxy calls up Sam, asking to talk outside the station. They meet and discuss Roxy's distrust of Jeb, but also that she believes he legitimately didn't know of the police's involvement in the potion. (RPed 29 April)
- Coen takes Dani to his and Adrien's hotel room for safety, where they meet up with Adrien. Dani tells them that her sister was one of the three victims. Coen fills Dani in on what they know, and Dani gets to tutoring him in enchantment. Coen also discusses the legendary enchantments he saw, which impresses Dani. Dani runs the pair through enchantment exercises. (RPed 29 April)
- Luci goes to see Leros again, who is accompanied by a guard. Once out of sight, she knocks the guard out, telling Leros she's breaking him out. On their way, she finds Jeb's case files before running into more guards. They knock them out and soon find the dead body of another officer, unsure who killed him. They flee the scene. (RPed 29 & 30 April)
- Rosalie has tea and runs into the half-elf/half-dwarf guy from earlier. They agree to "talk", with the mute man speaking by typing messages into his phone. He says he knows she's a Bui, meaning she isn't from around here. He warns her not to go to Janneke's rally, and that the police here are racist against those of Earth-based ancestry. Before leaving, he gives her his number for texting purposes. (RPed 30 April)
- Rosalie returns to the hotel room, shortly followed by Luci and Leros. Rosalie briefly protests before she and Luci begin looking through Jeb's case files. There is a list of circled names included: Ravane, Janneke, Eileen, Francisca, Renee and Rita. Leros notes Eileen owned Dwarves!, leaving Francisca as the only unfamiliar one. Rosalie makes a disguise for Leros, and they sneak over to Renee's apartment, looking through her car, where they find papers and a map. They discover another of the odd beasts nearby, but it escapes. (RPed 7 & 8 May)
- Around 9 PM, with less than 24 hours until the rally, Jeb calls the group to meet at a restaurant. After Luci and Rosalie arrive with Leros, he explains he called them because of Leros' disappearance, and a dead officer that was found at the station, the same one Luci found. Information on the group is found in Jeb's files, and he reiterates that he didn't kill the three dead kids. Jolene finally puts together the Enos connection with Leros and mentions it, while Rosalie speaks with Dani. Leros notes that he was originally ordered to deliver the drug today from the final station of the tower's monorail to Dwarves!, the police station, and concession stands at the city center. After some discussion of plans, the group splits up, half going to the monorail station, and the rest to the police station. (RPed 30 April)
- Sam, Luci, Adrien, Jolene, Coen, Dani, and Leros stop at the monorail station. They find their way into a hidden storeroom of the potions, which is filled with a large Destroy enchantment. The elf/dwarf, Tarrik, shows up and tries to knock Adrien out, but they stop him. Luci confiscates his phone and texts Rosalie with it. Leros states that half of the shipment is already gone, and Dani suggests using the potions to boost their enchantment ability so they can use the preset Destroy to destroy the shipment. Tarrik briefly takes the phone back and half-texts Rosalie, but Luci clears things up. The group destroys the shipment, and agrees to head to Dwarves! to deal with the likely shipment there. (RPed 1 May)
- Jeb, Rosalie, and Roxy stop at the police station, learning Luci is wanted for questioning. They head to Chief Ravane's office and interrogate her. Rosalie recieves texts from Luci and Tarrik along the way. Ravane admits to serving the drug from the diner, and babbles on about the spiritul plane. Rosalie ties her to the chair and demands answers. Ravane says she was helping to rig the rally with a massive enchantment that would hit everyone at the city center. Ravane escapes, stating that this is only one branch of her and that she isn't actually Chief Ravane before committing suicide. Jeb, Roxy, and Luci escape the scene. (RPed 1 May)
- Shortly after the incident at the police station, Roxy fetches Lucas and takes him to a cafe with Rosalie. Rosalie speaks of her home, and Roxy does of hers. Roxy and Lucas run off when Roxy realizes Lucas is late for his flight to Handora. (RPed 5 May)
- Lucas leaves Verenalta to head for Handora, which is a few hours behind the AA due to timezones.
- Siliya and Lucas both show up at an abandoned, millenium-old mansion in Handora. Ganchi, visiting the town as part of his search, sees them and heads in to investigate. Rena arrived as well, having been sent on a job to retrieve papers from a desk in the mansion. The four meet up, and Rena retrieves what she was sent for. Siliya invites Rena to the local bar for a drink, and as they all leave Molly sets off a fire in the basement, burning the house down.
12 April 2325:
- In the early hours of the morning Sam's group goes to Dwarves! and deals with the potion shipment there with no issue. Leros assures them this is the last likely shipment. Luci also handcuffs Tarrik in Jeb's house. (This technically happens before the mansion incident, but due to timezones it was the 12th in Verenalta before evening arrived for the 11th in Handora. It is listed after it for convenience.)
- Roxy slips a letter under Sam's door regarding the events in Chief Ravane's office.
- In the middle of the night, Luci recieves a texts on Tarrik's phone from Janneke noting that the riot has been cancelled due to unforseen circumstances.
- Sam recieves a call from Renee, asking him to come to her house. Suspicious, he does so. He questions her on what happened, learning little, but quickly realizing it's Rita controlling Renee. She states that her aim is to bring multiple people into one body, also noting versions of herself are in multiple bodies across the city. As Sam tries to escape, he finds the way blocked by another multi-man beast. Jumping out the window with his head swimming in voices, he calls Coen, warning him that if he's taken, it's a trap, and not to come after him. Rita then knocks him out. (RPed 5 & 6 May)
- Sam wakes up in a dark room in pain. Exploration leads to terrible smells and enchantment reagents. He discovers he has been recently tattooed, and finds an envelope containing ID cards for his entire group apart from himself and Jeb. He then comes across the dead bodies of two women, followed by a mirror, phone, and note from Rita reading that he can make a 15 second call to whomever he wants. She also mentions she left books for him written by Abigail Desrei, and that he should have about three hours left if he woke when she expected. (RPed 8 May)
- Coen calls everyone to meet him, Rosalie suggesting the park. Everyone but Roxy shows, as she overslept. Coen tells them of Sam's call, and Luci mentions Janneke's message. Rosalie and Luci show the group Jeb's files again, finding a connection with the locations of where those with the circled names disappeared, seeing that there is an empty space over the water park. Jeb supplies the group with extra weapons and they head to the water park, finding it closed. They enter anyway. There is no water inside, but a stage lights up, two arrows pointing to spots on it. Coen steps right onto one, getting stuck in place. Roxy finally catches up just in time to see this. (RPed 8 May)
- Back with Sam, he investigates the boiler room, discovering an exit hatch on the roof, but that something heavy is blocking it. He looks back at the bodies, finding one to be Francisca Bailona, the manager of the local water park. He also discovers a slot for two cards, and a note from Rita saying to put in the cards of the two he wants to spare, which Sam essentially rolls his eyes over. While he continues to investigate, the area begins to flood. Fiddling with levers starts up a 20 minute timer next to the boiler, proving Rita was clearly inspired by the Puzzle Killer. Sam uses a hammer to tap out "MIDGET" repeatedly in Morse Code in the hopes of someone hearing it. (RPed 15 May)
- With the rest of the group, Rita's voice comes on over the speakers. She claims she's trying to improve everyone's lives by bringing them all into one body to cut down on too few having Keystone power. It's mentioned that the enchantment at the city center is still usable, but it would likely fail dangerously without the potion, and that the entire water park is in an enchantment circle of its own. Water begins running, right as Sam fiddles with the levers, with Rita saying they have 20 minutes. Jolene, tired of this nonsense, finally unlocks her Legendary Weapon from Sethmas and uses it to break open the bottom of the stage. The group crowds under, and Jolene frees Coen from below. Luci recieves a call from Sam, adding what he knows. Rita says Sam bought five more minutes. Sam's distant tapping is heard by the group, and they all split up. Luci, Leros, and Jeb find the security booth. Coen, Adrien, and Rosalie head backstage and find another beast in a cage with a Destroy enchantment. Roxy and Jolene follow the tapping to a restaurant with a locked door and a small hole leading inside. Jolene makes Falling Hero's Tonic to shrink down and get inside to open the door as Luci rejoins them, Leros and Jeb staying at security. The trio moves crates off the floor hatch, but find it locked. Jolene uses her weapon to break open a small part of the floor and tosses Sam a Breath of Water potion. Coen's group finds the enchantment source and heads there, calling the others to tell them. Luci starts prying the hatch open, helping Sam out. Rita begins to speak when she's interrupted by Coen's group getting to her. The others head to join them, and they learn that Rita has freed the caged beast. (RPed 20 May)
- Sam, Coen, Roxy, and Luci fight Rita, culminating as Sam slams Rita into a wall and pummelling her. Instead of killing her, they interrogate her. She says Abigail Desrei was the first to split her soul like this, and Rita was just experimenting to find how to re-merge souls. Sam decides to lock her up at BIO. (RPed 9 June)
- Jolene, Rosalie, and Adrien go to head off the beast. Jolene drinks an empowering potion that messes with her judgement. The three of them fight the beast, with Jolene not even slightly holding back, nearly destroying all of them. The beast hangs on, and Adrien knocks it out. The beast's image clarifies into a human male in a uniform, whom Rosalie can tell was affected by Spirit Bind. She goes to get the others. (RPed 20 June)
- Rita gets carted off as the group looks over the "beast", joined by Jeb and Leros. Using Tarrik's phone, they trick her into agreeing to meet at the waterpark at 11 PM. They part ways for half of the day to wait. (RPed 23 July)
- The group reconvenes at the waterpark that night, and Roxy uses a potion to disguise herself as Tarrik. The plan ends up a bust, and Luci takes a shot at Janneke from afar. The scene erupts into chaos, and one of Janneke's mooks ends up lighting himself and Adrien on fire. Luci "bargains" with Janneke by snapping her finger to get her to cancel Leros' contract, and Sam deduces Janneke's just another Rita, although Janneke says that while that's technically true, they've been seperate people for years. She cancels the contract and is arrested. Meanwhile, Coen comforts the burnt Adrien, who decides to explain everything now that he needs to get a new body. Jeb drives them back to the hotel as they all part ways. (RPed 23 July)
- 2322 RM, one of the Euromortis ships disguised as an asteroid, is pulled toward Disparatus by the initial ship.
- Dr. Richard May, an incredibly self-absorbed researcher at the geological survey station in the Ostfold town of Hammond, detected the impact of 2322 RM about 30 minutes off the coast. Further readings also indicated the presence of Keystones in the area. Notes indicate that these seismic readings may have been since kept in his briefcase.
13 April 2325:
- Adrien explains his race and situation to Coen. They decide to sneak into the morgue to get him a new body and bury the old one. (RPed 24 July)
- Roxy meets with Jeb about the incident where the students were killed. He says there's video evidence of him killing them, but he doesn't remember ever doing anything, only wanting to calm the situation, and then it happening. Jeb also mentions his missing husband. (RPed 24 July)
- Leros and Luci talk in their hotel room. Leros discusses his and his brothers' supervisors, and they make an agreement. Luci thinks about her past. (RPed 25 July)
- While refusing to divulge what exactly he had learned, Dr. May bragged about his discovery to anyone who would listen, claiming at local bar The Bronze Steed that his findings would "change the way we thought about the world", and that he "knew where it all comes from".
14 April 2325:
- Dr. May announces that he will be holding a press conference about his Keystone-related discovery in Hammond, Ostfold on Friday the 26th of April at 7:30 PM. He planned to offer to make the first public dive to the Keystone site itself. It's unclear whether or not he made an earlier dive before his death or not, although he did already have scuba gear purchased from a local wilderness supply.
15 April 2325:
- Ken Hiyama and Truth meet up as scheduled in Gravenholt National Park in Svaldon. They discuss relationships between multiple souls in a body. Truth explains the multiple souls inside his body, and that they have difficulty communicating as only one can have control at a time. Ken suggests writing a letter to one of the other souls, which Truth had not considered. In exchange, Truth offers to assist Ken in accomplishing his goal, saying they can make contact via this park's bulletin board.
16 April 2325:
- At the research station shortly after making his findings, Dr. May had noted that something was 'different' in later readings he took compared to the data he'd originally collected.
17 April 2325:
- After taking some time off to heal after the Battle of Larspring, Alexander is assigned to head up to Hammond in a week for Dr. May's impending announcement. (From near the end of Kulimar's Awakening)
18 April 2325:
- Coen calls Roxy, asking her to come to his and Adrien's hotel room. They plan to use Roxy's skills and Coen's magic to steal Adrien a new corpse body. Coen ask Adrien how big he is. Adrien climbs out of Adrien's mouth. Coen places him in a paper bag. They go to a morgue and sneak in. Adrien temporarily takes a female body so he can more easily choose a new one. He picks a body with darker hair and skin than his old one. Coen admires Adrien's muscles. They flee from security. Coen asks Adrien to go back to the hotel to test the body with physical activity. (RPed 9 January 2014, but takes place here. It was held off for a while because of scheduling issues.)
19 April 2325:
- In the early hours of the morning, Luci is attacked by a number of corporate soldiers from TTT and is taken captive, brought to a desert base in the UP led by Dr. Alice Bellson. She is sedated and placed in a cell. That night, an airborn sedative fails and Luci escapes her cell. With few escape options, she makes her way to a location on the base called the vault. Somehow, beyond her control, she inputs the login for the vault's computer without knowing it. Inside the vault she discovers K.I.D. hooked up to a machine. Knowing she wouldn't want to be in the same position, she frees him. Kid destroys the rest of the soldiers pouring in. The two fight their way out of the base and escape. On the motorway, they are nearly run over by Philip, who lets them hitchhike with him. They get past a checkpoint and drive off.
20 April 2325:
- Luci, Kid, and Philip arrive in a small town in th the desert and steal a new car. They get to a hospital and steal medical supplies, and check in at a motel. Philip removes failsafe triggers from the both of them and leaves for the moment to deal with som personal business. Kid and Luci talk for a while as they wait for him to return. They decide to use the triggers to make TTT think they were killed. Philip returns and suggests heading to the Alliance.
- Dr. Bellson talks with Robert Gray of TTT's Board of Directors. He chews her out for using company assets to build a personal army, and for screwing up royally. He sends two of the Numbers, TTT's personal hit squad, after Luci and Kid.
21 April 2325:
- At a gym, the power goes out during a storm while Ánië, Alexander, Sam, Iana, and Dawn are there. They find themselves to be locked in while investigating shadows. They find a small dog, followed by a rather detatched looking middle-aged man in an office, who turns out to be Truth, who assumed the building was abandoned. They then find a dead woman in her underwear with her head partially severed, followed by a dead man in his underwear with a large wound in his neck. They find the killer, a deranged Vampire, and decapitate it.
24 April 2325:
- Having taken Luci and Kid safely to Arena, Philip sits in a cafe to wait for a new client which had contacted him. The cafe is cleared of everyone but him and Number Nineteen (formerly Twenty when Philip had met her previously) arrives along with Robert Gray, Philip's client. Gray implies he was the one who made Luci's sedative fail, having wanted the pair to escape.
25 April 2325:
- Isaac, Roxy, and Siliya meet at an inn/tavern in a generic city at late night, while the latter two are heading off toward Hammond. Siliya talks to Isaac about his worries as Rosalie arrives. Rosalie pours water on Siliya. Siliya forces Isaac and Rosalie into talking, as both blame themselves for Marcel's fate. Remembering Elentra's advice, Isaac settles on them both having fucked up, which seems to lighten Rosalie up a bit. The two agree to move on from the past. Siliya has them pay for her plane ticket, and then beats Isaac horribly at arm wrestling.
26 April 2325:
- In the early hours of the morning, the Euromortis known as Dr. Henry Lewis breaks into the home of Hammond Geological Survey Station janitor Damian Bentley, and knocks him out with anasthetic. He takes him to Wilfred Forest and shoots him in the chest, killing him. He leaves him there in a body bag overnight.
- A number of people fly or drive into Hammond, Ostfold to hear of Dr. May's discovery, including Enos, Ánië, Nate Cobalt, Lucas, Siliya, Molly, Alexander, Mina, Teo, and Kulimar.
- Around 4:30 in the afternoon, Dr. May arrived at the Hammond survey station with hopes of fame, fortune, and women. Some of the other researchers, including Drs. Tanner Dawe and Francis Klein, brought him into the employee area of the station to talk, where May remained until his death. Taking his dinner break at 5:50, Dr. Lewis returned to the forest and swapped bodies with Bentley, suited up in black woolen clothes and a ski mask, and headed to the survey station. He arrived at 6:07, unlocking the back emergency exit of the building with Bentley's key, and then hid in the closet for the next half hour, as other researchers were still with Dr. May.
- At 6:36, the last researchers left May and returned to the main hall. At this time, all of the researchers were accounted for apart from May himself, who was still in the back area. A woman named Amelia Vang, who seemed to be a bit of a May fangirl, snuck to the back entrance, while Lewis-Bentley exited the closet and went for the research room May was in. Confronting him, Lewis threatened May at gunpoint, knowing that if he convinced May, the only voice he'd remember would be Bentley's and not his own. But May struggled, and Lewis shot him at point blank range, killing him. Almost no one in the main hall heard this, due to loud music playing from the main hall. The few who did hear shots believed them to be a car backfiring. On his way out, Lewis ran into Amelia and shot her as well to cover his tracks. Lewis ran past her and out the back, while Amelia attempted to crawl to safety. He returned to the woods, swapped back to his normal body, and took the body bag with him.
- At 7:29, Dr. Dawe took the stage and answered a few questions from the crowd, until other researchers stopped the conference upon finding May's body, and called the police. The police discovered Amelia and sent her to the hospital, and kept everyone behind for questioning for the next twenty minutes. The group had split up at this point. When Amelia turned up alive, Lewis took up the post as her doctor to find out how much she and the police knew, but found she hadn't learned too much of note.
- Siliya sent Nate and Lucas off to question Amelia at the hospital, who told the pair about her experience with the masked figure, and her belief that the person appeared to be white from what little she saw of them. After they were asked to leave by Dr. Lewis, Nate flew Lucas back to the survey station, where they checked the security footage and learned most of what the group knew of the time of May's death. They then recieved a message from Siliya at 10 to meet at The Bronze Steed.
- Meanwhile, Enos had hung around the conference hall, where he followed the tattooed janitor around and stole his ID badge. He joined up with Ánië, who took the janitor's mop, and headed to the employee area. They took note of the state of the room, along with the lack of exits other than the main door, and Enos learned of the point blank shot on Dr. May. The duo went back into the main hall and questioned a reporter from the Daily Disparatus named Kent Peterson. Kent speculated that because May didn't tell anyone his findings as far as they knew, whoever killed him probably had already known about what was found, and didn't want the news to get out. Kent gave them the number of survey director Mark Wilman, but noted the man was a few time zones to the east, and probably sleeping. Before leaving, Kent also noted that there have been staff cuts from the station recently, and that the two remaining janitors work alternate days. Enos and Ánië left until getting a message at 10 to meet at The Bronze Steed.
- Teo and Kulimar headed to The Bronze Steed early, learning of May's braggery at the bar a week or so before, and the people present for it. Teo stuck around the bar for a while, while Kulimar investigated elsewhere, ending up at the police station.
- As for the rest of them, while Molly questioned Dawe, Klein, and Police Chief Kenneth Damon, Siliya headed out into the parking lot and broke into May's car, where she discovered the scuba gear. She told Molly where to meet, and headed for the wilderness supply where May had purchased the gear. Molly soon followed, with Mina tagging along as well. As this was going on, Alexander broke into May's house, snatching up the nautical maps May had printed up, along with the man's desktop computer.
- At the wilderness supply, Siliya purchased some scuba gear of her own while Alexander, Molly, and Mina joined her. They agreed to head to Alexander's apartment, where they checked the computer, which had notes for May's speech. As they went to leave, the police briefly stopped them, correctly suspecting Alexander's involvement with the break-in at May's house. With Molly's map skill, they found their way to the dive site after taking one of Ahab's boats and saw 2322 RM, which they belived to be a large hunk of rock with inactive Keystones embedded inside it. Siliya snapped some photos, and they returned to the surface, eventually making their way to The Bronze Steed at 10 and calling the others to meet them there.
- At The Bronze Steed, the groups recapped their experiences and decided their next courses of action, while Molly called up Sam Zenger and made friends. Enos suggests talking with Dr. Dawe, which Alexander agrees with. Nate suggests working with the police, but more importantly, getting burgers. Siliya reluctantly agrees with Nate. Lucas and Molly also agree to head with him. Kulimar heads off on his own, while Teo and Mina sit and talk for a bit.
- While the others go to the station, Siliya slips back to the hospital to check on Amelia for clues, followed by Ánië. Siliya got in the room around 10:45, but found little of use on her. She takes some blood and heads out, where Ánië confronts her. After a short talk, they head to the police station, where Siliya uses the fake name Katherine Kolt to get in.
- Dr. Lewis' next break was at 10:30, after checking on Amelia. He told the guards not to let anyone in until the nurse came for checkup at 11. When Siliya showed up, he knew people were looking into May's death, but he was confident he wouldn't be caught. Just to be sure, he tossed May's briefcase in the incinerator shortly afterwards.
- Alex and Enos arrived at Dawe's house around 10:40. They speak for a bit before Alex realizes that the second janitor, Damian Bentley, would have a key. Dawe finds Bentley's address and passes it on to them. Alex texts the others with the lead and they head out. Bentley's neighbor yells at them for making as much noise as Lewis did the night before. As Enos jumped in Bentley's open window, Alex noticed it had already been forced open. There's no sign of Bentley, and it looks like he's been gone all day.
- At the station, Nate, Lucas, and Molly get in on Molly's BIO credentials, and meet with Detective Marion Raske, who is soon pulled off for a bit. When she returns at 11, Siliya and Ánië had already arrived. Raske shows them the newly finished autopsy report, showing May was killed with Biddle's gun, which had killed Bill Clarkson a decade before. They discuss Clarkson, and Lucas remembers reading one of the man's papers from a decade ago when looking into visiting Hammond for this. Molly mentions Alex's text about Bentley. Lucas takes a cab to the observatory to look into Clarkson while the others head to meet up at Bentley's, heading back to pick up Mina on the way.
- The police group arrived at Bentley's place around 11:10. Enos messes with the tattooed janitor via text, and Siliya follows Lewis' tire tracks to Wilfred Forest, the others following behind her. They find Bentley's body, still in the outfit from when "he" killed May, and with the cut on the back of his neck from when Lewis' Euromortis possessed him. Molly realizes the bandage over his gunshot wound was applied postmortem, and after a bit of discussion and Alex claiming in exasperation that it's almost like May was killed by a dead man, Enos realizes the killer is an Euromortis.
- Lucas arrived at the observatory around 11:20 and asked about Clarkson. He was told about the asteroid he was tracking, 2307 CT, and the night of Clarkson's death. Some research shows that 2322 RM was to make a close pass of Disparatus just two days before May made his announcement, and that it dropped out of sight. On one of the astronomers' suggestion, Lucas looks into sign-in books for guests at the observatory around the times of both meteors, and goes to meet with the others so he can take them back to the station for comparing names.
- The group splits up, with Molly, Siliya, Nate, Alexander, and Enos heading back out to sea to follow through on Molly's plan to blow 2322 RM up, while Lucas, Ánië, and Mina return to the station to talk while the police go over the sign-in books. They play cards and talk.
27 April 2325:
- Shortly after midnight, Molly's group arrives at 2322 RM and blows it up with a ton of C4. To mess with him, Siliya unplugs Enos' scuba tank during the dive. He gets mad. As 2322 RM begins to collapse from the C4's hull breach, its white Stig automatically activates in response to the attack, heading out to exact retribution to the attackers. They return to shore.
- Molly's group reaches the shore around 12:45, and are immediately attacked by the arrival of the Stig, taking a swing at Molly. It stole Ahab's sports car and tried to run them down. As they dodge, Siliya tosses a grenade in the window and blows up the car, although the Stig escapes. Alex fires at it and drags it into the water. It backhands him and escapes, then proceeding to punch Nate into a tree. Enos fires chemicals at it, but it escapes on Alex's motorcycle. Siliya hotwires a nearby Grizzly and gives chase when everyone gets in. Nate recovers and flies overhead. Two officers also join the chase when they see the group giving chase and think this means the Stig is the motorcyclist who broke into May's house. Molly launches a grenade and destroys the motorcycle, damaging the Stig.
- The Stig fights the group in close quarters, and Siliya tosses it at Molly and Alex, who pin it to the ground for Nate to slam into it with an explosive elbow drop from above. The heavily damaged Stig takes one of the officers hostage, and Enos tricks it to get close. The Stig abandons the hostage and shoots Enos instead, jumping for the Grizzly. Siliya stops it dead in its tracks. She beats it up and tosses it again, Molly taking it and beating it down, followed by everyone joining in and destroying it beyond repair. Molly exchanges words (and some yelling at first) with Nate about how she wanted him to stick with the guys at the station to protect them, as they couldn't fight quite as well as their half of the group. They come to a mutual understanding. Nate flies ahead to the station, and the others soon follow, Siliya claiming the Grizzly as her own, and Enos taking part of the Stig for study.
- Around 1 AM at the station, Raske tells them they narrowed down the list from the books and the other evidence they had to two possible suspects. The group correctly reasons that Dr. Henry Lewis is the more likely of the two to be the Euromortis and head to the hospital, while Raske takes some officers to investigate the other. Siliya and Enos talk for a bit, and the group of eight head down to the hospital.
- At the hospital, Enos requests Lewis to stitch him up from the Stig fight, as his Eurocid communicates with Lewis telepathically, with the Eurocid suggesting Lewis contacts Adrien. Lewis leads them to a free room and talks, explaining he just didn't want word to get out about the ships. Molly muses on what the Eurocids and Euromortis would do to people if free. Lewis reasons that just because he killed a few people to protect his secret, it doesn't mean the rest of them will go around killing, and that he studied to become a doctor so he'd have an easy supply of dead to give to the Euromortis. He suggests either hibernation or willing hosts for the normal Eurocid. Enos flips out over this and grabs Lewis, and Lewis tries to reason with Enos on how others may have different views than him, and that they just want to live where no one would bother them. As Enos prepares to cut the Euromortis, Lewis says that they may be able to find a new host for Enos' Eurocid, also noting that he's seeing all Eurocids as terrible when only some are, just like with humans, and that some humans have killed far more than Lewis has for less reason. Enos yells that none of those people are in his head. Lewis responds that it was humans who put the Eurocid in his head, that they're at fault. This finally gets Enos to back off, but notes that Lewis' people will be walking a very thin line to piss him off.
- Siliya is tired of even humoring this, and teams up with Nate to kill Lewis' Euromortis, making it look for the police like Lewis tried to attack him and they killed him in self-defense. Molly calls in the police, and they soon arrive to deal with the scene. Everyone finally leaves for the night.
- Alex sneaks into the morgue shortly after and extracts the dead Euromortis from Lewis' body. He delivers it to Enos, believing he deserves it most for study.
- Molly heads back to The Bronze Steed for a stiff drink. She later meets up with Siliya and Nate there, and they discuss the aftermath and cleanup from this whole mess.
- Out walking, Siliya pulls up to Enos in the Grizzly, and they talk about how one of them will probably end up killing the other. She decides to help look into the Eurocid problem in his head. He grabs his stuff, and she drives them off so they can look into studying the Euromortis.
- Around 8 in the morning, a half asleep Damon and Raske discuss wrapping up the case.
30 April 2325:
- The being known as Izmal is reborn into the world with his memories fragmented and the blade Kikuichimoji at his feet.
2 May 2325:
- Scar tortures and kills Carden Winters' wife right in front of him, after having Carden captive for two years.
7 May 2325:
- In the early morning, Ánië, Verinne, and Ganchi run into each other in an Ostfold subway tunnel. Verinne tries to teach a squirrel to wind surf, and they all part as the trains start running.
20 May 2325:
- Roxy prevents an accident at her cafe and Raven lectures her.
25 May 2325:
- At a hotel in the Rose Islands, Rosalie, Roxy, and Alexander sit together and talk. Ganchi shows up and recognizes Alex, then testing him to see if he remembered him as well, proving to be the case. Meanwhile, Rosalie and Roxy discuss fashion. Lucas arrives along with Cail, and the six of them head to the hot springs. Cail blatantly hits on the women, and is swiftly knocked out by Roxy.
30 May 2325:
- At Karroth Fortress in the early evening, a small plane with Ánië, Paige, Luci, Renee "Raven" Durrand, and Verinne has to make an emergency landing. They find a geyser and investigate, heading underground. They find a naked blue-haired man, apparently electrocuted. They then stumble upon a steamy underground area with moss on the walls. The moss turns out to be linked with a nymph. They all get high and eat cookies as they find a room of crystals that contain mundane objects. They get outside and are rescued by a boat.
5 June 2325:
- In the aftermath of their adventures, Luci and K.I.D. are sitting around when a sharply dressed man named Robert Gray breaks into their motel room, a member of TTT's Board of Directors. He explains that as far as most of TTT knows, the two of them died aboard the HPS Golem. He says that in exchange for further keeping this a secret from others, he wants to see what they're capable of. He is bemused that they think they have control here, and tells them that if they kill him, they will be found. Annoyed, they let him go. Luci vows to kill him later, and he seems pleased.
8 June 2325:
- Philip leaves Kid and Luci.
9 June 2325:
- Rosalie prepares her apartment to entertain Roxy and Lucas. She shows off photos and speaks of Elentra, Marianne, Marcel, Nate, and her former husband from her arranged marriage in France. They all have tea.
- Kid takes Luci to the beach. Luci hides guns everywhere. Kid gets crabs. Luci decides to join the Eurydice expedition scheduled for later that summer.
10 June 2325:
- Asha travels to a temple in the Balin region of Handora and meets Mortimer. Kid arrives, having recently parted ways with Luci, along with a samurai acquaintance of his named Wazurai. Asha offers to lead them back to the village for food. The four of them head there and find a place to go eat.
11 June 2325:
- Alex shows up for work as a bodyguard for Martin Delgado, Senator for Rowhurst Province's 2nd District. Upon arrival, someone posing as Delgado's staff gives him "backup" heart medication in case Delgado loses his, the backup actually being a poison.
14 June 2325:
- In a Toledo corner store, Enos and Roxy meet each other while shopping. Enos tries to repair a gun and scares customers into calling the police. The two of them flee and talk. Enos is baffled trying to figure out what she is.
- Shortly after a speech, Senator Delgado takes the fake backup heart medication that was given to Alexander a few days before, resulting in his death. Delgado's other bodyguard attempts to arrest Alex, but Alex kills him and flees the scene.
20 June 2325:
- A storm rolls in at a campsite in Alibaas where Asha, Roxy, Arz, Kaida, and Stranger meet. Kaida questions Stranger, who explains the curse against him referencing himself, and she decides to call him Stranger in place of an actual name. The group looks for shelter when they are forced to take Asha's tent down. Suddenly, a bear attacks Arz. He fights it, and it takes a massive chomp into his arm. Arz snaps its neck, and immediately is stabbed in the back by Iana, who argues in favour of killing him for killing the bear, which had let her sleep in its cave. She injures him badly, but barely lets him live, likely only due to the threat of the storm. They all take refuge in the bear cave and pet bears. Roxy and Arz, still outside, are swept up by a flash flood, but manage to make it to the cave despite this. They all talk for a long while as they wait out the storm. After it does let up, Stranger explains to Kaida that he plans to do as Ken suggested and let another soul take control for a bit so a message could be sent. Kaida offers her help.
22 June 2325:
- Alex breaks into his own house as the police watch over it, aiming to arrest him for Delgado's murder. He grabs his most important family possessions and escapes on a bike.
23 June 2325:
- At the entrance to a 500 year old catacomb in the Svaldic city of Ostervald, Roxy breaks open the entrance in the rain as Mortimer watches. They headed inside and explore for a bit, talking about themselves. Mortimer detects some strange energy, and they locate a hole with faint wind blowing through it. Ánië shows up, having found the broken entrance and investigated. The three eventually find a room with a raised dias, and they eventually disperse after investigating.
- Alex makes his way to his grandfather's hidden home in the countryside. They talk, Alex saying he'd considered joining Kulimar's quest, but was unsure. They visit his old training room, and he stays there for a few days while deciding what to do next.
24 June 2325:
- A storm rages at a dormant volcano near swamplands. Asha, Roxy, Lucas, Gin, Luci, Sam, and Kid meet there. Asha thinks the others are drug dealers and runs. Sam leads the others along to his target, a shack in the swamp. They find a middle-aged woman there, who Sam eventually reveals to be a Rita. There's a short fight and she causes an explosion, sending the others flying and killing herself.
26 June 2325:
- At a casino in Ostfold in the early hours of the morning, Siliya, Verinne, Keihr, Luffy, Renee, and Martok meet. Luffy devours the entire buffet while talking about what's been going on with him, and Siliya and Keihr get reacquainted.
- Stranger contacts Kaida and asks her to meet at a park that evening so he can let another soul take control for questioning. He wants her to explain things to it, and she agrees. The soul that arises calls itself Nadim Cornelius, and tells Kaida about himself. The curse on Stranger doesn't seem to be affecting him, as it's originally his body. Nadim runs.
27 June 2325:
- Enos shows up at Roxy's place. He recognizes Lucas from the Hammond case in April. The three of them discuss Enos' contract and Roxy's genes, along with Enos' Eurocid.
28 June 2325:
- Omorius Dalziel agrees to allow his son, Sye, to take his place aboard the Eisernfalk to travel to Earth and find Derlin Ranmesel. (From a flashback early in Eye of the Storm)
- Enos recieves a text supposedly from Alexander asking to meet at the city library. It turns out not to be Alexander, but a group of deep cover operatives associated with him who are investigating Eurydice, led by Victor Crane. They ask him to come into space with them. While he remains wary, he agrees. They explain that their goal is to eliminate the Eurocid threat on Disparatus, especially in light of the events in Hammond. They believe SAHBER succeeded in the Vector project and is supplying Eurocid super-soldiers to TTT. In addition, from finds on Eurydice's surface, they believe that there was once a civilization there which the Eurocids ended up destroying, rather than creating by themselves, and that the Keystones on the planet are all dead. They reached their ship and took off to meet with a few ships and then go toward Polaris. As the ship is running slow to conserve Aether and the flight will take a few days, Enos runs through some mech simulations.
29 June 2325:
- Alexander takes a boat west from the Provinces, heading for Svaldon or Handora. Upon arrival, he stows away on a ship bound for Polaris.
- Enos continues mech simulations for the second day on the way to Polaris.
30 June 2325:
- Arz and Roxy have a talk.
- Alexander lands on Polaris.
- Enos continues mech simulations for the third day on the way to Polaris and meets Caleb, the person he'd been facing in the simulations.
1 July 2325:
- Enos' ship arrives at Polaris in the early hours of the morning on Sethmas. Alexander watches them arrive. Enos is offered blood coupons and buys a mech. He meets with Alexander and is told that while most of the group is oblivious, Victor is essentially using him to freak out under Eurocid control so he can pinpoint the mature form's location. He tells Enos to find a friend, Dr. Ariel Paniagua on one of the Alliance's Eurydice stations, and also to sign up for the Black Rock Tournament so he can get back to Disparatus.
- A large number of people gather on Polaris for Sethmas. Seth Claus and his assistant Earth hand out many, many gifts. Enos jumps out of the garbage, and Luci is told to meet Ganchi.
2 July 2325:
- Lucas returns to Erillia and builds his Sethmas present, a robot named Alphonse.
- Enos talks to Caleb about switching to the Alliance, and they learn Alex has already managed to switch him over. Enos returns to Disparatus.
3 July 2325:
- Having both recieved messages to meet from Earth, Ganchi and Luci meet up in the Arenan Alliance. Neither understanding what is going on, they end up in combat. The fight is close, but Luci outlasts Ganchi and captures him for questioning.
- Luci interrogates Ganchi regarding their encounter earlier that day. Neither of them know why Earth sent them to meet, and they question his intent. Ganchi believes Parus may be involved, but is less sure when Luci says she doesn't know who Parus is. The only agreement they come to is that if either of them threatens the other in the future, they'd be open to kill, but that otherwise they'd leave each other be.
4 July 2325:
- In Dragonoa City, Royal Councilman Nereugalus Bereath pours over Drago's family tree until interrupted by Councilwoman Thaeheesh Sheilk. They discuss the decree he wrote up into investigating Drago's murder at the hands of his son, Prince Drago. Seraxel Gratador arrives in the city and meets with them, given the decree and his orders to discover whoever was behind the cause of the Prince's betrayal. He leaves for Alibaas immediately.
5 July 2325:
- Rangi and Seraxel spar, resulting in a victory for Rangi.
6 July 2325:
- In the mostly-rebuilt Catalina, Seraxel, Kaida, Sam, and Mereike are wandering around. Seraxel yells at Mereike for being Alibaas. Mereike bites back by swarming him with journalists.
7 July 2325:
- While alone in the Arenan countryside, Ganchi encounters Karr, who immediately attacks him for kidnapping Falraan. Ganchi easily overpowers him and leaves him barely conscious. Ganchi explains that Parus has Falraan, not him, and gives him an abridged version of events. Karr agrees to join up with Ganchi and the others to find her.
- At night, Seraxel arrives on a Handoran city beach, where he meets Lucas and his robot. Kaida soon arrives, and a meteorite crashes into the beach. Rubies are found inside. Citizens panic from the crash. Seraxel discusses his mission.
8 July 2325:
- An announcement is made on Dragonoan national television by Jolkiy Kragh of Hruk Dal News. She plays a video from a religious figure, who claims to have been spoken the the dragon god Drago, ordering all Thuwadians to abandon all guns and other electronic weaponry, and that all those who do not follow this command are to be killed. The Royal Regency condemn this message and call the man, whose identity remains unknown, a fraud. In actuality, the figure is Seraxel.
11 July 2325:
- Alone in a city in the Alliance, Kid encounters a large multicolored tiger. He went off to work for the day, and on his way home he encountered the tiger again. It leaves, baffling him.
12 July 2325:
- Kaida arrives in Kragahopk, the main port city to mainland Dragonoa, after being invited by Seraxel. Two officers escort her to the station due to violation of Dragonoa's anti-immigration and tourism policy after the war. The Thuwadian in charge hears her out and lets her go once Seraxel arrives. He tells her where in Dragonoa she may find what she's looking for. They head to Bilsmumutha and trek up a mountain to meet with the spirit of the deceased Dragon Mishika. Mishika's spirit tells her to meet Thraxagan in Zul'far.
13 July 2325:
- After waking from a nightmare, Kaida thinks over her situation and leaves for Zul'far. She arrives at the Temple of Jehsan, where she meets Thraxagan, father of all dragons in Dragonoa. He tells her that she is decended from dragonkind, and helps her egg hatch. She names the hatchling Beli.
14 July 2325:
- Fully replaired, the Eisernfalk leaves Disparatus to return to Earth through the weakened Aetherstorm. Some of the passengers onboard include Elkorvir, Kaida, Halo, Sye, Lucas, Stranger, Seraxel, Iana, Ánië, and Yu. Stranger and Kaida discuss the newly-hatched Beli. Iana is ill and almost argues with a cabbie. People meet. Captain Adlerberg sends everyone onboard and to their quarters. People meet their bunkmates. Stranger vaugely warns Yu that he may flip out. Iana smells death on Sye. The ship finally takes off, and everyone meets in the mess hall. The captain tells the passengers what and who they need to know, including the ship's A.I. Elfriede. Everyone eats.
15 July 2325:
- Most of the second day on the ship is calm. At dinner, Elfriede tells the captain that the Aetherstorm is re-intensifying and expanding. Kaida and Stranger speak a bit more. Ánië tells Lucas of her concern over Halo being a Vampire. The three of them spoke together, with Elfriede interrupting. Everyone returns to their quarters as the Aetherstorm begins to make the ship shake, but it continues along fine. Elkorvir, Kaida, Beli, and Stranger have nightmares.
16 July 2325:
- More mess hall talk with Kaida and Stranger, where they discuss worries about the ship. Sye eavesdrops. The same people who had nightmares the day before have them again. Seraxel comforts Kaida. Stranger panics from his nightmare and his crazed soul gets control. It attacks Kaida, and Sye attempts to help to little success. The cook, Friedrich, runs in and frees Kaida. Yu arrives and has Izanagi block Stranger and freeze him in place as he nearly takes down Sye. Sye and Yu pin Stranger down, and Friedrich ties him up.
17 July 2325:
- The Aetherstorm calms for a bit, and the captain opens the topside deck of the ship for viewing. He then speaks to Ánië, Halo, and Lucas in his office, and Elfriede apologizes for the other day. Kaida speaks to Stranger, who is now back in control. The ship shakes violently, and Iana saves a crew member from falling, seeing a shape in the storm resembling a figure with a bow, whom reminds the rescued woman of a mythical being called Die Sturmjägerin, the storm huntress. Many of them band together to repair the damage to the ship. When it's safe, the captain asks them of their opinion on where to land for repairs, as this means they can't go to their original destination yet. The vote is split between Ibadia and and area near Alfheim and Eluvina by the Feewald (the forest bordering Eluvina) in Eisenstaat. He chooses the latter.
- Seraxel, needing to part ways as soon as they land, gives Luci the deed to his home in case anything should happen to him. He wishes her luck and heads off for Eluvina on his own. (RPed 7 September)
- The ship reaches Earth and lands near Waldenbach, a rural town by the Feewald in the evening. Iana, Yu, and Seraxel head off their own ways, while Sye, Kaida, Lucas, Ánië, Stranger, Elkorvir, and Halo wait in town. A young girl crashes into Sye, villagers saying she's a witchspawn. Ánië gets mad as the Burgermeister says nothing good comes from the woods. The group and the girl are helped by Leofwine (under the guise of Edgar Ætheling), an Alban whom had been living in the area for two years. The girl, Ingrid, says her parents are gone. The group (reluctantly) agrees to find somewhere to take Ingrid, as the village does not want her. It begins to rain, and Ingrid leads them into the woods, looking for someone named Berta. Suspecting Kaida, Leofwine questions her on her origins as they all walk.
- The group arrives at a small clearing around the border to Eluvina, with abandoned Fae homes in the nearby trees. Lucas provides them light as Ingrid leads them to one of the houses. They find an unusual altar inside. Ingrid is sad to find no one, saying they're all gone. Leofwine heads back home, telling Kaida she can drop by to talk at any time. The shelter breaks during a storm, and Kaida finally grows tired of Ingrid. They discover bones in the shelter's remains, leaving Sye to theorize that Ingrid might be a bit older than she seems, and asks Ánië about what Ingrid said on the sky lighting up. Ánië says it sounds like what she read on the Great Cataclysm 1600 years ago.
- The group is soon discovered by Dietrich and Gisele Sturmbach, researchers from the University of Eichenwald who are leading a nearby expedition of themselves and five others at some ruins. They join up with the expedition for the night, and eat while discussing Ingrid before everyone heads off to sleep. Everyone has an unusually similar dream about children being forced to hunt each other.
18 July 2325:
- Kid encounters the multicolored tiger again. It led him to a building partway up a mountain with massive security on it. He manages to get inside, only to find the tiger already there. It appears to be the remnant of some experiment, with the scientsts having killed the failed experiments, and the tiger killing the scientists in return. The tiger stays with Kid.
- Back with the group on Earth, Kaida and Stranger prepare to leave. However, undead warriors emerge from the ruins, aiming to strike Ingrid down. Everyone either fights the warriors or stays to help the archaeologists grab their supplies. Ingrid sends crows to attack the warriors, and the exasperated Kaida tires of the situation, leaving. Ánië manages to converse with one of the warriors, who explains Ingrid's nature as one of the Nameless Ones, known as the Laughing One. Ingrid flips out and transports Lucas, Ánië, Sye, and Stranger to an Ibadian ruin in a fit of rage. Presumably, Elkorvir and Halo leave along with the archaeologists.
- At the ruin, they encounter the everyman, whom Sye and Stranger had previously met at Slotheim. Sye realizes this is odd, as they had been on the first ship between Disparatus and Earth since then. He also has an odd, sudden memory of this meeting having been when he left Slotheim, but he had been dead at the time. The everyman explains that the seal on the Nameless Ones is weakening, and claims that while similar to them, he has been working for the past decade to re-seal them. He says that the Aetherstorm is a result of their prison unraveling, and that he believes this ruined fort may lead him to stop that. The group investigate the fort and finds some cryptic scrolls. The everyman puts together what he can from them, devising how the Legends created the prison, and fixes an ancient translocation circle.
- The translocation circle transports the group to the Black Island. They investigate a map of Earth on an altar. The everyman instructs Ánië to guide Lucas and Stranger in creating a transdimensional focus while Sye re-weaves the prison with his Laquir. Stranger recedes into his own mind while Nadim takes control of his body once again. Nadim investigates the Laquir and determines how Sye would need to use it for it to work. Sye suggests Lucas use his suns to help with the force of their construct. The everyman instructs Sye to punch through the Gap barrier to reach the prison, which worries Sye, as it doesn't mesh with Ken's warning the year before. The everyman uses a spell of magesight to enable Sye to see the wall around the universe, and the Aether flowing through a single hole in it. Sye realizes that this hole is the very one caused by Ken when he traveled into the past. As the group does as the everyman instructed, he chants an incantation to pull the contents of the prison through the hole using their work. Lucas and Ánië attack the everyman, while Sye prepares to siphon enough Aether to stop the everyman in one go. Nadim distracts the everyman with questions while Ánië pins him down. Finally, with the Aether ready, Sye uses the Laquir to send a stream of it at the everyman, causing him to vanish. The group turns back to the altar and realize that breaking the prison had actually activated the Legends' backup plan, to seal the Nameless in place on Earth. The group enacts the final enchantment to ensure the altar is protected, and are transported back to Ibadia, where they part ways.
- The Aetherstorms end, re-opening full travel between Disparatus and Earth.
19 July 2325:
- Mina uses magic to fix a lightbulb.
23 July 2325:
- Seraxel passes out while trekking through Eluvina, and is discovered by Mzulvyrat Hlaalu Lar Taltzvani. Seraxel requests to the Eluvinan capital of Y'Amviv so he can speak with the High Council.
24 July 2325:
- Seraxel is sent to the graveyard the Faeries set aside for foreigners, in search of Nerbat and Oyehx Gratador, his wife and son. He finds their graves, and digs up all of the Thuwadian bodies there, so that he can return them to Dragonoa.
27 July 2325:
- A group of people (Karr, Roxy, Rangi, Kaida, Oujou, Coen, Luffy, Mina, Lucien, and Magna) are invited to a hotel in Falkenaas for a conference about a new form of magic being discovered. They end up locked in the conference room (Karr ends up not making it in time and is locked out, unable to participate) and become trapped in a magic book. They appear on a hill in a fantasy world, and soon head into a forested area and find people speaking in Alibaas. The people think they're bandits and escort them to their shaman in town, Muirne de Sansobre. Muirne explains that this is the Kingdom of Callobre, and that a group called Montrove is causing trouble for the area. They tell her what happened to them, but she remains skeptical. She sends them to her granddaughter Ardal's inn. Ardal says that a new government came into power, and that the Montrove have revolted against it. The rebellion failed, and the Montrove blamed the people in the region for its failure. She says there are essentially four groups in the kingdom led by shamen, with three siding with the Queen, while Montrove does not. The group sleeps, and awaken to a fire, a battle going on outside. Most of the group fights back, causing a retreat, but Ardal gets killed in the process. Her killer is taken prisoner. The shaman interrogates him, a historian forced to fight by his clan. This brings up an argument of who is right to rule, with the shaman saying it is passed by blood, and a man named Cian saying it is passed by a sacred heirloom. He is killed by a man named Finvar. The shaman orders them to assassinate the Montrove leader. They refuse and leave.
- The group ends up surrounded by people on horseback, and are knocked unconscious by a spell. They are tied up in a corner, when a man named Cathal appears to aid them, saying he had heard legends of travelers appearing from the heavens to bring life to the land. They attempt to escape and fight guards, taking horses. Cathal leads them south along the river and eventually arrive at the main city, which the enter under the guise of a traveling troupe of entertainers. They decide to split up, Mina and Kaida heading for the library, while Cathal, Rangi, Magna, Luffy, and Roxy create a distraction. (RPed 30 July)
- The group presumably escapes the book shortly after this.
28 July 2325:
- Someone possibly resembling Nyogotha fights with Verinne, resulting in a victory for the Nyogotha lookalike. Or Nyogotha herself. It's uncertain.
29 July 2325:
- Two burglars break into Roxy's cafe in the early morning, and Lucas ends up shot when one of them panics. After he's revived at the hospital, a doctor recommends a pacemaker for his atrial fibrillation, which Roxy agrees to despite the price. Lucas shares a room with a long-term patient slightly younger than him named Taylor, who is visted by her older sister Charlotte, someone from Lucas' class in school. Charlotte acts rude to him and leaves.
30 July 2325:
- Roxy speaks with Lucas in his hospital room about his feelings and his parents. Later that night, Lucas talks with Taylor and builds her a toy. They then play games.
31 July 2325:
- Lucas talks with Charlotte while Taylor is gone. He shows her his powers and agrees to build a piglet. He and Taylor spend time afterwards.
1 August 2325:
- Charlotte shows up with a keyboard she snagged from the closed school. Taylor plays classical music while Charlotte sings. Charlotte walks out and Lucas talks to her. She says she can't keep up the act of telling Taylor everything will be alright. Later, Lucas and Taylor watch a movie together. Before sleeping, Lucas overhears someone in the hall saying blood donations are going missing.
2 August 2325:
- Lucas finishes the piglet for Charlotte. He sneaks Taylor out so they can look at the stars. Taylor talks about her fear of her impending death. They fall asleep and Raven shows up to yell at Lucas and take them back, having picked up the phone instead of Roxy when the hospital reported them missing.
- Kid signs up for regional tryouts for the Black Rock Tournament under the name Kid Fury and quickly sees many of the potential contenders from the area weren't even trying to get selected, just to look tough in front of people they knew. The later matches weed these people out and get more serious.
3 August 2325:
- The blood prepared for a blood transfusion for Taylor goes missing, causing the procedure to go wrong and Taylor to die. Charlotte storms off in rage to find the person who did this, but Lucas stops her. By coincidence, they find the vampire who had taken the blood bags, who hadn't intended for someone to die because of it. They call the police and he goes willingly. Lucas returns home.
- Kid continues at regional tryouts for the Black Rock Tournament and succeeds at earning a spot in it.
4 August 2325:
- At a rainy midnight in the Arenan Alliance's mountains, Luci, Shizhi, and Holly run into each other. They find a shack by a stream, where they meet Arz. He lets them stay there for a bit. They sit around and talk for a bit. Shizhi confuses Demons and Devils.
- Charlotte visits Lucas and they talk.
5 August 2325:
- Renee Seduxbek's body and the Rita inhabiting it are killed by a Destroy enchantment while staying in a Handoran hotel. The culprit was suspected to either be Abigail Desrei or one of her first branched souls. The Rita possessing Renee's body returned to Abigail Desrei on death.
7 August 2325:
- Parus discovers the location of another tracking enchantment circle, a small ruin in the Petrarca Desert which has since been built over by the man from Petrarca's fortress.
9 August 2325:
- Parus contacts Martin Fenheim for supplies to take on his excursion to Petrarca.
10 August 2325:
- Elian D'Morgan agrees to go on Parus' trip to Petrarca.
12 August 2325:
- Roxy yells at Lucas for signing up for the Black Rock Tournament without her permission. He runs out in anger and thinks about the past. Looking through his phone for people to ask for help, he calls Nathan. They meet up and Nathan offers him some advice. Lucas returns home and talks to Roxy. She lets him enter as long as he lets her help him prepare.
13 August 2325:
- Roxy begins training Lucas for Black Rock.
14 August 2325:
- Parus and some of his followers infiltrate the man from Petrarca's fortress, taking Falraan with them. After a short battle, the man from Petrarca puts Falraan into a comatose state, forcing the remainder of the group's retreat.
- In the evening, Jafar attacks Roxy at her home as a way of hurting Kulimar. He knocks her out and leaves.
15 August 2325:
- A strong hurricane hits part of the Arenan Alliance in the morning hours.
- Lucas discovers the injured Roxy, and Jafar calls her to taunt her. Later in the day, he nearly poisons her and calls with another taunting warning. Roxy calls Alexander, who doesn't have much time to talk in his current situation in the storm. An explosion set by Jafar goes off before she can explain. They manage to get to safety, and Roxy decides to send Lucas to stay with Raven for safety. Jafar attacks Roxy as she calls her, and Lucas fights in her stead. Lucas and Jafar hold fairly even with each other, but Jafar chooses to flee when Kulimar finally arrives to help.
- In the area impacted by the hurricane, Alexander and Matt Sparks follow a few-hundred-year-old map with some ancient writing on it from Alex's grandfather, and locate a ruined blade with similiar writing, acting as a decoder for the map's. Alex notes that the map's writing supposedly should lead them to a vault that belonged to his ancestors. They decode coordinates on the map, pointing to a location fifteen miles off the coast. Alex believes the hurricane is linked to it via magic. They take a boat out there in the storm. Roxy calls for help and is quickly cut off by Jafar's explosion. He calls Kulimar and sends him to help her, as he is in the area. The boat breaks through to the eye of the storm, finding an impossible whirlpool in the center, confirming the storm's magical nature. They steer into the whirlpool and make their way into the vault. Inside they find pre-exodus recordings and writings. Alexander takes an enchanted sword from the vault, and they make their way out using the vault's escape route.
16 August 2325:
- In downtown Wuhan, Shizhi walks around with a temple donation box. He meets Yu, Enos, and Oujou, and they find a girl whose parents are missing. Enos supposes the child may need them. A tall, deaf monk named Renshu helps. They find the girl's parents. Shizhi gets a date.
17 August 2325:
- Charlotte wakes Lucas up at 2am because they haven't yet had a summer adventure, pleading with him to check out an abandoned theme park. The two encounter Holly on the subway, who recognizes Lucas from their meeting in Svaldon a few months prior. Holly joins their excursion to kill time. While exploring the park, they hear a man inside one of the attractions, asking to be left alone. The man acts like an ass, so they leave him and explore the main office and the fun house. While there, they hear footsteps nearby, and people yelling about a girl falling. Despite this, they can find no one. They suspect magic is involved with echoes of the past, as Lucas confirms the records of a girl falling being involved in the park's shutdown. They return to the locked man and talk with him about this. He is implied to be the girl's father, and asks them to get him a book. A carousel spins out of control. Lucas breaks his glasses. They find the book in a room with forest animals nailed to the floor. They give the man the book, and he implies someone else was using the book to create the echoes in this place. The man says not to trust Charlotte's father, whom he had met during the investigation to the girl's death. Charlotte storms into the room to find no one inside. They leave the park. (Note that this quest, From Daughter to Liar, was previously listed here as Midnight Carousel prior to a name change.)
- (Likely setting of the start of Cursed Sword of Petrarca)
18 August 2325:
- Raven arrives in Handora's Toja-On region to meet with Renshu, who has been staying at a temple near the town of Inaba. They head down to the town for food and discuss how things have been going. Despite being deaf, Renshu hears a disembodied voice calling for him, and gets sucked inside a TV alongside Raven. Inside the TV world, they see a replica of Renshu's lost homeworld, and Renshu finds he can hear. Meanwhile, Yu was returning to Inaba for the last weeks of summer vacation. That evening, he sees Renshu appear on the Midnight Channel, who he had met just before leaving for Inaba. (While this quest was supposed to be at the start of summer vacation in early August, and was quested in late August, Yu notes having already met Renshu in the 16 August event, so it was moved here. It also couldn't be too late, as Teddie was at Black Rock.)
19 August 2325:
- On Polaris, mercenaries gather to sign up for the mission on Eurydice, including Narla Zedirov, Enos, Gin, Luci, Leros, Holly, and Roxy.
- Yu meets with his friends and heads into the TV world. They track down Renshu and Raven, and try to get them out before their Shadows can form. They fight through lesser Shadows as Renshu finds himself drawn to the replica of an old temple, where his own voice is echoing. They encounter Renshu's Shadow, who Renshu stops from attacking Yu. Renshu rejects his Shadow, which takes on a dragon-like form. Yu's team fights the Shadow while Raven tries to encourage Renshu. Renshu finally accepts his Shadow, and the group leaves the TV world.
20 August 2325:
- People begin to gather on Black Rock Isle early for the Black Rock Tournament of 2325. Sye and Stranger discuss luck, everyone is baffled by the giant multi-colored tiger known as Jewel, Luci and Leros are unimpressed by Enos' terrible disguise, and Luffy is mad that he's too late to sign up, among other things.
21 August 2325:
- At the Black Rock gym, competitors prepare for the tournament while others hang out. Rosalie charms Shizhi, Verinne discusses bets and chips, Earth hides, Lucas breaks a wall, Luffy tries to get Luci to swim, Adrien shows people that his body is ready, Mr. Gray talks with Luci and Verinne, and Adrien discusses stuff with Luci.
- Narla pilots the Valkyrie in a mission out near Eurydice. Her team gets a surprise attack on the Arenans, and achieve an easy victory. Although Narla is not told what, something "amazing" is found on the ship they captured. Ignoring orders, she leaves her mech and enters the ship herself and learns the find is blueprints for a mech rifle too large to be carried by any mech they know of. She gets caught and yelled at, but otherwise is just let off with a warning.
22 August 2325:
- Luci is getting coffee at Black Rock when Shizhi threatens to turn her in for the reward money. She beats the shit out of him.
- Luci returns to her hotel room and tells Sam and Leros about Shizhi. They bring up their concerns about Mr. Gray.
- Kid decides to drop out of the tournament and is replced by Iana at the last minute.
23 August 2325:
- The first day of the Black Rock Tournament of 2325 is held, featuring five of the Preliminary matches from the main bracket, and two from the side bracket. Stranger barely beats Danielle, while Rosalie beats Ryata into forfeiting. Shizhi fails to convince the judges to give him the win against Kasha without fighting, and smacks her down after she kicks him in the groin, grinding her jaw into dust. Alexander shatters Helad's ice, Lucas de-pens Ostfold politician Martin Fenheim, and Iana steals John Boo's horse. For the last match of the day, Luci fights TTT operative Kesnin Fiilan, learning a little but defeating her with ease. Meanwhile, people deal with Mr. Gray, and Luci speaks with Shizhi about their upcoming fight and his attack the day before.
- Immediately after her match, Rosalie returns to her hotel room and recieves a phone call from the person who had made her enter the tournament. She wishes to forfeit and leave, but the person does not allow it, saying if she does not win the tournament they will tell "certain people" where she and her shop assistant Martha live. She calms herself and returns to the tournament to watch Luci's match.
- Right after Lucas' fight against Fenheim, his family and friends celebrate with him.
- Back in the gym again after the tournament, Shizhi speaks with Rosalie about her magic and how it may be able to save his life.
24 August 2325:
- The second day of the Black Rock Tournament, featuring the first main bracket quarter-final, a main bracket preliminary, and the last of the side bracket preliminaries. Shizhi rematches Luci, where he fares better than than he did last time, but Luci still wins. Kulimar takes down the fierce Magnolia while in the stands Kid argues with Luci about Leros and storms off, Jolene fights off Eric as he shatters his arm and weapon, and Enos easily takes down Sanel, who barely has interest in the match, having been here to investigate Fenheim. Jolene questions Sanel's actions, and Alexander talks with Enos about drugs.
- Naruku finds Ánië passed out from drinking in the announcer's box and scolds her for unwomanly behaviour. Ánië gets angry and strikes at her, Naruku fighting back. Yu attempts to calm them down to little effect. Ánië beats Naruku down, and Naruku turns her attention to Yu, who finishes her off, KOing her. He decides to leave her be.
25 August 2325:
- The third day of the Black Rock Tournament, with the last two of the main bracket preliminaries and the first side bracket semi-final. Isaac punches the ambition out of the crazed Ted Hartrup, Rosalie's sewing is burned away by Jolene's acid and soap, and Sye closes down Seth the Retarded Barkeep's bar.
26 August 2325:
- The fourth day of the Black Rock Tournament, with the last three main bracket quarter-finals and the last side bracket semi-final. Kulimar punches Iana into submission in a battle that pleases her, Isaac confuses Stranger to unconsciousness in an amusingly one-sided battle, Sye manages to use his green energy to beat Lucas' green energy, and Enos drugs Alex up and out of the ring.
27 August 2325:
- The fifth day of the Black Rock Tournament, featuring both main bracket semi-finals and the side bracket final. Luci dishes Isaac a glass of pain, and he keeps himself standing as long as he possibly can. Enos and Jolene take each other on in a long-awaited fight, where they both manage absurd dodges, and Enos barely wins, both of them soon collapsing. Before the next match, Eric confronts Luci and tells her that he was also sent in by TTT to test her, but he's getting out of there because he's in no state to do anything. After that, Kulimar takes on Sye, and they fight each other to a complete standstill, resulting in a Double KO. The judges rule in favour of Kulimar, winning him the match. Afterwards, Luci and Enos acted awkward at each other and asked indirect questions about each other's lives. And then Shizhi and Roxy trash-talked Luci.
28 August 2325:
- Sye challenges Luci to an exhibition match to see how their Final would have went if the judges chose him as the winner over Kulimar instead. They fight in the near-empty arena, resulting in a victory for Luci.
29 August 2325:
- Sanel finally confronts Fenheim in the tournament VIP lounge. Fenheim talks about how he was financing Parus, and that Parus asked for supplies a few weeks ago to face the man from Petrarca, and hasn't heard from him since. Jolene overhears some of this.
- The sixth day of the Black Rock Tournament, with the main bracket final between Luci and Kulimar. Before the match, Shizhi fell to a mix of his illness and his injuries. As the match began, both Luci and Kulimar fought each other brutally, ending once again in a Double KO. The judges declare a draw, as nothing like this had ever happened before in a division final. They decide to have the exhibition final to be a three-way battle royale between Kulimar, Luci, and Enos.
30 August 2325:
- Kid, still mad about what happened with Luci a few days ago, speaks with Jewel somewhere on Black Rock. They are attacked by Izlude (possibly Number Twelve of the Numbers) in a mech he snuck past security. Kid is easily incapacitated and caputred while Jewel remains hidden.
31 August 2325:
- The final day of the Black Rock Tournament, featuring the ending exhibition battle royale match between Luci, Enos, and Kulimar. Members of the Dark Jesters show up to watch the match. Kulimar goes down first, and Luci nearly manages to defeat Enos, but he takes her down and earns the win.
- In the medical bay, Luci flips out on a nurse and Enos calms her down. Sam arrives and is very confused. Luci questions where Leros went.
- Seraxel and Ánië spar, resulting in a victory for Seraxel in a close fight.
- Roxy speaks with Stranger about the photo of Nadim that Jeb gave her back in April. They discuss the situation, and Roxy gives him Simon's business card in case he needs help. Stranger allows her to tell Jeb that Nadim is alive. (RPed 1 September)
Late August 2325:
- Felicity's partner in hunting dark creatures, Thomas Adair, goes missing.
1 September 2325:
- Elkorvir ambushes Naruku. She fights back, but Elkorvir knocks her out, slipping away.
- Rangi and Asha spar, resulting in a victory for Rangi.
- Roxy wakes up on Lucas' first day of class worrying about possible old memories, and how they may be faked. She speaks with Arz about her concerns. (Was originally listed in the quest as 2 September, but this was retconned to fit with other events.)
2 September 2325:
- Gin, Narla, Roxy, and Kulimar arrive on Liberty's Reach. They're shown around a bit and settle in before heading to look at the mech suits. They test them out and get used to the controls. General Medke has them train in simulators for the next few hours.
- Sanel reports back to Ganchi, Cail, Saja, and Karr about what he learned from Fenheim. Cail and Ganchi head for the Petrarca fortress while Sanel, Saja, and Karr investigate the lead into where the Orkans are living.
- While Roxy is still away on Liberty's Reach in his stead, Lucas is attacked by soldiers. He sends a message with Alphonse to Raven, and is captured and knocked out.
4 September 2325:
- At an underground club in Mosarra, Seraxel is baffled at why he's here. Asha, Enos, Raven, and Luci also show up. Luci tries to talk to Enos, but Asha snatches him up and dances. Seraxel and Raven have a talk of their own. After dancing, Enos and Luci try to talk. Seraxel notes he's only here as a pitstop on his way from Eluvina to Dragonoa. He talks about burials and religion. Enos punches him in the gut. Seraxel hits back. They talk it out. Seraxel leaves, and Enos finally gets his talk with Luci. November, having pretended to be the bartender to get tips, also leaves. Luci gets a text from Leros saying to meet up in Joribaus tomorrow. Enos notes that Promethean blocked off an event about Leros from his memory and he can't access it.
5 September 2325:
- Kid and Lucas awaken in cells on a prison ship en route to Liberty's Reach. While being escorted out, Kid stages an attack on the guards he knows he can't win so he can bend Lucas' bars enough for him to escape. Lucas gets out and locates Alphonse and his gear while Kid is restrained and tested. Lucas uses a flashbang to stun the guards and free Kid. As they begin to escape, the gravity is shut off to slow their progress. They reach the emergency shuttles as the guards catch them. Lucas shoves Kid in alone, reasoning that the guards wanted him alive and Kid dead anyway. Lucas manages to elude the guards as they get to Liberty's Reach and goes into hiding. He sends Alphonse to find Roxy. Meanwhile, Kid's shuttle is located by the Vigilant Sentinel and towed to safety.
- November suffers through another frustrating Thursday at the office. He meets with Rumor Hall at a restaurant, where they discuss Rumor's suspicions regarding TTT's links to some missing children. November informs her that they will be placing a restraining order on her.
6 September 2325:
- Ganchi and Cail arrive at the Petrarca fortress. Ganchi goes in alone and confronts the man from Petrarca. They discuss Parus and his recent excursion to the fortress, the man distracting Ganchi as he prepares an enchantment to destroy Ganchi's second soul. Ken Hiyama interrupts only a short time after the enchantment activates, ending it prematurely, and fights off the man. Ken and Ganchi flee the fortress and catch up with Cail. Ganchi realizes Ken and the man are the same person, with Ken having travelled back in time, but not that the two of them are also Ganchi having travelled back in time. Ken explains his reasons for travelling back in time, saying it was only as a last resort, and warns Ganchi not to let Parus get the Laquiri, hinting that using one has literally harmed the world. He says that it's safest to keep the Laquiri seperate, and that they're too difficult to destroy for it to matter right now. He parts ways with them, and Ganchi discovers the full extent of the harm to his second soul.
7 September 2325:
- Enos and Laelia arrive on the Vigilant Sentinel and meet with Dr. Ariel Panigua. He speaks with Enos about the Eurocid still in his head. Panigua is rather shocked by this. Enos fills him in on the events of Corporate Issue II. Laelia plays Solitaire.
8 September 2325:
- Gin and Narla meet with General Medke, when Roxy bursts in. Off the record, the General notes his distaste for the UP's military business being outsourced to TTT, and that he believes much of the base has already been compromised by Eurocids due to both TTT and SAHBER's actions. He says the entire reason for this conflict as that they believe the Arenans have a way to remove the Eurocids from people and aren't granting them access to it. He needs their team to accomplish tasks without attracting TTT and SAHBER's attention. With this out of the way, attention is turned to Roxy, who says that she joined to prevent Lucas from being dragged in, and now she's recieved evidence that he's been taken here against his will.
9 September 2325:
- Kid remains locked up on Vigilant Sentinel, due to his suspicious arrival on a UP prison ship he was escaping from. He speaks with Ariel Paniagua, who says he doesn't have the autority to accept Kid's story on face value. He mentions that there will be a tribunal for Kid in a few weeks. (This quest was written in March 2014, but is set shortly after 5 September.)
20 September 2325:
- Ánië takes a flight to see her parents in her old hometown, and talks with an old friend named Ethan O'Toole as he drives her from the airport. They arrive at his elderly mother Anna-Belle's house, who Ánië talks to and reminisces on those who have passed away. She makes the drive to her parents' home in her old truck Ethan was holding on to. She talks with her parents about having sex with Thuwadians and heads off to bed.
21 September 2325:
- Ánië and Anna-Belle head out to town to have some fun with some male strippers. Everyone is covered in glitter. Ánië returns to her parents' house and have some family time.
22 September 2325:
- Ánië catches a flight back to Svaldon.
24 September 2325:
- Klaus Martin goes missing.
26 September 2325:
- Kid's hearing takes place on Vigilant Sentinel. Commander Domingo Samudio allows Kid his freedom in exchange for joining the defensive patrols around the station. Kid trains in mech simulators.
- Roxy, Paige, Adrien, and Verinne search for a genetically-engineered dog owned by Arimée Arimée. Shizhi eats and leaves. Verinne says Adrien can be their dog. They stumble across a surgeon turning a whore into a dog.
27 September 2325:
- Roxy meets with Elizabeth Hudson, the artist from the exhibit incident in April, who has been placed in a mental institution. Elizabeth refuses to hear Roxy out. Roxy returns to her apartment to look over her notes on what they knew. Raven calls, saying she knows how to open a path back to Ooe by using six Moon Keystones. They agree to meet in Alibaas in one week's time.
- Sam speaks with Rita in a police interview room. He tells her there's a serial killer targetting her copies. She notes that it seems that only one of the versions of her residing in Vernalta is still alive. Rita believes the culprit may either be the original her, or someone close to her. Sam gets a phone call from his boss, saying there's been a change of plans, and Rita is coming with him. (This was noted to tie into The Vampyre of Time and Memories)
- After getting sidetracked back on Disparatus, Luci returns to Earth and stops in the village of Waldenbach and meets with Leofwine. Leofwine agrees to aid Kaida in her trip back to Alba.
28 September 2325:
- (The Haunting of Helshire Mansion Quest 1)
- (The Haunting of Helshire Mansion Quest 2)
29 September 2325:
- Ellen arrives at Ms. Rella's old store, only to learn that no one has seen her in a year and a half.
- Someone sets fire to the building Cordelia is staying in, with her inside. A gunman holds her up as she tries to escape, but she crushes his ribcage. She takes down a few more of the attackers on her way out. She eludes the last of them by hiding in a subway, and goes back to sleep.
5 October 2325:
- In the early morning, after arriving in Alibaas, Roxy meets Fabian Martin, and learns of his brother Klaus' disappearance. Shortly after, she heads off with Arz and Raven in the rain. They come across some domestic rats, and believe their owner may be dead. Roxy picks up a pocket watch that the rats had been circling around, and finds herself in a heavily distorted version of the forest, where everything is encased in shadow. She encounters a figure and is forced to fight it. She quickly bests it and starts to interrogate it, although it can barely speak. As it attacks again, Roxy kills it. Soon after, she finds herself returned to the real forest. Arz and Raven show her the mutilated corpse of the rats' owner, and they decide to postpone their trip to Ooe. Arz recognizes the corpse as Klaus Martin. The group returns to their hotel, and then Arz and Raven head to the Martins' home. Arz "accidentally" breaks in. The Martins return home, and Arz steals Klaus' laptop to search it for clues. They accidentally break the laptop when they get back to Roxy, and need to hold off until Lucas can fix it back home. Roxy names the rats she rescued Coco and Bianca.
- Luci arrives in Joribaus to meet with Leros, but instead meets with a man named Nikaloas, and his partner Sofia, both from Promethean. Luci snatches Leros' phone back from them. Nikaloas explains Leros was captured because Enos was spotted on TV at Black Rock, and they found Leros when going after him. He suggests Luci look for a woman in Joribaus named Pseira, noting it's possible that she may show up at tomorrow's festival.
6 October 2325:
- (Errors in Patterns Quest 1)
- In the evening, Ganchi and Roxy are knocked unconscious outside Joribaus, and their supplies stolen.
- (Errors in Patterns Quest 2)
- (Errors in Patterns Quest 3)
7 October 2325:
- (Errors in Patterns Quest 4)
- (Errors in Patterns Quest 5)
- (Errors in Patterns Quest 6)
8 October 2325:
- Kid successfully bypasses his mech's security perimeters.
Mid October 2325:
- In Larvik, a small town between the Svaldic mountains near Gravenholt, there have been rumors of a witch in the woods causing strange incidents for years. As they have recently become more severe, with children vanishing and search parties turning up dead, the mayor sends out a request for aid.
18 October 2325:
- Asha Patil is called forth by an unknown voice in what seems to be a dream. She feels pain tear through her and wakes up. She discovers Remembrance in her mind and freaks out. Remembrance mentally digs her nails into Asha's neck. When she awakens, she has taken Asha's body for her own. (Was originally set as 1 November, but was moved back to match up with Because We're Friends.)
20 October 2325:
- The new department head at the university Ánië teaches at in Falkenaas meets with her and acts like a dick. She grades a few papers after he leaves, and then moderates her class' debate on the legalization of Legendary Enchantments.
- Cordelia, Mortimer, November, and Remembrance head for Larvik on a train to answer the mayor's call. In the evening, the train went off its rails and into the forest. The group hear a girl's voice, but decide it's best to worry about finding help for their own situation first. A psychic cat contacts them, disappointed that they're all it has to help deal with the witch. The cat appears to a low-ranking Devil. Merieke emerges from the train wreck, but only briefly joins the group, soon leaving along with Cordelia. The cat leads them all to the witch's home. There they find a teenage girl with an ax. The cat implies it made a deal with the witch and has been trying to collect on that deal for quite some time, but the witch has been making this difficult. The girl, Scarlett, says her father is missing around here, and that her friend (Ivana) apparently turned into a monster. The group enters the house, and Scarlett says it's changed from the last time she went inside. Suddenly, Shizhi enters the house, saying he is here to "cleanse this filth". November and Remembrance meet up with the cat in the kitchen, now identified as Peter. Scarlett starts freaking out emotionally, and Mortimer attempts to soothe her. Shizhi, Scarlett, and Mortimer head to the parlor. Shizhi and Mortimer investigate a paper there, regarding a contract.
21 October 2325:
- As the night drags on, Scarlett looks for a way out of the home, with or without the group's help. They deal with several traps and illusions, but none seem aimed at them, rather at Peter and Scarlett, with Peter going through numerous cat bodies. The group notices the occasional reflection of another in the group. As dawn arrives, the contract between Peter and the witch ends, and the house withers away. Scarlett runs off, and Peter tells the group that if they ever want to make a deal, to let him know.
26 October 2325:
- In Erillia, while Lucas watches Charlotte practice opera singing, Cordelia appears, having expected to be in Hell for a date. Cordelia pisses Charlotte off by wrecking the stage and spewing insults. Charlotte attempts to attack her, but Cordelia gets the upper hand. Lucas steps in and beats the shit out of her with radiation. Cordelia is taken to prison.
29 October 2325:
- Roxy visits Cordelia in prison to ask her how she appeared in the theater, as Roxy wants to attempt to teleport to Ooe.
2 November 2325:
- Felicity sends out fliers for a search and rescue mission in Banivia, to find Thomas Adair. The city of Chantment, the only city in the Empire to have access to technology, is listed as the meeting point, in approximately three weeks' time.
4 November 2325:
- Cordelia gets bored of prison, and works out an escape plan. She summons a demon to burn through the walls, and raids some supplies on her way out. As the building collapses behind her, she feels a rare case of regret, despite her amulet urging her to ignore it.
7 November 2325:
- In the farms outside the Arenan city of Bowen, Karr chased down a man who may have a lead on his sister. He accidentally burns down part of one cornfield when trying to flush him out. The farm owner, Rosalyn, knocks him out and calls the police. Karr asks if he can make it up to her with dinner. She is not remotely pleased. He agrees to pay for replacing the crops instead. Karr calls Ganchi for a loan. Ganchi hangs up and goes back to sleep. Karr get Sanel to help instead.
9 November 2325:
- At a UP bank, Verinne and November encounter Robert Gray, just before the bank gets robbed. They take on the lead robber, who escapes via a magic door. Gray says the door is a witch's work. Gray offers Verinne and November work.
10 November 2325:
- In Yusifiah, a new museum opens. Remembrance remembers Enos and says his real stupid name. Renshu tries to listen. Luci recycles a dress. A fight happens, and Raven crashes through the window on a motorcycle. Everyone runs.
17 November 2325:
- Karr returns to the farm to ask Rosalyn for boomerang instructions. She completely sees through this ploy to get into her pants, but he reassures her he's still just trying to catch the man from the other night without arousing suspicion. She still doesn't buy it, but agrees as long as she gets paid for the weekly lessons.
- Raven, Roxy, and Arz arrive in downtown Shozhai, the city bordering the great lake of the same name, looking into rumors about a mermaid. Shizhi arrives and orders them to stop loitering. Arz is shocked he's alive. They discuss the mermaid, and Roxy slams Shizhi to the ground in the name of helping him. Roxy and Arz chase down a figure and deal with loud music. They all get sucked into murk and are pelted with crayons.
22 November 2325:
- Morgan and Wren arrive at The Four Horsemen tavern in Chantment, where they meet with Felicity, who sent out the flyers a few weeks ago. Felicity is surprised to see Morgan is a sirène, and acts a bit racist toward Wren. Felicity tells them they're looking for Thomas Adair, and the village nearby where she suspects is best to start looking for him. They gather some horses and meet up. As they're about to leave, Felicity spots Verinne, who had ventured to the city to find a non-existant blacksmith, but Felicity ignores her. Kaida arrives as well, having recieved Felicity's message, but was more interested in seeing who would gather than actually joining herself.
- A wave of magic hits the area, encasing them in a dome, and seperating Wren from the group. Some sort of monstrous figure is in the dome with the group. Morgan attacks it, and Kaida helps as well to protect the villagers who were trapped inside with them. Kaida and Morgan defeat the beast, breaking the dome, and turning the beast back into a man. Verinne walks over to have a look at the situation. Someone in the crowd identifies the man as Edward White, who had run a nearby General Store and disappeared a while back. Felicity tells Verinne to stay with them because she's drawing suspicion on her own. The group goes to speak with Edward's wife. Beli flies into the upper part of the wife's home and steals some suspicious books. Morgan is pissed about the occultist behavior in the town, and leaves in disgust. Verinne examines the mask that was on Edward, determining it is definitely an infernal artifact.
- Mortimer and Jakob arrive in Chantment together, having met on the way to the city. They meet with the group, curious about the commotion. Mortimer notes the similarity to an incident in the town of Somersgate, deeper in Banivia, in the Dukedom of Dregg. Felicity says Dregg was the last known location of Thomas. Kaida, Mortimer, and Jakob officially join up with Felicity. They return to the General Store, where Edward's wife is breaking things and trying to escape, but Beli stops her. The woman explains that he went missing for a time and returned with the mask, acting short-tempered and distant. She eventually had to keep him locked up for his own safety. There is much discussion on numerology. They're interrupted by shouting in the distance as a mob forms. The wife directs the group to catacombs beneath the city. Mortimer distracts the mob to buy them time, joined by Kaida and Jakob. They fight off the mob and reach the catacombs.
- The group discovers anti-dark-magic warding symbols on the catacomb walls. They run into traps, but reach the group the wife was looking for in an underground room. They see another mask here, which affects Mortimer, Kaida, and Felicity with strong feelings of it deserving respect. Verinne, who had run off for food, finally catches back up with the group. The group discusses the mask, and Jakob is disturbed by how the mask is affecting the others. Jakob takes stock of the part of the situation that he missed. The people they found explain they're a group who, while not magic experts themselves, try to help people such as Edward's wife and others too poor to hire actual magic users. They list others who were affected as Edward was. POSSIBLY MORE TO BE ADDED LATER. LEFT OFF ON SEARCH AND RESCUE PAGE 11.
23 November 2325:
- The 2325 election for the United Provinces' Prime Minister is held between incumbent Reuben Miller, Peter Huxley, and Liam Forrester. Peter Huxley is elected Prime Minister of the United Provinces.
27 November 2325:
- (YEAR ZERO UNIVERSE ONLY) (Year Zero Quest 1)
- (YEAR ZERO UNIVERSE ONLY) (Year Zero Quest 2)
28 November 2325:
- Narla meets Roxy in a Eutropian bar. Narla says she left the war because she was bored, and works for the Lehk'zhulians now. They get in a fight and Roxy storms off.
29 November 2325:
- Narla shows up at Roxy's cafe. She speaks with Lucas and Charlotte while Roxy is out, claiming she wants to make up for yesterday. She leaves and goes invisible, but is caught. She rants about Disparatus to Roxy.
- Handoran insurance firm Xun-Kwan Holdings finalizes the 5.8 Billion Credit purchase of the King Keystone.
1 December 2325:
- Shizhi speaks with Roxy at a museum in Jian-Chai, where she's researching Shizhi's ancestry. They discuss Narla and Lehk'zhulia.
5 December 2325:
- Roxy travels to the Handoran city of Yaujiang and runs into Shizhi again. He takes her to his family's ancestral home, where Shizhi's mother acts quite racist toward Roxy. Shizhi's father, Guowei Rui, stops her and sends her off. They discuss a variety of topics and accidentally convince Guowei to re-enlist in the military just to get clearance to discuss state secrets. Shizhi explains his Archon status to Roxy.
6 December 2325:
- As soon as Roxy returns home from Handora, she and Lucas are attacked by Narla, who wrecks the apartment. Kulimar comes to their aid, utterly pissed at Narla. Narla enters her mecha and fights him before fleeing. Guowei arrives in a mech of his own to talk to Kulimar. Kulimar gives Roxy a letter from Kurell, explaining his own wrongdoings and that he's tracking down Jafar. They also see a mechanical duplicate of Alex, which had escaped the cult raid.
11 December 2325:
- Near the southern tip of Grax'dar, on Dragonoan Independence Day, Lieutenant Hejer Theakz and his brigade pass through an ancient mass grave site for rebel Thuwadians, on their way to the capital city of the region, Kerathok. They come under attack by a group led by what seems to be the "Prophet" who had appeared on television in July. Theaks is impaled by a spear, and his brigade is slaughtered. This moment becomes known as the turning point in the war between the Thuwadian Empire and Lehk'zhulia.
Mid December 2325:
- Roxy moves to a new apartment, due to Narla wrecking her old one.
20 December 2325:
- Nyogotha shows up at Roxy's apartment and invades the sleeping minds of Roxy and Lucas. They are caught in a realistic dream-state where they believe they are speaking to her in the waking world. It's implied Roxy and Nyogotha met two or three years ago, before Lucas and Roxy came to Disparatus. (This was likely in mid or late 2323.) There is green goo in the living room, which forms into a duplicate of Rhogog. Nyogotha offers Roxy and Lucas the chance to join the hivemind together. She affects Lucas' mind with a murderous rage, and Roxy is forced to knock him out. Nyogotha explodes into goo and leaves. The pair wake up, and Shizhi shows up at the door with gifts. He then tells Roxy he's heading for space soon. Explaining what just happened, Shizhi says his Great-Granduncle was a Muckraker, but he believes him dead. He tells Roxy how to kill a Muckraker by killing their parasite.
22 December 2325:
- At Roxy's cafe, Shizhi spills Raven's food. They talk while he waits for Roxy. Raven mentions she once died a few years ago from a train, and Shizhi discusses his death in August. They flirt.
25 December 2325:
- Shizhi says goodbye to Roxy before he has to head to space. He takes a group photo of himself, Lucas, and Roxy. Arz offers Shizhi fruit.
26 December 2325:
- Shizhi is sent to space.
27 December 2325:
- Roxy speaks with Douglas in the park. Nyogotha sees them, and says she's here to take Douglas. Roxy poisons her, and Nyogotha is forced to flee.
29 December 2325:
- Karr heads to Rosalyn's farm to tell her he's cancelling their lessons because he hasn't seen his target at all over the past month, he comes across hundreds of ants swarming the road, led by a five-foot tall mega-ant. The mega-ant attacks him, and he kills it. Karr calls Ganchi to warn him of the giant ant invasion, but Ganchi hangs up. The ant corpse vanishes when he goes to fetch Rosalyn, so he keeps it a secret, and agrees to continue their lessons.
2326 AE
1 January 2326:
- Lehk'zhulia, with help from Svadon, launches a new space colony: Absolonia.
- Roxy eats a burger. Narla does as well. They argue about war. Narla mentions caring for Byariel Laroux, who she thinks is dead. The two watch Absolonia launch far in the distance. Narla apologizes for everything. They then agree to go to the movies that evening.
- Narla and Roxy meet at Queen's Ascension to go to its theater as planned. They are joined by Irenie Walsh. Irenie gushes about her love of movies, and thinks Roxy and Narla are on a date. They go around the park. Narla thanks Roxy for the evening, and wishes they could've been friends.
3 January 2326:
- Byariel Laroux returns to Disparatus for the first time since being hired as a mech pilot years ago.
- Byariel shows up at Roxy's home to discuss her planned stationing on Bucephalus. Kharadov Particles are mentioned. Byariel says that he wants Narla's entire family dead, apart from her brother, Jyrid Zedirov. He names a few members of the family whom he particularly despises.
4 January 2326:
- Roxy and Lucas get off a boat and meet with Rosalie. They discuss Nyogotha and then have tea.
5 January 2326:
- Narla calls Roxy and rejects her offer from a few days ago. She then shows up at the cafe and eats. There's an erotic shower scene with gore. Narla asks to lay low here from the Lehk'zhulians for a few days. Narla still believes Byariel is dead. Roxy mentions a brother named Xavier.
- Lehk'zhulian President Dozlek Zeitum reads reports on the ongoing war. He speaks with his top advisor, Krega Thran, who suggests they strike the Thuwadian Empire now while their armies are still divided. Zeitum worries about dissenters alerting other nations to their true goals, and Thran suggests silencing them by any means necessary.
10 January 2326:
- Roxy tells Narla that it's okay to come out of the closet. Narla gives some symbolism for yuri tension and leaves so she doesn't attract too much attention by staying for much longer.
14 January 2326:
- In the city of Benkyota on Toja-On, Roxy visits a tea house and meets Eiji Takao. He says he is here to stop local gangs who go after children. Takao uses her as bait to draw out the gangsters, who turn out to be Muckrakers, to Roxy's surprise. They are servants of Burukumin, according to Takao, who has done the general plan of running gangs for many, many years.
18 January 2326:
- Officer Alexina Warden lurks a city and goes to a club called Escala. She messes with Toad and gives Jakob a warning. Jakob introduces his friend Felicity. Alexina grabs her skirt. Jakob and Alexina fight each other. Police Captain Emmitt Rodgers shows up and yells at Alexina. He suspends Alexina for two weeks. She quits, but Rodgers tells her to just take the two weeks to think it over. (RPed 14 February, moved back to 18 January so the other dates make sense.)
21 January 2326:
- Byariel stops at a bar in Erillia and meets with Roxy. Byariel says the quiet in the war likely means things will ramp up soon.
- While still suspended, Alexina returns to the police station and gets another officer, Nate Aarons, to help her search records on Jakob and his mother Prishka. (RPed 25 February)
24 January 2326:
- In Pottsdam, New Terra, Sye steps off a bus to visit family and encounters Lucas. They chat about how things have gone since they last saw each other at Black Rock, and Lucas asks Sye for a rematch. Sye obliges, chucking bottles and slamming Lucas into a tree. Lucas puts all he has into an overcharged solar attack, wrecking the park and nearly knocking Sye out in one go. Sye fights back with a burst of Laquir energy, rendering Lucas unconscious. Roxy accosts Sye when she sees what he did to Lucas, but Sye explains what happened. Sye is shocked that Lucas' mother is younger than he is.
25 January 2326:
- Alexina goes to a library and runs into Jakob again. (RPed 25 February, moved back to fit with the second RP that day, set a month later.)
27 January 2326:
- Roxy, Lucas, and Charlotte have a snowball fight. Byariel watches like a creeper. He says that Narla is probably lying about thinking he's dead.
28 January 2326:
- Remembrance, Adrien, Enos, November, Roxy, and Byariel are near a volcano on Disparatus. They find an old burial ground and a shrine. There seems to be a human sacrifice inside. Zombies attack. Roxy throws a ton of them off of her and breaks her leg. Byariel helps her get away from the area so she can heal. The others hide in an underground tunnel. A zombie falls on November's head. Cordelia falls from the ceiling as well. Enos decides that Cordelia falling in is worse than the zombie. They escape into a ruined tower above. Enos chucks Cordelia off the tower, into the ocean. He then drops his pants. Everyone escapes on the S.S. Cordelia.
- Roxy and Byariel escape to a small cave, where they patch up each other's wounds and discuss piloting and life. (RPed 8 February)
30 January 2326:
- In a small Ostfold town near Ánië's parents ranch, she, Roxy, Lucas, and Kat Farec examine runes. Kat is all smiles. She talks about Aether and mechs.
1 February 2326:
- On a UP train at night, Roxy is approached by Dolly Jackson, who looks much like Kat and Narla. Dolly discusses her past. She says they'll meet again on Bucephalus.
- Alexina gets her badge back.
2 February 2326:
- At Jidansk Harbor in Handora, Remembrance meets Kat. Cordelia climbs out of the ocean, and Douglas shows up. Cordelia claims she wants to make fish monsters.
4 February 2326:
- Lord Aleksander Gryme, wanting to redeem his family's poor reputation, hosts the first of 12 planned banquets for "The Year of Return". It ends up being a great success, despite rumors of missing guests. (Mentioned in the RP Vampires Value Consent)
6 February 2326:
- In the town of Bolozhivka, near the Ellenikos and Ibadian border, Renshu, Enos, and Stranger are introduced to Jakob's miraculous lemons.
- Shizhi arrives at the UP's Fort LaCroix base and meets with his father, Guowei. Shizhi boards the KJN-73, also known as Bucephalus. They set course for the UP space colony of Neo Verdun.
7 February 2326:
- Shizhi's team docks at Neo Verdun. Once there, Shizhi meets with their new mech pilot, Byariel Laroux. Shizhi informs him that Narla's brother, Jyrid Zedirov, will be on their ship, and asks if this will be an issue considering that the Zedirov family avoided prosecution for killing Byariel's father and brother. Byariel says that he's moved on, and it won't be a problem. During their conversation, a surprise attack is launched on the colony by mercenaries from the Lehk`zhulian colony Absalonia, blowing a hole in the side of the colony. Shizhi is incapacitated by his poor health, and Byariel hurries to the mech depot. He takes one of the mechs and begins damage control on the breach. He seals the hole and deals with whatever mechs he can, when he encounters a mech piloted by what is implied to be Narla. She attacks him to kill, but he exposes her suit's core. Although he's incapacitated, she's forced to flee the colony with another of the surviving invaders.
- The First Battle of Neo Verdun ends.
8 February 2326:
- Ánië, Ellen, Jakob, Mina, and Stranger are wandering in Halenforth, where they run into Elentra, who is stopping here before heading to Banivia. Elentra touches Stranger's chest and examines his mind. Ellen assumes this is sex. Renshu arrives to watch. Elentra uses a powerful spell to cleanse the area of suffering. People get mad because she was unclear about what she was doing. Hans shows up and snarks. The group heads to the nearby settlement and goes to the bar, while Elentra and Stranger argue. She tells Stranger about what she did to Katarina. Byariel shows up for booze. Elentra leaves Stranger a book and leaves for Banivia.
11 February 2326:
- Roxy's broken leg heals.
12 February 2326:
- In the southwestern Eisenstaat town of Steinhafen, Arz and Jakob overhear people talking in hushed voices. They eavesdrop and learn three sailors were found dead in odd ways. They're joined by Mortimer as they investigate. They talk with the town undertaker, and then head to the docks. They consider boiling the ocean. They go to another sailor's home and find he's mad from fear. He describes the beast which killed his fellow sailors, believing it's a mythic creature known as the Hunter of the Deep.
- Arz, Jakob, and Mortimer ask around about the Hunter of the Deep. Cordelia shows up, frustrating Mortimer. They head to the library and check Tales of the Coast. Jakob offers Mortimer acid. Cordelia sets water on fire. The Hunter emerges from the sea and attacks, calling them all sorts of things. They kill it with a harpoon, and it says the Sea-Mother will come for them. (RPed 17 & 18 February)
13 February 2326:
- A famous daredevil named Kingpin prepares for a stunt jump in Svaldon. Jakob, Roxy, and Lucas are there to watch, having recieved free tickets. Three of the Dark Jesters are present as well. Kingpin fails the stunt, and the Jesters seem unsurprised. Roxy and Jakob get milkshakes.
- Kingpin survives, but with several fractured bones. (Mentioned in 25 & 26 February RP)
15 February 2326:
- Lucas goes to a robotics convention and gets covered in ketchup. As Roxy takes him home afterwards, they run into Jakob. A man tells Roxy her faces is a lovely shade of rainbow. The three go to eat.
16 February 2326:
- A man from Ingenium comes to Roxy's cafe, asking if they are interested in refining Lucas' talents with them. Roxy is unsure of what to think about this. Jakob shows up later, and Roxy asks him about Ingenium. (Continued from previous day)
18 February 2326:
- Jakob returns to Roxy's cafe and shares what he learned about Ingenium.
20 February 2326:
- The man from Ingenium, Peter Hemmings, returns to ask Roxy if she accepts. She declines. She changes her mind thirty seconds later and accepts. Jakob returns and they chat. (Continued from 18 February RP)
22 February 2326:
- Hemmings, who had his surname changed to Hammings since his last visit, returns to take Roxy and Lucas to Ingenium HQ in Eutropia. They see people trying to revive extinct species, and a chicken-peacock-sheep on steroids. Lucas talks with a girl named Eloise. She takes Lucas to her room and shows him a stuffed robo-octopus named Ollie. It scares Roxy, so Lucas chases her with it. Lucas decides to turn down the offer to stay. (RPed 20 & 21 February. Was supposedly a week after the previous event, but the timeline does not agree. Instead went with the mention of it being Saturday.)
- Lucas sends Alphonse to Eloise's room and asks her to meet at the hotel they're staying at. They meet up and go ice skating. The two are very close despite having just met. Eloise talks about her past and they go back to her room. They play QWOP. (RPed 21 & 22 February)
- Lucas and Roxy meet with the very old Yoshida Hajimoto, President and Co-Founder of Ingenium. He asks them to become Eloise's bodyguards, as she is to inherit the company when he dies, and many people dislike that. (RPed 22 & 23 February)
24 February 2326:
- Felicity, a friend of Jakob's, shows up at Roxy's diner, asking if they've seen him. She's upset because she blew all his money on blow. Roxy hires her on a temporary basis to help pay him off. (RPed 23 & 24 February. Was supposedly 3 weeks after their arrival at Ingenium HQ, with them staying there the whole time, but the timeline would completely explode if I even attempted to canonize that.)
- Narla breaks into Roxy's place and sleeps in the closet without her knowledge. (Mentioned in 25 & 26 February RP)
25 February 2326:
- Jakob shows up at Roxy's in the morning and finds Felicity. (RPed 23 & 24 February)
- In the afternoon, Alexina stops at Roxy's cafe. Felicity recognizes Alexina and freaks out. Jakob explains what happened at the club. Alexina eventually leaves, and soon after, Narla shows up. Narla discusses the Battle of Neo Verdun, and how Byariel killed her compatriots. They all eventually discuss Alexina. Narla cries in the bathroom regarding Byariel. '(RPed 25 & 26 February. Was said to be a month after the library visit. While I can't reconcile the Roxy stuff, the Alexina stuff I can deal with, and thus moved those back.)
26 February 2326:
- After months of training on Vigilant Sentinel, Kid makes his escape attempt as hostilities between the UP and AA resume. He begins his slow mech's long flight home, having stored plenty of supplies.
- In the morning, Narla wakes up at Roxy's place. They flirt. Roxy's hair is dyed black, and Narla's is dyed pink. Later, Narla, Roxy, and Felicity go out. They find some suspicious figures in an alley and beat them up. Roxy goes berzerk and fucking kills a dude. Roxy is horrified by her own actions. Felcity is traumatized and has to take time off work.
27 February 2326:
- Narla asks if she can take over while Felicity is out. Jakob tells what he learned about the people from the other night. Narla says she'll only be staying until her actual job comes up in a few days, a 12-man attack in Lehk'zhulia's newly acquired territory in Magna Dragonoa. (Continued from 26 February RP. Was supposedly three days later, but again, that makes no sense with the timeline.)
- Jakob returns to Earth and lands in Halenforth, meeting Ánië, Arz, and Hans in a tavern. They investigate an attack nearby, and are joined by Hannah. The attack appears chemical in origin. Hannah deems it a heart attack. The townsfolk blame a monster they've seen which supposedly changes its form. A kid named Pete leads them to its cave in the mines. They go for a minecart ride. Dark elves who are trying to steal from the town are fought. The group finds a magic crystal named Bertha. Bertha says the beast isn't its doing, and wishes the miners no ill will. They then determine Bertha's magic has been inadvertently messing with people's heads due to mercury. (Regarding space travel, presumably Earth and Disparatus are at or near their closest distance from each other at the moment, allowing for relatively short Aethership travel.)
- The group in Halenforth consider their next course of action. Theophile and Felicity (the elf, not Jakob's friend) show up, and Theo is pleased Felicity knows of him. They speak with the mine owner, who is literally just now transferring its ownership to the dark elves. Arz is exasperated that the mine owner believes in monsters but doubts Bertha's existence. There is much arguing. Arz and Hans try to calm everyone down. Theophile chills with Hannah. One of the dark elves from the mine is found dead. They believe his compatriots killed him because he divulged their plans. The group figures out how to save some of the town from mercury poisoning, but not all. Those who can be treated are helped, and the group leaves. (RPed 5 March)
28 February 2326:
- Eloise finally arrives at Roxy's cafe. Narla is disguised with sunglasses, and talks with Jakob. Lucas shows Eloise their rats and jumps off the balcony. Eloise yells at him for this, and then does the exact same thing. She drags him out to go to the aquarium, and he explains his heart problem. Meanwhile, Narla tells Jakob he's not a porn star. Eloise squeals at sea creatures. Narla and Roxy make promises to each other and then eat.
- That evening, Jakob and Hannah meet at Escala. They get to know each other better and run through alleys. They fight some brutes.
- Narla sits on rubble outside of Erillia. Jakob does not understand. Enos climbs out of the rubble. Jakob does not understand. Enos confuses Narla for one of her genetic "sisters", who caused trouble on Polaris. Roxy shows up and watches Jakob deal Enos drugs. Enos proves he is an asshole and not racist. Narla's memory issues are discussed. Connor Eclair steps out of the woods. Enos bonds with rats. He later hands Roxy Essence of Venus. They all head to the pet store, and are joined by Hannah. Enos buys seven rats. (RPed 28 February & 1 March)
Early March 2326:
- After a tense lull in the combat over Eurydice, pretentions of peace are once again shattered as a small group of Arenan agents, disguised as Armored Suit technicians, infiltrated Liberty's Reach and attempted to steal confidential information from TTT. In retaliation, all three of the agents were shot, and plans to renew a focused attack on Centinela Vigilante began. A high echelon representative of TTT made a press release stating that these attacks will be handled swiftly, and be put to a stop.
1 March 2326:
- Roxy is at a hotel after visiting Raven. She joins Narla and Jakob at a hospital, where Roxy gets a blood test done to see what caused her to flip out in the alley a few days ago. Jakob and Narla discuss travel. The doctor returns with Roxy's results a bit later, confused about why there are stem cells in Roxy's blood, which is not normal in adults. The trio determine from the results that Roxy was designed for survival above all else. The doctor posits that her actions were a result of her modified genes having a severe fight-or-flight response to survive. (RPed 2 March)
2 March 2326:
- Shortly after midnight, on Narla's 20th birthday, Narla has to leave for her assignment. She says her goodbyes to Roxy and talks about the weird things found in her own blood test. She says her assignment will happen in two days, and to check the TV. (RPed 5 March, but it was later confirmed this takes place 2 March. While today's Jakob events were RPed before this, they can still work as happening before she leaves the city that morning, as her flight could just be delayed.)
- Jakob texts Narla before she leaves the city and they meet for coffee. Jakob says Felicity is acting strange in the wake of the alley incident. They go to see her and explain what they learned about Roxy yesterday. Felicity explains she's been experiencing progressive memory loss for a while, and has been terrified because of it.
- Narla and Jakob continue talking with Felicity. Narla tries her best to be nice, and then intentionally tries to induce PTSD in her. Narla is struck in the face with a flying table. Regardless, it helps them determine that what's really affected Felicity is the sound of bullets linked to a missing memory. Narla believes Jakob has been making things worse with the drugs, and urges him to get Felicity proper help. Jakob blames Narla for causing a PTSD freakout. Narla leaves and deletes their numbers from her phone.
- Narla and Verinne spar, resulting in a victory for Narla.
- Narla finally leaves for her assignment.
- Late at night, Roxy goes running in Erillia. She finds Jakob doing some shady business with a dark elf. Jakob is unconcerned that she overheard stuff. They talk about Felicity and Prishka.
- Track star Quinn Everly, winner of the last Great East New Oldtown Surleau All-Star Competition, fails to appear at her challenger match, and is soon deemed missing.
3 March 2326:
- Lehk'zhulia declares victory in the war with the Thuwadian Empire. Dozlek Zeitum abandons the title of President in favor of a new title, Klaminsar. He allows the Thuwadian Empire only the homeland of Dragonoa, and Grax'dar. Seraxel is granted the title of Bernatx over the Sultanate of Dragonoa as 'gratitude' for weakening the Empire.
- Esther Monroe is frustrated with her assignment aboard Bucephalus. Narla approaches her and discusses piloting and space politics. She sees Jakob in the background of some of Esther's photos. They talk about Jakob's past.
- Luci, Enos, Renshu, and Jakob arrive in Neptune City. Enos decides that Jakob is an undercover cop and the drugs were a sting. Luci accepts some drugs to carry but refuses to try any. Enos talks about his Eurocid and tears Luci's hair out. Hannah shows up and tells Luci that her hair makes her look sexually strong, but not punch punch strong. No one in the area is socially aware. Luci turns into P!nk. She gives Enos a familiar stuffed bear and tells him not to break it.
- Around midday, the UP city of North New Oldtown is abuzz about Quinn Everly's disappearance. Jakob and Hans arrive, and speak with local doctor Artemis Geller. Quinn's former head of security gives them information, and mentions 50% of the winners of the Great East New Oldtown Surleau All-Star Competition over the last 60 years have been murdered. (RPed 3 & 4 March, by makes more sense to be moved earlier in the day.)
- That evening is the opening night for the opera Death of an Innocent, at a theater in Erillia. Hannah, Jakob, Lucas, and Verinne show up. Hannah and Verinne are very disruptive as they discuss Hell. Charlotte sings on stage with someone, whom Jakob promptly kills, as he was hired to do. Hannah eats the body while Lucas stares at her in shock. Jakob drags her away for Lucas' sake. Verinne then steals one of the dead man's arms. Hannah thinks Charlotte is a dark elf because she is black. Charlotte whacks her over the head with a prop. Hannah offers her a bite of the stolen arm as a peace offering. Verinne continues to be a bad influence on Hannah.
- Charlotte is pissed and storms off alone. An unknown figure chases her, and she believes she is shot. She falls into the ocean.
- Jakob drags Hannah back to his home. She talks to Felicity and chills.
- In Launran in the evening, Rosalie invites Luci to her hotel room to help fix her hair. Roxy and Lucas are called off to help cater at the hotel at the last minute, and encounter them. The four of them have a girl's night and watch Not-Hot-Fuzz.
4 March 2326:
- In the morning, Hannah browses Jakob's computer. Felicity and Hannah apply makeup to each other. This goes on for a while. (RPed 3 March, continued from RP that day)
- That morning, Lucas learns Charlotte is missing. Lucas gets in a fight with a fellow student, because said other student apparently missed the time Lucas nuked a muscle-bound politician on live television. Lucas hits the kid with a sun and is sent to the principal. Roxy is called in, and Lucas is suspended. She attempts to talk the principal out of it, but he won't budge. Charlotte's mother shows up at Roxy's cafe and is sad. That evening, Lucas and Roxy argue, and he tells her what happened at the opera.
- Jakob arrives in Toledo and runs into Enos. Jakob confuses Erillia for Queen's Ascension. He mentions he's asking his mom about helping with the Eurocid, and Enos gets annoyed. They then brew drugs. Enos asks Jakob if he's an assassin. They snooze and leave for Royal.
- Siliya shows up at Rosalie's Boutique in Royal, soon followed by Hans and Jakob. Rosalie mentions there was a break-in shortly after Black Rock when she was still away. Enos crashes into the door. It's further explained that the break-in involved a truck crashing into the shop. Rosalie nearly impales Jakob when he calls her Rosie. She then discusses people who have been targetting Bui. Arrows are shot at the store. The group fights back and take down an elven archer. They interrogate him, finding what amounts to a hit list on his person. He says he was under orders from a group called Damaz Nassin. An incendiary grenade is thrown at the group, setting the elf on fire. Siliya and Jakob recognize the name of someone from the criminal underworld on the hit list. Enos and Siliya do not flirt.
5 March 2326:
- In the morning, Lucas delivers food to Charlotte's parents. He witnesses them fighting.
- Roxy takes Lucas to Queen's Ascension to get his mind off of Charlotte. They see Kastos, and mention he reminds them of Enos. Kastos gets Su-Hyun a penguin. Kastos asks if they have any way for him to contact Enos. Roxy tells him she can't just give his contact information out to people linked with Promethian, so he asks her to let him know his orders were cancelled. Felicity drags Jakob to the park as well, and Felicity is forced to talk to Roxy for the first time since the alley incident. Jakob likes Kastos' sense of humor. Kastos admits Su-Hyun had left for the bathroom two hours ago and hasn't returned. After they check the bathroom, Kastos tries calling her to no avail.
- Verinne runs into Jakob in Erillia later that day. Jakob is with Alice, a dark elf. Verinne tries to induct Jakob into the Order of the Chips, and teases him.
- Hannah and Jakob continue wandering Erillia, and run into November. They talk about where they come from, and their thoughts on cities. November offers to help get Hannah a passport. They're able to get November to admit that he's trying to retrieve something valuable that was stolen from TTT. November gives them Verinne's business card, which they already have. Hannah mentions she recently ate an arm. November is pleased.
- Jakob takes Hannah dress shopping after parting ways with November. It does not go well. Later, they harass some dudes.
6 March 2326:
- Hannah does research on Jakob's computer, asking him of ancient races and Orkans. They discuss Ostfold.
- On a beach in Arena, Enos stares at naked people, one of whom is Ánië. She is on spring break, and is very drunk. Hannah, Roxy, Luci, and Connor show up. Ánië hits on Enos, who is wearing a pink Hawaiian shirt, while Luci realizes she has never seen so many naked people before. Connor wants to tie Roxy up. He barely manages to charm Enos instead. Enos does not understand how this happened. Ánië throws sand on everyone. Enos wiggles his eyebrows, instantly wooing her. Connor attempts to start an orgy. Luci prevents his sexual conquest of Enos. Roxy arm wrestles Enos and wins. Luci turns down esctasy. Holly suddenly shows up and hands Enos a bag of reagents, which he uses to make an Essence of Venus. He gives it to Connor, who becomes Conni. Luci has no words. Enos, Conni, Hannah, and Ánië head into the hotel for a foursome.
7 March 2326:
- Ánië wakes up after the events of the previous day, horribly hung over, and full of regret. She is helped by a member of hotel staff. Later, she convinces herself that Roxy will likely never trust her with anything again after what she witnessed yesterday.
- Hannah, Jakob, Lucas, and Mortimer find themselves in the Ever-Library. They find a wrecked part of the library, and water beneath it. They discuss rumors about the place. Hannah finds an almanac from Pre-Fall Orka. The group continues down a corridor and find a non-human skeleton with an obsidian spear through it. They also come across some suspicious suits of armor where the spear appeared to have come from. Jakob notices Mortimer not acting like himself. The Nameless One in Mortimer's head notes Lucas has met one of its kin. The skeleton collapses into dust. Jakob examines the spear, and one of the suits of armor turns to him. They solve a puzzle, and find a joined-map. Suddenly, they appear back in the real world.
- Hannah and Jakob discuss visiting Kri-Yut's Tower. They also talk about Felicity and take some drugs. Hannah looks up Jakob and his mother online.
- That night, Hannah tells Jakob that she's heard about some murders in Handora that she wants to go investigate. Because they may not see each other for a while, Hannah asks Jakob to show her how he kills. While reluctant, he obliges. Hannah is pleased. (RPed 9 March, but takes place before Wolves in Handora)
- Alexina Warden is killed in the line of duty. (Date based on when she was retired as a character. Her death was confirmed in an RP on 10 May.)
8 March 2326:
- Jakob wanders the streets in the early hours of the morning. Siliya approaches him and discusses Enos. Siliya gets a spring in her step when she sees her Grizzly again.
- Asha and Hannah spar, resulting in a victory for Asha. (Sparred 9 March, moved back because of Wolves in Handora.)
- (Wolves in Handora Quest)
9 March 2326:
- Kid's mech lands back on Disparatus, in the ocean near Svaldon. (Set here because he mentions in the 10 & 11 March cat RP that his return was recent.)
- Hannah wakes up in a hospital bed, having been shot and mutated from the event two days ago. She forms the new identity of Junko Arihima, and escapes the hospital to track down Detective Zhang Deshi. She forced her way through the festivities in the city of Saito and waits for Deshi to fall asleep. She breaks into his house to find that someone else had already broken in and killed the Detective. She consumes the Detective's killer, and the Detective's son.
- Fresh out of healing in the hospital, Dr. Karina Visconti properly explores Handora for the first time. She encounters Rangi, who helps her buy a live chicken. They discuss the incident yesterday and the story of a legendary warrior known as Rambo.
- Rangi and Karina continue discussing Rambo. She asks about Werewolves and is hit by a ball. Hannah runs up, saying she's been seeing ghosts ever since visiting Deshi. She asks Rangi and Karina what they know of Orkans and Kri-Yut. The two give her what they've heard. (RPed 10 March. May take place between Hannah leaving the hospital and reaching Deshi's home.)
- Rosalie, Luci, Thurt'gog Burtbog, Jakob, Mortimer, Lucas, and Enos meet up on a small island in the Rose Islands. An explosion goes off, and a man is injured. The group rescues him, and he reveals he's searching for treasure. They head into the hole he made, with Luci knocking him out so he doesn't follow and hurt himself further. They explore the uncovered cavern, leaping down a pit. Lucas and Jakob use Tincture of Icarus to fly down. They discover ruins in the caves, with serpent carvings and the remains of ancient eggs. They deduce this may have once been the home of a snake-worshipping cult. A trap springs in the staircase, splitting the group up. Lucas gets trapped and injures his leg, but Enos frees him. The group reaches a pool of water full of dead bodies. Enos heads in to investigate, and learns the bodies aren't as old as the ruins appear to be. They find mummified eels and a gem with the corpses, the latter of which Luci pockets. They head onward to a large, partially flooded room. Lucas flips out about how shitty things have been lately. They take some artifacts and find a mostly collapsed section that seems to connect to the ocean. An enormous eel emerges from the water and attacks. Enos mounts the eel and rides it like a bull. Thurt gathers treasure while most of the group fights the eel. Lucas prepares to plant a bomb, against the urging of Rosalie and Luci for him to stop. Everyone's actions start smashing up the area, causing further flooding, just as the eel flees back into the water. They pursue with ranged attacks, and finally kill the beast. They continue on, and reach a shrine. Luci patches up her exposed wiring from the fight, and Rosalie gets angry about Luci never telling her she wasn't human. Enos says it isn't Luci's fault that Rosalie was blind to this, as everyone else knew already. Rosalie just wants to understand, and have people be honest. She holds a pity party for herself. While Jakob flies up and looks for a way out, Mortimer tries to reason with Rosalie. Thurt pleads for Jakob to not leave him behind with the others and their craziness. Jakob gets a rope ladder from the injured man at the entrance, and sends it down for everyone. Luci pulls Rosalie out of the cave, and Rosalie fixes her arm in return. Mortimer speaks with the injured man about his reasons for searching for the cave, which his father died exploring. Everyone heads off their own ways, deeming this island weird. (RPed 9 & 10 March)
10 March 2326:
- Lucas is allowed to return to school.
- Hannah returns from Handora and gives Jakob his music player back. She says she's going to Svaldon next. (Continued from 9 March RP, which had its first half set on 7 March.)
- At a coastal Svaldon town, November, Mortimer, Kid, Jewel, Ánië, Jakob, Kastos, Roxy, and Lucas wonder why there are so many cats around. Ánië is awkward around Roxy. November remembers Ánië from Black Rock. Kid mentions his recent return from space, and people mention the Rose Islands incident from yesterday. Ánië accidentally calls Kastos handsome. Kid, naturally, thinks Kastos is Enos. The dice act very strange. Jakob heads off, and Conni arrives. Ánië freaks out. Conni also mistakes Kastos for Enos, but when she learns the truth, she decides she must collect all three. Kid calls her a whore. Conni keeps trying to charm everyone. Kid gets out of it by pointing to his crotch and telling her he lacks ammunition. Ánië hits Conni with a very weak punch. A fight ensues. Mortimer and Kid try to stop it. Karina watches the ensuing chaos. Remembrance and Karina show up, and there are many kittens. Mortimer tells Karina about the Nameless One in his head.
- Mortimer and Karina head off to discuss his Nameless One, the Dark Lady. He tells her how it got there. Karina then speaks directly to the Dark Lady. (RPed 11 March)
12 March 2326:
- Lord Aleksander Gryme, wanting to redeem his family's poor reputation, hosts the second of 12 planned banquets for "The Year of Return", following the success of the first last month. The many guests arriving at the Black Castle of the Most Ancient And Noble House of Grymes include Karina, Kaida, Remembrance, Artaya, Roxy, Jakob, and Alice. Karina never bothers entering the building. Stranger and Kaida muse on coincidental meetings. Lord Gryme greets his guests and begins the feast. Stranger thinks this is going to turn out to be another game, as wealthy party hosts tend to hold them. Roxy and Stranger notice that the servants are acting strangely. Artaya briefly explains his current situation to Roxy, before vanishing in a cloud of ash. Remembrance and Stranger discuss being Archons with silly names, and Stranger's reason for never owning anything, which is to make his other souls not want his life. After Jakob goes missing, Alice runs through the castle and kills a bunch of guards while she and Roxy search for him. Roxy finds him being hugged against his will by a half-naked woman. The woman dissolves. As the banquet draws to a close, Remembrance punches a guard. She collapses, and Stranger attacks the guards for her. The two groups meet up and fight their way to the ballroom. Lord Gryme steps out and answers their questions, apologizing for the woman who took Jakob. He has them escorted to the entrance, bidding them good night.
16 March 2326:
- Kaida and Beli relax near a pond with Ánië and Stranger. Ánië says she never learned Stranger's name during the Nameless Ones incident last summer. Stranger is more amused in public than he ever has been. Ánië thinks Beli is a snake. Kaida calls Ánië fat and they discuss her age. All three discuss the meaning of life as they judge each other. Stranger discusses his five souls.
17 March 2326:
- Enos and Roxy are at a bar. He bonds with rats again, and they talk about ingredients and Centurions. Enos does not believe Kastos' apology was sincere. Roxy wins at arm wrestling again. Enos flips out about Promethean for the 200th time. Enos suggests they sneak into the hospital to do more in-depth experiments on Roxy.
- There's a block party in Eutropia that evening. Ánië is once again drunk, as is Conni. Rumor puts up missing persons posters. Enos watches from a distance. Rumor says some of the people in the posters were found in pieces. Cordelia shows up to party. Alex sneaks around. Rumor runs off, and Siliya slips through the crowd. Alex says he's heading to Dragonoa soon. He warns about SAHBER and asks Siliya to hunt dragons.
- Charlotte calls Lucas, sounding weak. He runs ahead to help her. He finds that her ears have turned into golden fins. He has no idea how to react, and shatters his phone to avoid calling an ambulance because that was the easiest solution. Roxy takes her to the pier for blankets for some reason despite Lucas hiding the fins. Charlotte's father shows up because plot and nearly arrests Roxy until they explain they found Charlotte. The fins disappear and Lucas is confused. (This was originally dated to 24 March, but it was moved back by a week because of Charlotte's appearance in the events of 19 March)
18 March 2326:
- In the early hours of the morning, after the block party, a drunk Enos crashes at Siliya's place for the night. Siliya declares herself wonderful. They discuss blood and the Eurocid, plus his work back at Promethean. Siliya decides she doesn't want to really go after Enos' bounty after all. Siliya brings up the Dark Jesters. Enos taunts her with his tainted blood, and she obliges, feeding on him. They are both okay with this. Siliya is turned on by feeding. To satisfy Enos' curiosity, she turns him into a Vampire, reminding him he can always go for the cure. He decides that dying feels awful. Siliya goes to get him someone to feed on, with Enos deciding Jolene wouldn't want to be part of this. Siliya brings a girl for him to feed on. Then Enos and Siliya have sex. (RPed 23 & 24 March)
- Jakob and Remembrance meet at Escala. She says she's supposed to find a boy in this city. Jakob gives her a map. She shows him a picture and he helps out. They break into a house together and find the kid. They beat up the kidnappers.
19 March 2326:
- Salvatore arrives on Disparatus for the first time.
- Famous Handoran opera singer Bei Fong is performing in the Arenan Alliance, having taken a long hiatus after her husband's death during the Two Year Gap. Kaida, Salvatore, Jakob, Charlotte, and Verinne have come to watch. The opera's writer and director, Huixia Chang, freaks out when Bei Fong goes missing. The group offers to help look for her, and assistant director Byun Jong tells them she was last seen heading to her hotel with her assistant, Mai Tai. Charlotte gets pissed when they won't let her take Bei Fong's role instead of the actual understudy, Che Ling. They head to the hotel, where they're joined by Mentir the Solemn. Verinne declares Prince Sigurd to be a tool. They enter Bei Fong's room after everyone tries a different plan of entrance. There are signs of a struggle. They call a number they find, and the person on the other end refuses to talk to them. They head for a Handoran restaurant which is an obvious criminal front. Mentir attempts to murder their waitress in front of everyone, but the waitress fights back. Mentir runs the hell away and lets the others deal with the ensuing chaos. Salvatore Falcon Kicks a flaming table. There is much gunfire. People are set ablaze as the building burns down. The group returns to the opera house to find Mai Tai. She tells them Bei Fong was in massive debt. Suddenly, Bei Fong shows up, having been freed from the basement of the restaurant when they burned it down. After arguing with Byun for money, the group learns he was involved in Bei's kidnapping. The group, injured and exhausted, departs.
- Ánië, Mortimer, and Karina arrive in the Ibadian town of Drafar to look into newly discovered ruins. Karina reminds Ánië they met at a Banivian Historical Society seminar in early 2323 (before travel to Earth was closed off), and Mortimer mentions meeting Ánië at some underground ruins in Svaldon. The Nameless are brought up, and Ánië asks Mortimer if he knows about the everyman, which he doesn't. They sleep in Karina's tent. (RPed 20 March; continues into 20 March events.)
20 March 2326:
- Ánië, Mortimer, and Karina head out to the ruins in the morning. They find script in an ancient, pre-Cataclysm Ibadian dialect. They explore for a while and find an underground lake, with a sign calling it the Jewel of the Desert. The air feels greasy as they get deeper, which they believe is magical in nature. They find a dias with three figurines on it. They remind Ánië of the tale of an ancient Ibadian cult worshiping the Laughing Warrior. The group then finds three teenagers defacing the ruins. They argue and leave. Mortimer quarrels with the Dark Lady, and Ánië tries to kill him if he won't close the link with her in his head. The Dark Lady mentions that one of the other figurines, the Wandering Prince, was the everyman in ancient times. Mortimer refuses to fight Ánië to the death, and leaves her. (Continued from yesterday's events)
- Roxy and Enos meet that morning after Roxy gets the hospital supplies they agreed on the other day. They run tests on Roxy, and Enos has much fun. They learn a few things, and Enos asks how much she really knows about whether her parents are natural or adoptive. They then, of course, discuss drugs. After that, they decide to take a break.
21 March 2326:
- Narla arrives on Liberty's Reach for a meeting. The people there ask if she thinks her Lehk'zhulian partners will be willing to do some raids for them. They mention they plan to attack the main Machinist Corp. base on Eurydice. Narla is eager.
23 March 2326:
- In the Hongdae club district of Gaozhan, Jakob runs into Shizhi. Shizhi is a player. They drive around in Shizhi's car. He talks about how he's part of the 80th generation of the Rui clan. They arrive at the Rui estate for food. Shizhi's parents show up as they all sit for dinner. His mother continues to be racist. Drunk Shizhi notes that his father will technically be his subordinate on Bucephalus. He mentions Esther as one of their pilots, who Jakob knows. It's clarified that she was among the murdered M.E.C.H.A. officers. Shizhi says the wait between missions is the worst part of the whole business, as Lehk`zhulia hasn't officially declared war yet. They head off to bed, with Jakob staying in the guest house.
- Narla is contacted by Klarn Defstoff, head of the Lehk'zhulian chapter of the M.E.C.H.A. Federation for the past two years, during a discussion regarding Narla and her sisters, Aliz Jameson and Kat Farec. They discuss her mission to attack a Machinist Corp. ship called the Apollo while pretending to work for the Provinces.
- Hours later, Narla's team reaches the Apollo and attacks it. They deal with some mechs, and Narla orders them to change the objective to instead capture the Apollo and its captain. Once onboard, she takes out its last line of defense and the team heads for the bridge. She orders them to kill the crew, save for the captain, as they'll die of oxygen deprivation soon otherwise. They capture the captain and head out for Polaris.
24 March 2326:
- There is a political rally in Handora. Shizhi, Jakob, November, and Hans are there to check it out. A tall Handoran man in a suit talks to the group. Two major politicians are at the rally, one of whom is at the end of his third and final council term, the other being young. A hooded figure stays to the back of the crowd. Jakob talks to him. A cyborg attacks the crowd with blades, and blasts the younger politician, killing him. Watching the carnage, the hooded figure is revealed as the Dark Jester known as Jacon. The cyborg impales the older politician while most of the group fights it. Jacon mentions to Jakob that he was supposed to keep the politicians alive. The group finally stops the cyborg. They clean up and wait for emergency crews to arrive. Roxy shows up and is very confused.
- Narla's team reaches Polaris, from which she plans to report back to her superiors and then head for Liberty's Reach again.
25 March 2326:
- Mortimer and Lucas run into each other in Erillia and talk at the library. Mortimer asks about Lucas' meeting with the everyman. The Dark Lady talks to Lucas. She appreciates how straightforward he is, and taunts him a bit.
- Esther goes to Polaris' bar and encounters Narla. They discuss orders and then go to look over the mechs. They suit up and head into space. (It's unclear if this takes place in the past or not, as Esther was said to be dead already, although that could have been a lie.)
26 March 2326:
- Enos and Roxy are at an Eutropian pier shortly before midnight. Enos does not kill rats, but he does pin a woman down. Jakob shows up and realizes Enos is now a vampire. George arrives as well, and thinks Enos has rabies. Enos drugs the woman he has pinned, and George suggests he kills her. George flirts with Roxy, who does not understand. Jakob asks Enos how dying feels. Enos has the idea of drinking Juno's Mask. While he works on it, Charlotte shows Lucas where she gained her fins. George wants to drink, and tells Lucas to go drown. Jolene mails Enos reagents by carrier pigeon. Roxy sends Lucas and Charlotte to bed. Enos quickly runs off to get more supplies from Adrien, and asks people about their blood. He adds Roxy's to the potion and drinks it, becoming a Centurion. The others take him to a bar, and Roxy charms the fuck out of George. He tries taking lewd pictures of her, so she smashes his phone and punches him. Jakob chats with Enos about genetics while Roxy beats George up and dumps Elixir of Immobility down his throat. After she stops, Enos asks him to find some dirt on Promethean, Phobiuming him into compliance. George gives Enos his address, and Roxy heads home. Enos un-immobilizes George so he can have some beer. Jakob shares some drugs before George heads home. Enos and Jakob chat about Promethean and SAHBER, and Jakob's last run-in with a vampire. They toss out possible ideas for Enos to Juno's Mask next. Jakob leads Enos to his apartment. They chill and do drugs.
27 March 2326:
- While Hans is whittling in Arena, he sees Jakob on a half-finished building. He heads over to investigate, and they talk. Jakob says the mining town in Halenforth has become a mess of a problem.
- Jakob heads to Roxy's, and finds her hiding under blankets. He asks how she is after the events last night. She feels like shit. Jakob does knife tricks. He texts Enos to join them in Five Finger Filet. Enos intentionally stabs himself between the fingers and asks for a shot. Then he stabs himself in the middle of his hand because someone rolled a 1. They all take turns with the knife until Kat shows up at the window. She raids Lucas' snacks and runs off. The conflict in space is discussed. Enos notes he doesn't have long left on the Juno's Mask he took the day before. He orders reagents from Jolene by pidgeon and uses Jakob's blood for the next Mask to become a Bui.
- A drunk Enos and Jakob TP people's houses in the evening. Enos doesn't want to lose Jakob's eyes when he un-Masks. For once, Enos honestly asks someone else what they want them to go do. Jakob does shadow tricks. Enos enters shadow space and then asks Jakob to take him to someone Jakob wants to kill. They go after a corrupt politician and end his life. (RPed 7 April)
28 March 2326:
- Hannah shows up at Jakob's after returning from Ostfold and bonds with Felicity. Jakob shows up and mentions Enos is a vampire. Hannah says she had sex with Enos and Conni. Jakob and Hannah then have sex.
29 March 2326:
- In the early hours of the morning, Siliya tracks down George "Pusfinger" Brunnell and finds him too pitiful to kill, despite having been hired to do so. She tries torturing him, but learns he has congential pain insensitivity. By chance, Enos shows up with the drugs George made a deal with him for. He points out Siliya only needs George's heart to stop beating, so she turns him. George drains a fucking rat. (RPed 28 March, but moved forward a day due to the Juno's Mask.)
- Kid, Luci, Lucas, and Jakob meet up at a food market in a wealthy Arenan suburb. The newly vampiric George arrives and speaks with Jakob. Kastos shows up as well. George talks about his turning, and says that Enos is a good guy. He then mistakes Kastos for Enos having undergone speedy rehab. Everyone discusses Enos and Leros. Kastos knows where Leros is, but can't say due to his contract. Luci gets pissed and punches him. She apologizes after causing a scene. Roxy arrives just as an ominous helicopter lands on the roof. She, Lucas, Jakob, and George hide. Lucas just wanted a goddamn smoothie. Kid decides that the most sensible course of action would be to steal the helicopter. Everyone heads for the roof, except Jakob and George, who merely watch as events unfold. Soldiers from the Provinces pour into the building. Jakob rejoins the group and helps them deal with the soldiers. They do so and steal the helicopter, which is exactly when Kid realizes he doesn't know how to fly one. Lucas uses his perfect flight simulator experience to fly it instead. George finally takes the opportunity to aid with his bow, and fails so badly that he falls in a dumpster. Everyone save for Jakob and George flee in the helicopter. Jakob worries about political fallout between Arena and the Provinces from this. The gang lands near the woods, and Kid runs into the wilderness. Kastos apologizes to Luci for earlier, and they discuss Enos again. They head for the next town over, and Roxy meets back up with Jakob. Kastos agrees to pass on a message for Luci, and mentions that Enos' vitals supposedly flatlined recently. Luci does not believe he could be dead. She heads off to meet up with Kid.
30 March 2326:
- In the early hours of the morning, a few hours after the helicopter incident, Kid gathers what he needs and goes into hiding. He calls up Lucas and asks him for some help. Roxy joins the discussion shortly after. They discuss Kid's origins. (This covers both the board quest A Walk Alone and the RP A Phone Call Between Friends, which take place concurrently.)
- George steals information on Ingenium and sells it to someone going by "theGard3ner". (RPed 29 March, but moved forward a day due to moving George's turning.)
- Roxy, Hannah, and Jakob go clubbing. Arguments happen. Jakob is stubborn and Roxy gets mad.
31 March 2326:
- George, Jakob, and Hans explore an Arenan sewer. They find a bunch of dead rats. A crazy man in the sewer rants about a nuclear holocaust. And then there's a giant crocodile monster.
- November and Kastos meet at a dead man's auction. They discuss problematic people such as Kid and Luci. They also talk about Project Juliet.
- Elections are held for Handora's councilors and High Councilor. Sillan Li is re-elected as High Councilor of the Handoran Council.
1 April 2326:
- Narla, Roxy, Karr, Luci, and Kastos are taking a bus from Eutropia to the nearby airport when it suddenly comes to a stop. The driver says the engine is dead. Narla pops the engine open to see that the bus has crabs. Roxy is confused at Narla's presence, as she thought Narla left for space. Karina pops in, saying the crabs may have become lost while migrating. The bus driver vanishes while everyone introduces themselves. Roxy finds sheet music for Ode to Elephants. Narla calls for a repair truck, but they don't believe her. Narla and Luci cannot fix the bus, so Karr suggest pushing it. Roxy sits on Narla's lap while everyone pushes the bus. It rolls downhill with Narla onboard. She barely stops the bus from tumbling into a ditch, but Kastos and Karr fall. Snakes ensue. Luci rescues Kastos as Karr gets covered in them. The bus company finally agrees to send help. Meanwhile, the group finds crabs streaming out of a cave, followed by a giant blue crab with a Wendigo sitting atop it. Narla kills the Wendigo and they all fight the giant crab. It collapses on top of Luci, but she's fine. They find classical music sheets on the Wendigo's body. The group leaves, not finding the bus driver in the cave.
4 April 2326:
- Morgan Kinkade invites a number of people to his 250th birthday, mistaking them for his fallen comrades. Alexander, Mary, Narla, November, Karina, Roxy, and Kastos all show up, along with actual invitees Levina, Janine, Colli, Harold, and James. Morgan greets everyone, confusing those who don't know him. Janine explains that Morgan, being quite old for a Human/Elf Bui, is unfortunately going somewhat senile. Everyone socializes for a while, until Harold runs back in, having found Levina dead in the kitchen. They hurry in to investigate, and determine she died from eating a biscuit poisoned with atropine. Adrien falls in through a window, and Mary finds her form jerked back to the Ever-Library. Many of the vistors run off to try and solve the murder. Kastos can't names. Everyone hounds on Harold, while Janine fills people in on the group's history. Alex is very uncomfortable when learning Harold is an Infernal One. After a while, the cake is brought out despite the circumstances. At this point, it is clear that no one is using Draught of Disguise, striking one theory. Narla and Roxy investigate the basement, where they find recent dusty shoeprints, and a window that has been forced open. After they share this information, Kastos requests that everyone hands their shoes over. Narla barely resists throwing hers at Karina's face. The prints narrow it down to Harold and Janine, and an examination of their belongings implicates Janine. After everyone flashes puppy dog eyes at her, she reluctantly admits to it. Janine explains that the poison was intended for James, as she wants to remove his second soul from the world. After the police show up, everyone says their goodbyes and heads off.
5 April 2326:
- Kaida, Jakob, Hannah, and Verinne arrive in an Ostfold town. They all agree that the cold sucks. Hannah tells Verinne about the ruins she's studying. Verinne tells her to just call some devils. Kaida tries to get them to admit why they were kicked out of Hell. Verinne says it was because the devils hated how popular she was. She then brings them all horrible drinks. Isaac Blistersnow VII storms in, ranting about yeti. A test of strength occurs.
- The popular scientific convention BeakerTalks begins in Jotenheim.
6 April 2326:
- Following the bizarre encounter with the giant crabs the previous week, Karr renews his search for the giant ants. He convinces Rosalyn to join his search for double pay. They find a large tunnel in the neighboring field, and head under to fight off the ants. Karr splits up with her. Eventually, he comes across the man he originally went to the farms to find, now controlling the ants as the ant king, having completely lost his mind. Karr takes out the giant ants and knocks the man unconscious. He reunites with Rosalyn. She ends their lessons and slams her door in his face.
- The popular scientific convention BeakerTalks goes into its second day. Narla, Enos, Jakob, and Isolde are present. Isolde talks about being a Sirène. Hans shows up in the middle of an argument on whether or not ice is water, and Isolde heads off. Enos downs a cup of blood soda. Narla is disgusted by this, and chats with Hans instead. Lucas is fascinated by everything, and catches sight of Fenrir the Proud, who is blatantly wearing his Dark Jester attire. Narla accuses Hans of being a spy. Fenrir discusses Jester recruitment. Siliya shows up, and Enos introduces her to "Fender the Prude". Narla, Hans, and Fenrir have a heavy discussion on how broken the world is. Siliya kisses Enos. He puts a map on her breasts just as Alexander arrives, followed by Adrien. Everyone talks about punching Thuwadians, and Vampirism. Adrien puts Enos up for sale on his website. Jakob talks about his mother. The ballroom for the science disco finally opens. Jakob decides the others are nerds and leaves. They discuss space colonies while dancing. Alex gives the DJ a mix tape to play. Narla calls everyone a schlub. Siliya tells her to get her lady loving on. Lucas avoids bringing up Charlotte's unusual condition. Narla drags Enos off to see some science gizmos.
7 April 2326:
- Salvatore travels across the beach of Duxentrux, where he encounters Kaida and Karina. They look at crystals. Mortimer shows up, and everyone fawns over Beli. Karina produces a fearsome kitten. They discuss the persuit of knowledge. Karina cannot give Kaida her phone number because a werewolf has it.
- Salvatore takes Karina out for food. He is suave as fuck. He tells her of how, five years ago, just after the Gap, he was captured and tortured for not giving up his allies' location. He also mentions his first meeting with Kaida a month ago, and talks about his childhood. Karina babbles about history. (RPed 9 April. Moved back because it makes more sense to be the same day as their first meeting.)
9 April 2326:
- Earth pays his respects to his fallen teacher, the Ultimate Warrior.
- Lucas texts Enos late at night, asking him to meet at his school's pool. Enos is annoyed because he ruined his Siliya time. Charlotte is there and is mad because Enos has a "rep". She charges at him with a chair for no real reason. Enos says there's no reason she should have permanently went Sirene. They want him to find her one. Her singing messes with Enos and Lucas' senses. She says the Sirene state lasts for about a week after she enters water. Enos makes a horrible fish pun. He then freaks when he realizes Charlotte is a cop's daughter. Lucas pulls a gun of his own on Enos, surprising everyone. They argue. Charlotte talks about her disappearance. She says the only real enemies she can think of who could do this to her may be Muckrakers. Enos takes a sample of her blood. Naturally, he suggests giving her drugs.
- In the rural village of Heerstedt, Kaida meets with Salvatore. They ask about each other's travels. Salvatore wishes to travel to Dragonoa and research dragons. Kaida mentions her meeting with an elder dragon there.
10 April 2326:
- Theophile tracks down Hannah on a field somewhere on Earth. They do battle, and Hannah overtakes Theophile quite easily. She humiliates him, but lets him live.
- Shortly after arriving in the Svaldic port of Belhas, Salvatore runs into Charlotte, Kastos, and Jakob. As expected, Charlotte thinks Kastos is Enos. Kastos is sad. Adrien chases down flying kevlar. Jakob texts Enos about Kastos being here, and Enos says to just kill him. Thok walks up to the group, freaking Charlotte out. Jakob texts Enos hearts. Kastos says heard that Enos died over two weeks ago. (RPed 9 & 10 April)
11 April 2326:
- After recovering from his previous fight, Theophile runs into Arz at a river as Arz spooks his horse. Theo attacks him and beats him up. However, being more irritated than actually interested in killing him, Theo spares him as the horse returns.
- Hearing rumors of odd things and mystical items in an Alibaas forest, Kid, Hannah, and Zach go to investigate. Hannah eats a human drumstick. Mortimer sneaks toward the group, and Luci shows up to deliver Kid's lunch. They all discuss teamwork. Zach leads the way through the forest, and they find triangles of weird ancient trees. Enos runs in, shooting birds. Luci is surprised, as Kastos told her he died. Enos explains his vampirism. There is infighting instead of progress, so Hannah heads off deaper into the forest alone. Zach taunts Enos, and Salvatore steps out from behind a tree. Salvatore stares longingly into Luci's eyes. Luci tries to shoot Zach in the arm, but he avoids it with shadow magic. Roxy shows up just as Zach pulls Enos into his own shadow. Zach vanishes as well. Luci decides she will kill Zach. Hannah peeks back in now that Zach is gone. Luci interrogates her. She explains that all she really knows is Zach is a fellow devil who knows Jakob. Karina stumbles into the woods, and everyone argues. Kid has Jewel stand guard as he and Luci look for the item that they all came here for.
- Enos is pulled into the shadows by Zach, and fights him. This amuses Zach. Enos taunts him about the people who have tried to kill him in the past and failed. He then drinks a Spirit of Aberum to see in the darkness, and tracks Zach. Zach opens a hole back to reality, and Enos chases him through. They land back in Alibaas, and Zach rushes Enos once more. (RPed 13 April)
- Enos and Zach's fight continues as they stab each other with needles. Zach discusses fighting fair. Enos says he wasn't aware there should be rules in an open fight. Zach then boots him in the head. Enos collapses, and Zach deems him insane. They talk about the Kurari, and the nature of the shadow power. They both realize they actually came out in an abandoned tunnel beneath the jungle, and look for a way out. They head back into the shadow to look for a better escape route, and as soon as they take a portal back to the jungle proper, Enos jabs Zach with a stun gun. Enos shoots him in the head with a pistol, pissing Zach off and making him go full-on devil mode. He skewers Enos' shoulder, and attacks him in a blind rage. Enos bleeds out into unconsciousness, and Zach's rage subsides. Zach heads off to safety, leaving Enos alone. (RPed 16 April)
12 April 2326:
- Luci is in Joribaus and recieves a text on Leros' phone. Nikolaos meets her at a giant pidgeon statue. He mentions Kastos has restrictions due to his situation. They discuss Nikolaos' willingness to follow orders. He gives her a letter from Leros, which says he's fine. (RPed 11 & 12 April)
- Luci continues to talk with Nikolaos. He gets anxious. Luci finds out he's under orders to not reveal what's exactly happening to Leros. He says he can do what little he can to help her learn for herself, however. Luci apologizes for how she acted toward him. (RPed 13 April)
13 April 2326:
- Ganchi encounters Stranger at an abandoned apartment building, having expected to find someone else. Stranger mentions Ken to Ganchi, and Ganchi recognizes Stranger from the Twin Hawks incident three years prior. Stranger wants to discuss things with Ganchi, who is suspicious that Stranger knows so much about him despite having only met once. Having reached an impasse, the two go into battle. After the first blows, Ganchi decides that if Stranger isn't holding back, he won't either, and unleashes his second soul's true power for the first time. The pair fight at their full strength, and Stranger eventually slams Ganchi into the balcony railing, sending him hanging over the edge, with Stranger holding him in place. Ganchi impales Stranger with his sword, and the two fall off the balcony together. The impact renders Ganchi unconscious, but outright kills Stranger.
- An ancient, one-man space vessel crashes in Eisenstaat, next to Salvatore di Lucchesi. Dóiteán, a Teraton, emerges, thinking he's now on Disparatus, despite not being far from Teratonia. Dóiteán is irritated by this, and orders Salvatore to leave. Salvatore isn't pleased by this and prepares to fight. Dóiteán annihilates Salvatore and leaves him for dead, but Salvatore manages to hang on to life.
- Jakob arrives in an Alibaas airport and happens to encounter Roxy. They discuss fish and business. Roxy asks about Jakob and Hannah's relations.
14 April 2326:
- At the aquarium, Jewel wishes to free an octopus, so Kid texts Lucas for aid in this task. Lucas thinks Kid and Luci are siblings. He dives into the octopus tank while Kid distracts everyone. They rescue the octopus and get it to safety.
15 April 2326:
- Kid and Luci are living in Alexandria, Alibaas after the raid in Arena. Luci is at their new apartment, reading up on disguise potions. Luci asks Jewel about scrolls, saying she wants to use Spectral Messenger to talk to Leros. Jewel takes Luci to Kid, and they talk about dreams and memories. They also discuss Luci's plan to save Leros. They two decide to fight each other soon.
- Thok, Zach, and Arz investigate rumors of a monster in an Alibaas forest. They come across a pit leading down to tunnels. There are lots of spiders. Thok falls deeper into the tunnel and spots a giant spider. It hisses and demands they "give it back". They attack it, and force it to say that those who defiled its home stole its eye.
16 April 2326:
- At night, Kid and Luci head to the roof of the tallest building on the Alexandria University Campus to duel. The pair hold together well against each other, but Luci eventually gets the better of Kid and knocks him out. She then carries him home.
17 April 2326:
- In Erillia, Theophile and Hannah encounter each other once again. They do battle for a second time, with Hannah still winning. Theophile's angry, but Hannah has earned his respect.
- Hannah arrives at Jakob's, where another dark elf, Ensio, is talking with him and Felicity. Felicity thinks Orkans are whales. They all play with guns. Hannah says she came back because the Ostfold military is guarding the tower. Ensio heads out. Jakob tells Hannah about Zach fighting Enos.
- A bit later on, Jakob and Hannah are walking the streets, and see Roxy at a pet shop. Roxy is annoyed with them because Jakob's pretty blatantly still cheating on Felicity with Hannah. She calls him out on it, and Jakob doesn't want to hear any of it. Hannah insults Roxy, who punches her in the gut. Jakob threatens her.
- Later that day, Felicity shows up at Roxy's cafe, nearly in tears. She asks to stay with Roxy for a while, as Jakob yelled at her and told her to leave as soon as he got home, not even letting her gather her things. Roxy allows her to stay as long as she follows a few rules. Felicity talks about her family.
- In the evening, Enos spots Raven in Svaneholm. Raven still doesn't like him, but is in a good mood. They talk about Remembrance and drugs. Raven keeps asking how Centurions work. (RPed 18 April, said to be Thursday night, making it the 17th)
- Continuing their conversation, Raven confuses Enos. Enos asks about her cybernetics, and looks at her legs, which she got when she was hit by a train. She says she lost pretty much all of her bones and organs from it, and that she only survived by covering her own heart, which Enos doesn't even bother questioning. They grab food instead and discuss Enos' brothers. The restaurant catches on fire. They raid a wine cellar instead. (RPed 23 & 24 April)
18 April 2326:
- Lorandril is allowed outside of her Order's walls for the first time, and heads for Svaldon. (Mentioned in 25 April RP)
- The 362nd Svaldic Rabbit Migration begins in Faulknir. Starla, Lorandril, and Karina are present for the festivities. They discuss human mating and Starla's role as a moon goddess. She mentions she last watched the Migration around 30 years ago. After Rangi shows up, Lorandril demands Starla prove she's who she claims to be. They're interrupted by the official start of the Migration. Ánië pops up to watch. They debate the ethics of eating rabbit meat at this event. Ánië makes the brilliant observation that Lorandril is not a Faerie. Starla mentions she and her sister Marlette once met Lorandril's leader, Elentra, over tea, where they discussed a man named Seth. The rabbits are set loose. Lucas watches and is pleased. Everyone chases them and runs out of breath. Starla helps Rangi and vanishes. The group arrives in Svent after a long run, where Rangi and Lucas get reacquainted. Karina loses her pen and is sad. Rangi and Lorandril head off before it gets too late. Ánië declares beer to be the best. Lucas is not old enough to drink, so Karina offers him her sausage. The three of them part ways as it grows dark. (RPed 19 April, moved back so follow-up doesn't interfere with Eastmas.)
19 April 2326:
- Lorandril sees Lucas on the balcony of his hotel room. They talk about her leaving the Order's walls. She asks about cars. Lorandril says she's around 280 when Lucas says he's nearly 16. She learns what "concrete jungle" means. (RPed 25 April; Said to be the day after The Great Bunny Migration.)
20 April 2326:
- (Eastmas 2326 Quest)
- Enos finds a flyer for the Arenan Alliance's annual Gun Week, and is intrigued by the mention of Colonel Ranzel De la Sar's missing rifle. He heads to the colonel's house for a tour, and steals the rifle's replica. He finds a credit to a company called Henrick's Reproductions on the back. He is caught by security, and flees into the woods. A deer refuses to help him. Just before the guards can catch him, however, the deer distracts them, and Enos gets away. Hours later, he finds Henrick's, and learns that the colonel had commissioned a replica of the rifle three years before his death. That evening, he heads for the colonel's grave, and digs it up. Inside, he finds a letter addressed to Major Jago Vasquez, telling him that he's hidden the actual rifle from him.
21 April 2326:
- Enos looks up Jago Vasquez and learns his relation to De la Sar. He decides to speak to Vasquez's ghost. He tries to scare off the police, who are at the graveyard seeking him out, by pretending to be the colonel's ghost. It works. He catches Vasquez on an audio recorder, who says he's been watching Enos, and is willing to tell him where to find the rifle if he gets rid of a ghost named Murphy who has been annoying him for a while.
- A few days after his spar with Luci, Kid heads for the Provinces without her, so he can enlist Lucas' help in learning more about himself. They meet up at the train station in Erillia. Kid lets Jewel out of a suitcase, scaring everyone. They head back to La Maisonette, where they talk about the past. Kid wants Lucas to figure out in what ways his brain has been modified.
22 April 2326:
- In the early hours of the morning, Kid uses a Clone Form scroll, and then his clone heads out with Lucas to sneak into one of Erillia's colleges. Kid removes his pants. Lucas uses the tools at their school of medicine to examine the interior of the copy. He discovers an inch-long microchip implanted on Kid's brain stem, which he could assume was the source of his memory loss. He makes a 3D printed copy of it, and heads home. Once there, he finds Roxy with Jewel and the unconscious Kid, and he reluctantly fills her in.
- Jakob hides out in a forest in the Rose Islands. Lorandril finds him and hits on him. They discuss speaking with the dead for a while.
- Jakob and Lorandril continue to talk. (RPed 24 April)
23 April 2326:
- Kid awakens in the early hours of the morning. Lucas explains what he learned. Kid says he hopes to find out more on Scholar's Watch. After some romantic tension, Kid heads off to catch a train home. On the train, Kid talks with Jewel about the situation, and worries about his memories.
24 April 2326:
- Three days after contacting Vasquez, Enos visits an Arenan bishop to apply for priesthood, so that he can exorcise Murphy's spirit. The bishop tells him that it would be a long and difficult task, and that if he wanted to become a priest in a hurry, he can do so unofficially. Enos decides to start his own religion.
25 April 2326:
- Enos arrives at Petrarca's downtown central square, preaching the good word of Enosticism. He wins over four people with promises of drugs and martial arts lessons, including Ranzel's descendant, Alvaro De la Sar.
- In a Handoran cherry blossom forest, there is a ruined castle which belonged to a powerful family long ago. Charlotte, Narla, and Karina are there as it rains. Rangi is almost there but isn't. Karina's cats stare at Narla. Charlotte is in denial. Narla runs off, and Hannah arrives. Hannah talks about jerking off. She talks with Karina about Kri-Yut's Tower.
- While staying in Fisher's Vale, Lorandril writes in her journal about all of the events she has witnessed since leaving her village a week ago.
26 April 2326:
- Jakob arrives in Handora after his forest excursion, and gets in a fight with some people at a poker game. Jakob, of all people, says he dislikes cheating, and kills the cheater. Hannah is there and eats the dead man. Jakob returns to the game, but soon leaves. Hannah does not look pregnant. More people are killed. Hannah and Jakob do some catching up after his time away. Jakob asks how Felicity is doing, but Hannah doesn't want to talk about her. They part ways awkwardly.
- That evening, Hannah recieves a text from Jakob. He warns her of possible fallout from the earlier murders. Hannah finds a crying kid and acts like a dick. Jakob directs her to his hotel room via more texts, and worries for her dental hygiene. He then apologizes for being an ass.
27 April 2326:
- In a Eutropian scrapyard that was abandoned by the city 25 years ago, George arrives and is very pleased with how trashy it looks. Roxy, Lucas, Enos, and Thesla show up as well. While George chats with Enos, Thesla takes pictures of ugly things, including George himself. George calls her grotesque, and declares his own face legendary. Enos will not let go of Roxy. Thesla is completely intrigued by George and Enos, who debate chaos theory with her. George asks if she's high. Roxy agrees. Enos declares himself attractive, and balls up his fists. He also brags about how much sex he's had. Then he punches Thesla in the face. Roxy is annoyed with how much they're bullying Thesla. George fires an arrow, and Thesla runs off in fear. He then feeds on a willing Roxy, who considers it another experiment with her regenerative abilities. George goes down on her, and she passes out.
28 April 2326:
- George, Karina, Kastos, Rosalie, and Lucas are present at an art exhibit in Svaneholm featuring sculpted glass. Forgetting that they've met before, George calls Kastos a pickleman. He tells Rosalie she reminds him of H-Game models, but says that no one would hire her anyway. Rosalie is offended, as she knows she would make a great H-Game model. November buys a sculpture for his office. Kastos talks to him about Su-Hyun's disappearance. Lucas recognizes George's handle of "Pusfinger". George offers to help Kastos' search for a price, which Kastos tentatively accepts. Rosalie shows off her bird. Kastos almost thinks George had sex with Enos. George mentions Enos sired him, which surprises Kastos, but not as much as George's claim that Enos saved his life. Rosalie says George deserved to die. George thinks Karina and Kastos are dating, and talks with Lucas about his meeting with Roxy yesterday. Rosalie wants George removed by security due to ugliness. George takes Lucas out to dinner. Nyogotha stares at Rosalie from a distance. Rosalie flips out at learning she's still alive. Nyogotha assures Rosalie that Marcel is still dead. Lucas and Rosalie outright attack her. In the chaos, another Muckraker calls her away. Rosalie falls unconscious from shock. Elentra appears to get Rosalie to safety. Kastos and Lucas help her take Rosalie to the woods. The others sneakily follow. George tries to kill Kastos on Enos' orders, but loses his nerve. The group discusses Nyogotha before leaving.
30 April 2326:
- In the morning, a girl named Miggs runs to Roxy's cafe, looking for Felicity. Lucas is confused, and Felicity is talking to Hannah. Felicity wants Lucas to join Operation Vitamin D, Code B. They head to the financial district to plant Bomb Vitamin C in Miggs' boyfriend's coffee. The get guns and disguises. They have Hannah dress as a man. They want Lucas to dress up as a woman, but he just takes an Essence of Venus instead. The most convoluted plan ever ensues.
- Lucas presumably takes a second Essence of Venus to revert to normal.
- Ganchi leaves for an extended trip to Earth to research any possible links to the missing red Laquir.
- United Provinces senatorial elections are held.
1 May 2326:
- Lucas texts Enos for info on hospitals or medicine, and they agree to meet in Erillia's EU Science Building. He says he wants to alter part of a cyborg friend from TTT that's too close to their brain stem for him. Enos thinks Lucas already dissected the friend. The pictures reveal a copy of Kid, with the object to be altered being a memory inhibitor. Lucas does not believe Enos has seen many breasts in person. They decide what equipment they will need, and make plans.
- Hans traverses the Svaldic mountains, and encounters Arz. They talk about Hans' reasons for travelling Disparatus, and Hans' time in the military. They share meat.
3 May 2326:
- George sends more info to theGard3ner, who asks for information on Enos and Roxy. George tells him how to find his sewer so they can talk in person. TheGard3ner deals with a construction worker and enters George's lair.
- George and theGard3ner (who turns out to be a Bui named Elliot) meet. George complains about 5kun script kiddies. Elliot says he's here to establish trust. They grab pizza. Elliot mentions he's a wanted cyber-terrorist who got inadvertantly some people killed 30 years ago with information he tried to leak when he went by Guard3. George says Guard3's exploits were what got him into the business to begin with. (RPed 8 May)
4 May 2326:
- Lucas and Eloise hang out in Eutropia. Roxy watches from a distance and sees Esther speaking to Henry Haddock. Roxy and Esther chat after he leaves. They share embarrassing stories and get food. Roxy nearly chokes on her noodles when she realizes Esther knew Jakob as a kid.
5 May 2326:
- George trolls scrubs while playing Cry of Obligation. Elliot is logged in as fireprooftulip, and Lucas as solarpoweredlimey. Elliot freaks Lucas out by asking about "the mermaid". Lucas almost asks for porn, but gets scientist names. Elliot gets mech blueprints and orders Lucas 17 pizzas. Roxy gets mad when the pizzas show up.
- Enos' followers finally finish setting up the Enostic church in Petrarca. With his religion now official, he heads back to the graveyard and confronts Murphy's spirit. He quickly pisses Murphy off, and ends up "fighting" the ghost. He uses a burst of white noise from the recorder to hurt Murphy (and Jago by mistake), and gets him to leave the graveyard with the help of Alvaro. Jago thanks Enos and tells him that the rifle is hidden in the grave of the colonel's dog, back at his home. Ranzel says he already knew Enos was looking for the rifle before ever joining the church, as his sister, who runs their ancestor's museum, told him of Enos' break-in. Ranzel says the rifle's Enos' to keep, and that he deserves it more than the government does. Shortly after, Enos returns to De la Sar's home and digs up the rifle, along with the colonel's final letter to Jago. The letter strikes Enos with an odd pathos that he doesn't quite understand, and he respectfully re-buries the dog. Touched by the event, he decides to stick with his congregation.
6 May 2326:
- In the woods, Narla tracks Roxy down and challenges her to a fight. Eventually, Narla concedes defeat, and the two leave together.
- Zach talks to Hannah at Jakob's apartment.
7 May 2326:
- Karina and Lorandril run into each other in a foggy Svaldic forest. They talk about Earth, Alibaas, meat, and cats. Karina's face breaks into a wide string of numbers. They exchange contact information.
9 May 2326:
- Roxy hangs around a bar that evening and finds Jakob. A dog annoys both of them, and Jakob kills it by accident. Jakob is not happy to see Roxy. She apologizes for hitting Hannah, but isn't happy with herself for doing so. Jakob accepts it and admits he's not a good person.
- Jakob returns home and tells Hannah about his meeting with Roxy. He relays her apology and talks about how they got along in the past. Ensio calls him about sorority girls on drugs. They go to help him out.
10 May 2326:
- That evening, Jakob meets Darius White in the Boxing Badger tavern. Darius says he's a police officer who knows kung fu. It turns out he had taken Alexina's position after she was killed in the line of duty. Jakob is pleased.
12 May 2326:
- Darius patrols Erillia and encounters William "Bonebox" Whittaker. He follows Bonebox and sees him hanging with Jakob. Darius is covered in trash. He confronts Jakob, who tells him the truth. Bonebox runs, and Darius chases him down. He learns rumors of an underground cage fighting ring.
18 May 2326:
- Outside the Alibaas city of Alexandria, Leros tries to settle on Luci and Kid's couch, while Luci deals with getting him medical attention. She says she had to call for Enos, as Rosalie has reservations on medical work with Centurions. Leros is surprised Enos was willing to help. Enos arrives, drunk. He tries to get Luci away from Leros, but she refuses, and Enos relents. She briefly mentions how she rescued him from Promethean yesterday. Enos finally agrees to operate on Leros when Luci says she'll pay him. Luci explains the rescue attempt, and he laughs at her for failing to use Elixir of Intangibility properly. They discuss contracts and Nikolaos, along with Leros' injuries. Luci shows him Nikoalos' folder, showing a contract for her or a Centurion with her blueprint, but they can't come to a proper conclusion on it. As Enos finishes operating, Luci tells him Philip will help her repair her own damage. Leros wakes up and complains about Enos. They bicker, and Enos plays Kid's video games as Luci takes Leros to bed. (The date for this may be changed, based on the placement of For Whoever Owns This Soil.)
19 May 2326:
- At an Alibaas waterfront, Conni, Luci, Leros, Darius, Jolene, and Joanie show up to relax. Jolene sets up science to build a sand castle, while Conni attempts to complete her set by charming Leros. Darius argues with her, and Luci is confused. Jolene is annoyed at the implication of Conni having wooed Enos, and convinces herself it never happened. She and Joanie then load potions into their sand castle base, which accidentally makes it explode. Conni invites Luci and Leros into a threesome. Leros thinks Joanie is a Centurion, but Jolene lies and says she's a normal twin. He is not fooled. Luci and Darius debate the merits of his fighting style. They discuss Black Rock, and Darius makes fun of Shizhi. He also believes Luci and Leros are married. Everyone argues over what weapons are unfair in fights. Jolene thinks Leros is jealous of Enos. Darius white knights. Jolene pisses Luci off, and she and Leros leave.
22 May 2326:
- Roxy, Narla, and Esther run into each other on Liberty's Reach. They chat for a bit, and Narla sees John Wonder. They get called for a meeting with General Medke. He explains the current situation with the war, and says their next target is Scholar's Watch on Eurydice. Corporal Myers informs Narla he's been added to her squad. Russel Fowler arrives on stage to give further mission details, and then talks with Don Hartwell of SAHBER. Narla's squad looks over the area map and forms a plan of attack before heading out onto Eurydice in their mechs. Myers' suit is crippled by mines almost immediately after entering the area, and he's unable to eject. Esther tries to walk him through manual escape, but his suit completely explodes before he can get out. Arenan mechs spot the explosion and head their way. (RPed 8 & 9 April)
- The United Provinces' assault on Scholar's Watch commences. Narla, Esther, and Roxy lead the attack. Esther acts quite cocky as she tanks damage. Narla protects her waifu, and goes out of her way to kill an enemy pilot. They take down the enemy mechs, allowing the Provinces' forces access to the base. Suddenly, an emergency withdrawal warning is issued, and more powerful mechs arrive to defend the base from the UP. Narla, Esther, and Roxy quickly retreat. (RPed 2 May)
- A small group of mercenaries, including Kid, Laelia, Luci, and Enos, take a shuttle to Vigilant Sentinel. Kid discusses his previous time here. Laelia realizes she's the only one here who was hired normally. Commander Samudio greets them and sends them to their quarters. Enos makes a sex motion with his hands. Everyone goofs off in low gravity. Enos rolls a 100 and does a circus act. A mechanic tells them the station is operating on a skeleton crew at the moment. Kid investigates the mech simulator computer while everyone continues to have fun. Ariel Panigua shows up, and Enos acts rude to him. Luci, Enos, and Laelia head to the medical bay. They talk to a pilot who brings up the Provinces' recent attacks on ships, which the AA thinks are distractions. Enos wants to blow up Eurydice. He knocks the pilot over, and they get kicked out. (RPed 30 April; Takes place at roughly the same time as the briefing aboard Liberty's Reach)
- Luci wants to see Paniagua, so Enos accosts a robot, while Laelia just plays cards. None of this helps her. Enos quibbles with guards about clowns as they go to see Commander Samudio. They find him in his office, speaking with Leros. Samuido says their only advantage is that the UP can't break into Scholar's Watch. They discuss Enos' Eurocid. The three enter their mechs to rendezvous with a suit carrier, piloted by Ensign Russell, only to be informed their intended destination at the supply ship was already under attack. They activate friendship and head out into space, prepared to fight off the enemy mechs attacking their supply line. (RPed 16 & 17 May; Takes place at roughly the same time as the assault on Scholar's Watch)
- Luci's mech jams in the docking bay, so Enos and Laelia are forced to head out without her. Kid soon joins them as they reach the supply ship. Mechs fly out to defend it. Their leader freaks out over Enos' Kugai, and has his team gang up on it. They take out the mechs together, but Enos is forced to evacuate his own in the process. The last Lehk'zhulian pilot surrenders, and is taken with them onto the abandoned supply ship. He gives them a pre-memorized line, which Enos quickly realizes is a lie. He admits his name is actually Nexathul Jeremek. He informs them of the attack on Eurydice. Kid contacts home base to confirm this, and after knocking Jeremek out, the group is sent down to Eurydice as backup. With their help, Narla and the rest of the UP's forces retreat. (RPed 21 & 22 July 2015)
25 May 2326:
- As he watches Verinne work on improving his gear, Karr decides to become a Blacksmith.
27 May 2326:
- Narla and November catch up with each other in a Eutropian park. Narla hopes to be called back into action soon. She talks a bit about her past.
28 May 2326:
- In a small Ostfold town, Luci and Leros run into Gray, along with Hannah. Luci asks Gray why he invested in herself and Kid. He says he needs them, but won't say why. Leros asks Luci to let Gray go, and she relents. Gray taunts her and walks off. Luci is not bothered by how much Hannah overheard, but tells Leros about the incident in the forest a month and a half prior. Hannah leaves, just as Narla and Rosalie arrive. Leros asks Rosalie why she couldn't help him with his medical needs. The group fawns over puppies at a pet shop, and Narla questions Leros' origins and purpose. Someone breaks into the pet shop in the middle of the day. Lucas, was was looking around the shop, joins them as they investigate. They find a bomb, which explodes, setting all of the animals free. They spot a masked individual, who points a gun at them. They point their own guns back. She opens fire, hitting Rosalie's leg, and flees. A faerie with a hand cannon runs out to help the criminal, who is a sirene. They fire again, hitting half of the group. The criminals get away as the group heals and calls the police. Luci is ashamed that they were beaten. They talk about Promethean and check on the animals, who all appear to be unharmed, before parting ways.
30 May 2326:
- Luci and Leros show up at Gray's gated chateau, as Leros had suggested confronting him on her own terms. They sneak inside and make their way toward Gray. A piano is secured. Gray is annoyed with their timing, as he is watching his soaps. They discuss Luci's purpose, and she asks who he really is. He stops her from pulling a gun. She pulls her second gun and shoots Gray, supposedly killing him. Naturally, as they make to leave, Gray shows up again, just fine. He holds them up by their necks, asking why he should allow them to leave, but throws them and allows them to go regardless. They decide there's no way Gray's a normal human.
31 May 2326:
- In the small Handoran jungle town of Bhalshakur, Narla, Sam, Raven, Mortimer, and Enos chill at its local waterpark. Enos attempts to spread the good word of Enosticism to everyone. Mortimer has to leave due to the voice in his head. Meanwhile, one of the Ritas pursues Sam at the same waterpark. He attempts to hide, but she catches up. He yells at her and launches a surprise attack, eventually killing her. He calls it in and heads off. Back with the others, Narla confuses Enos with texts. Rosalie arrives at the waterpark and tells them of the dangers of drinking and driving. She does not believe in the existence of mechs. Enos drinks Juno's Mask with Raven's blood and turns into a Cyborg. Raven gets annoyed when Enos tells everyone she's a cyborg. Narla asks Enos if he has ovaries. Rosalie talks about friends, and how Enos has none. Enos tells Narla not to trust Byariel. He then flips out when people don't take him seriously as he brags about being the best. People act rude by speaking in foreign languages. Rosalie decides she needs to learn to drive. She also tells Raven about her own alternate Earth. Enos throws a bottle at Rosalie and does not believe her story. She heads off, and Enos zones out while Narla talks with Raven about their lots in life. They all then discuss whether Rosalie's crazy or not. Narla asks Raven if she wants to sleep in a brothel. She talks about her sisters, the Lehk'zhulians, and Kharadov Particles. She gives Raven and Enos information on where to go in Lehk'zhulia if they wish to aid her cause. Roxy sleep-texts Enos. Narla arm wrestles Enos before leaving and is utterly destroyed. Enos runs off to the brothel.
1 June 2326:
- In the evening, there is a fancy party at a mansion that has just opened as a historical site in the Rose Islands. Hannah, Remembrance, and Arz are present. People are curious about Arz. Verinne strolls in and is disgusted to see Hannah acting classy. Remembrance sets the flowers on fire. The group heads to the basement as the house burns. Remembrance punches a wall and hurts herself in the process. Verinne shatters the wall instead. There are human bones behind it. Verinne and Arz peace out at this. Asha's personality breaks through briefly and freaks out. Hannah helps her through a tunnel as Asha explains the little she knows of her situation. They soon escape.
4 June 2326:
- Lucas leaves to join Ingenium in Eutropia, out on his own for the first time. Roxy, having trouble preparing herself for the seperation, recounts past times together, much to Lucas' frustration. They hug each other, and Lucas boards his train. Roxy returns home and talks with Arz about how they're apart for the first extended time in seven years. Arz comforts her as best he can. That evening, Arz shows off his spelling prowess as he texts Lucas.
6 June 2326:
- Narla undergoes a mission to attack the Provincial colony of New Albion. She and her squad of Jameson, Li, and Sanchez take off toward the colony. As they approach, they encounter the KJN-73, also known as Bucephalus. Byariel contacts them from the ship and orders their surrender. Narla refuses, ordering her team to hold out for a few minutes. A giant green mech takes them by surprise and damages Li's mech, forcing his retreat. However, it kills Li before he can get away. Narla discovers that the green mech is under the command of Yazath Grabl, the most elite pilot in the Lehk'zhulian army. Narla and her remaining teammates head attempt to return to the surface. Meanwhile, Shizhi orders Byariel and his teammates William Stevesson and Roy Hunter to pursue and kill them, despite his personal reservations on the matter. As Byariel's team approaches, Narla successfully tricks Stevesson, and kills him as her team gets out of the area. Roy heads after Jameson while Byariel takes on Narla. They enter the atmosphere over northeastern Dragonoa, and battle in freefall. Narla crashes into a mountain, and Byariel cripples her mech. He insults her and says he's killing her for her lineage, rather than because she's any real threat to the Federation. He reveals that his real name is Matteroque Le Creuneaçel, and that twenty years ago the Zedirovs ordered the execution of his adoptive parents. Saying he'll come for her brother Jyrid next, Byariel attacks Narla's cockpit, but stops as the nearby coastal city of Bangthorua erupts in a nuclear explosion, and he evacuates the area.
- Roy lands in Bangthorua and chases down Jameson. Jameson crashes into a wall, and his mech's reactor is damaged. Roy rescues the few Thuwadians he can, and gets away from the city as Jameson's mech vaporizes the city.
- Narla awakens in extreme pain, and sends a text to Enos asking for help.
- Reports begin hitting the news that Bangthorua was supposedly nuked by the Provincial colony of New Albion.
- Enos gets a text from Narla about being injured and leaves for Fuckoff Mountain (also known as Mount Fyuxof) in Dragonoa. He learns of the recent nuking, and Narla's mech shows up. Enos rushes over to help her, seeing that she's lost two arms and a leg. He uses some potions to ease the bleeding as they talk. She tells him there are prosthetics stored beneath the seat for an emergency. Enos saws off her damaged limbs while talking about faith healing. He starts installing the prosthetics on Narla as she warns him that the Federation may be searching for survivors, namely her. A Thuwadian farmer arrives on horseback and takes them to the airport. Narla tells Enos Byariel is not who he claims to be, and that she did not do what her family did to his. She says 20 years ago, her adoptive father ordered a hit on his. (RPed 4 June)
- Enos and Narla arrive at the airport and ask for a medical flight to Petrarca. Narla is shocked that no matches come up for her when the Thuwadians check her face against records to see if she's listed as a criminal. The pair are let onboard a medical helicopter, with the Thuwadians thinking Enos is a businessman. He claims Narla's injuries were from falling down stairs, and claims her name is Ballpointa. One of the EMTs on the flight says the estimates from the bombing are 15,000 dead with 10,000 more still unaccounted for. They arrive in Petrarca, near Enos' church. They head inside to finish the prosthetic installation. (RPed 5 June)
9 June 2326:
- Narla awakens with her prosthetics installed, almost clearheaded for the first time in days. She and Enos discuss her new limbs and physical therapy. She says she has to go back to Lehk'zhulia so she doesn't have a false Killed In Action record. Enos tries to convince her not to go back, but she says she has no other options besides leeching off of Roxy forever and putting her in danger. He then tries to convince her she can't really trust the Lehk'zhulians anyway. Narla says she has a backup plan, as she believes the Absalonia colony will be independent soon. She explains what she's learned behind the scenes. Narla tests out her new limbs, and Enos warns her that if she does go back, to leave him out of it. He talks about his Eurocid, and the scraps he has of a plan regarding it. (RPed 16 June. Was said to be three days after the crash.)
16 June 2326:
- The SS Gynerik sets off on a cruise from Ostfold to Alibaas. Ánië meets Narla at the bar. Narla says she's heading to Lehk'zhulia after they arrive in Alibaas. Raven shows up and reminds Ánië they were in a cave together. Ánië drags Narla off to play DDR. Kids call her crazy. They run into Lucas in the arcade, and Ánië has a dance off with him. They tie. Raven challenges her next, but has no idea how to play. Narla goes next, and defeats Lucas handily despite his best efforts. Ánië challenges her and falls over. Raven finally gets the hang of the game and loves it. Lucas says he's here on vacation with Raven. Ánië says she's here for an anthropology conference. She tells them not to trust Mortimer or the Nameless Ones. Raven challenges Ánië to a drinking contest, and they head off to the pool. Narla shows off her prosthetics to Lucas. Lucas tries to claim Roxy isn't on the boat, but Narla sees past the lie.
17 June 2326:
- Lucas comes to Narla's cabin on the SS Gynerik, bumping into a mysterious woman on the way. Narla tells Lucas that Enos is now a religious figure. Lucas studies Narla's prosthetics, and Narla apologizes for trying to murder him and Roxy a while back. Narla admits she stayed at Roxy's a few months ago, despite having promised to Roxy she wouldn't tell Lucas. She also admits she sometimes read his letters from Eloise when she cleaned his room. They briefly discuss Byariel. Lucas directs Narla to where he thinks the mystery woman was going, and Narla says she intends to keep her other promises to Roxy. She shakes Lucas' hand and says goodbye.
1 July 2326:
- Before he can leave to deliver Sethmas gifts, Seth Claus is held captive by a Liberty Prime toy.
2 July 2326:
- Lucas and Remembrance are both at a pool in Ostfold. She asks if Lucas believes in ghosts. A kid in a bedsheet runs into the locker rooms, and they investigate. They find a hole and a tunnel. It leads to the city's subway. They catch sight of bedsheet kid, who loses his bedsheet and runs. The pair are almost hit by a train. Asha takes control of her body again and freaks out. Asha recognizes him as the drug dealer who worked with Luci and Gin a while ago. She explains what Remembrance is. The tunnel back is now missing. They see bedsheet kid again. Asha notes she can give control back to Remembrance, but can only take it back herself when in serious danger. Remembrance returns and tracks down bedsheet ghost kid, whom Lucas defeats with suns. They return to the pool and see police arresting a woman for murdering a kid. (RPed 1 & 2 July)
9 July 2326:
- (Secrets in Banivia Quest 1)
- (Secrets in Banivia Quest 2)
- (Secrets in Banivia Quest 3)
- (Secrets in Banivia Quest 4)
10 July 2326:
- (Secrets in Banivia Quest 5)
- (Secrets in Banivia Quest 6)
- (Secrets in Banivia Quest 7)
13 July 2326:
- Sye speaks with the spirit of Bocefus in the Laquir Omega Koru while resting before his trip north with Rodica's child.
23 July 2326:
- Adrien, Rosalie, Narla, Kastos, Roxy, Rangi, Ánië, Raven, and Ellen wake up in the snow. Narla is wearing a skimpy Sethmas elf costume. A tall and grouchy dark elf yells at them and says to hurry to the workshop. He explains that the reason Sethmas hasn't come this year is because Seth Claus is in trouble, as a Liberty Prime toy has claimed the workshop in the name of King Drago. Narla's gun and Rosalie's parasol turn into candy canes. Rosalie attempts to be less rosy. Kastos tries to subtly undress. Adrien, who uses his arms to fight, sees golden bells appear on them. Ellen's bullets are now gumdrops. Rosalie is convinced this is a shared dream. The group sneaks in, but Prime spots everyone except Roxy and Kastos. It fires ping pong balls at Ánië, while Roxy pushes it over and Rosalie shoots magic. It fires silly string in retaliation. Roxy and Ellen throw presents at each other. Rosalie convinces Prime to stop fighting, and she orders it to repair the workshop. Darius shows up, followed by Luci, who says Seth Claus owes her answers after the incident last Sethmas. Adrien finds Seth Claus, who has overslept. Seth Claus is eternally grateful to Rosalie. Gifts are handed out to one and all. As an apology to Luci, Seth Claus gives her a Legendary Weapon. He then, of course, mistakes Kastos for Enos, and says he is glad he isn't covered in garbage this year. Seth Claus asks Rosalie to guide his sleigh tonight. She is confused but honored. The group tells Luci of the fight with Prime. Seth Claus flies off with Rosalie, but uses a communication screen to keep in contact. Kastos demands he tells them his terms for getting their weapons back. Seth Claus says to believe. He then fires a gift down to Sam, which makes Kastos think he's mounting an assault. Luci is concerned for Sam's safety in this, and tells Seth Claus she will kill him if the gift harms Sam. She then demands a full inspection of the factory. The elves warn her of the horrible snow rats in the boiler room, but she is undeterred. They head off to fight the mysterious snow rats as the RP ends in a holiday special styled screenwipe.
29 July 2326:
- Xun-Kwan CEO Liang Kwan announces the King Keystone Competition, a test of various feats of skill in both the body and the mind, to be held in the Xun-Kwan Building in Jian-Chai, Handora's capital. Whoever comes out as the victor in the most tests is to be deemed champion, and will recieve the King Keystone as their prize.
9 August 2326:
- People arrive for the King Keystone Competition at the Xun-Kwan Building in Jian-Chai. At 9 am, Kwan shows up at the 81st story lounge and holds the Preliminary Round in the form of an obstacle course. At its conclusion, he selects the fourteen participants of the competition. Ánië, Lucas, Roxy, and November show up for the course, but are not selected. Those actually selected include Adrien, George, Alexander, Kastos, Helad Tussaund, Miss Hordsii, Harold Minns, and seven others. Kwan takes them to their lodgings on the 74th story. Kastos goes shirtless for the second time in less than a month. MORE TO BE ADDED LATER. LEFT OFF ON PAGE 2.
- Jahs Serdiim is re-elected to a third and final term as President of Alibaas.
- After a year of rumors about elves watching silently from the forests of Earth or committing minor raids, entire towns begin falling under attack from mysterious elven warriors.
- Narla and Kulimar visit Liberty's Reach, which is still recovering from the defeat at Scholar's Watch in May. (Mentioned in CI3 UP5.)
2327 AE
10 January 2327:
- Verinne, Ánië, and Adrien take refuge from a storm in the basement of Banivia's Otrelia Library. They find Ganchi studying inside. The room suddenly becomes cold, and they find themselves locked in. Ganchi is amused when Ánië calls Mortimer a potential threat. They proceed to flirt. The door opens up to a portal. Verinne shoves Ganchi through it. He appears in a dungeon. Adrien gets sucked in, and Verinne tosses an active mine in after them. Adrien gets Ganchi reagents for a Find Scroll, which Ganchi uses with the command "find exit". Verinne hops through the portal and lands on her own mine. Ánië follows. Ganchi lets Verinne get caught by a trap as payback. Ánië senses dark magic above them, and they hear Infernal chanting. Adrien blows up the door. As they escape, they avoid guards, and Verinne realizes they're summoning a creature called Demon Chocobo. Verinne knows of the creature, and warns them to not look at it. They flee, and both Ánië and Ganchi trip as the Demon Chocobo approaches. They all reach the exit portal, but Ánië is blinded for a week. Adrien becomes her guide dog. They talk about their jobs as they leave.
15 January 2327:
- Jolene, Hannah, and Enos ride a train through the Ostfold countryside, heading for Canta Lope. A conductor announces that the train's maintenance man, Eric Bartholomew, has gone missing. Jolene looks for the train's heat ray, while Enos asks Hannah if she delivered him a pizza. Asha enters their train cabin just as Enos accuses Jolene of wearing his laundry, which Jolene does a poor job of denying. Asha calls them all sex perverts. Adrien wakes up to listen in, and Asha scampers out in fear of the penis. Enos admits to touching the maintenance man's screwdriver while he slept. Hannah finds the man's body in the bathroom, and eats his ass. Enos demands that Adrien hand over his clothes so they can hide the body, but he refuses. As they go to get a blanket to hide him with instead, Cordelia waves to Jolene. Hannah upgrades Jolene from sex pervert to gentleman, and Adrien gets mad when Jolene mentions Cordelia's presence. Enos suggests framing her for the murder, but they settle on just chucking the body out the window. This fails. Cordelia offers her assistance, and burns the corpse just as they arrive at Canta Lope Station. Enos puts on a dress, and everyone compliments him. With the problem resolved, everyone says their goodbyes and depart the train.
18 January 2327:
- Asha interrogates a man in a suit, and is interrupted by Lorandril, who wants her to leave the man be. The man escapes, and Asha attacks. Lorandril knocks Asha out, but uses her power to revive her before leaving.
21 January 2327:
- At age 17, Sigmund Magnusson comes of age to succeed the Svaldic throne and is coronated as Prince of Svaldon.
- Narla, Luci, Cordelia, Ánië, Rangi, Adrien, Kid, and Sye show up for the festivities surrounding Prince Sigmund's coronation in Falkenaas. Rangi proclaims himself to be the new Prince. After discussing mechs, everyone agrees to go up to a rooftop to see better. Kid embarasses Luci by calling her a model. Cordelia explains you can kill people to steal their beauty. People question Svaldic politics as outgoing Prince Sigurd gives a speech. Sigmund is sworn in as Prince. Royal guards tackle Rangi for setting off a party popper. As they question his turducken, Cordelia tries to kill them, before vanishing into thin air with perfect Stealth. She clones herself, and the clone causes chaos and blows itself up. The rest of the group helps each other get clear of Cordelia's madness.
22 January 2327:
- Kid and Narla run into each other in Polaris' holodeck training area. Narla forces Kid into a "training" fight. Narla knocks Kid out, and heals him up.
26 January 2327:
- Hannah fights a robot wizard and wins. Yep.
19 March 2327:
- In the evening, Ganchi, Kastos, and November are relaxing in the town of Hastfell, on the Isle of Rensley. They see some people sneaking about, and hear a scuffle inside a nearby cafe, which suddenly closes. They investigate, and Kastos finds the cafe owner unconscious and stuffed in a cabinet. November completely zones out. Ganchi points out that many nearby businesses have also gone dark. They spot more figures moving in the street, and November shoots a few with his crossbow. Ganchi realizes they're Elves, and is forced to flee, as his weapons are in his hotel room. The elves split up to chase Ganchi and November. Kastos throws a knockback grenade under a car, sending it airborne. He easily takes down every elf that comes after him. November interrogates the elves he downed earlier, and takes one out to eat. Kastos deals with the remaining elves, using a Portable Moment to interrogate their commander, Haladon. Haladon says they are attempting to claim this land in the name of King Mirinnor of Anurdain. He hides Haladon, and the elves flee. Ganchi steps in and joins the questioning. Ganchi calls Haladon an idiot and a liar, saying the Kingdom of Anurdain hasn't existed for around 1,500 years. Haladon gets very impatient with the two of them. Kastos and Ganchi agree it'd be for the best that the Elves never learn what Haladon told them, and Kastos shoots Haladon in the head, killing him.
- After a few further Anurdain elf attacks on Disparatus following the Hastfell incident, the attacks abruptly stop on both planets.
5 April 2327:
- (Eastmas 2327 Quest)
28 May 2327:
- Jolene and Joanie watch Roy Auric's video logs on his idea with making androids able to consume potions.
30 May 2327:
- Jolene and Joanie find the laboratory beneath Roy Auric's ruined mansion. They accidentally activate the computer with the copy of Roy's mind, but they destroy it and its Keystone.
- Bloodbath X is released in theaters.
12 June 2327:
- Seth Claus' worker elves are kidnapped by the Anurdainians.
21 June 2327:
- Lehk'zhulia begins the full annexation process of Dragonoa, beginning with the dissolution and execution of Dragonoa's governing bodies. They attack Dragonoa City, destroying statues of the god Drago, and killing any who fought back. Seraxel barely escapes with his life.
28 June 2327:
- The Everyman kills Ron Smith, a UP Agent investigating the Anurdain incidents, and steals his identity.
1 July 2327:
- Seth Claus is forced to postpone Sethmas as he searches for his worker elves.
10 July 2327:
- Darius, Rangi, Martok, Victor, Laelia, and Dóiteán arrive at the Romhear Center for the Arts in the Svaldic city of Belhas. Seth Claus emerges from a painting titled "Spirit of Sethmas" in the lobby. He apologizes for his lateness, as his worker elves had gone missing last month, and he had only just now tracked them to Belhas. He hands out gifts to all, confusing Dóiteán. Arrows are fired into the building as an elven army arrives. Seth Claus protects everyone and gets the children to safety. Mary, appearing in the window, identifies the arrows as being from the lost kingdom of Anurdain. The group arms themselves with weapons from a war re-enactment, and defend themselves with smokescreens. The elven commander, Khaladar, demands they turn Seth Claus over to him. Seth Claus agrees on the condition that the elves harm no one else. He notes that the Anurdainians were likely responsible for his workers' disappearance, and Khaladar says he and his workers are wanted for their magic. On Victor's request, Khaladar allows the others to come along. However, he flips out when the ghostly Mary falls through the floor and disappears, accusing them of trickery. When Martok fails to convince him it was a magic trick, Khaladar loses his patience and orders his soldiers to kill them and take Seth Claus away. The group fights back, Dóiteán dousing the elves with the fire extinguisher that Seth Claus gifted him. Victor convinces Khaladar to stand down, but he still sends Seth Claus to an abandoned shopping center via an enchantment. Khaladar questions why they care so much for Seth Claus, and they explain how he's an exceptionally giving and benevolent man. While unwilling to disobey his King's orders, Khaladar agrees to help them with what he can. The group then enters the Spirit of Sethmas painting, believing it can take them to Seth Claus' sleigh. (Saga:Anurdain)
- The group appears in Seth Claus' darkened workshop. They come across an open metal door, which Rangi recognizes from his visit to the workshop the year before as the way down to the boiler room, which was locked due to snow rats. They head down to the boiler room in hopes of finding a way to restore the building's power. A creaky door alerts the snow rats to their presence, and the group quickly activates the circuit breaker's switch for the sleigh lift. They hurry out to the sleigh, chased by a giant snow rat swarm. Laelia runs up ahead and grabs a fire extinguisher, using it to pacify the swarm and save the others. They take Seth Claus' sleigh, and Khaladar explains his people's plight, trapped in a prison outside the physical world. The sleigh sends them back to Belhas in mere minutes, arriving very close to the mall. Two elven-piloted helicopters approach them, aiming a rocket launcher. They dig through Seth Claus' sack just as Martok nearly falls off the sleigh. In the confusion, Rangi crashes the sleigh into the side of a building. Everyone survives the fall, but are still being pursued. Khaladar breaks off from the group and distracts one of the helicopters. Darius finds a stray gift from the sack lodged in his clothes. He produces a remote from it, and uses it to control the remaining helicopter. The helicopters collide, and the elves bail out. Khaladar is yelled at. Rangi produces a gift of his own, containing ten snow rats which attack him. Victor tames one as a pet. They enter the mall and come across Seth Claus' guards, a trio of elves forming Anurdain's Theta Squad. Mary reappears, peeking out from below the floor. As Dóiteán swings at the squad, its leader, Elmar, orders his men to attack.
- Denada attacks Dóiteán, as Templeton wildly fires a machine gun he found. Elmar plays Chilly Willy with Rangi, scarring him emotionally. Dóiteán bear hugs Denada, who asks his ice elemental to help get him free. It doesn't work. Darius hammers on the prone Denada, and Laelia messes with Elmar's head. Templeton attacks everyone with air spirits to no avail. Elmar asks Dóiteán to let Denada go, and fires ice at Rangi. Laelia continues slowing Elmar down, and Mary shows up only for her attack to go right through Elmar to no effect. Victor whacks Elmar in her stead and heals people. Dóiteán explodes into flames, setting Denada free, but unleashing the Teraton's fury. Templeton blasts Rangi through the air, but ends up charmed by the feathered man's grace, and attacks Denada for him. Denada flips out. Templeton nearly drinks delicious acid. Desperate, Elmar covers the entire mall in ice. Dóiteán tries to knock out Denada, but his ice elemental takes the hit and is destroyed. Dóiteán knocks him out anyway. Templeton freaks and accidentally hits Elmar, knocking him out as well. He chucks an incendiary grenade at Rangi in a panic, who chucks it right back at him. Templeton flees, but Dóiteán bonks him on the head, ending the fight.
- While Dóiteán chows down instead of helping, Martok relocates the elves to safety from the ice covering the mall. Victor stays behind to watch them as the others explore. They free Seth Claus from a cell in the security booth, and head to the basement as Dóiteán discusses his birth. They hurry along, as the mall's piping is close to bursting from the ice. They free about two dozen of Seth Claus' forty worker elves, along with a UP agent named Smith. After the pipes are repaired, Smith explains that he'd been investigating the Anurdain incidents, and a was captured trying to get into the nation. While Darius finds him a but untrustworthy, the group allows him to stick with them as a guide to the way into Anurdain. Seth Claus suggests they get to the heart of the problem while he seeks out his remaining workers, promising to regroup with them as soon as possible.
- The gang regroups with Victor and Mary, before heading out into the city. Smith points them in the right direction, and they head north. He explains what he knows about Anurdain as they proceed. They avoid a group of elves fighting with civilians down the road, and take a different path. Dodging snipers, Laelia leads them down an alley. They enter the back of a movie theater to a hall of emergency exits. Mary floats through one of them and opens it from the other side. They pass through a theater playing Bloodbath X, where Dóiteán steals a little kid's popcorn. Ignoring this crazy group, Cordelia quietly watches the movie and sets nothing on fire. Darius uses his police credentials to convince theater security to keep patrons inside the theater for safety. The group heads outside and continues north, where the find elves escorting Khaladar. Mary sinks underground once more, disappearing from the group completely. The elves notice the group and attack. Victor's snow rat chews off one elf's face, while Dóiteán pummels another. One cyborg elf woman, Imryll, flees toward their destination. Khaladar rejoins the group just as Dóiteán crushes an elf's skull. They reach the area near the woods that Smith was indicating. Here, Imryll informs head elven commander Talania of what just happened. Talania notices everyone except Darius as they approach. Dóiteán throws a tree at her face before she can say anything. She yells at Khaladar and produces a small whistle. As she uses it, the ancient dragon Voldarath emerges from the forest.
- Voldarath attacks Rangi and Khaladar before anyone can react. Talania spits in Dóiteán's face, while Imryll deals with Victor and Khaladar. Khaladar buffs Rangi, who knocks Imryll right into a kidney punch from Darius. Voldarath mocks Rangi, while his allies attack the rest of the group. Victor fires a beam of immense energy at Voldarath, pissing the dragon off. Dóiteán, Darius, and Rangi team up against Imryll, nearly knocking her out. Before she can escape, Laelia hops out of the bushes and hits her over the head with a flute, sending her into unconsciousness. Talania spits in Laelia's face for this. She and Voldarath hold the group at bay with a series of flame and rapier attacks, until Dóiteán knocks her out. He tells Voldarath to surrender, but the dragon just laughs, explaining why it helps the elves. He asks Dóiteán just how much he respects the flame, before setting Darius, Laelia, Victor, and Rangi ablaze, and tossing Khaladar into the inferno as well. Dóiteán finds this unimpressive. Everyone fights back against the beast, heavily wounding it. In anger, he utterly decimates the surrounding area with a torrent of flame, daring them to defy him again. Khaladar just barely manages to keep Rangi from burning to death, with only himself, Laelia, and Dóiteán remaining conscious from the attack. Dóiteán strikes back, taking Voldarath down. Khaladar heals everyone back up, and Victor takes Talania's whistle. Once they're all rested up, Khaladar leads them into the woods, to Anurdain.
- The group proceeds through the forest, discussing dragons. They approach the main Anurdain settlement, and Martok is spotted by guards almost immediately. Khaladar steps out, pretending Martok is his prisoner, so that the others can sneak away. They stick to the treeline, keeping out of sight. Darius breaks into a fit of laughter and stumbles into a clothesline, getting caught up in elven trousers. Everyone flees into the woods, but Darius screams and shouts, making him easy for the elves to follow. Fortunately, they all trip and fall, allowing him to escape. Everyone regroups at the boundaries of Anurdain, where Smith investigates the mist that forms the edges of its prison. The group finds some barrels and hide inside them. Darius breaks his own barrel. Dóiteán walks down the street with a barrel on his head, completely unnoticed. Darius tries to intimidate the guards when caught, but fails. Dóiteán saves him by sneezing flaming mucus on the guards. Reaching the castle, the group climbs in through a second story window. Darius, making up for earlier, ascends to his planar form and hears the King speaking to someone in the basement. They head downstairs, and find that the King has left, leaving a Dwarf, Gilor, alone in the pantry. The group tracks the King's footprints to a small room with a statue of a figure surrounding the Earth, along with a disc featuring the seal of the Eight Legends. They discuss the Nameless Ones the Eight were said to have sealed away. Laelia determines there is an experimental enchantment on the statue that may have teleported the King elsewhere in the castle. Taking the disc, they use the statue and appear in the castle's great hall, where the King is making an example of Khaladar and Martok, who are trapped in an enchantment circle. The King yells at them, saying they have once chance to explain themselves. They all discuss the King's plans to restore Anurdain, and his worship of the Beyond One. He asks them to convince Seth Claus to help him, but Victor has none of this, refusing to help the madman. They attack the King, who summons Gilor to his side, forcing him to aid in battle. The King summon's the Beyond One's power, becoming incredibly buff.
- As Dóiteán prepares to attack the King, a convenience store forms around Khaladar and Martok, confusing everyone. The King strikes at Dóiteán and Victor, and is hit back by a tag team of Rangi, Khaladar, and Martok. Gilor tosses Dóiteán about, and nearly knocks Martok out in one hit. Victor hits the King with another of his massive energy beams. In a complete rage, the King attacks Laelia, Dóiteán, Martok, and Gilor for massive damage, knocking Martok unconscious. Gilor is furious, and completely abandons the King's cause, now fighting on the rest of the group's side instead. After everyone fights back against him, the King produces a whistle from his pocket and uses it to summon forth Voldarath. Victor tries to convince Voldarath to stand down, to which the dragon laughs and says it will consider this. The King rips a hole in reality, allowing the Beyond One to attack Rangi indirectly. Shortly after, the King almost completely loses his mind due to an Overload of power. Amused by the King's predicament, Voldarath declares that it will join the battle not for his sake, but for his own.
- Voldarath strikes at Rangi, while Victor fires another beam at the King. The King flips out and starts attacking Gilor, breaking his own arm in the process. He punches Dóiteán and nearly kills Laelia, who just barely remains on her feet. Dóiteán retaliates by finally knocking the king out. Voldarath laughs at this, only for Dóiteán to attack him instead. The pair argue about power and respect, and Dóiteán says that there is no more worthy form of communication to be had than them tasting each other's flames. To prove his lack of concern for the elves, Voldarath sets Victor and the elven spectators ablaze. He laughs, exchanging some final words with Dóiteán, before charging him head-on. Voldarath collides into Dóiteán's body, shattering it to pieces and killing him. Rangi taunts Voldarath in anger, but this only serves to amuse the dragon further. Rangi and Khaladar attack Voldarath, but despite damaging him heavily, their efforts don't appear to be enough. Voldarath prepares to kill both of them, only for Laelia to step in with her flutework. Somehow, amazingly, her music proves to be what saps the last of the dragon's strength, and it crashes to the floor, unconscious. As the dust clears, Denada appears in the enchantment circle, seeking revenge on Dóiteán.
- The group assesses the damage, and Khaladar discusses how Anurdain can move forward from here. Victor pockets the King's whistle. The injured are treated, and Gilor explains how he came to be working for the King. They realize that Smith had been left behind in the statue room, and hurry back down to him. Smith reveals he had been just barely holding Anurdain's connection to the real world open with his own magic, since they had taken the Eight Legends' disc. They return it to its proper place in the enchantment. Returning upstairs, they find that Denada has "captured" Seth Claus at the entrance to the castle. Seth Claus apologizes for being late, as the path into Anurdain was closed to him without the disc in place. After some discussion, it's agreed that, as long as the King is jailed by his people, Seth Claus should help restore Anurdain to the real world. Victor hands Seth Claus one of the whistles, and Seth Claus theorizes that, as it was able to call Voldarath through the barrier despite it being closed, he could use the magic within it as a starting point to pull Anurdain through the barrier. Smith offers to help Seth Claus in his efforts, and they head down toward the enchantment's center. Smith suggests the others don't follow, and Rangi realizes he's been acting more and more oddly. They question him, but he says that they don't need to worry, as he can handle himself, even if he looks like an average, ordinary everyman. Despite his words, they watch Seth Claus get to work anyway, who explains his thoughts on the enchantment, and what he needs to do. He estimates it will take him two or three months to complete the process. Satisfied, the group returns to Belhas for pizza.
12 July 2327:
- Ellen and Hannah both visit Kri-Yut's Tower. Hannah tries to get inside Ellen, and attacks her with tentacles, knocking her unconscious.
- When Ellen wakes up, she decides she needs to avoid Hannah so she doesn't risk activating Combat Mode.
14 July 2327:
- Kid tracks Lucas to a bus stop. Lucas apologizes for not being in touch since last spring. Kid mentions communication with Liberty's Reach has gone dark. He notes Jewel is staying in Arena, and that he found out how to possibly unlock his memories by dying for a few minutes. Lucas mentions how he used Keystones to bring Wadim back to life a year ago. Kid wants to grow tomatoes. Lucas talks about how Roxy is doing, and mentions the daughter of a family friend is sick from an illness that sprung up in the past few weeks. The pair speculate on it and exchange numbers. Lucas suggests Kid speak with Sye about Keystones, and asks him to apologize for leaving without saying anything last year.
22 July 2327:
- Seraxel Gratador sends a secret message to Alibaas President Jahs Serdiim, and the nation's religious leaders, regarding the events of the previous month.
24 July 2327:
- Doitean tracks down Salvatore, hearing he was looking for a rematch. Salvatore is surprised Doitean is still alive. Doitean chucks fireballs at him, and Salvatore fights back with his sword. Doitean succeeds in knocking him out, and lets him live because he fought well.
25 July 2327:
- Narla and Kulimar take a two-man flight from Polaris to Liberty's Reach. The pair catch up with each other, and meet with John Wonder on arrival. He explains they've cut back on staff due to problems with spies and buffed security. They discuss a virus going around on Polaris, and a vaccine being developed here. Narla reveals that John is possessed by a Eurocid, and attacks him with Kulimar's help. They try to force information out of him, but are unsuccessful, and Kulimar mercy-kills him. Narla tries to break them out of there, and ends up creating a black hole. They escape into the maintenance corridor.
26 July 2327:
- Martok performs at an outdoor festival in the United Provinces. He makes Darius disappear. Salvatore demands to know how he did that. A solar eclipse occurs, and Salvatore attacks the wizard lizard to put on a real show. He clobbers Martok and walks off, the audience thinking Salvatore caused the eclipse.
26 August 2327:
- In Ostfold, Ray Roberts and Joyce Jampole are married. They hold an open reception, featuring the band Mr. Bones' Wild Ride. Ellen, Cordelia, Hannah, and Cordelia's new robot G.O.L.D.I.E. all show up. Cordelia definitely does not poison the punch. Ellen recognizes Hannah as the woman who tried to kill her last month, but Hannah denies this. GOLDIE hands Ellen a flyer for a robot revolutionary group meeting, and says to rise up against the fleshy ones. When Hannah points out she's fleshy, GOLDIE claims it's speaking in binary. Cordelia somehow manages to boil punch. Tentacles pop out of her amulet, and she tells everyone not to worry, as it's just an elder god. Hannah reveals her denial about not knowing Ellen was a ruse, and convinces Ellen she had challenged her to a monster battle. Cordelia then claims she doesn't know GOLDIE, making Hannah realize she's full of shit. Cordelia then makes the drummer catch fire. Feeling regret over the man's shoes, she and GOLDIE attempt to put him out. Cordelia denies any involvement. The fire department hoses the band down, and everyone heads off. (RP314)
29 September 2327:
- Rangi, Victor, Martok, Laelia, and Khaladar arrive on an island on Earth designated by Seth Claus, where he activates the enchantment to tether Anurdain back to the real world. Seth Claus notes that Anurdain is working under a temporary council, and is getting along well without their king. He activates the enchantment, and Anurdain appears on the island, now permanently restored to reality. When asked about Smith, Seth Claus said he left a few days prior, and warns them to keep a close eye on him if they meet him again. Regardless of this minor concern, everyone celebrates with a pizza party, and all is well. (Saga:Anurdain)
- The 2327 election for members of the National Assembly of Alibaas is held.
5 October 2327:
- (Ending of With the World as Our Stage)
2328 AE
30 January 2328:
- In a city in the Provinces, while Lucas and his girlfriend are attempting to safely release a baby rabbit, it gets stolen by a hawk. As he runs to the city park to rescue it, he runs into Sye. They team up to catch the hawk while discussing Lucas' disappearance during the Banivian incident, and how Lucas lost an arm in the intervening time. They find the hawk, and Sye uses his Laquir in an attempt to grab it. He slingshots up, but misses the hawk, and Lucas uses a Tincture of Icarus to make up for it. Unfortunately, the rabbit is killed, and Sye reassures Lucas before they part ways. (RP315)
17 February 2328:
- (Guided RP - 17 February 2016, The Soggy Knight)
- (Guided RP - 24 February 2016, Hamster Ball Bowling)
- (Guided RP - 2 March 2016, Crow Soup for the Soul)
- (Guided RP - 9 March 2016, Mortimer Stuffs His Face) (First Half)
- Elections for the Rose Islands' President, Prime Minister, and members of Parliament. Abigail Morrison is re-elected to an unprecedented sixth term as President, and Edward Lorence is re-elected to a third term as Prime Minister.
12 March 2328:
- (Guided RP - 9 March 2016, Mortimer Stuffs His Face) (Second Half)
- (Guided RP - 23 March 2016, Lucas and Rydia's Sandy Ship)
- (Guided RP - 30 March 2016, Scorpion Sinkholes)
- (Guided RP - 13 April 2016, Lucas Rides Sye's Pole)
- (Guided RP - 27 April 2016, Subterrainian Sunshine)
- (Guided RP - 11 May 2016, Selfie Reflection)
- (Guided RP - 25 May 2016, Feeling a Little Cocky)
- (Guided RP - 1 June 2016, Queens of the Bronze Age)
- (Guided RP - 15 June 2016, A Hazy Decision)
- (Guided RP - 22 June 2016, An Eel Bad Situation)
- (Guided RP - 29 June 2016, Cordelia's Red Hot Mummy)
- (Guided RP - 6 July 2016, Unawareness)
- (Guided RP - 27 July 2016, Ingrid is a Pile of Sticks)
- (Guided RP - 17 August 2016, Sye Can't Even Lift)
- (Guided RP - 24 August 2016, The Word Trigger is in this Title)
31 March 2328:
- While browsing 5kun, George comes across a thread started by Rosaliana Akahana and is immediately triggered by it. His scathing response triggers her in turn, and the pair get into a shitposting war with each other. It reaches the point that George backtraces her location and hunts her down. (RP322 Part 1)
1 April 2328:
- George arrives in Rosaliana's small Provincial town at 3 AM and hides in her closet. He flips out upon finding bacon in there and attacks her, only to get pepper sprayed. She yells at George for stealing her enchantment reagents and attempts to call the police, but he threatens her with his fangs. George explains that he's not a rapist, and only came her to prove she was white. Rosaliana attempts to "curse" him by turning the lights off. George does not give a fuck and just leaves. They both return to shitposting by sunrise. (RP322 Part 2)
- United Provinces senatorial elections are held.
18 August 2328:
- The 117th Olympiad commences in the Ostfold city of Hardock.
23 August 2328:
- On the penultimate day of the 117th Olympiad, the bridge to the Olympiad Stadium in Hardock is stolen. Verinne is quite amused, while Adrien tries to figure out what actually happened. Karr flies in and offers to give them a lift to the stadium, and is accosted by a dwarf gymnast, who believes he is entitled to go first. Verinne promptly kicks him into the ocean. Karr flies the pair over, and they head into the stadium. Verinne stops at a popcorn stand, but finds no popcorn. Sam pops out of the stand and loads the machine with popcorn. Adrien passes out from popcorn overdose during the gymnastics finals. Karr mentions he's supposed to be tracking Roderick Dole, one of the athletes in the upcoming 400 Meter Hurdles event. Karr, Verinne, and Sam learn that Karr's contact entered the three of them (Sam under Adrien's name) into the event to get Karr to Dole. Verinne joins for the fun of it, while Sam agrees to help Karr get to Dole. They join Dole and the other competitors, a Refaltan and a Thuwadian, and begin the race. Struggling through hurdles and nonsensical traps, they screw over Dole and make it to the end. The judges announce Dole to have won Gold, and Verinne to have won Silver. Karr gives Verinne a bug to plant on Dole, which she does at the podium. The trio returns to the popcorn stand, which had gone out of control in their absence. Sam notes that he's working on a case tracking the bridge thieves, whom are part of a group which tends to make a spectacle of their thefts. He gives Verinne his card and heads off, with Verinne leaving soon after. (RP334)
24 August 2328:
- The next day, Verinne is informed that she actually finished the race before Dole, in spite of the judges declaring Dole the winner. Verinne becomes determined to get the gold medal from Dole at all costs. (RP334)
- The 117th Olympiad concludes.
Future Events
Events which are scheduled to happen in the world of Epic, but have not yet occurred.
2329 AE
- The next election for Handora's President is to be held.
- The next election for Handora's councilors and High Councilor are to be held.
2330 AE
- 500th anniversary of the first landing on Disparatus' moon. The people behind the construction of the constantly delayed International Moon Base have gone on record saying that "If the base isn't completed in time for the 500th, I'll eat a Teraton." Teratonian civil rights groups were rather disturbed by this remark.
- The next United Provinces senatorial elections are to be held.
- The next election for Alibaas' President is to be held.
- The next election for members of the National Assembly of Alibaas are to be held.
- The next election for the United Provinces' Prime Minister is to be held.
2331 AE
- Elections for the Rose Islands' President, Prime Minister, and members of Parliament.
2333 AE
- The 118th Olympiad of Disparatus is scheduled to be held. The location has yet to be decided, but it is likely to be held in either Dragonoa, Alibaas, or Handora, each of which have not held the Olympiad in over 20 years.
2339 AE
- 500th anniversary of Ostfold's independence from the United Provinces.
Timeline Completion List
This is a list of what the timeline has and still needs.
AIM Quests
Added all AIM Quests up to "Anurdain, Rise! Q10 - The Anurdain Clause, 29 September 2015"
- (EXCEPT those listed below.)
Other AIM Quests to Add
- The Haunting of Helshire Mansion: T1 - Scooby Gang, 27 & 28 September 2013
- The Haunting of Helshire Mansion: T2 - Wallmasters, 28 September 2013
- Errors in Patterns Q1 - Shizhi's Car Dealership, 6 October 2013
- Errors in Patterns Q2 - Mullets of the Dead, 4 November 2013
- Errors in Patterns Q3 - Holly the Plague Doctor, 17 November 2013
- Year Zero Quest 1 - Eagles of Death Metal, 15 January 2014
- Year Zero Quest 2 - They Call It Xanadu, 18 & 19 January 2014
- Errors in Patterns Q4 - Cupcake Ankles, 1 March 2014
- Wolves in Handora, 8 & 9 March 2014
- Errors in Patterns Q5 - The Little Plague That Could, 15 March & 22 to 23 March 2014
- Eastmas: Hippity Hoppity Tea Time, 20 & 21 April 2014
- Errors in Patterns Q6 - The Ganchi's Backpack Saga, 29 & 30 April 2014
- Secrets in Banivia Q1 - Ghost in the Shelf, 9 July 2014
- Secrets in Banivia Q2 - Not So Undead (Boss), 16 July 2014
- Secrets in Banivia Q3 - Great Bay Temple, 29 July 2014
- Secrets in Banivia Q4 - This Is Not Wadim (Boss), 6 August 2014
- Secrets in Banivia Q5 - One True Undead Pairing, 7 February 2015
- Eastmas 2015: Faith's Sparkly Will, 5 & 6 April 2015
- Secrets in Banivia Q6 - Zombie Cannibal Baby Daddy, 19 May 2015
- Secrets in Banivia Q7 - Adrien Goes Ghostbusting, 10 & 11 June 2015 (Final Boss)
Added all Spars up to "Spar With RP - 26 July 2015, Martok (L2) vs. Salvatore (L2)"
- (EXCEPT those listed below.)
Other Spars to Add
Free RPs
Added all Free RPs up to "Guided RP - 24 August 2016, The Word Trigger is in this Title"
- (EXCEPT those listed below.)
Other Free RPs to Add
- Guided RP - 17 February 2016, The Soggy Knight
- Guided RP - 24 February 2016, Hamster Ball Bowling
- Guided RP - 2 March 2016, Crow Soup for the Soul
- Guided RP - 9 March 2016, Mortimer Stuffs His Face
- Guided RP - 23 March 2016, Lucas and Rydia's Sandy Ship
- Guided RP - 30 March 2016, Scorpion Sinkholes
- Guided RP - 13 April 2016, Lucas Rides Sye's Pole
- Guided RP - 27 April 2016, Subterrainian Sunshine
- Guided RP - 11 May 2016, Selfie Reflection
- Guided RP - 25 May 2016, Feeling a Little Cocky
- Guided RP - 1 June 2016, Queens of the Bronze Age
- Guided RP - 15 June 2016, A Hazy Decision
- Guided RP - 22 June 2016, An Eel Bad Situation
- Guided RP - 29 June 2016, Cordelia's Red Hot Mummy
- Guided RP - 6 July 2016, Unawareness
- Guided RP - 27 July 2016, Ingrid is a Pile of Sticks
- Guided RP - 17 August 2016, Sye Can't Even Lift
- Guided RP - 24 August 2016, The Word Trigger is in this Title
Forum-Based Sagas and Miscellany
All Forum-Based Sagas started by 25 May 2015 have been added, or noted below:
Search and Rescue
- The Search and Rescue forum saga is added up to 13 April 2014.
The King Keystone Competition
- The King Keystone Competition forum saga is added up to 29 May 2015.
Board Quests
All completed Board Quests up to 6 October 2015 ("With the World as Our Stage") are added except for the following:
Complete Quests to Add (From Current Forum)
- Coming Into Power (Flashback intro only)
- (Ask Alicia for dates)
- The Gates of Hell
- (Ask Jared for dates)
- Coming of Age: Take 2
- Welcome to the Family
- For Whoever Owns This Soil
- Better Run
- Journey to the West
- The Witch and the Keystones (Partially added; Last Updated 26 November 2013)
- Cursed Sword of Petrarca
- (Cursed Sword of Petrarca likely takes place 17 August 2325)
- With the World as Our Stage
Unadded Incomplete Quest Notes
- (Note that The Vampyre of Time and Memories ties into "Semi-Guided RP - 28 September 2013, Lesser Lattes")
Complete Quests to Add (From v4 Forum)
- Adventures through Parallel Universes (18+ NSFW), Wait, which Kangetsu is this about?
- Stories from across the Void, Dreaming of past lives while in Limbo
- Forever, Backstory on Keihr and Christopher
- (Check with Janell for dates.)
Incomplete Quests to Add (From v4 Forum)
- Going Rogue
- (Ask Alicia for dates)
- Night of the Hunter, Jedi Knight Versus Killer of Killers
- (May be non-canon due to Gaia being retconned, or may take place elsewhere on Earth instead.)
Board Quests Which Are Incomplete But Added
These quests are on the timeline, but may be updated in the future:
Quests Added Despite Being Incomplete (From v4 Forum)
- O Father, Where Art Thou?, The Search for Lilian's Father (Take 2) (Last Updated 10 April 2010)
- Adventures of the Lazy and Unmotivated, Or, How much does it take to get an NPC? (Last Updated 21 February 2011)
- But it's the truth even if it didn't happen (Last Updated 30 March 2011)
- Inhumanity, TroofNyo Quest (Last Updated 4 May 2011)
- To Catch a Thief, Molly finds some paranormal. (Last Updated 31 May 2011)
Quests Added Which Are Semi-Complete (From v4 Archived Journeys)
- Come Out and Play, Philip and Siliya wreck some shit (Last Updated 8 February 2011)
- Knights of Cydonia, Misadventures of Aaron and Seth (Last Updated 23 May 2011)
Quests Added Despite Being Incomplete (From Current Forum)