Three Years Ago

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Title Three Years Ago
Number 1 Quest Total
Date 12 January 2011
Players Tyler (GM), Nick, Aaron, Jared, Kristen, Alicia, Isabel, Kevin2
Characters Earth (NPC), Nathan Cobalt, NPC Aaron, Skorax, Rosalie, Elentra, Marianne, Luffy, Mull (NPC), Old and New Epic Edjejre (NPCs), Manly Trio (NPCs)
Setting Losennan Woods, Banivian Empire, Earth

Plot Summary


In September of 2319, in the Old Epic, New Epic, and SAJ Epic Universes, Earth investigated the actions of Edjejre. On 30 September, a link was formed by the Edjejres between Old and New Epic near the town of Losenna, and both respective Earths were trapped in New Epic.

From 1 to 2 October 2319, SAJ Epic Edjejre crossed between worlds in search of the Control Universe, the real world. His plans were thwarted by the Manly Trio, and his own Awakening, the Infinitum Exoris, destroyed him. However, on the 9th, his backup plan was put into action, sending a message to New Epic Edjejre. New Epic Edjejre passed it and his own message on to Old Epic Edjejre, hoping to join forces to reach the Control Universe.


On 17 December 2322, Earth sent out the following letters to Nathan, Aaron, Skorax, Rosalie, Elentra, Marianne, and Luffy:

Dear Insert Name Here,

Hiya! This is Earth! I'll cut past the paste and get to zee point. Can you come to the Losennan Woods next week? I'm having a super-duper campout! We'll tell ghost stories and have marshmellows! It'll be the best winter campout in Banivia EVER!

Please please please please please please come. I wanna talk about the last time we were all here, three years ago. This'll be so much fun!

Yours in Tomato,

P.S.: Sorry about the red crayon. I was all out of grape-smelling markers, and crayons smell almost as tasty.

Three years ago. Many could barely remember it. No one could seem to remember anything for two years after October 2319. What the letter's recipients do recall is being up in Banivia with some other people in the middle of that October, but the details were kind of fuzzy.

Looking back at the letter, they noticed that there's no specific date specified, just "next week". Being curious about what happened, they felt this may jog their memory a bit.

On the 26th, Earth sent out a second letter:

Dear you,

For some reason, no one showed up for the campout that I didn't set a date for in the invitation. HOW STRANGE. Earth here has to buy fireworks all week for the new year, so how about next week? Either Wednesday or Thursday. I'll decide which. You'll know.

See you then with smores,

The Reunion (12 January 2323)

On 12 January, 2323, the seven people Earth had sent letters to meet with him and Marcus Mull in the Losennan Woods. After some re-introductions, it's explained that Mull recently received a package, and because of its contents, he needs to hear about the group's meeting with Edjejre three years ago, from a source more reliable than Earth. Although many of them can't quite recall the events at first, the group obliges him, and begins their story...

Old Epic (10 October 2319)

In October 2319, in Old Epic, Edjejre meets with Nathan, Rosalie, and Marianne near Losenna in Banivia. Nathan makes fun of his stupid name. When Edjejre explains the tear between universes, Marianne and Rosalie freak out about Nero. Although Edjejre claims he wishes to share the Control Universe's power with everyone, they all deem it a bad thing, with Cobalt in particular being reminded of Clay. Edjejre distracts them by discussing the recent disappearances of Aaron, Elentra, and Seth. Although Rosalie and Cobalt attempt to move Edjejre so a battle with him does not open the tear, he attacks, and they are forced to fight back. The group overwhelms him, but it's too late, and the tear opens...

New Epic (10 October 2319)

In October 2319, in New Epic, Edjejre meets with Aaron, Elentra, Skorax, and Luffy near Losenna in Banivia. Luffy and Aaron make fun of his stupid name. Edjejre gets mad when they then call Skorax's name cool. When he explains the tear between universes, Aaron and Luffy refuse to buy it, Skorax says he doesn't care as long as he's paid well, and Elentra asks to see the Book of Quests. Edjejre permits this, and hands it over. Aaron chucks Luffy at Edjejre, and a battle begins. Elentra has Luffy protect the book while Edjejre is utterly pummelled on. Skorax stands up for Edjejre and the book for the sake of getting paid, and they all agree to talk things over. Aaron pokes holes in Edjejre's plan, noting they can just not use any abilities at all, but Edjejre respond by just using his own abilities to fight them, and notes he never intended to pay Skorax. Betrayed, Skorax damages the book, but Edjejre retakes it, just as the tear opens.

Old Epic Edjejre appears through the tear, chased down by Nathan, Marianne, and Rosalie. The Old and New Epic Earths show up to observe. Aaron is very confused as to why these Earths are in New Epic. The group beats up on both Edjejres, and Elentra orders everyone to stop the battle, as it's only making the tear worse. Aaron then has her burn one of the Books of Quests, infuriating New Epic Edjejre. The pair explains how SAJ Epic Edjejre contacted them via a giant chess piece, and are cut off by the arrival of the Manly Trio in Hopestar Alpha, along with the stowaway SAJ Earth. Old Epic Aaron deems the arrival of Manly Aaron very awkward. Rosalie deems this entire situation to be not real, and goes into shock. The Manly Trio uses a Steak Sharer they found to share Manly powers with the entire group sans the Edjejres. Skorax shoots New Epic Edjejre in the head, killing him with Manly power. Old Epic Edjejre uses his Infinitum Exoris to break the fourth wall and chuck OnlineHost at the group, but he doesn't roll high enough. Try as he might, nothing can stop the group, not even the almighty Slashcon, or his Red Anistone. In a desperate last stand, he attempts to delete the forums, but the continued onslaught causes his own Exoris to start tearing him apart. Finally, Old Epic Aaron thrusts his sword through Edjejre's chest, killing him.

In the aftermath, the Manly Trio thanks the group for taking down Edjejres #15 and #16 for them, ending their Edjejre killing journey across the multiverse. Skorax deems himself the best, as he killed one of the Edjejres in a single shot. He spits on Hopestar Alpha as compensation for his efforts and leaves. The Earths, having spoken with each other during the battle, realize they were all originally one Earth, and recombine before leaving to seek out his other selves. Saying their goodbyes, Marianne and Cobalt carry Rosalie back through the tear to Old Epic. The Manly Trio closes the tear and leaves for home.

Book Burning (12 January 2323)

As the story ends, Mull reveals that he had been sent the New Epic Book of Quests by an anonymous source. The book, as it turned out, had survived the battle with only burn damage, as Elentra had destroyed the Old Epic book instead. After Skorax takes pictures of some of the book's contents and offers to track down the sender, the group votes to destroy it, with only Skorax objecting. Aaron ends it by making the book explode.


  • First appearances of Skorax Blundergad, Marcus Mull (New Epic), and the Steak Sharer. Only non-game appearances of the Manly Trio and Hopestar Alpha.
  • Both Edjejres mention that their respective Tony Hawks investigated some events in the town of Bakersgrove, where they presumably met. Although this was intended as a nod to Tyler's plans regarding the two Tony Hawks' first meeting, this conflicts with what was later established in Cecil's Midnight Runners, which explained that incident in detail. As such, the current explanation is that in both universes, The Hawk investigated unusual activity in South Bakersgrove, where he found a ripple in the universe which called his name, and then scheduled a show in North Bakersgrove for that December because of it.
  • New Epic Edjejre references the then-recent arrival of Kadoya Tsukasa in the New Epic Universe.