Sye Dalziel

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Sye by Nick.png
Name Sye Dalziel
Gender Male
Born 6 July 2298 (2298-07-06) (Age 38)
Weight Approx. 175 lbs.
Hair Brown
Race Neophyte
Affinity Fire
Alignment Passive Good
Weapon of Choice Shortsword, Laquir Koru
Affiliation None
First Appearance Ivory Arch Tournament Day 1 (AIM Saga)
Player Tyler

"Okay, you guys are crazy."


Everyone else is a durrhurr.

Mad because Marianne and Nick were stylin' on him.


Early Life

Summer of Tournaments

Year of the Knife

After spending a few months actively avoiding places where he might end up running into the same people again and having crazy stuff happen, he once again saw "Truth" (also known as "Stranger") and Michael at a nightclub in the town of Twin Hawks, and met Ganchi and Cail. Explaining why he was annoyed with running into people over and over, Truth declared Sye a coward, which Sye didn't like.

Half of the people in the club then died, and the group went off to investigate, Sye determined to prove he wasn't a coward. And then he left Truth alone in a room with a knife-wielding madman because he didn't want to get stabbed. After witnessing Michael eat another man, and Jericho Kashinsky escapes, the group determined they'd learned all that they could, and parted ways after meeting the Tony Hawks.

About a year later, he briefly ran into Su-Hyun Nae, Kastos, and Jolene Ketelsen at a movie theater, and then may or may not have fought Enos a few times as the world's way of sparring was improved.

During the "tenth celebration" in Valencia one month later, Sye once again ran into Jericho Kashinsky, who didn't remember anything he did during their meeting in Twin Hawks. With some help from Simon Wulfric and Verinne the Impatient, they got him to give up the odd knife that caused his actions. Adrien Lex ended up stabbing himself with it, and Simon carefully wrapped up the knife to take it for study.

Slotheim Manor

In July 2324, Sye was one of the fourteen people invited by Fredrik Eingdahl to Slotheim Manor. He teamed up with Mortimer Harrison and Cordelia Malaise, and was present to see the pillar depicting the story of the green Laquir. He was nearly killed as Cordelia lit the lighthouse on fire, but escaped with Mortimer's help.

In the treasure room beneath the island, Sye discovered the blue Laquir in the chest and compared it to his own. The Orkan Aberrant revealed his true nature to the group, telling Sye to hand both over and he'd leave unharmed. Ken Hiyama stepped in and urged the others not to allow it. The group fought both Aberrant and Elanen Hordsii, with Sye knocking Aberrant unconscious. However, Miss Hordsii delivered a killing blow to Sye, ending his life.

He got better a week later. Ken Hiyama explained his nature as a time traveller, and the truth about the Orkans' plans with the Laquiri. Sye left to speak with his father about the gems, and he told him of his past with The Old Gang, and the disappearance of the red Laquir after the defeat of Granmir the Firebringer. His father told him of his suspicions that either Derlin Ranmesel or Granmir had something to do with the disappearance.

A few months later, Sye ran into Stranger in a bad neighborhood in Falkenaas. He asked Sye if luck or wits have kept him alive this long, especially after witnessing Sye's death at Slotheim. Sye pointed out his luck hasn't been that great, so Stranger challenged him to battle to test this. Sye promptly curbstomped him.

Trip to Earth

When the Eisernfalk was set to return to Earth, Sye convinced his father to let him go in his place in search of Derlin. He ran into Stranger once again on boarding the Eisernfalk, along with the likes of Elkorvir, Kaida, Halo, Lucas Zichopa, Seraxel Gratador, Iana, Ánië lat Orltzaniva, and Yu Narukami. They did what little they could to help as the ship was rocked by the Aetherstorm surrounding the planet, and they soon landed in eastern Eisenstaat near the Eluvina border.

The group soon ran into the Nameless One known as Ingrid, and reluctantly followed her into the woods to get her to apparent safety from an angry mob. She quickly grated on their nerves, driving all but Sye, Stranger, Lucas, and Ánië away. They eventually discovered a bit of her true nature, and stumbled across some ruins from the time of The Eight Legends. Ingrid's presence woke undead followers of the Eight, who sought to slay her. An enraged Ingrid sent the four halfway across the world.

The four of them appeared at a tower in Ibadia, in the presence of another Nameless One, the everyman. Sye and Stranger remembered him from Slotheim, although Sye questioned this, being fairly certain he was dead when most of the others saw the everyman there. He put this out of mind as the everyman explained that he was working to re-seal the prison binding his fellow Nameless, and they were soon taken to The Black Island to fix it. The everyman had Sye make use of the green Laquir, empowered by one of Lucas' suns, to interact with the prison as the rest of them worked on an enchantment.

This only resulted in the prison breaking completely, the everyman having actually been manipulating them into doing his work for him. The four of them refused to just let him succeed, however, and Sye used his connection to the remaining Aether in the prison to disspell the everyman with it for a time. They made use of this break to activate the Eight Legends' failsafe, a spell to bind the Nameless in place, effectively thwarting the everyman's plan despite the prison breaking. It remained unclear if the everyman himself was affected, as he was disspelled at the time the enchantment was activated.

The group is returned to Ibadia, where they parted ways. Sye found himself exhausted, and as he was unable to even enter Alfheim to look for Derlin, he caught an Aethership back to Disparatus, the Aetherstorm around Earth having dissapated following the destruction of the prison the Aether was leaking from.

Black Rock and Beyond

Sye participated in the Black Rock Tournament of 2325, where he once again met Stranger, although the two never faced each other in battle. He took down Seth the Retarded Barkeep in the preliminary round, and narrowly defeated Lucas in the Quarter-Finals. He faced Kulimar in the Semi-Finals, where the pair fought to a Double KO. The judges awarded Kulimar the victory, but Sye left satisfied. Afterwards, he sparred with Luci, who would have been his opponent if he had defeated Kulimar, but was easily defeated.

Over the next few months, Sye did some side work for his father, tracking down potential leads on the read Laquir. Eventually, while visiting family in the New Terra Province city of Pottsdam, he ran into Lucas once again, who challenged him to a spar. Sye came out as the winner, and met briefly with Roxy, Lucas' mother.