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Stealth governs your ability to move silently and remain hidden, as well as doing or saying things without being noticed or heard, or giving someone a potion without their knowledge. While you are Stealthed against someone, they have no idea that you are there. Stealth is generally detected through the use of Awareness.

In battle, this means that you can move freely and cannot be targeted until you've been noticed. While stealthed, you can continue to move and act freely, but the instant you perform anything except a free or minor action, everyone within 40 feet (8 spaces) becomes aware of you.

You may attempt to enter stealth at the cost of a quick action. When you enter stealth, roll 1d100 and add your Stealth and any modifiers. This number is what all attempts to notice you will be compared to. Anyone that can see you at the moment you enter stealth automatically succeeds in noticing you.

If you attack someone while stealthed, then you gain a +25 bonus to Accuracy and Attack for that one sneak attack.

Sneaking Modifiers

  • Distress: Characters in a state of panic or distress are more open to suggestions and suffer a -15 penalty to their Awareness check to notice you.
  • Distraction: Characters distracted take a -15 penalty to their Awareness check to notice you.
  • Inebriation: Characters that have their judgment in some way impaired suffer a -25 penalty to their Awareness check to notice you.
  • Unconscious: Unconscious characters take a -75 penalty to their Awareness check to notice you.


If you have reasonably high Stealth, you can steal from other characters or NPCs. Determine how many credits you wish to steal, and then roll a 1d100. Add your Stealth to the sum. If you roll equal to or greater than the number of credits you wish to steal, then you succeed.

Anyone within five feet of you (including the target) has a chance of noticing a pickpocket attempt, whether or not it was successful. They must roll a 1d100 and then add their Awareness. If their sum matches or beats your Stealth roll, then they notice.

If a character is unconscious or otherwise incapable of moving, you can take items from their backpack, or steal the backpack entirely. However, you can only carry one backpack at a time, so you have to discard your own if you're presently carrying one. If you are in view of anyone while doing either of these things, they can attempt to roll Awareness against your Stealth to notice this.

Stealing Modifiers

There are a number of things that can affect the success rate of Stealth rolls. Acting GM/Owner/Ref can choose to add a penalty or bonus depending on circumstances that are left up to their judgment.

  • Distraction: If someone is facing away from you, then they suffer a -15 penalty to their Awareness roll to detect you.
  • High Stakes: If you're attempting to steal at least half of the amount of money that someone carries, then they gain a +25 bonus on their Awareness roll to detect you.
  • Unaware: If you are currently Stealthed against an individual, then they suffer a -15 penalty to their Awareness roll to detect you.

With MAX Stealth

You get this ability if with 100 Stealth, besides all modifiers.

Master Thief (Ability) :: Just as one can steal credits from a character in RP, you can steal reagents. State the reagents and number of them you'd like to steal from someone, then roll your STL. The number you need to beat is 100 + (rank number x number taken). See chart for rank value details.

  • Rank D: 20
  • Rank C: 30
  • Rank B: 40
  • Rank A: 50

The number you tried to steal is what you get if you succeed. Can be used twice a week, and only once every 24 hours.

The Stealth Plus

The + in Stealth effectively raises your Stealth skill by 25.

Physical: AthleticsStealthStrength
Mental: AwarenessHarvestingPerceptionWillpower
Social: CharismaDeceitSpeechcraft
Craft: BlacksmithingChemistryEnchantmentEngineeringGunsmithing
Special: Angelic RunesInfernal Runes