Peter Parker/The Amazing Spider-Man

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Name Peter Parker, Alias: "Spider-Man"
Gender Male
Born 15 August 2304 (2304-08-15) (Age 32)
Weight 167 lbs.
Hair Brown
Race Centurion
Affinity Sky
Alignment Lawful Good
Weapon of Choice Fists and Web Shooters
Affiliation None
Player Kevin2

"Look out! Here comes the Spider-Man!"


Originally just a normal student from Eutropia, Peter Parker was always considered some what of a nerdy type who was always bullied for his shy demeanor. His life of being a doormat suddenly ended on a field trip to a local SAHBER institute for chemistry class. What was going to be just a routine, and somewhat mundane, look at drugs designed to treat illnesses ended in a freak accident. A secret project of SAHBER, the Super Soldier project, somehow made its way into Peter's life when an animal test subject, a spider, escaped its enclosure and bit the student. What was originally thought to just be sickness brought on from the venom turned out to be a wild mutation caused by the serum flowing through the spider. Peter's DNA was mutated, and he gained some of the abilities of a spider. Wall-crawling, increased strength and agility, and a sixth-sense.

He originally created the character of Spider-Man to appear as a freelance wrestler, in order to make money. He took up the mantle of hero when his uncle, Benjamin Parker, died from a fatal gunshot wound. He was soon wracked by guilt when he discovered the killer was a robber he let run free, after he stole from the Wrestling Association, due to money disputes. With the last words his uncle left him ringing in his head; "With great power, there must also come great responsibility."; he vowed to use his genetic mutation for selfless means from that point on. To aid in his vigilantism, he created the web shooters and web fluid through his natural knack for chemistry, and has since used them to patrol Eutropia looking for thugs to take down. The costume serves the purpose of concealing his identity from SAHBER, who are still trying to track down the one bitten by their test subject, by any means necessary. It is not so much protection for himself, but for those that could be harmed by SAHBER in their desire to reclaim what they deem to be "their property".

Peter's mother and father died when he was at a very young age, so he knows very little about them. Ben and May Parker are the closest thing to parents he has.

Parker without the suit on