Sigurd Magnusson

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Name Sigurd Magnusson
Gender Male
Born 20 July 2282 (2282-07-20) (Age 54)
Weight Approx. 190 lbs.
Hair Black
Race Human
Affinity Rift
Alignment Lawful Good
Weapon of Choice The Svaldic Military
Affiliation King of Svaldon
First Appearance Lost to History Quest 2 (AIM Saga)
Player Tyler


King Sigurd Magnusson is the current King of Svaldon, chief advisor to his son, Prince Sigmund Magnusson. He was the previous Prince of Svaldon, having been coronated on his 17th birthday in 2299 AE, and becoming king in 2327 AE on Sigmund's 17th birthday.


Shut down the Runedoll project at one point. Got mad when he found out Ajoita Olta was trying to revive it behind his back.