Shyalee Loses Her Wings

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Shyalee wakes up in the outskirts of Dragonoa heavily injured, wingless, and missing memories. She's picked up and nursed back to health by a Thuwadian woman, who, after learning about Shyalee's situation, allows her to stay at her house until she can figure things out.

Several days pass, before Shyalee slowly starts to get her memories back, and feels driven to go to the UP to find answers. Thanking her host for her hospitality, she leaves not long after to seek a way out of the country.

In her travels, she stumbles across a port city, where she's finally able to find a temporary job and place to stay to pay for the plane out. Near the end of her employment, however, she overhears her employer in a back room, threatening to remove the wings of another faerie. Terrified, Shyalee makes a run for it, and flees the city.

Fortunately, the money she had already made turned out to be enough to pay for the airplane ticket.

At the UP airport, she conveniently meets up with Naida, her fiance, who was planning to take the plane to Dragonoa to search for her. Naida catches her up with everything that happened in her absence, before suggesting that the two of them go back to their hometown of Eluvina.

Once there, they find the place a war-torn wreck, and themselves labeled as traitors. After being given only one night to spend with their families, the two of them are taken to court, and found guilty on account of their failures in Disparatus. They're both sentenced to banishment from their country, and Shyalee is denied her wings until she proves herself through her actions outside of her home.