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Nation Handora
Planet Disparatus
Government Unitary Parliamentary Republic
Motto "Together, we shall prosper."
National color(s) Red and Silver
Population Approximately 500 million
Demographics 91% Handoran Humans, 3% Other Humans, 2% Thuwadian, 4% Other
Location Northern Hemisphere, with southern section passing the equator. East of the United Provinces, West of Alibaas.
Primary Languages Handoran
Founded 608 AE as the Great Handoran Empire ; 1657 AE as Shunai Handora ; 2089 AE as Handora
Capital Jian-Chai
Owner Tyler (Formerly Jared)


Handora is a fairly large nation mostly located in the northern hemisphere of Disparatus, with the southern section passing the equator. Because of this, much of Handora features a temperate climate, with the southern half being more tropical.

The land is split up into different regions, all controlled by the central government, but featuring their own varying cultures. However, there is an overall East Asian influence that drives the cultures of Handora.


Handora is a parliamentary republic, with a President as its head of state, and a High Councilor as the head of government and leader of the Handoran Council, having the most power. The councilors are voted for by the people once every three years, and the President once every five years. (Years ending in a 4 or 9) Councilors may serve a maximum of nine years on the council, and the President may serve a maximum of ten years in his or her position. Elections are most commonly held in April, but the constitution allows for it to be held a few months early or late in certain circumstances.

The current President of Handora is Yang Quaoping, who was elected in April 2324. The current High Councilor is Sillan Li, who became High Councilor following the 2323 elections.

Handora is also a unitary state, with the nation being comprised of various regions with some governing power over their citizens, but the central government having primary power over them. In short, what the central government says goes. However, most people who run for the Handoran Council tend to get their start as part of regional government positions.


Handora has a decently sized military, despite having been in few conflicts with other nations in the past couple centuries. The government traditionally notes the military's size and upkeep as being "just in case" when questioned on it.

In the past, the Handoran military was seperated into regional militias, but this was changed to a more centralized military by the Shunai government in the latter half of the 1600s, after the Shunai themselves took advantage of the regional setup of the military to overthrow the former government, as they didn't want the same to happen to them. It didn't help.


Early History

In the early days of the exploration of Disparatus by the Humans and Thuwadians, Handora didn't recieve quite as much attention as the temperate mainland or the southern continent did. It was mainly taken to by groups who wanted to live seperate of the main human goverment of what would later become the United Provinces. The land was more preferred to settle in over other choices, as Alibaas was already populated, and the future Arenan mainland had too much of a varied climate, while Handora was more temperate like the mainland.

These early settlers formed their own governments which ranged from tribes to small kingdoms of varying power and size. As time went on, they often warred with each other for territory, but remained an unconnected series of lands for quite a while.

The Great Handoran Empire

Around 600 AE, Laa Buillo (the early United Provinces) finally turned its sights on the Handoran continent, and set forth to add it to its own territory. The people of the land fought back, but were often overwhelmed by the invading forces' sheer numbers. However, some of the groups of Handora joined forces in order to combat the invading army, and were able to gain an upper hand, also aided by their knowledge of the area.

The warring waged on for a few years until the invading army was finally forced to fully withdraw from the continent in 607. While the fighting was now over, the groups which had banded together stayed together, having seen the effectiveness of their combined armies, and established a centralized government by 608, declaring itself as the Great Handoran Empire.

Over the next few hundred years, the empire grew in size, slowly gaining control over the other nations populating the continent and adding them as regions within itself, until it eventually had complete control over it. For a while, the empire thrived, although some rare attempts to branch out and take further land from elsewhere was met with the same failure the early Provinces faced when they attempted to take Handora, and so the empire mostly stayed put.

Shunai Handora

By the 1650s, the Imperial government had become weakened. The emperor had far less control over the regional militias than in the past, and many of them had begun to turn against the empire's control, often desiring to seize control for themselves. After years of uprisings by various groups, the Shunai region's leadership, promising freedom and rule by the people, gathered enough backing from other regions that it successfully took down the imperial government in 1657.

Reforming the nation as Shunai Handora, the Shunai leaders established a council-rule form of government, with the Shunai's own selected councilor heading the group as the Grand Councilor. While the people were able to vote for councilors, they had little control over who would become the new Grand Councilor, a position often selected by the current Grand Councilor, or the council themselves.

Modern Handora

The Shunai government worked well enough for a few hundred years before revolution struck up once again. By 2086, revolutionary groups gained enough power to overthrow the Shunai rule and reestablish the government. After a three-year provisional government, a constitution was ratified in 2089, and the nation was officially established as Handora. The system establisted in 2089 is still used today.

Notable Leaders of Handora

The Great Handoran Empire (608 AE - 1657 AE)

During the era of the Great Handoran Empire, the nation was ruled by an Emperor with absolute power over the empire. The following is a partial list of its Emperors, mainly those of note.

  • Zao Jiaxing (608 AE - 633 AE): First Emperor of the Great Handoran Empire.
  • Zao Quang (927 AE - 956 AE): Presented the Book of Quests to Provincian ambassador Granisus Andor in 941 AE.
  • Xian Mao (1088 AE - 1127 AE): Began minor colonization of the southeastern region of the Arenan continent, and led the empire to victory during The Northern Revolution.
  • Yu Jinmai (1374 AE - 1379 AE): Died early without bearing children. Succession passed to his cousin, Zhang Zihaon.
  • Zhang Zihaon (1379 AE - 1414 AE): Attempted further colonization of the northern continent (the future location of Ostfold) in the wake of the formation of De la Arena.
  • Wen Zihaon (1414 AE - 1433 AE)
  • Lu Zihaon (1433 AE - 1459 AE): Lost all Handoran territory on the Arenan continent in 1446 AE.
  • Jun Laihau (1643 AE - 1657 AE): Last Emperor of the Great Handoran Empire.
    • Li Laihau (1657 AE - 1664 AE): As heir to the throne, he led the remaining forces loyal to him for nearly seven years before being slain in battle by Shunai forces.

Shunai Handora (1657 AE - 2086 AE)

Under Shunai rule in Handora, the nation was ruled by a council, which was headed by a council-chosen Grand Councilor, who acted essentially as the leader of the nation.

  • Ming Laizhan (1657 AE - 1663 AE): First Grand Councilor of Handora.

Handoran Provisional Government (2086 AE - 2089 AE)

The Handoran Provisional Government lasted for three years, during which there was no single "leader" of the nation, as the postion of Grand Councilor had been suspended.

Modern Handora (2089 AE - Present)

With the establishment of the modern Handoran government, the position of Grand Councilor was returned in a form (renamed to High Councilor), and the position of President was established.

Councilors, including the High Councilor, are voted for once every three years and may serve no more than nine years on the council, a restriction added to combat problems with the former Shunai government. Because of both this and the difficulty of gaining political power without having first served on the council, High Councilors rarely serve more than one or two terms. The President is elected once every five years, in years ending in a 4 or 9, and may serve no more than ten years as President.


High Councilors

  • Zio Hanlau (2317 - 2323): High Councilor during the Two Year Gap.
  • Sillan Li (2323 - Present): Current High Councilor of Handora.


Handora is essentially a modern oriental country. Its varying regions often have distinct cultures, some being more Chinese in nature, others being Indian. It's pretty much East Asian in general, really.

There are also Triads around, many of which formed during Shunai rule in Handora. The Jade Lotus family is among the more prominent ones.

It's also worth noting that in some regions of Handora, it is customary to place one's surname before their first name, but others use the more common first-name-first style that most nations of Disparatus use.


Something like Hinduism is the most common religion because I'm lazy.

Notable Locations

Jian-Chai: The capital city of Handora. It is the second-largest city on Disparatus, with a population of approximately 10 million.

Wuhan (Nolau Region): A fairly sizeable center of commerce located in southern Handora.

Shozhai (Yaujiang Region): One of the largest lakes on Disparatus.

Nuhau (Changhao Region): The largest city of the Changhao region, and its regional capital. It's home to the famous Hanqing Square, and is the western end of the multi-mile bridge connecting the Changhao and Toja-On regions.

Liantou (Sinlao Region): One of the more active ports between Handora and the United Provinces, recieving trade ships and tourists in at just about all hours of the day.

Yaujiang: Located near one of the Handoran jungles, this city contains the ancestral home of the influential Rui family.

Mal-Ling (Shunai Region): Seat of government for the Shunai Region. Includes Handora's Historical Government Records Office.

More to come when I feel like it.


A list of Handora's twenty-six regions:

Jian-Chai: The smallest region of Handora. Includes the nation's capital of the same name, and the surrounding areas.

Shunai: Controlled Handora for a few hundred years.

Shonau: Located west of Shunai.

Toja-On: A small island region of Handora. Here's your Japanoland, kids.

Balin: An India for those Aarons of you out there.







Nolau: There are jungles in the western part of this region. Ancient Alibaas ruins have been found hidden in these jungles.

Dorai: Aaron's precious Indochina. Jungles and stuff.




Tensang: The southernmost region of Handora.


Yaujiang: Contains the great lake Shozhai.








A map of Handora and its regions.