SAJ Series

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The Seth, Aaron, and Janell Series is a series of games made by Tyler Thomas in RPG Maker XP, with art by Nick Dominguez as of the third game. They follow a modified real-world Seth, Aaron, and Janell as they interact and adventure among various Players, Characters, and engage in battles, usually for a fairly unimportant goal, such as eating Steak, or finding Waldo.

SAJ1: Seth, Aaron, and Janell's Adventure for Steak (Steak Game)

Also known as Steak Game, SAJ1 follows the trio as they decide one day that they want to get some Manly Steak. After heading through some woods and a city, including a fight with Tony Hawk, the adventure ultimately culminates in them receiving said steak and becoming the Manly Trio.

SAJ2: Seth, Aaron, and Janell Find Waldo (Waldo Game)

The Manly Trio spots Waldo in Seth's backyard and go to track him down in a forest. They eventually reach his hiding place, culminating in a battle with General Peral of the US Military to determine who gets to capture the elusive Waldo.

SAJ3: Seth, Aaron, and Janell Save the Universe (Universe Game)

The latest game in the SAJ series, featuring art by Nick Dominguez, SAJ3 follows the Manly Trio as they attempt to stop a man named Edjejre from conquering multiple universes. They team up with various characters from Epic itself and stop Edjejre from succeeding in his plan.

SAJ0: Seth, Aaron, and Janell Go to Mars (Mars Game)

A planned prequel game in the series, SAJ0 is set to feature a flashback story to a few months before SAJ1, showing the actual first team-up between Seth, Aaron, and Janell. It will be released whenever Tyler feels like making it.