Search and Rescue

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Title Search and Rescue
Number 11 Page Forum Saga (Possibly still ongoing)
Date 22 November 2013 to 13 April 2014 (Possibly still ongoing)
Players Kristen (GM), Jared, Alicia, Isabel, Robert, Katie
Characters Felicity, Morgan, Wren, Verinne, Kaida, Beli, Mortimer, Jakob, Edward (NPC), Mrs. White (NPC)
Setting Chantment, Banivian Empire, Earth

Timeline Summary


In August 2325, Felicity's partner in hunting dark creatures, Thomas Adair, goes missing. A month and a half later, she sends out fliers for a search and rescue mission in Banivia, to find Thomas. The city of Chantment, the only city in the Empire to have access to technology, is listed as the meeting point, in approximately three weeks' time.

Meeting in Chantment

On 22 November, Morgan and Wren arrive at The Four Horsemen tavern in Chantment, where they meet with Felicity, who sent out the flyers a few weeks ago. Felicity is surprised to see Morgan is a sirène, and acts a bit racist toward Wren. Felicity tells them they're looking for Thomas Adair, and the village nearby where she suspects is best to start looking for him. They gather some horses and meet up. As they're about to leave, Felicity spots Verinne, who had ventured to the city to find a non-existant blacksmith, but Felicity ignores her. Kaida arrives as well, having recieved Felicity's message, but was more interested in seeing who would gather than actually joining herself.

A wave of magic hits the area, encasing them in a dome, and seperating Wren from the group. Some sort of monstrous figure is in the dome with the group. Morgan attacks it, and Kaida helps as well to protect the villagers who were trapped inside with them. Kaida and Morgan defeat the beast, breaking the dome, and turning the beast back into a man. Verinne walks over to have a look at the situation. Someone in the crowd identifies the man as Edward White, who had run a nearby General Store and disappeared a while back. Felicity tells Verinne to stay with them because she's drawing suspicion on her own. The group goes to speak with Edward's wife. Beli flies into the upper part of the wife's home and steals some suspicious books. Morgan is pissed about the occultist behavior in the town, and leaves in disgust. Verinne examines the mask that was on Edward, determining it is definitely an infernal artifact.

The Catacombs

Mortimer and Jakob arrive in Chantment together, having met on the way to the city. They meet with the group, curious about the commotion. Mortimer notes the similarity to an incident in the town of Somersgate, deeper in Banivia, in the Dukedom of Dregg. Felicity says Dregg was the last known location of Thomas. Kaida, Mortimer, and Jakob officially join up with Felicity. They return to the General Store, where Edward's wife is breaking things and trying to escape, but Beli stops her. The woman explains that he went missing for a time and returned with the mask, acting short-tempered and distant. She eventually had to keep him locked up for his own safety. There is much discussion on numerology. They're interrupted by shouting in the distance as a mob forms. The wife directs the group to catacombs beneath the city. Mortimer distracts the mob to buy them time, joined by Kaida and Jakob. They fight off the mob and reach the catacombs.

The group discovers anti-dark-magic warding symbols on the catacomb walls. They run into traps, but reach the group the wife was looking for in an underground room. They see another mask here, which affects Mortimer, Kaida, and Felicity with strong feelings of it deserving respect. Verinne, who had run off for food, finally catches back up with the group. The group discusses the mask, and Jakob is disturbed by how the mask is affecting the others. Jakob takes stock of the part of the situation that he missed. The people they found explain they're a group who, while not magic experts themselves, try to help people such as Edward's wife and others too poor to hire actual magic users. They list others who were affected as Edward was.

The saga was cut off at this point. A conclusion may still be coming.


  • Possible first appearances of Morgan and Wren. Only appearances of Edward White and Mrs. White.
  • Due to Kristen being busy, the saga was unfortunately cut short. She has since stated a few times that she wishes to conclude it, which may still yet happen.