Title | Saw |
Number | 9 Quests Total |
Date | * Q1: 13 & 14 October 2009 * Q2a: 28 & 29 October 2009 * Q2b: 29 & 30 October 2009 * Q2c: 2 November 2009 * Q2d: 2 & 3 November 2009 * Q2e: 23 November & 15 December 2009 * Q3a: 3 February 2010 * Q3b: 9 February 2010 * Q3c: 10 February 2010 |
Players | Kevin1 (GM) (All), Jared (Q1 - Q2a), Greg (Q1), Kristen (Q1 - Q2b, Q3a - Q3c), Alicia (Q1 - Q2d, Q3a - Q3c), Isabel (Q1 - Q2b, Q2e - Q3c), Robert (Q1), Aaron (Q1 - Q2b, Q2e - Q3c), David (Q2a), Nick (Q2a - Q3b), Francesco (Q2a) |
Characters | Puzzle Killer (Q1 - Q2d, Q3a - Q3c) (NPC), Bill (Q1 - Q2a), Scar (Q1), Shyalee (Q1), Siliya (Q1 - Q2b, Q3a - Q3c), Jacob (Q1, Cameo Q2a, Q2b, Q2e), Mortimer (Q1), Philip (Q1 - Q2b, Q2e - Q3c), Glenn (Q2a), Iota (Q2a - Q2e), Holly (Q2a - Q2b, Q3a - Q3c), Victor (Q2a), Slim (Q2a), Nathan Cobalt (Q2c - Q2d, Q3a), Marianne (Q3a - Q3c), Darius (Q3a - Q3c), Unnamed Police Lieutenant (Q1) (NPC), Agent Styla (Q2a - Q2d) (NPC), Greg Mason (Q2a) (NPC), Paul (Q2a) (NPC), Ryan (Q2a) (NPC), Brenard (Q2a) (NPC), Amber (Q2b) (NPC), Officer Derrick (Q2b, Q2d) (NPC), Janiene (Q2b, Q2d) (NPC), RJ (Q2c) (NPC), Heather (Q2c) (NPC), Jeremy (Q2c) (NPC), Jeff (Q2d) (NPC), Reddings (Q2d) (NPC), Green (Q2e - Q3a) (NPC), Dave (Q3a) (NPC), Stu (Q3a) (NPC), Donald (Q3b) (NPC), Joanne (Q3b) (NPC), Walter (Q3c) (NPC), Bella (Q3c) (NPC) |
Setting | * Q1: Unnamed City, United Provinces, Disparatus * Q2a - Q2b: Unnamed Town & Bayard Prison, United Provinces, Disparatus * Q2c - Q2d: Los Murtes, United Provinces, Disparatus * Q2e: Los Hallow, United Provinces, Disparatus * Q3a - Q3c: Mercy, United Provinces, Disparatus |
Timeline Summary
Quest 1
On 13 October 2321, a serial killer known as the Puzzle Killer kidnaps Bill, Scar, Shyalee, Siliya, Jacob, Mortimer, Philip, and a Police Lieutenant in the United Provinces. He subjects them to a series of torturous tests, and makes Jacob Orifiel his apprentice.
Quest 2 Parts 1 and 2
On 2 November, the Puzzle Killer strikes again at a county fair, taking Philip, Siliya, Glenn, Iota, Victor, Holly, and Bill, among others, and subjecting them to tests in the abandoned Bayard Prison. After escaping his tests, the survivors of the group briefly meet him. Iota makes the first use of his Vampire abilities and is "killed" to let the others escape. As he revives, he challenges the killer to give him his best.
Quest 2 Parts 3 and 4 - Epic's a Wii Partii
The next day, Iota awakens in an abandoned warehouse for the Puzzle Killer's second challenge, testing him across the city of Los Murtes to save Nathan's life. At his final test, he unhesitatingly lets himself be electrocuted to save Nathan.
Quest 2 Part 5 - Epic's a Wii Point Five
On November 23rd, police interview Iota, Philip, and Jacob about their involvement in the Puzzle Killer attacks. Jacob reveals the killer's real name: John Kabella.
Quest 3 Parts 1 to 3
On 3 February 2322, in the small town of Mercy, the Puzzle Killer strikes again, kidnapping Holly, Siliya, Marianne, Nathan Cobalt, Philip, and Darius. Cobalt and Marianne are killed. Holly kills the Puzzle Killer at the end of the group's series of tests, and is locked up without food or water by his final trap.
- First appearance of Scar. First unnamed appearance of Slim, as the "blue spy". Only appearance of John Kabella, the Puzzle Killer.
- Saw was the first AIM Saga held in New Epic.
- Quest 3 features the first deaths of Nathan Cobalt, Marianne Lavelle, and Holly Marie Moore. It also features the Puzzle Killer's death.
- The Puzzle Killer was initially just Jigsaw from the Saw series, as indicated by the saga name, but this was later retconned to be slightly more in line with Epic. While Quest 2 Part 5 revealed his name as John Kramer, this has also been retconned (to John Kabella) due to John Kramer being the Jigsaw Killer's name.
- Despite being NPCs, Agent Styla and Heather Marx were played by Alicia, Paul Bruner was played by Isabel, Ryan Hicks was played by Francesco, Amber Reinhold was played by Kristen, and Donald Kiergon was played by Nick, on Kevin's request.