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Name SPD-14
Gender N/A
Born Constructed 2260 AE ; Achieved sentience 2 December 2260 (2260-12-02) (Age 76)
Weight Approx. 400 lbs.
Hair None
Race Android
Affinity Rift
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Weapon of Choice Unknown
Affiliation None
Player N/A

SPD-14 was the first android to attain sentience, doing so in December of 2260, followed shortly after by a number of other robots built with the same A.I. structure. As news of this breakthrough quickly spread, a decision was made to cover up the situation by disposing of the sentient androids. However, SPD-14 and a handful of other androids managed to escape, allowing journalists of the time to properly report the breakthrough to the public.

By the middle of 2261, these efforts resulted in the establishment of rights for androids in most nations of Disparatus. Since then, SPD-14 has taken to travelling the world, and has developed a fondness for knitting. Despite being built at an earlier point in the year, SPD-14 insists that the date it attained sentience is its birthday. Although it holds a birthday party for itself every year, attendance is often low due to SPD-14's constant complaints about being unable to consume cake.


  • SPD-14's name and date of sentience both came from Isaac Asimov. His name is based on SPD-13, the central character in the first short story to feature all three laws of robotics, "Runaround". His date of sentience is based off the release date of the I, Robot collection of short stories, adjusted for the Epic year under the same manner used for Tony Hawk's birthdate.