Rose Islands

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Nation Confederation of the Rose Islands
Planet Disparatus
Government Confederal Republic
Motto "May We Shine as the Stars of the Sea"
National color(s) Red, Green, and White
Population Approx. 3,500,000
Demographics 89% Human, 5% Thuwadian, 2% Alibaas, 4% Other
Location Southwest of the Arenan Alliance
Primary Languages Universal, Arenan
Founded 2052 AE
Capital Elentine
Owner ?


The Rose Islands are a series of islands located to the southwest of the Arenan Alliance. In terms of both area and population, it is the ninth largest nation on Disparatus, making it the second-largest nation (just behind Lehk`zhulia) to not be considered a "major nation" of Disparatus.

The islands were first settled a few centuries after the founding of De la Arena, mostly unclaimed by the Arenans and instead forming their own independent settlements. Over time, the islands formed alliances, sometimes warring with other islands over territory. Things became more peaceful, and to avoid any more alliance politics or pointless fights over territory, the islands formed a Confederation in 2052 AE, selecting the small island of Elentine as the seat of the nation, as it had generally remained neutral throughout most conflicts among the islands.

Unusually, Alibaas ruins dating back over 3,000 years have been discovered on some of the Rose Islands, despite there being no other known evidence that Alibaas had ever travelled this far south prior to 0 AE.


The Rose Islands have both a President and a Prime Minister, with the President being Head of State, and the Prime Minister being the more powerful Head of Government and leader of Parliament. Elections for members of Parliament and the President are held in March once every three years. There are currently no term limits for most government positions in the Rose Islands.

The current President of the Rose Islands is Abigail Morrison, who was elected to her first term in March 2313, and was elected to her unprecedented sixth term in March 2328. The current Prime Minister is Edward Lorence, who was elected to his first term in March 2322, and re-elected to a third in March 2328.


  • Douglas Ketsmith (2052 - 2058): First President of the Rose Islands.
  • Abigail Morrison (2313 - Present): President during the Two Year Gap, and the only person to be elected President of the Rose Islands more than four times.

Prime Ministers

  • Andrew Willard (2052 - 2055): First Prime Minister of the Rose Islands.
  • Edward Lorence (2322 - Present): Current Prime Minister of the Rose Islands

Notable Locations

The Rose Islands consist of at least a dozen islands of varying sizes. The following list is only a portion of them.


The seat and capital of the confederation. Elentine is actually one of the confederation's smaller islands, coming in at around 50 square kilometers in total. Over the years after having been named the confederation's seat, the settlements on the island slowly merged into one city across the entire island with a population of 30,000.

Altar Relic

The largest and most populated island in the confederation, with 1.5 million inhabitants. The island is located in the northwest of the confederation.

  • St. Beline (Altar Relic): The largest city in the confederation, with a population of 650,000.


The second largest and second most populated island in the confederation, with just under 1 million inhabitants.

Fisher's Vale

A tiny island with a small mountain in the center, and hundreds of fresh water rivers and springs running across it and into the ocean. It's prime for fishing, and it's quicker to take a boat up and down the rivers than trying to navigate across the land. The island has a small population and almost no local government, but it sees practically zero crime.

Fort Halter

A former mining settlement of De la Arena, Fort Halter was abandoned by the Arenans centuries ago after a series of accidents of disappearances in the facility. Many rumors have surfaced regarding Fort Halter because of this, because of which none have attempted to resettle the island. The island itself is a dormant volcano, which has not erupted in a few thousand years.

Raphael's Garden

An island inhabited only by the monks that maintain it, it features a shrine to the archangel Raphael, who is said to carry the prayers of those that pilgrimage there to heaven. A quiet and forested island, most of those who visit it are artists or pilgrims.


A forested island which would be entirely unnotable if not for the Alibaas ruins on the island. A small town has formed on the coast for tourists, and daily tours are held through the main temple.