Rise of Lehk`zhulia Arc

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This story arc involved the events surrounding Lehk`zhulia's temporary rise to power in 2322 and 2323, and was an overall arc including the Faerie/Zombie War and Thuwadian Civil War of 2323 story arcs within it.

Sections of Arc

Faerie/Zombie War


Thuwadian Civil War of 2323

Rise of Lehk`zhulia Arc Major Installments Part 1: Faerie/Zombie War
Player The Dawn of a New Age Faerie/Zombie War Quest 1: Part 1 Insurrection of the Cult of the Damned Faerie/Zombie War Quest 1: Part 2 Faerie/Zombie War Quest 2 Faerie/Zombie War Quest 3 Faerie/Zombie War Epilogue
Jared Lich Drago Bill Lich Drago (Unnamed Lehk Commander)
Liberty Prime
Kristen Morvina Lat Orltzaniva (Faerie NPCs) Rosalie (Faerie NPCs) Areya Shyalee Morvina Lat Orltzaniva
Hyan Shronan Lar Taltzvani
Aaron Philip Throne Philip Throne
David Celice Anselm Celice Anselm Captain Brentz Glenn
Kevin2 Luffy
Nick Iota Vandir (Almost Iota, leaves early)
Seth Titania Titania
Steve Michael Azrael

Template:Rise of Lehk`zhulia Arc 2