Rebuilding Equipment
In some cases, you may have a piece of equipment which, for whatever reason, you cannot use in its current form. In this case, Blacksmithing, Enchantment, or Gunsmithing (whichever applies to the piece of equipment) can be used to alter it to a new piece of equipment of the same level (Rank for Accessories), but changing its type. For instance, changing a Level 12 Sword to a Level 12 Shield, Level 24 Head Armor to Level 24 Lower Body Armor, or a Rank A Undershirt to a Rank A Belt.
However, if changing between craft restrictions (such as changing an energy weapon to a gun), you would need crafters of both applicable crafts both passing the number to beat for it to succeed. Additionally, you cannot change between equipment types. (That is, no turning Armor to Accessories or something like that.)
If a piece of Armor or a Weapon is Enchanted, it loses its enchantments during this process.
The number to beat for this process is equal to the number to beat for creating piece of equipment of the new type, minus 10. The process also requires reagents equal to leveling up the piece of equipment five times. However, no levels are gained through this process. If changing it between crafts, reagents for leveling five levels from both crafts are required.
This can be done to Rare equipment at double the required reagent cost. This cannot be done to Legendary equipment.