Rampaging Robot

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Name Rampaging Robot (ARSE Model 6 / 19-ACF Final)
Gender None
Born 15 January 2003 AD (2313 AE)
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown
Hair None
Race Robot
Affinity Rift
Alignment Chaotic(?) Evil
Weapon of Choice Corn Chips
Affiliation Canadian Robots
Player Tyler

"Corn Chips... Of course! By taking the world's supply of corn chips, I can take over the world!"
—Rampaging Robot


Rampaging Robot, also known as ARSE Model 6 and 19-ACF Final, is a robot from the Chippe! Universe who attempted to take over the world twice in 2003 AD. It was built by Take Over The Universe With Robots Incorporated (Also known as Canadian Robots Inc.) by a team led by Bill Nye. The original design was created by a Dr. Nektipardt, who gave leadership on the project over to Nye after going on vacation.

First Takeover Attempt




Alliance with Edjejre
