Personal NPCs

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Personal NPCs are a special kind of NPC you can get as Board Quest gains. They remain attached to said character as a sidekick, partner, friend, or whatever else they may happen to be. If the NPC is not present in an RP, any abilities granted by that NPC cannot be used.

A personal NPC cannot join you as a participant in battle, but they can be given a set of skills and traits which they can use to assist you in RPs and as quick actions inside of a fight. When level numbers are needed for various checks, NPCs are considered to always be 5 levels below the character they are attached to, to a minimum of level 1.

Each Personal NPC starts with three positive trait slots. They can also be given one negative trait to open up a fourth positive trait slot. Traits cannot stack.

All NPCs are considered to have 25 points in all non-tradeskills. These may only be used defensively.

You may only have one Personal NPC at a time.

Name (Personal NPC): Description
Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:
Slot 4 (Optional):
Negative Slot (Optional):

  • (The fourth slot can only be added if the negative slot is filled.)

Personal NPC Traits


  • Translator (NPC Trait): Knows a language aside from Universal, and can translate said language for your character. Whenever a skill check is performed in this language, either offensive or defensive, your character gets a +10 bonus to their roll, once per day. Only applies if the opposing character is also able to speak the language. (This can be taken for a language your character already knows, if desired.)
  • Learned (NPC Trait): Knows a first tier knowledge, and can inform you of facts associated with said knowledge. Whenever a skill check is performed related to this knowledge, your character gets +15 to their roll once per day. (This can be taken for a knowledge your character already knows, if desired.)
  • Short (NPC Trait): This NPC is short, and, as a result, they can crawl and reach places that most characters aren't otherwise capable of getting to.
  • Panhandler (NPC Trait): Once a day, has a 30% chance of earning 50 credits.
  • Good Eye (NPC Trait): This NPC is good at spotting things you don't. When harvesting, if you roll a 1 when rolling the finding totals for C and D Rank reagents, it becomes a 2 instead.
  • Footstool (NPC Trait): Once a battle, can be summoned to lift you over an obstacle on the map of 3 blocks or less. Can be used as a free action during movement. Can be used outside of battle.
  • Master of Pockets (NPC Trait): Provides one extra consumable slot.
  • Meatshield (NPC Trait): Once a battle, you can use this NPC as a shield, causing them to take the damage instead of you. They're considered to have 100 HP + 100 per your level of technique mastery. If they lose all of this HP, they're considered to be dead and cannot be brought back unless you quest for an NPC again. Used as a reaction, costs 20 stamina.
  • Wingman (NPC Trait): Once a day, if you fail a Charisma roll against someone of the gender you're attracted to, this NPC will give you a second chance without additional penalties.
  • Scout (NPC Trait): Once a day, this NPC can run ahead of the party to test the waters of an upcoming area. If there is a trap, they will trip it and take the effects. They may use their STL and AWA for sneaking and searching, but only when alone.
  • Postal Worker (NPC Trait): Once per battle, can deliver a consumable from you to another PC on the map. Costs a quick action and 5 STM.
  • Pacifist (NPC Trait): If someone tries to pick a fight with you, there's a 30% chance this NPC can talk them down.
  • Doppelganger (NPC Trait): This NPC looks strangely like you and, if needed, can even pretend to be you. Any AWA checks made by someone to try to see through their disguise are considered to be opposed at DL 5.
  • Contacts (NPC Trait): This NPC has contacts in a specified organization of importance and/or influence (Must be specified and approved by staff) and can get you help from within it when relevant.
  • Famous (NPC Trait): This NPC is well known and respected for something or another, and their good reputation carries on to you, improving the first impressions of those who meet you.


  • Attention Grabber (NPC Trait): For some reason or another, this NPC draws as much attention to himself (And you, by extension.) as possible at any given time. There's a constant 10% chance he'll screw up any Stealth attempts made by you or your party as a result of this.
  • Obnoxious (NPC Trait): When trying to make a Speechcraft or Charisma roll, there's a constant 10% chance this NPC will interrupt you with something stupid, ruining the attempt.
  • Gold Digger (NPC Trait): This NPC will often take your hard earned money and use it for their own personal interests. -100 credits from board quest gains.
  • Unobservant (NPC Trait): When walking into a room with a trap, there's a 10% chance this NPC will trip it. Said trap will still affect you.
  • Misinformative (NPC Trait): Pick two knowledges that your characters doesn't have. When confronted with something related to these knowledges, this NPC will immediately inform the party or interested NPCs of something about it. It will always be completely wrong, and they'll still somehow seem very convincing about it. If an NPC with this trait also has the trait Learned, the knowledge earned from that and the ones included in this cannot be the same.
  • Slow Moving (NPC Trait): This character will lag behind the party, slowing everyone down, and often causing trouble when you're trying to escape from something.
  • Cocky (NPC Trait): When in the presence of a character that your character or this NPC doesn't like (*** Affection or lower) there's a 30% they'll try to pick a fight.
  • Infamous (NPC Trait): This NPC has done something that earned them a widespead bad reputation and, unfortunately, this carries on to you. People will usually have low respect and trust for you when they first meet you.
  • Unskilled (NPC Trait): This NPC's skills are all set to 0 instead of the usual 25.