Nuke Kennington

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Name Nuke Kennington
Gender Male
Born 2292 (Age 44–45)
Height Approx. 5'9"
Weight Approx. 190 lbs.
Hair Brown
Race Human
Affinity Rift
Alignment Passive Good
Weapon of Choice Handguns
Affiliation Svaldic Air Force (Sergeant)
First Appearance Forsaken Lands Quest 3 (AIM Saga)
Player Tyler

Nuke Kennington is a Sergeant with the Svaldic Air Force. In February 2325, he helped a group of people infiltrate a Svaldic military base to retrieve the body of the Gurivian Xol'eth. However, he was controlled by the Demon Kri-Yut, to help Kri-Yut possess Xol'eth's body. However, Iana stopped him from doing so by knocking him out.