Mineshaft Madness

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Title Mineshaft Madness
Number 1 Quest Total
Date 14 August 2010
Players Aaron (GM), Steve, Kevin2, Nick, Isabel, Seth
Characters Mike, Michael, Souji, Rena, "Truth", Adiel
Setting Agate Mountains, United Provinces, Disparatus

Plot Summary

Mine Disaster

In a mining town in the mountains somewhere north of Eutropia in August of 2322, there are murmurs around town about collapses in the mine, and rumors of its impending closure. Mike enters a bar in town, which is completely deserted apart from the bartender and Rena, though that changes as Michael, "Truth", and Souji also wander in.

The bartender goes on about how the town is dying because the owner of the mine, a rich man by the name of Bernard James, is planning to move on to another town and shut the mine and factories here down. Truth asks where the guy lives, and the bartender explains he lives on a mountain a few miles away.

The group is interrupted as an explosion erupts from the mine, knocking over Adiel as he plays soccer outside. Mike runs off to the mine, with the bar group and Adiel following. They all take a turn attempting to break the chain on a water release valve, but it beats them all.

Deciding this is going nowhere, Mike and Souji run into the burning mine, Souji finding some gas masks for the group in a lockbox so they can go through the fumes, along with a map. Adiel, Michael, and Truth follow them, but Rena stays outside to keep trying her hand at the chain, eventually succeeding thanks to the help of some boltcutters she found in a tool shed, turning on the water.

The others take a lift down to B4 and free some surviving miners from fallen rubble, as the water begins to flow in around their legs. Deciding he no longer needed to be down here since Rena succeeded, Michael returned to the surface and talked with her as they awaited the others' return, deciding that they should head for Mr. James' house soon.

Back in the mine, the remaining four leap over some flames and find a locked door with some miners behind it. Making use of his pro lockpicking skills with a paperclip once again, Souji opens the door. The miners freak out, thinking they're now doomed, but the four explain that the path is now clear and they can escape to the lift.

On their way back up, they find that another lift has stopped at B2, filling up with more miners; Someone else besides them seemed to be there rescuing people as well. They reunite with Michael and Rena and are hailed as heroes, even Rena who almost made everyone drown. Adiel runs off before night can fall, as it's getting late and he'd rather not be a werewolf in public again.

Heading After Mr. James

Mike returns to the bar and gets directions from the bartender to Mr. James' home, also telling him to hand over his truck to them; It's okay, it's insured for theft. The gang gets in drives off along the mountain roads toward where Mr. James lives.

Their arrival is signaled as armed guards shoot at the car. Mike tosses Rena his gun and runs off to find a way around, while Michael, Rena, and Souji fight off the guards using their arsenal of transforming arms, guns, and Personas. Truth cowers under the truck and runs off, wanting no more part in this.

Mike makes it over the wall as they finish off the guards outside and gets the others over with a blood rope. They cut the building's power and make their way in through the cellar door. Souji robs the place. They head upstairs and beat two more guards in front of Mr. James' office, clearing the path and making their way into the frightened man's room.

Mr. James confesses to having the mine blown up for insurance money by making it look like an accident. Although they record his confession, he proclaims they won't be able to get away with this. "Not after tonight."

Before he can say any more, though, an unseen force tears off his head, and then gouges Mike in the side. Mike warns everyone they need to escape. They get out of the mansion as quickly as possible, leaving their unseen assailant behind and parting ways.



Player Characters:


  • While the Agate Mountains were never named in this quest, later RPs established that the mountains in New Terra Province have that name, making those the mountains featured here.