Legiones Redde

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Timeline Summary

On 8 July 2326, an announcement is made on Dragonoan national television by Jolkiy Kragh of Hruk Dal News. She plays a video from a religious figure, who claims to have been spoken the the dragon god Drago, ordering all Thuwadians to abandon all guns and other electronic weaponry, and that all those who do not follow this command are to be killed. The Royal Regency condemn this message and call the man, whose identity remains unknown, a fraud. In actuality, the figure is Seraxel.

On the 23rd, after traveling to Earth by Aethership (as seen in Eye of the Storm), Seraxel passes out while trekking through Eluvina, and is discovered by Mzulvyrat Hlaalu Lar Taltzvani. Seraxel requests to the Eluvinan capital of Y'Amviv so he can speak with the High Council.

The next day, he is sent to the graveyard the Faeries set aside for foreigners, in search of Nerbat Gratador and Oyehx Gratador, his wife and son. He finds their graves, and digs up all of the Thuwadian bodies there, so that he can return them to Dragonoa.

Near the southern tip of Grax'dar, on Dragonoan Independence Day, Lieutenant Hejer Theakz and his brigade pass through an ancient mass grave site for rebel Thuwadians, on their way to the capital city of the region, Kerathok. They come under attack by a group led by what seems to be the "Prophet" who had appeared on television in July. Theaks is impaled by a spear, and his brigade is slaughtered. This moment becomes known as the turning point in the war between the Thuwadian Empire and Lehk'zhulia.

On January 5th, Lehk'zhulian President Dozlek Zeitum reads reports on the ongoing war. He speaks with his top advisor, Krega Thran, who suggests they strike the Thuwadian Empire now while their armies are still divided. Zeitum worries about dissenters alerting other nations to their true goals, and Thran suggests silencing them by any means necessary.

On 3 March 2326, Lehk'zhulia declares victory in the war with the Thuwadian Empire. Dozlek Zeitum abandons the title of President in favor of a new title, Klaminsar. He allows the Thuwadian Empire only the homeland of Dragonoa, and Grax'dar. Seraxel is granted the title of Bernatx over the Sultanate of Dragonoa as 'gratitude' for weakening the Empire.


  • The early parts of the quest were posted on 1 September, but were moved to July to fit better with Seraxel's trip to Earth.