Karroth Fortress

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Karroth Fortess (Also known as Karroth Stronghold or Karroth Island) is an island on Disparatus located northwest of the United Provinces and east of Ostfold. The United Provinces claims it to be part of their territory, but it has not had control over the island in centuries.

Karroth was first explored near the end of the 7th century by a group of travellers from Laa Buillo (the early United Provinces), but it wasn't until 1013 that the first settlement was built by people heading north to escape the Silent Death. This original settlement only lasted a few years before its residents were wiped out.

The first iteration of Karroth Fortress was built in 1089 by the Sons of Vidar, a religious group planning to take control of the northern regions of Disparatus by force. The fortress stood until 1092 when the United Provinces and Handoran armies stormed it in the Battle of Karroth, resulting in the fortress being abandoned.

Apart from occasional tourism, Karroth Fortress remained abandoned for nearly 1,000 years, until in 2063 a group of criminals from the United Provinces took refuge in Karroth to flee from the authorities. Over the next few decades, they renovated the fortress, improving the aged building's defenses and extending the structure itself.

Soon, more criminals began to travel to Karroth, which quickly became known as a safe haven. Although most residents of the fortress were criminals, they did share in common a need for sanctuary, using their strength in numbers as a deterrent for anyone who would try to come after them, making them essentially unstoppable by anything short of a military force.

Karroth remained safe until the end of the Two Year Gap in September 2321. In the mass confusion resulting from everyone's memory loss, some of the fortress' residents began killing each other. By the end of the massacre, only a few dozen residents remained alive, and chose to abandon the fortress. The fortress was left empty until August 2324, as a group of four explorers visited it to explore its ruins.