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Harvesting makes the economy go around. Instead of shops, many players rely on other people who use Harvesting or specialize in Harvesting themselves to get hold of reagents for their crafts. Especially at higher ranks, Harvesting is a very useful Skill and can gain you large amounts of reagents at a time.

You may search for reagents once per day. However, using Harvesting requires that you have a Harvesting License, which can be purchased from the General Store. Each time you attempt to Harvest, you consume one use of your license. When it runs out, you must renew your license before you can harvest again.

A stack of one type of Reagent counts as a consumable in your inventory. You can have as many of that reagent in the stack as you wish.

How to Harvest

When you want to search for something with Harvesting, which can be done once per day, you declare what it is you're searching for and how many units of each you want to roll. Look up the rarity rank of the reagents you want. Each rank corresponds to a modifier to your Harvesting bundle number.

D Rank: 5
C Rank: 10
B Rank: 20
A Rank: 30

Add up the total sum of the modifiers. For example, if you're trying to find two units of a C-rank reagent, your bundle number is 20. If you want a C and an A, then the bundle number is 40.

Harvesting a bundle of items will always succeed, but your bundle number cannot surpass your Harvesting total. Think of your points in Harvesting as a max for how much you can search in a day. So, if you have 20 HRV and want to harvest an A-rank reagent (30), you're out of luck, but if you have 30 HRV or more, you can get it.

When you search for a reagent, you actually find a unit of them. For each unit of a reagent you find, roll the following dice to determine exactly how many of that reagent you find:

D Rank: 1d8
C Rank: 1d6
B Rank: 1d4
A Rank: 1d2


The following is a complete list of all the reagents currently used for crafts.


Ruby (Reagent//D-Rank): A beautiful blood-red ruby. In Enchantment, rubies are primary sources of fire energy. Used for fire enchantments.

Emerald (Reagent//D-Rank): A deep green emerald. In Enchantment, emeralds are primary sources of earth energy. Used for earth enchantments.

Sapphire (Reagent//D-Rank): A deep blue sapphire. In Enchantment, sapphire is a primary source of water energy. Used for water enchantments.

Jade (Reagent//D-Rank): A light green-colored jade. In Enchantment, jade is a primary source of wind energy. Used for wind enchantments.

Ojo Powder (Reagent//D-Rank): Lavender-colored powder used to fuel Enchantment. Can extract energy from gems. Sometimes referred to as Shojo Powder.

Paper (Reagent//D-Rank): A piece of paper carefully treated to react with Enchantment reagents.

Amber (Reagent//D-Rank): A basic gemstone which is used to upgrade low-level energy weapons.

Pearl (Reagent//C-Rank): A beautiful white pearl. In Enchantment, pearls are a primary source of holy energy. Used for holy enchantments.

Obsidian (Reagent//C-Rank): A crystal of the deepest black. In Enchantment, obsidian is very valuable, because it adapts to merge with some energies and can destroy others.

Amethyst (Reagent//C-Rank): A dark purple amethyst. In Enchantment, amethysts are a primary source of dark energy. Used for dark enchantments.

Lucid Prism (Reagent//C-Rank): A clear crystal that refracts light. In Enchantment, Lucid Prisms are valuable because they have no energy charge and can be used to amplify energies. Used to amplify other gems.

Lodestone (Reagent//C-Rank): A type of gemstone which is used to upgrade mid-level energy weapons.

Moonstone (Reagent//B-Rank): Moonstone is a rare silvery stone that has intense Lunar-energy properties.

Orichalcum (Reagent//B-Rank): Hide yo' kids; Orichalcum is back. While not as valuable as some might say, it is used to upgrade high-level energy weapons.

Gorobo Powder (Reagent//A-Rank): The rarest and most potent Enchanting powder.

Onyx (Reagent//A-Rank): A multicolored stone, Onyx is valued for its amplification properties.


Bronze (Reagent//D-Rank): A basic metal used in the forgery of most basic products.

Cotton (Reagent//D-Rank): A standard cloth type, used in lower-end armor. Versatile and easily dyed any color of choice. (Formerly Cloth)

Propane (Reagent//D-Rank): Gas used to fuel a fire in the smithing of metal.

Iron (Reagent//C-Rank): Standard iron used in the forgery of most middle-end products.

Denim (Reagent//C-Rank): Used in mid-level armor. More durable than cotton, but not as tough as leather.

Coal (Reagent//C-Rank): A more effective and natural means of fueling a fire than propane.

Leather (Reagent//B-Rank): Used in upper-end armor. This material is tougher than cotton and denim.

Steel (Reagent//B-Rank): A more purified and durable metal than simple iron ore, 8used in the forgery of high-end products.

Gold (Reagent//B-Rank): Aside from as a unit of currency, it can also be used to fashion jewelry and decorate weaponry.

Diamond (Reagent//A-Rank): The epitome of durability, diamond is extremely useful for cutting but is also very dense and heavy.

Engineering & Gunsmithing

Plastic (Reagent//D-Rank): It's a piece of plastic, coming in a variety of colors.

Aluminum (Reagent//D-Rank): Used in many basic products, aluminum is durable and easily molded. (Formerly Metal)

Wires (Reagent//D-Rank): Invaluable for making electronics.

Screw (Reagent//D-Rank): Screws used to fasten parts to one another.

Tungsten (Reagent//C-Rank): A standard, durable type of metal used in middle-range products.

Power Cell L1 (Reagent//C-Rank): A lifelong battery used to fuel droids. This model is used for rank C and B droids.

Gunpowder (Reagent//C-Rank): Highly combustible powder used in making explosives. Keep out of reach of children.

Rubber (Reagent//C-Rank): Used to make grips and control electrical circuits.

Plexiglass (Reagent//C-Rank): An extremely durable plastic often used in windshields.

Gas (Reagent//C-Rank): Also known as gasoline. A highly flammable fuel source.

Coolant (Reagent//C-Rank): A fluid used in devices to prevent overheating.

Titanium (Reagent//B-Rank): A strong, high-end metal used in higher-quality products.

Power Cell L2 (Reagent//B-Rank): A lifelong battery used to fuel droids. This model is used for rank A and Legendary droids.

Silicon (Reagent//B-Rank): Used in making computer chips.

Insulation (Reagent//B-Rank): A material that reduces the flow of heat.

Cables (Reagent//A-Rank): Steel cables used to bind, conduct, or connect.

Kevlar (Reagent//A-Rank): A highly durable synthetic fiber.


Rue (Reagent//D-Rank): Common yellow flowers that neutralize poisons.

Poppyseed (Reagent//D-Rank): Common wildflower that happens to be the source of opium.

Elderberry (Reagent//D-Rank): Common fruit with mildly poisonous properties.

Alcohol (Reagent//D-Rank): Undiluted, pure alcohol, used in the creation of tinctures and spirits.

Ginger (Reagent//C-Rank): A fairly common spice with medicinal properties.

Chili Powder (Reagent//C-Rank): Fairly common spice consisting of a mixture of varying other spices.

Ojo Sap (Reagent//C-Rank): Undiluted sap from a special tree in Alibaas. This sap is extremely magical and is refined to make Ojo Powder. Sometimes referred to as Shojo Sap.

Saffron (Reagent//C-Rank): A spice that had apparently vanished from Epic for a year and a half. Now it is back.

Belladonna (Reagent//B-Rank): A perennial shrub that produces highly toxic leaves and berries. Used in the formation of various medicines.

Pomegranate (Reagent//B-Rank): A bright red fruit containing many smaller seeds. Considered to have mystical properties.

Mandragora (Reagent//B-Rank): Intensely magical root that is said to promote fertility. Also used as an aphrodisiac.

Agrimony (Reagent//A-Rank): Very rare leaves with intensely medicinal sap. Used in many ointments.

Dragon Blood (Reagent//A-Rank): The blood of a dragon. Immensely rare but has unrivaled magical properties.

Phoenix Blood (Reagent//A-Rank): The blood of a phoenix. Immensely rare but has unrivaled healing and medicinal properties.

The Harvesting Plus

The Harvesting + grants you a +25 bonus to your Harvesting rolls.

Physical: AthleticsStealthStrength
Mental: AwarenessHarvestingPerceptionWillpower
Social: CharismaDeceitSpeechcraft
Craft: BlacksmithingChemistryEnchantmentEngineeringGunsmithing
Special: Angelic RunesInfernal Runes