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Gurivians by Isabel.jpg
Name Gurivians
Classification Immortal
Age Expectancy Infinite
Average Height Unknown
Average Weight Unknown
Body Enhanced
Spirit Proxy
Soul Normal
Preferred Weapons Themselves
Owner N/A


A race born and bred in the dark depths of Disparatus. They are the guardians of the planet, only rising out of its crusts when something has happened to hurt the planet, or threatens its survival. They do not reproduce. Rather, it is said there are the same number of Gurivians as there initially were. Once one Gurivian's life force dies, a wandering spirit enters its destroyed body and reanimates it. Due to the intense heat and pressure of the inner parts of the Earth's crust, Gurivians body's are made of hardened obsidian.

Often thought of as monsters, or sometimes gods. They are also odd in the fact that they have six arms, two on the upper portion of their torsos, and four on the sides of the torso. They have no heads. They live off of geothermal heat. They 'see' by taking in tiny energy signatures of their surroundings, and make an image out of it. They also have no eyes and no mouths.

The only race known to have been intentionally interacted with by the Gurivians are the Alibaas, whom the Gurivians appear to have some kind of respect for due to the Alibaas' greater respect for nature than Humans or Thuwadians. However, even then, Gurivians are rarely seen at best.

Gurivians are playable only by NPCs.

Racial Passive

Guardian of Disparatus (Racial Passive): You are an ancient and immortal being, hailing from the depths of Disparatus.
Requirements: NPC Only
Positives: +25 DEF. +10 SPC. Start with the Tier 2 Universal Passive "Blind Fighting" and the Tier 3 Universal Passive "Levitation" for free. Revives automatically after 2d6 days when killed without going to a death realm. Cannot have its limbs broken.
Negatives: -20 ATH. -1 from the standard Movement minor action. Incapable of movement when not levitating. Cannot swim. Cannot take any kickbacks which would break its limbs. Cannot consume potions.