Granter of Your Desires

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Granter of Your Desires was an anthology story centering around a store run by a figure known as Ms. Rella shortly after the Two Year Gap.

Timeline Summary

19 September 2321

Will Fenway and Matt Lorne go to Ms. Rella's. She grants Matt's wish of being the most popular guy in school, and Will's wish of being captain of the school football team. The current football captain, Ben Dunning, breaks his arm while opening a bottle of ketchup. Two days later, Will Fenway is made captain of the school football team despite lacking any sort of talent at the sport. Matt Lorne finds himself the most popular guy in school. Within the next week, Will Fenway's team loses horribly in their game. The team's coach is replaced. Shortly after, Matt Lorne breaks off his friendship with Will Fenway. Ms. Rella tells Will that she cannot undo his wish.

25 May 2322

Ms. Rella grants Jack Fregman's wish for a promotion. The next day, after learning he was not promoted, Jack Fregman gets drunk and runs over Robert Yeager, killing him. Jack Fregman is then promoted to Robert Yeager's vacant position as a supervisor at his workplace.

15 November 2322

Eileen Trist goes to Ms. Rella's to wish for Amy Hayworth to fall in love with her. At that moment, Amy flips out at her boyfriend Zachary Copeland and runs out of his house. Amy Hayworth asks Eileen Trist out the next day. While they are getting ice cream, Amy's boyfriend Zachary texts her, asking to talk. Amy heads over to his house and stabs him to death with a kitchen knife. The following morning, Amy Hayworth is arrested for the murder of Zachary Copeland. She proclaims in front of the school that she did it so he wouldn't get in the way of her and Eileen.

8 July 2323

Craig Wainwright meets with Ms. Rella to wish his daughter Maggie back to life. He returns home to find her safely there. Days later, after finding Maggie not breathing despite still being "alive", Craig Wainwright bars its room and flees to a motel. During the following week, Ms. Rella explains to Craig Wainwright that his daughter's soul is out of her reach, so she recreated only her body and memories. Craig took the thing pretending to be his daughter to the woods, killed it, and buried it in an unmarked grave. He returns home to find the thing still there.

16 February 2324

The Everyman arrives at Ms. Rella's store, pretending to be an odd underling of a man named Malcolm Rand, who is actually his puppet. As Rand, he asks about her ability to restore memories from the Two Year Gap. He learns that restoring them is beyond her power, and that no wishes would come without negative reprecussions, confirming his suspicions of her limitations. As she prepares to dispose of Rand, the Everyman removes him and ends Ms. Rella's life.

29 September 2325

Ellen Iwamine arrives at Ms. Rella's old store, only to learn that no one has seen her in a year and a half.