Ghosts and Revenants

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Name Ghosts and Revenants
Classification Immortal from old age, can “die” by the hands of another.
Average Height Inconsistent
Average Weight Inconsistent
Body None (Corrupt in corporeal form Revenants)
Spirit Normal
Soul Normal
Preferred Weapons Usually Magic
Owner Isabel


People die when they are killed. That said, not every dead spirit is quite so willing to accept that. When a person dies, if they left the world with something still heavy on their mind, their spirit may sometimes stick around as a ghost, haunting the living world until their minds are put at ease.

After becoming a ghost, a spirit, by default, no longer has a body. Instead, only their essence is physically present in the world, making them almost entirely invisible to anyone not well in tune with spiritual and supernatural phenomena. However, ghosts are known to have a vague, almost gas-like presence, notable by it's occasional strange effects on the atmosphere and temperature. The spot in a room a ghost occupies tends to be colder, more difficult to breath inside, and one may sometimes notice strange distortions in the light around them.

While normally incapable of having much physical impact on the world around them, some ghosts are able to harness enough psychic/magic energy to be able to manipulate objects they usually couldn't. However, even then, their range of control is limited, and most ghosts aren't able to do much physical harm to living creatures, or complete complicated physical tasks.

The ability for spirit form ghosts to communicate with the living varies. While weaker spirits can't speak to anyone other than other ghosts without the help of some kind of spirit medium, more powerful spirits tend to be rather capable of telepathically "speaking" to the living, just as long as the living person involved is at least slightly magically attuned. To the person being spoken to, a ghost's voice tends to sound like an untraceable whisper in the back of their mind, clear and comprehensible, but almost always unsettling.

All that said, the most powerful of restless spirits are capable of putting aside all of these inconveniences for a time, and becoming temporarily corporeal. These sorts of ghosts, termed revenants, are capable of condensing and shaping their essence into a mostly functional body for a short period of time, allowing them to perform tasks normally only doable by the living. However, the process of piecing together a physical form is a slow, painful, and disturbing one, frequently taking between fifteen minutes to an hour to complete, depending on the complexity and functionality of the body involved.

In physical form, revenants are still, by most definitions, dead, and, as a result, able to take much more abuse than the average mortal creature. When a body is broken to the point of uselessness, a revenant will usually revert back to spirit form, temporarily left disabled, but eventually capable of returning to it's normal, ghostly life. However, even a revenant may be pushed past it's breaking point when in corporeal form if they strain their energy too far by pushing a worn body beyond it's limit. If this happens, the spirit, if it's lucky, is dragged out of the living world for good, or, in particularly extreme cases, destroyed altogether.

Player characters can only be revenants. Regular ghosts are limited to NPCs.


Detecting that someone is a Revenant or Ghost can be easily done by a quick vitals check. To be able to pick one up by sight/senses alone, though, you will need either Occult or Spirituality Knowledge. Otherwise, GMs may allow you to detect with Perception.

Non-Coporeal Appearance

When in their non-coporeal form, a Revenant or Ghost often form into something which looks a lot like their old bodies once did. More skilled or creative ones are capable of changing basic appearances if they focus on it, though, as long as they had some innate knowledge of what they're turning into. Going between races, however, is most likely out of reach except in rare circumstances.

Racial Passive

Revenant (Racial Passive): You're dead, but not too dead to kick ass.
Positives: Able to fight past the KO point. (You still die if you hit the death mark if you choose to do this in a battle.) Can pass through solid objects when incorporeal. All weapons are considered Soulbound. +30 Stealth when incorporeal.
Negatives: Cannot take Crafting Skills or put points in Strength due to that whole not usually having a body thing. Battles are limited to five rounds before you lose corporeal status and are considered KOed.