Gadgets are little extra items created through the use of Engineering that let you perform various tasks. Want to set something on fire? Put out a fire? Purify water? Text funny pictures of cats to your friends? I'm done with questions now. The point is that gadgets are nifty and have their uses, from possibly saving your life to being able to carry more items.
Gadget Creation
You can create a gadget as long as you have the required reagents and satisfy the skill point requirement.
Gadget List
Gadgets fill Consumable slots, unless you have another item to contain them.
Flashlight (Gadget): A flashlight. It lights the way.
Effect: Creates a cone of light in the direction you point it. Your AWA rolls do not suffer sight-related penalties against dangers within the light. Lasts one hour in RP.
ENG Requirement: 10
Reagents: Wires x3, Plexiglass x1, Plastic x2, Power Cell L1 x1
Thermos (Gadget): Contains liquids and keeps them at a constant temperature.
Effect: Can be used to contain non-corrosive liquids for up to 24 hours at a sustained temperature. Can also serve as a Bottle and hold a potion.
ENG Requirement: 10
Reagents: Plastic x3, Tungsten x2, Insulation x2
Lighter (Gadget): A cigarette lighter. Lights cigarettes and sets things on fire.
Effect: Can be used to set objects on fire or provide minimal light. AWA penalties in the dark within the 10'x10' area of light generated by the flame are reduced by 5. Needs to be refueled (Gas x1) after five uses.
ENG Requirement: 20
Reagents: Plastic x2, Tungsten x1, Wires x2, Gas x1
Water Purifier (Gadget): Purifies limited quantities of water to make them safe for consumption.
Effect: Can be used to purify small quantities of water to make them safe. Filters out poisons and pathogens. One use per RP. Power Cell L1 must be replaced after five uses.
ENG Requirement: 20
Reagents: Plastic x5, Wires x3, Tungsten x1, Power Cell L1 x1
Binoculars (Gadget): Allows you to see into the distance.
Effect: You can use these to see distant objects or events. Only effective in lit environments. Awareness rolls with distant objects are more effective by 15.
ENG Requirement: 30
Reagents: Plexiglass x4, Plastic x3, Screw x3
Grappling Hook (Gadget): A grappling hook that lets you climb surfaces or save yourself from harsh falls.
Effect: Can be used to climb to higher areas (reduces ATH requirement by 20) up to 50 feet. You can also use this to save yourself when falling into a pit or off a cliff or building.
ENG Requirement: 30
Reagents: Cable x2, Titanium x2, Screw x3
Handcuffs (Gadget): A pair of metal handcuffs. Good for restraining someone quickly and effectively.
Effect: Can restrain one target if the target is either willing or has been overpowered. Anyone restrained by these needs to make a DL4 (x25) STR check if they want to attempt breaking out of them. Can be used until broken.
ENG Requirement: 35
Reagents: Titanium x5, Screw x5
Lock Pick Kit (Gadget): A small set of well-crafted lock-picks. Good for getting into things you don't own, or out of things you don't want to be involved with. Contains 5 picks, which break after each use.
Effect: -3 to the DL of any STL checks involving lock picking. A single pick from these can be hidden from prying eyes with a bonus of +25 to the STL check.
ENG Requirement: 35
Reagents: Tungsten x 5, Plastic x 2
Black Light (Gadget): Useful for finding fluids that have been dried or cleaned up.
Effect: When used in a dark room, reveals liquids or powders that couldn't otherwise be seen. Also useful in sweet rave parties. Can be used once per RP session.
ENG Requirement: 40
Reagents: Plexiglass x3, Wires x4, Plastic x2, Power Cell L1 x1
Fire Extinguisher (Gadget): A portable fire extinguisher that puts out small fires.
Effect: Can be used to put out small fires to avoid burning to death or just clear a path in a burning hall or room. Three uses before refill. Must be refilled with Coolant x2 afterward.
ENG Requirement: 40
Reagents: Tungsten x3, Screw x2, Coolant x2
Pocket Knife (Gadget): A small but sharp pocket flip-knife. Quick to take out, easy to hide, and simple to use.
Effect: +20 STL to any attempts made at concealing this weapon. Can be used to cut out of rope and zip-ties if successfully concealed.
ENG Requirement: 45
Reagents: Titanium x 2, Screws x 5, Plastic x 2
Digital Camera (Gadget): Takes pictures and stores them for later use.
Effect: You can snap pictures. Splendid! Stores up to 25 high-quality photos at one time.
ENG Requirement: 50
Reagents: Tungsten x3, Plexiglass x2, Wires x2, Silicon x2, Power Cell L1 x1
Blowtorch (Gadget): Heats objects so you can weaken them or weld them together.
Effect: Can be used to rapidly heat objects for whatever reason you might want. You can weld doors to make them harder to open (immune to Security rolls, add a Difficulty Level of 2 to Strength rolls) or… well, weld other things to hold them together in RP. One use per RP. Must be refilled with Gas x2 afterward.
ENG Requirement: 50
Reagents: Tungsten x3, Screw x2, Insulation x2, Gas x2
Digital Voice Recorder (Gadget): Records audio files.
Effect: Can be used to record audio of one minute-long clip at a time for later playback. Can also pick up the voices of weaker Ghosts which can not normally communicate without a spirit medium. Stores up to five clips at one time.
ENG Requirement: 60
Reagents: Plexiglass x1, Plastic x4, Wires x2, Silicon x2, Power Cell L1 x1
Oxygen Mask (Gadget): An oxygen mask and tank used for ensuring a lack of suffocation when exploring low-oxygen areas. Comes with both a filtration mode and a tank mode, making it useful for both land use and scuba diving.
Effect: Can provide enough oxygen for survival in low-oxygen level areas for an hour, and areas without any oxygen for about 30 minutes. Underwater is considered to be a no-oxygen area. Cannot be used in battle.
ENG Requirement: 60
Reagents: Plexiglass x2, Plastic x 4, Rubber x 2, Tungsten x 2
Night-Vision Goggles (Gadget): Using these, you can see much more effectively in the dark.
Effect: You do not suffer Awareness roll penalties in the dark.
ENG Requirement: 70
Reagents: Plexiglass x4, Silicon x2, Tungsten x2, Wires x3, Power Cell L2 x1
Stun Gun (Gadget): Zaps your enemies with an electrical charge in order to render them immobile or just cause a lot of pain.
Effect: For RP use only. Deals 2d150 damage to an assailant as well as stunning them temporarily in RP. It cannot kill someone in this way. If someone is touching them at the time, they take half damage and are also stunned. Must replace the Power Cell L1 after two uses.
ENG Requirement: 70
Reagents: Plastic x3, Wires x3, Screw x2, Silicon x1, Power Cell L1 x1
Supply Case (Gadget//Accessory): A portable case that carries a set of gadgets. Bust them out and impress your friends.
Effect: Counts as a Back, Ankle/Leg or Belt Accessory. Has five slots for Gadget items, so you don't have to fill Consumable Slots with them. Can have all the same bonuses/penalties as any other accessory from Elements. Starts out as B rank, but can be upgraded to A rank with blacksmithing.
ENG Requirement: 75
Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:
Slot 4:
Slot 5:
Reagents (per rank; A or B): Kevlar x3, Tungsten x2, Plastic x2
Munitions Pouch (Gadget): An extra bag that carries weaponry for later use.
Effect: Has 5 slots. Can only carry Grenades or Chemical Ammo. Attaches to your Backpack as an expansion, if you have one. Cannot use this otherwise.
ENG Requirement: 75
Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:
Slot 4:
Slot 5:
Reagents: Kevlar x3, Plexiglass x2, Plastic x2