Fate of Dragonoa

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Title Fate of Dragonoa
Number 2 Quests Total, plus a Board Quest, and Free RPs #050, #063, & #071.
Date * Q1: 14 January 2011
* Q2: 5 & 6 March 2011
Players Jared (GM) (All), Isabel (All), Aaron (All), Kristen (All), David (All), Tyler (Q1), Steven (Q1), Kevin2 (All), Alicia (All)
Characters Truth (All), Jack (Q1), Violet (Q1), Roderick (All), Sye (Q1), Michael (Q1), Gin (All), Cassia (Q1), Siliya (Q2), Molly (Q2), Rosalie (Q2), Rhogog (Q2), Enjaral (NPC) (Q1), Warghable (NPC) (Q1), Unnamed Muckraker (NPC) (Q1), Desars Kinder (NPC) (Q2), Drago (Old Epic) (NPC) (Q2), Dragina (NPC) (Q2)
Setting * Q1: Razaxala, Dragonoa, Disparatus
* Q1: Lehk`zhulian Carrier Ship, Ocean Near Dragonoa, Disparatus
* Q2: Dragonoa, Disparatus
* Q2: Celestial Planet

Timeline Summary


In December of 2322, the Lehk`zhulians set their sights on conquest of Dragonoa. They attacked the island region of Threkzar first, easily obliterating the rebels that resisted their blitzkrieg through the area. The capital city of Doraka was razed to the ground, only the airport allowed to remain. The government members, executed without any fanfare, were thrown into the mass graves with the rest of the murdered citizens. With this island secured, they set their eyes on the rest of the continent.

Dragonoa, Grax’dar, and Dres’then were just as easily taken over, the majourity of the citizens executed in secret, careful to ensure the Faeries knew not of the needless murders. Their entire government bodies summarily wiped out, their names erased from official records and history books, the Lehk’zhulian Thuwadians had conquered the entirety of the Dragonoa Nation under one flag.

Deal With It

(This is a related Free RP, and not part of the main saga.)

By the 28th, the Lehk`zhulians completed their takeover of Dragonoa and renamed the nation to Lehk`zhulia. As part of the bargain they had made with the Faeries, they gave their allies the entire forested island of Dor’gan, leaving only a few dozen troops to guard the Faeries from any attacks. The entire nation was won within two weeks.

Quest 1 - Bathysphere Ahoy!

On 14 January 2323, in the Dragonoan city of Razaxala, a Thuwadian resistance group hires some humans to help out. Michael attempts to fight a tank with his bare hands and is captured. After the rest of the group makes it to the ocean, it's explained that a freighter of human reenforcements from the United Provices and the Arenan Alliance is on its way, but a Lehk'zhulian carrier ship is along the way, and the group needs to take it out before the reenforcements arrive or it will destroy them.

One "submarine" ride later, they arrive on the ship to find green goop and dead Thuwadians who appear to have killed each other. They activate the Thuwadian AI Warghable, access to which given to them by its girlfriend the sub, and it determines that there is one more life form on the ship, plus one other that seems only half-there. Investigating, they find Michael tied up. They disable the ship and escape.

Return of Old Drago

(This is a related Free RP, and not part of the main saga.)

On February 23rd, Skorax, attempting to resurrect Ghost Drago, instead resurrects Old Epic Drago.

41st Battle Royale

(This is a related-yet-different saga, and not part of the Fate of Dragonoa saga.)

On the 26th, Lehk`zhulian President Desars Kinder hosts the 41st Battle Royale. In the end, six participants (Siliya, Rhogog, Rosalie, Gin, Faust, and Molly) escape in a submarine, which Drago takes control of, bringing it to him in a week-long voyage.

Quest 2 - A New Hope

On March 5th, the submarine with the six from Battle Royale arrives in Dragonoa at Drago's command. Also joined by Truth, they are sent by the Dragonoan rebels to fight Lehk`zhulians. They meet up with Drago who sends them to the Celestial world to rescue his counterpart's daughter, Dragina. There, they meet up with and fight Lehk`zhulian President Desars Kinder, killing him. The Thuwadian Civil War ends.

Two days later, those who fought Desars Kinder are awarded titles and medals by Drago.

Dragonoa and Eluvina: A Newer Hope

(This is a related Free RP, and not part of the main saga.)

On the 21st, Drago enters Eluvina and renegotiates the former terms the faeries had settled with the Lehk`zhulians.


  • The dates, players, characters, and settings in the saga infobox are only in relation to the two main parts of the saga, and not the connected Free RPs.
  • First appearances of Roderick Faust, Violet, Enjaral, and Warghable.