Failsafe Productions Episode 15
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Episode | Episode 15 |
Title | Let's Watch! "Nyan Neko Sugar Girls" Part 8 |
Recorded | 24 July 2011 |
Released | 26 July 2011 |
Participants | Nick, Seth, and Aaron |
Length | 8:07 |
Video Link | Episode 15 |
- "We should wait two months between every single one of our videos, so the demand will just come flooding in."
- —Nick, tempting fate
- "Oh, it's time for what every anime has: The fanservice episode."
- —Seth
- "She looks like she belongs in Picasso's Guernica."
- —Aaron
Original Description
Man oh man. Once more into the breach, and each of us are a little deader inside for it.
Now to sit atop my ivory tower and wait for Epidose 9.
Original video is © SoapOpera46. Your Move.
Seth, Aaron, and I are © Ourselves. Already procrastinating.
File:NNSG Ep8-3.PNG
They will stare into your soul.