Failsafe Productions Episode 15

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File:NNSG Ep8-1.PNG
Episode Episode 15
Title Let's Watch! "Nyan Neko Sugar Girls" Part 8
Recorded 24 July 2011
Released 26 July 2011
Participants Nick, Seth, and Aaron
Length 8:07
Video Link Episode 15

"We should wait two months between every single one of our videos, so the demand will just come flooding in."
—Nick, tempting fate

"Oh, it's time for what every anime has: The fanservice episode."

"She looks like she belongs in Picasso's Guernica."

Original Description

Man oh man. Once more into the breach, and each of us are a little deader inside for it.

Now to sit atop my ivory tower and wait for Epidose 9.

Original video is © SoapOpera46. Your Move.
Seth, Aaron, and I are © Ourselves. Already procrastinating.

File:NNSG Ep8-3.PNG
They will stare into your soul.